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Edit 4: Uploaded hotfix, fixing a crash in the Flower Power technique and a bug where you couldn't gain shards after manipulating a single enemy. (I forgot to change the version number though, so it'll still show as in-game.) I hope you guys don't mind all the notifications lately. Just wanna make sure you're playing the most stable version of the game!

Edit 3: Third time's a charm.

Edit 2: Uploaded hotfix, fixing a few crashes and bugs, plus a few other changes. Full changelog is in the comments below!

Edit: Uploaded hotfix, fixing a few crashes and critical bugs. Also a few other changes, like improved framerates in the Haremon app! (Debug version is uploading now.)

Hi everyone! It's just about to turn June here, so I made it! Here's May's build, 0.15. You can download it below, but first, a few notes:

- Unfortunately, saves from earlier builds are not compatible with 0.15. I promise you guys, I tried really hard to make it work, but the structure of the game has been altered so much that it just wasn't possible without a ton of work that would delay the build quite a bit. However, there's been a bunch of changes to the early game to make it flow better, as well as a few new scenes, so I hope you'll enjoy re-visiting the early game!
- To E-cup patrons: there have been no changes since yesterday's Unstable release, so feel free to continue using that version for the debug console!

Alright! Now that that's out of the way, here's the link. As usual, report any bugs you find (preferably on Discord) and I'll try to fix them ASAP.

Read on for a changelog, and thanks as always for your continued support!

- Added Kira to the game. If you've played the prologue, you'll recognize her. She's encountered near the beginning of the game.
- Added a new CG: Kira's selfie. This can be obtained by texting her from your bedroom (see below).
- Completely revamped the Time system. There are now four times of day: morning, afternoon, evening, and night. Certain actions cause time to pass, and each action can only be performed during certain times of day. Later on, there will be some time-sensitive mechanics that will force you to choose your actions carefully!
- Reworked some existing H scenes to integrate them naturally into the game's story. The scenes for Miruku, Circe, and Clarabelle are currently integrated, and will occur automatically as you progress through the story (without any Affection requirements). The other girls' scenes will be integrated like this eventually; for now, you can still activate those the old way (invite a girl to your bedroom and ask her to fuck).
- Added a new option to the Tactics menu: Tag Out. This option switches the active Haremon with one of your benched Haremon.
- Most common enemies that occur in multiple environments now have colored variants, including two secret, ultra-rare enemies. For example, Mr. Leaky is blue and is found in the Caverns, while a pink variant called Mr. Goopy is found in the Plains.
- Added a new way to receive texts and selfies, removing all RNG. You can now text a girl from your bedroom during Evening. The third time you text a girl, you'll receive her selfie. (But you can still obtain texts and selfies the old way, too.) Your texting progress is tracked on the Contacts list when sending a text. Texting a girl after you've received her selfie will just boost her affection a bit.
- The "show me your tits" option (in the scene at Laurel's lab after taming Circe) now actually does something...
- Added a few new moves to Daisy's moveset: Roundhouse, Baton Pass, and Tantrum.
- You can now visit Hangout locations without a date. Each location offers a unique benefit, at the cost of advancing time.
- Since inviting a girl over now expends time, gifts are now 33% more effective.
- When fighting a Haremon, the HP bar is replaced by a "clothing" meter, since that's how those battles actually operate.
- Added the "settime" command to the debug console, which accepts the parameters "morning", "afternoon", "evening", and "night"
- Due to sex being integrated into the story now, ending a date with over 75 affection now triggers an instant confession scene instead of a sex scene.
- Slightly altered Circe's movepool to make her solely Ice-focused (to better match her personality, and give Vex more of a unique element.)
- Several additional changes to improve quality-of-life and slightly boost performance.


Allen Lewis

Bug on visiting ranch before obtaining Daisy: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_vncontroller: local variable choicetotalkto(100022, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Create_0

Allen Lewis

Also reported on discord channel

Allen Lewis

Additionally 0 star shards gained on placid plain and taming bunnygirl,. Is that planned? If so that is STUPID! What is the point in going to an area where you can't gain star shards?


having trouble transferring old saves? I loaded up the game after changing the version number etc, but it started at the main character going to the lab and running into a glitched out image of the catgirl


my circe transformed into a second vex all of a sudden so now i have 2 vexes and circe is gone happens after i seen prof about the doomed Researcher and get the collect the 3 zone items


Open the console (shift + `) and type restoreranch, then hit enter. Should return Circe to the ranch. What caused this? Did you use Tag Out? There seems to be a bug with that feature.


The build has been patched to, with the following changes: - Optimized nearly every single usable technique, shortening animations and removing pauses to make battles flow more quickly - Added an "analyze an item" option to the lab, which consumes an item and teaches you every crafting recipe where it's a component or product - Fixed a bug where Tagging Out could fail to be reset after battle, duplicating one of your Haremon and removing the tagged one - Fixed Circe's Bash upgrading to Milked Dry instead of Subzero Strike - Fixed Roundhouse Kick using the wrong prompt, and Jump Kick crashing the game - Fixed Daisy's hair appearing multicolored in battle when the Blonde Hair Dye is equipped - Fixed a crash when defeating the Money Shot enemy - Fixed "Forage" in the Temple showing the wrong background - Fixed Circe's staff drawing above her cloak in the Schoolgirl outfit - Fixed a crash when minimizing the game in battle - Fixed floating frogs


Can't seem to buy anything at the store, I get the following crash log as soon as the shopping interface is supposed to open: FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_gamecontroller: Variable obj_gamecontroller.lineIndex(101091, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_obj_gamecontroller_Draw_64 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_gamecontroller_Draw_64 (line -1)


In addition, the one battle I was able to survive without any healing items in the witching wood didn't give me any star shards. This is at the very beginning of the game, not sure how anyone made it further to be honest


My game keeps crashing every time I try to go to my bedroom after returning to the ranch with Clarabelle. Error code as follows: ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_vncontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,-1] out of range [1,4] - -5.girlName(100311,-1) at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Create_0


Damn. Alright, looks like I'm uploading another hotfix tonight. Thanks for your patience.


And in reference to shards, are you defeating the enemies with attacks or manipulating them into leaving? I removed the shards you gain from manipulation.


I just downloaded it again, seems to be working now. Thank you


also i couldnt use the keyboard to imput my name at the start it wasnt working is there a way to change my name without restarting


crash during fight with monarch and she uses flower petal ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_battlecontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,9] out of range [1,9] - -1.flow(101217,9) at gml_Script_perform_flowerpower ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_perform_flowerpower (line -1) gml_Script_perform_technique gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Step_0


hey man dont worry about all the notifications. Its really nice to see a dev so actively trying to fix their game to make the players happy. Cheers Lad

Shark Tooth

I found, I was rather fond of the game after playing it for a while. I've decided to become a patron, thanks for making something different and interesting. You seem to be an enganging developer which is also cool. Playing an older version 0.1403. I don't know if it has been fixed, but I've looked at the update changelogs and edits and couldn't find a mention of the cow girls purifying kiss ability not working. I tried curing poison on a team mate. The ability was at 4 stars if that changes anything.


I just started backing today. I could have waited 8 days and skipped the June fee, but I think this product is of high quality and is worth the extra money. You are making something really unique and fun here! Just downloaded the latest build, thanks for the hard work!