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0.9 will be available soon! Here's some of the stuff I've been working on this month.

New CGs

I'll get this out of the way first. There will be 2 new "selfie" CGs added in 0.9. I'll just give you a liiiiiitle glimpse at them here. All of the selfie CGs are drawn by NiniiDawns, and I think her cutesy style fits the playful nature of these images really well.

Okay. Now on to the new features.

1) Confessions/Lovers

Previously, the "lover" status just meant you'd raised a girl's affection to 100%. However, it's now an exclusive status that means something. When a girl's affection reaches 75%, she'll have a chance of inviting you to your room, where she'll confess her feelings for you. Each Haremon has her own unique confession scene (NPCs are coming later). You can choose to either accept her confession, or reject her.

Rejecting a girl won't damage your relationship, but it will prevent her from ever confessing again. However, you can still make her your lover by inviting her over to your room and confessing to her yourself. A girl who's not your lover has her affection capped at 99%.

Accepting a girl's confession will cause her to instantly become your lover, boosting her affection straight to 100%. If you already had a lover, that girl will go back to being your Crush, and her Affection will return to 75%.

Having a Lover has a few different perks:
- Her affection can't fall below 100%
- Receive unique items, text messages, and altered dialogue
- Unique sex scenes (coming later)
- Advantages in the Dating system (coming soon!)

(No, Miruku isn't suddenly insulting you. "Fuckboy" is my default player name for testing :P)

2) Scout Tiles

These have been hinted at in game for a long time, but they're finally implemented! When you send a girl to Explore at the ranch, in addition to finding treasure, you'll also find a Scout tile in any dungeon you explore. When you trigger these tiles, you'll initiate a scene where you'll encounter one of your exploring Haremon, and she'll give you some sort of boost for the remainder of the dungeon.

3) Tutorials

People have been asking for this for a long time, and I finally got around to it. Now, contextual tutorials will pop up whenever you encounter a new feature for the first time; for example, explaining how to nudge chance spinners, how to tame Haremon, or how Truth or Dare works.

You can also view any previously viewed tutorial by opening up the new Help app on your ePhone.

Finally, there is a new Help submenu in battle that pulls up a list of battle-specific tutorials, telling you everything from how to tame Haremon to how the Stance system works.

(You'll also notice other changes in the screenshot above. That's because Attack, Seduction, and Special moves have all been combined into the Fight submenu.)

4) Crafting

You can now ask Professor Laurel to craft items for you in the lab, finally giving you a reason to collect all those "crafting material" items. There's even several Gift items that can only be obtained this way!

5) NPC layers

This might seem kind of weird, but until now the NPCs' sprites weren't layered. This means that you could only see them fully-clothed! But thanks to our incredible character artist, Pinguin, who has painstakingly gone through each NPC and supplemented them with nude and underwear layers, you'll now be able to feast your eyes on some sweet, sweet tiddy when you invite an NPC over to your bedroom. Just ask them to Strip just like you would with a Haremon! (No "lotion", though... not yet anyway.)

Oh yes.

6) Miscellaneous

There's other stuff coming in 0.9, too, including:
- You can now change a Haremon's Dungeon Ability at the Guild Hall.
- Dialogue choices are now timed, for added challenge. This is disabled on Virgin difficulty.

As you can see, this build is more about several smaller features, rather than one huge addition. I had originally planned to have the Dating system implemented in this build, but my vision for it has expanded significantly. The concept has grown from a series of simple dialogue-based scenes to a fully-fledged puzzle game, so I've decided to take my time with it, and release it only when I've given it the proper care it needs.

Before I go, here's one final teaser sketch to keep you guessing at what's to come:

(It wouldn't be a harem game without beach scenes, right?)

As always, thanks for your support!




The next update sounds awesome! Also, a big thanks to the artists! A bug or a minor mixup is when fast-forwarding the combat scene, if you don’t let go before the next girl is up, it changes her focus.