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Wow. Over $1000, from over 200 patrons. This is unbelievable.

I'll spare you too much sentimentality, but for now I'd just like to say that each and every one of you has my immense gratitude. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this project would not exist without you. Whether you're a new patron, a former patron, or one of the few OGs from way back in January, you are the reason I'm able to keep working on this game, and I owe you immensely.

Now, in the goal description, I stated that I'll announce the first voice actress for Haremon when we reach this point. I'm currently well into the process of casting the first three actresses, and I'm honestly stunned by the quality of the auditions we've been receiving! The actresses we choose to cast will have a special introduction to share with patrons as soon as they've been cast, so hang tight for a few more weeks!

Until then, thanks so very much for your support! There's a lot of exciting stuff on the horizon, and I hope you'll be with me when we get there.

(Oh, and I'll have an update on Haremon 0.9 coming soon!)
