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Content Warnings: Discreet Public Play, Toys, Anal, Teasing, Orgasm Denial, BJs.

“Hello, Pugsley.”

Pugsley looked up at the gentle greeting and stared at Wednesday’s small smile with surprise, unable to believe it was actually his sister standing behind him.

Wednesday Addams did not smile. But then, she also didn’t care about anyone except Enid and here she was, wanting to meet him. It was the first time in their lives that she had invited him to spend time with her.

Pugsley scrambled to his feet and ran up to hug his sister. She froze as he wrapped his arms around her before slowly relaxing in his hold. She gently patted his back and pulled away from the hug after a few seconds.

“I thought we could fish. It’ll be like the good old days,” Pugsley said, picking up the satchel of charmed grenades from the ground and holding it out for his sister.

Wednesday’s lips twitched, drawing another surprised stare from her brother. She led Pugsley to the large oak tree by the lake but instead of sitting underneath it as she usually did with Harry, she walked down to the surf. She kicked her shoes off and sat down, burying her feet in the wet sand.

“This lake doesn’t just have fish. There are several magical creatures that call it home too,” Wednesday explained. “There’s a Giant Squid that’s disappointingly harmless. It does have murderous merfolk who nearly killed Harry once. I presume the grenades are charmed and won’t harm them but I wonder if they'll drag us down to our watery graves if we disturb them.” Wednesday pulled out a grenade from the satchel and studied the inscription on it.


“Well, the lake does have Grindylows. Let’s see if they bite.”

Wednesday pulled the pin from the grenade and tossed it into the lake, watching as a tall pillar of water shot up into the air from the explosion. The water rippled for a few seconds but once it had settled they could only see a couple of fish floating on the lake's surface.

“A poor catch. Let’s see if you fare better, brother.”



“Are you alright?”

Wednesday looked at Pugsley strangely. “I’m absolutely fine. Now throw the bait Pugsley, let’s see what you catch.”

Pugsley primed the grenade and tossed it into the water, causing another pillar to shoot up inches from the first one.

“I’ve never seen you smile. Usually, you don’t exactly want to spend any time with me either. I was surprised by your invitation.”

“Pugsley I-”

“It’s okay-”

“Pugsley I’m sorry.” Wednesday paused and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t always there when you needed me.”

Pugsley smiled. For a second he was worried his sister had been replaced by a changeling but she was just apologizing for being absent, not for anything else, which made sense. After all, murder and bodily harm were how the Addams family expressed affection for each other. It was silly of him to think she’d ever apologize for that.

“You were always there when it mattered. Ryan hasn’t come near me during gym since that day.” Her sister had her own way of showing love. It usually centered around making the life of his bullies a living hell.

“I doubt he’ll be sitting anywhere anytime soon. Replacing the foam in the cushion with thumbtacks was truly inspired,” Wednesday murmured, sounding and behaving very much like a self-satisfied cat.

“Where’s Harry? I thought he’d be with you.”

Wednesday frowned. “Is this the point where you threaten to embarrass me with childhood stories, brother mine? Did mother put you up to this?”

“I thought social embarrassment was for weak cretins who crave external validation,” Pugsley said, parroting one of her sayings.

“His…” Wednesday blushed and paused, then continued through gritted teeth. “Harry’s validation is important to me. I will not have his respect if you tell him things like that time Uncle Fester tricked me into wearing a pink tutu.”

Pugsley nearly dropped the grenade he had picked up. He slowly turned to face his sister, staring at her in utter disbelief.

“What happened?” he asked, shocked to his core.

“Love,” Wednesday muttered. She lay down on the beach and stared up at the cloudless blue sky. She concentrated on the tiny waves of water that nibbled on her toes and imagined it to be a monster slowly eating her, using that image to calm down. “Let that be a lesson to you, Pugsley. Love makes a fool of us all,” Wednesday explained with a disgusted expression.

Pugsley was wise enough to keep his mouth shut. His sister did not like change and he didn’t want to ruin her chance at happiness by pointing out how much she had grown as a person.

“Is he a good man? Unlike, you know…” Pugsley trailed off.

“He’s a sweet man,” Wednesday replied, rolling her eyes. “Caring. Kind. Gentle when he wants to be. It’s utterly disgusting Pugsley and to be honest I don’t know what I see in him.”

Pugsley bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. The only other person Wednesday talked about like this was Enid and even someone as young as him could see that the two girls were platonic soulmates.

“Maybe your subconscious mind thinks he is very handsome. Tatiana told me muscles make women do silly things.”

“Of course. Harry has wonderful muscles. The way his bicep flexes when he-” Wednesday paused, not wishing to share the details of her most recent spanking with him. Her pale ass was covered with splotchy bruises that were slowly fading from dark red to yellow and would soon disappear. She reminded herself to ‘earn’ another detention from Harry before that happened.

She was broken free from her thoughts when she realized Pugsley was staring at her with a small smile.

“Could you think of any other reason? Maybe I have brain worms. My brain is completely infested with them. I am a slave to hormones and brain worms.”

“I mean it could just be that-”

“Oh no, Pugsley. She got it right the first time,” Harry said, his emerald eyes twinkling playfully as he walked over to them and sat down behind Wednesday. He leaned over to kiss her cheek and whispered in a voice so low that only she could hear him. “You’re not a slave to hormones or brain worms, Miss Addams. You belong to me.” His finger gently traced the black choker around her neck, causing her to shiver.

He withdrew, leaving a flustered and pink-cheeked Wednesday in his wake. He turned to face Pugsley and extended his hand. “I’m Harry. Harry Potter.”

Pugsley shot Harry a shy smile as he shook his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Mother won’t stop talking about you and Wednesday always mentions you in her letters.”

“I talk about you because I want there to be proof of how you slowly drove me insane in case I decide to smother you while you sleep,” Wednesday interjected. She didn’t flinch or withdraw her hand when Harry chuckled and reached out to grasp it, gently interlocking their fingers.

Pugsley noted her voice lacked its usual bite and was replaced by something much more playful.

Harry wrapped his hand around Wednesday’s neck and pulled her head into his lap. Wednesday closed her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips at the increased (and highly welcome) pressure on her throat.

“What were you doing before I got here?”

“Fishing,” Wednesday replied, biting her lip to stop herself from purring. Harry’s thumb was lazily running circles on the back of her hand and even that simple action awakened something not so innocent in her mind.

If she was perpetually horny and aroused around him now, Wednesday had to wonder what she’d be like when she was pregnant with their girls.

They’d need ropes. And stamina potions. Definitely something for all the chafing.

“Do you want to join us?” Pugsley asked, breaking her free from her reverie.

She watched as her brother fished out a grenade from the bag and held it out for Harry, her dark eyes alive with amusement.

“W-what’s that?”

“A grenade, dear. Don’t worry, it’s charmed specifically for fishing.”

“Y-you use a grenade to fish?!” Even after three months together, there was always something new about Wednesday that surprised him. “How?”

“Show him, Pugsley.”

Pugsley pulled the pin from the grenade and lobbed it into the water. A huge spray of water shot up from the explosion, spraying them all with a fine mist. The water frothed and rippled and once it had settled they could see a half dozen fish floating on the lake's surface.

“Efficient and fun,” Wednesday said smugly.

“This is… certainly those things,” Harry murmured, staring at the lake and the fish slowly making their way to the shore with wide eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t want to try?”

“Don’t force him. I doubt he’d enjoy a sport as dangerous as explosive fishing,” Wednesday teased.

“I don’t fish, Pugsley,” Harry said. His gaze shifted to Wednesday for a second and he smirked before beginning to stroke the choker around her neck with a finger. “I hunt.”

“That’s exciting! What do you hunt?”

“It is exciting, Pugsley.” Harry nodded, his smile growing as Wednesday shivered and bit her lip. “As for what I hunt… oh, my life’s ambition is to snag a hellcat. They’re very rare… I’d say they’re almost impossible to find. In all my time in Hogwarts, I’ve only found one. They are worthy opponents.”

“Did you manage to catch it?”

Harry grinned. Wednesday wasn’t the only one who had changed since they started dating. He was infinitely more confident and nowhere as ashamed of his desires as he once was. It was funny. They had started out with him wanting a girlfriend and Wednesday wanting a master and now here they were, with her treating him like her boyfriend and him all but claiming her as his hellcat.

If there was anything Wednesday’s visions of their future had taught him… it was that the two weren’t mutually exclusive. They didn’t have to choose.

“That’s a tricky question, Pugsley,” Harry murmured. “You see, hunting a hellcat doesn’t end with catching one. You have to tame them too. You aren’t successful until you manage to do that. What do you think Wednesday, was I successful in my hunt?” Harry asked in a low growl.

Wednesday was breathing heavily and stayed silent for a few seconds, not trusting herself to speak. The voice, the finger stroking her choker, the sheer desire for her that she could feel through her connection with him… oh, that wicked, wicked man. He was claiming her so subtly that only she could understand what was going on.

Wednesday smiled lazily. “Fairly. From what I’ve seen you still have to break her in some more before she’s fully domesticated.”

“That’s amazing! Maybe I’ll get a chance to hunt one myself someday,” Pugsley said. “Mother says we’ll be coming to England more often. She’s even looking into buying a house here.”

“No hunting hellcats until you’re older Pugsley,” Wednesday warned, her protective instincts kicking in.

“For now I'd stick with explosive fishing,” Harry added with a small smile. “You can hurt yourself seriously during the hunt if you’re not careful.”

“If a hellcat ever hurts him I’ll carve out her heart and nail it to a wall.”

“Don’t worry. Pugsley can take care of himself.” Harry reached out and patted the shorter boy’s shoulder.

“I-I can?”

“Definitely. Now, Wednesday and I are busy today but Enid is waiting for you by the hut.” Harry pointed in the direction of Hagrid’s house. “She’s going to give you a tour of Hogwarts.”

“Okay. It was really nice meeting you, Mr. Potter.” Pugsley extended his hand and Harry shook it formally. He grabbed his bag, stood, and then turned to his sister. “Thank you for inviting me, sister,” he said with a shy smile.

“It was nice to meet you too, Pugsley.”

“Pugsley,” Wednesday called out, causing the boy to stop and turn. “You don’t need an invitation,” she said, tilting her head in Harry’s lap to look up at him. “You’re welcome to see me anytime you want, okay?”

Pugsley smiled and nodded before turning around and making his way across the grounds to Hagrid’s hut.

“Come on, little hellcat,” Harry growled once Pugsley was out of earshot. His hand wrapped around Wednesday’s throat and he squeezed gently, drawing out a needy whimper from her. “We need to get ready for our meeting with the Minister.”

“Did you mean it?” Wednesday asked, resisting the urge to ask him to carry her across the grounds. She rolled off his lap and stood, her dark eyes fixed on his face. “The things you said about wanting to hunt your hellcat?”

“Would things change if I said yes?” Harry asked as they walked across the grounds. It was a sunny Sunday and the courtyard and grounds were crowded with people eager to take advantage of the mild weather, which meant they attracted more than a few stares on their trek back to the castle.

People were still getting used to the idea of seeing them together and Wednesday was subject to more than one resentful glare from the women they passed. Normally she would have enjoyed the jealousy and hatred but her attention was completely focused on Harry.

“You said you wanted a girlfriend,” Wednesday teased, her lips twitching. Was she thrilled that he wanted more? Of course. What sane girl didn’t want her future husband to set rules that she could then break, leading to painful and highly pleasurable consequences?

But that didn’t mean she was going to make it easy for him.

“I told you I wanted a dominant who used my body and fucked me into oblivion whenever he wanted but you were the one who insisted on things like handholding and dates,” Wednesday continued, faking a disgusted expression. When Harry tried to pull his hand free from hers she threaded their fingers together and tightened her grip. “You know the really disgusting thing, Harry?”

“What?” Harry asked with a frown, suddenly worried their entire relationship was based on him making her do things she wasn’t completely comfortable with.

“You made me realize that I like those things. Only with you, mind you, and I’ll rip out your tongue if you ever tell anyone I said this,” Wednesday said fondly. She sped up to walk side-by-side with him and closed the distance between them, causing her arm to brush against his as they walked. “It’s okay if being with me has made you realize you want more than a girlfriend who’s occasionally kinky in the bedroom.”

Harry took a deep breath, then grinned. “Wednesday Addams,” he whispered as they walked into the Atrium. “Will you officially be my hellcat?”

“I’ll have to think about it,” Wednesday said. She let him tug her onto a staircase, allowing it to carry them up to the Seventh Floor. “You might have cornered your prey but I’m not sure if you can tame her.”

“Challenge accepted,” Harry murmured. He led her down the seventh-floor hallway to the portrait that concealed the entrance to the Head Dormitories.

“Cadogan,” he murmured, stepping through the hole into the Common Room once the portrait had swung out to reveal the entrance behind it.

“Hermione has arranged everything we have on the mystery woman on my desk. Can you go through it and pack it up, please? We’ll need to turn over everything we have on her to the Minister.”

Wednesday frowned as Harry pulled his hand free from hers and made his way to the staircase leading up to his bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“There’s something else I need to prepare.”


“You’ll see,” Harry said enigmatically and disappeared into the bedroom.

“You need to spend less time with Enid,” Wednesday shouted as she walked over to his desk. She went over all the material neatly arranged and color-coded on the desk and started to pack it in Harry’s satchel. “You’re starting to become just as dramatic as her. I swear if there’s snoods up there you’ll have to call the Minister here to investigate a violent murder.”

“What’s a snood?” Harry’s muffled voice asked through the shut door.

“It’s… well, it’s an atrocity. Enid insists we wear them during our adventures.”

“I’m not going to make you wear a snood, Wednesday.”

“Good.” Wednesday carefully placed the vial that had her memory of the Inferi attack in the outside pocket of the satchel. She checked the rest of the documents, making sure she hadn’t forgotten Narcissa Black’s testimony. It was the only clue they had about the woman’s identity until they could find more information about her past.

“I’m done packing. Hermione made it incredibly easy. Can I come up?”


Wednesday climbed up the stairs two at a time, pushed open the door to what was now effectively their bedroom, and walked inside. Harry was standing next to the vanity and she made her way over to him, pausing inches away from him.

“What have you been up to, sir?” she asked, placing a finger on his chest. She slowly pushed it in between two buttons of his shirt and ran it across his chest, applying just enough pressure to ensure that her nail would scratch his skin.

Harry hissed at the gentle sting.

“A reminder,” she whispered, leaning up to press her lips to his ear. She was a full head shorter than him, which meant she had to stand on her toes if she wanted to be anywhere near his face. Her hot breath tickled his skin as she spoke. “Of the dangers of playing with a hellcat. Maybe you’d be better off staying away from her,” she teased. Her finger dug into his chest, goading him on.

Harry smirked and turned her around, making her face the mirror. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against his chest and trapping her in place. “If the gods didn’t want me to play with hellcats they shouldn’t have sent one so beautiful in my life,” he murmured. His fingers tugged at the strings of her cloak, undoing them and pulling the garment away from her. He carelessly tossed it away, his nimble fingers already moving to undo the buttons of her blouse.

It was only then that Wednesday noticed the sheer variety of toys arranged on the vanity. “What’re these, sir?” she asked, staring at the clamps that had unfamiliar chains attached to them.

“We are going to battle, Miss Addams. We need to dress the part,” Harry said, pulling the blouse down her arms. He knelt, unzipping her gray skirt and letting it pool around her ankles.

“You mean I have to dress the part,” Wednesday said, picking up the pitch-black buttplug and running her thumb across the ruby set in its hilt.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be keeping a couple of things with me.” Her bra and panties were disposed of quickly and she stood there bare before him, enjoying the way Harry’s hungry gaze swept over her naked body.

“Hands behind your back when I inspect you.” Harry grabbed her wrists and pulled her slender arms behind her back, making her grab her left wrist with her right hand to lock them in place. The position caused her to arch her back, pushing out her firm breasts. They were the size of oranges, perfect handfuls crowned by small brown areolas and perky nipples that always stiffened within seconds of being near Harry.

She was too proud to beg for his attention but her body had no such reservations and the tangy aroma of the wetness coating her slick slit and thighs filled the air around them the minute he pulled her legs apart.

Harry took a step backward, admiring her slender waist and bubble butt. Her dark hair was secured in the customary two pigtails, the ends of which tickled the top of her ass every time she turned her head.

“We have an appointment, sir. If you want to play with me you’ll have to be quick,” Wednesday teased, spreading her legs further to give him a glimpse of her pink, wet folds. “Or maybe you don’t have time at all,” she murmured, snapping her legs shut.

“Cocktease,” Harry growled, grabbing her pigtails and pulling her back into his chest.

He took the plug from her hand and brought it up to her lips, slowly pushing the shiny black silicone toy into her mouth. “Suck,” he ordered, making her swallow the entire plug. It was twice the size of his index finger and had the thickness of three fingers, definitely the biggest he had made her wear for an extended period of time.

Wednesday opened her mouth wide and pulled away from the plug, then stuck her tongue out and slowly ran it along the length of the plug. She leaned forward again and began to bob her head, almost like she was giving the plug a blowjob. She kept her eyes locked on him the entire time she was covering the plug with her saliva, loving the way his pupils dilated with lust.

She ended her little show with a little kiss to the tip of the plug. The toy was covered with drool, a thick trail hanging from its tip. A drop pulled free and splattered to the floor with a loud PLOP.

“Is this okay, sir?” she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at him to complete the image of the obedient submissive.

“I know what you’re doing,” Harry growled. “It won’t work. No more talking until I’m done, Miss Addams.”

“Yes, sir,” Wednesday murmured, her eyes alit with excitement. There was nothing in the world she enjoyed more than pushing her powerful boyfriend’s buttons until he snapped and fucked her raw.

Wednesday kept her hands locked behind her back and bent over the vanity, pushing her ass up in the air towards Harry. She wriggled her bum, making her firm cheeks clap.

Harry inhaled a shuddered breath as the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. He grabbed her asscheeks, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh.

Wednesday moaned as the fading pain in her ass flared up, the familiar sting carrying her away to her happy place.

Harry pulled her cheeks apart and stared at her puckered hole with barely concealed desire. He aligned the plug with her ass and slowly pushed it inside her, stretching her walls until it was buried in her up to its hilt. Only the ruby was now visible, nestled between her cheeks.

“So tight,” Wednesday gasped, her vision blurred. She tried to stand but her legs wouldn’t cooperate. Harry grabbed her pigtails and pulled her back up against his chest and Wednesday moaned loudly as the movement caused the plug to settle deeper inside her ass.

Wednesday watched Harry pick up the small ring from the vanity with wide eyes. His hand pushed between her spread legs, fingers trailing teasingly over her slick thigh until they reached her pink folds. His fingers pushed between her plump lips and split them, causing a gush of arousal to stream down her legs. Harry gently pushed the ring around her clit and his fingers withdrew before she could steal any pleasure from them.

“Told you I’d be keeping something with me too, didn’t I?” Harry picked up the slender golden bracelet from the vanity and locked it around his right wrist. He smirked and rotated his hand clockwise.

“AH!” Wednesday shrieked. Her knees buckled at the jolt her sensitive nub received from the ring around it, and she would have fallen to the floor in a heap if his hand around her waist wasn’t keeping her upright. The ring began to vibrate gently and pleasure replaced pain as the sting of the initial shock faded away.

“I-I thought nothing electronic worked in Hogwarts,” Wednesday mumbled, breathing heavily. Her breasts quivered with every breath and her nipples were rock-hard, just begging to be pinched and clamped.

“It’s not electronic. It’s the latest addition to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes’ adult collection. The ring is charmed to vibrate and I can control it with this.” He held up his wrist to show her the bracelet.

“And the clamps?” Wednesday asked lazily, studying the last toy left.

“Another fun invention.” The chains jangled as Harry picked up the clamps. He clamped each nipple in turn, drawing out needy groans from Wednesday’s lips.

She needed him. She needed him inside her, claiming her and filling her with his seed.

Harry locked the rings attached to the chains around her slender thighs. The chains connected the rings to each other and to their respective clamps, making it awkward to walk.

“The faster you walk the tighter the clamps will get,” Harry explained as he picked up her blouse and helped her get dressed.

“I’ll just walk slowly. You need to tell Mr. Weasley that his design is flawed.”

Harry smirked and stepped away from her. “Go ahead. Walk slowly. See what happens.”

Wednesday raised her eyebrows but obeyed his command, taking tiny steps toward the closet so she could grab a fresh pair of underwear. She gasped as the clamps vibrated, stimulating her brown nubs in a way she didn’t even think was possible. She bit her lip to stop herself from moaning and leaned against the closet door for support. “W-what’s the right speed?”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

By the time they apparated to the dark alley next to the hidden entrance of the Ministry of Magic, her cheeks were flushed and she could barely walk. If she kept pace with Harry the clamps vibrated in tune with the vibrator fixed around her clit. The result was a pleasure assault on the most sensitive nubs of her body that left her legs slick with arousal. Her hand flew up to her mouth every few seconds to stifle a moan. The few Muggles they passed stared at her strange behavior and Harry chuckled next to her, enjoying her predicament.

She knew things would only get worse if she fell behind. The only solution was to walk ahead of him which wasn’t possible because she had no idea where the entrance to the Ministry was. The plug in her ass jostled and pushed against her stretched walls with every step and her ass instinctively clenched around the toy, which only made things worse.

She belonged to Harry James Potter. He was flaunting this to the entire world but nobody could see it. He was in complete control. If he wanted to, he could make her cum in the middle of the street. A part of her wanted to experience that taboo at least once in her life.

A glamor charm cast at the entrance of an alley. Pushed against a brick wall and fucked. Technically in full view of every passerby but not seen by anyone.

By the time they entered the phone booth that would take them to the Ministry her legs were jelly and she had to lean into him for support. She buried her face in his shirt to stifle her moans.

“I’ll give you a ten-minute break if you admit you’re my perfect little hellcat,” Harry offered as he dialed nine-six-six. The windows of the phone booth were covered by blinds, obscuring them from view as the elevator shuddered to life and carried them down to the Ministry’s Atrium.

In the battle between her body and her mind, her body won. If the toys around her nipples and clit didn’t stop vibrating soon, the entire Ministry would hear her cum.

“I-I am your perfect little hellcat, sir,” Wednesday murmured, her normally pale cheeks tinged with red.

“Good girl.”

Wednesday’s blush deepened and the quiet praise made her core tingle in a way that had nothing to do with the vibrator around her clit. The toys had died down for now, giving her a much-needed break.

Wednesday glanced at her legs as the elevator shuddered to a halt and they stepped into the Atrium. Tiny trickles of wetness had made their way to the part of her legs not covered by her skirt. They weren’t big enough to be noticeable but there was always a possibility of someone noticing the slight sheen of her skin. Wednesday shivered with excitement.

Their little trip was turning out to be even better than she had expected.

“Did you ask Minister Shacklebolt if we can access the Department of Mysteries in your letter? Trelawney is worse than useless and Firenze only talks in riddles. I need to talk to the seers here to understand how to wield my powers.”

“I did. He said yes. We’ll go after we meet him,” Harry answered as he handed over his wand to the guard on duty.

Once it was logged and returned to Harry the guard turned to Wednesday.

“No wand,” Wednesday answered, following Harry past the checkpoint. The yellow strip on the floor flashed and the security guard stopped her and stared at her with raised eyebrows.

Wednesday reluctantly pulled her knife from its sheath and handed it over to him.

“It’s not a wand,” she snarked, pointing to the sign that demanded all wands needed to be registered before entry.

The bored guard silently made a note of her knife and handed it back to her before waving her away.

Wednesday impatiently followed Harry to the lifts. He had told her she had ten minutes, which meant she had exactly that much time to get to the Minister’s office and finish their meeting so Harry could drag her to the nearest empty bathroom they could find and finish what he had started.

The amount of stares they received as they made their way to the lifts caused her to worry for a second that people had noticed the clamps (Harry hadn’t allowed her to wear a bra) or her slick thighs. The fear of discovery was thrilling and a part of her almost wished Harry would break their deal and start her torment again.

But no, they were staring at him.

“How does it feel to be the savior of wizarding society?”

“Wildly uncomfortable,” Harry mumbled, tugging on his collar nervously.

“Want a distraction?”

Harry grinned and turned his wrist just as they walked into an empty elevator.

Fuck,” Wednesday whimpered as the vibrator started to torture her clit once more. It buzzed harder than it had before, its pleasurable assault on her sensitive nub quickly pushing her closer and closer toward an explosive orgasm. “I-oh!” She had expected him to reactivate the charm on the nipple clamps. Instead, the plug in her ass started to vibrate, massaging the stretched walls of her ass.

“Are you alright, my dear?” The portly witch with a small cauldron on her arm asked. She had entered the lift just before the doors closed and was now staring at Wednesday with a concerned expression.

“Oh, yes. It’s just that my boyfriend is a massive pain in my ass. Just normal relationship stuff.”

At least it was ‘normal’ by their standards.

Wednesday pushed her thighs together and glanced at Harry, knowing he was greatly enjoying watching her squirm and try to muffle her moans. Could she cum without making a sound?

She was about to find out.

“Men.” The woman rolled her eyes. “Can’t live with them-”

“Can’t stab them while they sleep,” Wednesday finished.

The woman nodded approvingly. “Exactly. Well, this is my stop,” she said as the lift shuddered to a halt. “Treat her right young man,” she said, glaring at Harry before she left.

Wednesday thanked every power in existence when no one entered their lift before the doors closed. The elevator moved not a moment too soon.

Wednesday was already trembling by the time the woman had walked out of the lift, the coil of tension in the pit of her belly ready to explode. Harry turned his wrist again and the clamps on her nipples started to vibrate. The combined assault on her clit, nipples, and ass finally pushed her over the edge. Her knees buckled and she lost all sense of her surroundings as her vision darkened.

“HAR-” Her scream was cut short by Harry’s hand clamping over her mouth, muffling her loud moans. She leaned into him as she rode the high of her orgasm, rubbing her thighs together in a desperate attempt to generate some friction. Her panties were soaked and her thighs glistened but she couldn’t bring herself to care about that.

She needed him. She needed him to pin her against something, push deep inside her, and claim her as his. Her hands moved to undo the button of his jeans and the elevator dinged to a halt, bringing her crashing back to reality.

“Excuse us. She’s not feeling well,” Harry murmured, shielding her from view as they walked out of the lift and through the small crowd waiting in the corridor.

To his surprise, Wednesday pushed away from him and smiled at a witch wearing an orange hat. “I blame him,” she said hoarsely, pushing a stray strand of hair away from her pink cheeks. “Doesn’t take care of me as well as he should,” she added, letting Harry pull her away and down the corridor.

“I don’t take care of you as well as I should?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

“In a perfect world you’d have stopped the elevator and fucked me in it,” Wednesday replied, pausing in front of the shut door to adjust her clothes and redo her hair. It was a serious meeting with a serious man, not something one attended with a ‘freshly fucked appearance’.

Harry turned his wrist, reducing the vibrations on her sore clit, nipples, and ass to a gentle buzz.

“Will you behave in the office?” Harry asked, glancing at Wednesday. He doubted Kingsley would find her particular brand of wit amusing.

“Will you?” Wednesday asked blandly. She cleared her throat, trying to return her voice to normal.

“I guess we’ll find out.”

“I guess we will.”

Harry grinned and pushed open the door. He walked into the reception area outside the main office and smiled at the sight of Penelope Clearwater dictating a memo at the receptionist’s desk.

“Is he in?”

“Yep,” Penelope replied with a pretty smile. “Just finishing a briefing with the Muggle Minister. He’ll see you in five, why don’t you take a seat?”

Harry nodded and pulled Wednesday to the seats arranged by the wall opposite Penelope’s desk. He raised an eyebrow when Wednesday perched herself on his knee instead of taking the seat next to him and turned to face Penelope, glaring at the brunette with her trademark stare.

“What are you doing?”

“Marking my territory.”

“Penny’s married.”

“Well, ‘Penny’ is staring at you,” Wednesday replied. She grabbed Harry’s hand and turned it, biting her lip to stifle her gasp as the toys on her body started buzzing at once.

“And that?” Harry asked, sounding amused.

“A reminder to you. I don’t share.”

“Except with Enid.”

“I told you. Enid doesn’t-”

“He’ll see you now,” Penelope said, interrupting them at the sound of a discreet buzzer on her desk. “Best of luck. He’s in a mood today.”

“Fuck,” Harry swore under his breath. It seemed he had picked the wrong day to drop a bombshell on his old friend, but it was too late to back out. He picked Wednesday up with ease and set her down on her feet, giving Penelope a bemused smile.

“Can I just say something?” Penelope asked as they passed her desk.

“I sat down on some water,” Wednesday lied easily, presuming the woman was about to comment on the wet spot on her skirt.

“No… Yeah, I hate it when that happens. What I wanted to say was that you two make a really good couple.”

“Thanks, Penny. Say hi to Percy from me,” Harry said with a happy smile. He grabbed Wednesday’s hand and laced their fingers together before pulling her down the short corridor to Kingley’s actual office.

“Enter.” Kingsley’s deep baritone came through the shut door seconds after he knocked.

Harry took a deep breath and glanced at Wednesday, taking courage from her presence. He pushed open the door and walked into the spartan office. Aside from a simple wooden desk that was overloaded with files and parchment and a threadbare couch in front of the fireplace, the office was empty. The window behind Kingsley was charmed to mimic the view of a sunny London street. Kingsley Shacklebolt was a serious man and his office reflected that disposition.

“We have a problem,” Kingsley said before he could speak.


I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, mainly because I wanted to keep the story, the relationship, and the steamy scene fresh by trying something new! There was also tons of character development and the plot has moved to mid-story phase. Wednesday and Harry have both obviously grown a lot as people and in the relationship and it was fun to write how they are evolving! I will have another update tomorrow, which will be Chapter 6 of A Fortuitous Arrangement so stay tuned! 



You have to add this to the story collection. It’s not there


Hey is this going to be updated?


Yes! I took a break from it last month cause I was burned out but there will be 2 chapters out tomorrow! I just need to finish the second one and edit it!