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Content Warnings: Cuffs, Breast Play, Nipple Play, Teasing, Dry Humping, Breeding.

The Day After Harry’s Meeting with Madame Bones:

Tonks walked into the room, took one look at the man standing in front of the mirror, and burst out laughing. “What’re you wearing?” she asked, looking at Harry.

He was standing in front of the mirror wearing an ill-fitting blazer, crisp white shirt, and baggy trousers.

“I told you. I need a tie,” Harry said, nervously tugging on his coat as he studied his reflection.

“Tell you what.” Sirius jerked his thumb in the direction of the walk-in closet that occupied an entire wall of his massive bedroom. He had appropriated the master bedroom (that his parents once slept in, but he tried not to think about that) of the house for himself. If he was to be a prisoner, at least he’d be one with a large cell. He had thought about returning to his old bedroom, but it was full of memories. Memories of his friends, of Lily… of Regulus. He wasn’t ready to revisit the ghosts of his past just yet.

“Grab my dear dad’s mustard bowtie from there. You’ll look very dapper wearing it.”

Tonks watched as Harry nodded and rushed into the closet.

“I know what you’re doing,” Tonks muttered, flopping on the bed next to her cousin. She gave him a reproachful look, clearly unhappy with his actions.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Harry is clearly worried about the date and you’re taking advantage of his nervousness to make sure it’s a disaster.”

“Oh. Yeah. I’m doing that,” Sirius admitted, not bothering to deny his actions. It wasn’t like Tonks would have believed him if he tried to lie anyways. She was much too smart for that. “In my defense, I don’t want to force my only godson to get married just to prove my innocence. He deserves a life and a partner of his choice.”

“I’m sure Madame Bones wants the same for her niece.”

“Does she?” His stay in Azkaban had destroyed his trust in people. “The Amelia Bones I knew was honorable and kind, but I guess nobody stays incorruptible after years of close proximity to people like Malfoy and Fudge.”

Tonks looked at Sirius like he had lost his mind. Which, in fairness, was a distinct possibility given his living situation. “Can you tell me what Madame Bones gains from this marriage other than happiness and protection for her niece?”

“She, and by extension Fudge, get a mole in the inner circle of the Order. In its very Headquarters!” Sirius said stubbornly, not willing to admit to the possibility that he was mistaken in his judgment.

“One, the Fidelius will prevent Susan from ever divulging the location of this house without the express permission of the Secret Keeper.” Tonks thought back to when she had convinced Sirius to make himself the Secret Keeper instead of Dumbledore. At the end of the day, it was their house, even if the Order was using it as their headquarters. They were amongst the few people that still had Black blood flowing through their veins. “Two, do you really think Madame Bones doesn’t know about the Order and what we’re doing? She is responsible for the security of the Ministry Building, and I didn’t mention it at the meetings, but she made it easier for us to break into the Department of Mysteries at my request,” Tonks muttered, rolling her eyes. “She doesn’t need Susan to spy for her. All she needs to do is grab my chin and call me a good girl and I’ll tell that gorgeous lady everything she wants to know,” Tonks said with a smirk.

“Harry doesn’t even know the girl. A week isn’t enough time to get to know a stranger before marriage,” Sirius muttered, digging in his heels.

“Harry told me they paired up in nearly every Herbology class for the past four years. She’s taken care of him more than once when he was hurt. Your godson spends more time in the Hospital Wing than in his classes and who do you think helped Madame Pomfrey nurse him back to health?” Tonks challenged.

“What if he doesn’t like her?”

Tonks snorted and pulled out a framed photograph of Susan from the bundle Madame Bones had given her. She handed it over to Sirius and gave him a minute to study the beautiful redhead. “He has eyes. Trust me, he likes her. She’s a sweet angel and would be perfect for someone as brash as him. What’s really bothering you?” Tonks asked. She set the bundle in her hands down on the bed and reached out to take her cousin’s hand.

“Harry has… he’s lost so much. Endured so much,” Sirius murmured, his worried gray eyes watching Harry rummage around in the closet. “I don’t want him to sacrifice the rest of his life for me.”

“Do you trust me?”


Tonks chuckled. “I care about both of them. Guarding Susan was my first assignment as a trainee. Harry is quickly becoming a dear friend. I’m going to chaperone all their dates. If I feel like there’s no spark between them, that he’s only doing this for you, I promise I’ll come straight to you and we’ll convince him to break off the betrothal,” Tonks reassured Sirius. “But don’t let guilt and fear be the reason you don’t even let Harry try for a chance at true happiness. Who knows? They might be perfect for each other.”

Sirius nodded. “Thanks, Tonks.”

“Anytime, cousin,” Tonks murmured, watching Harry run out of the closet with a panicked expression.

“I couldn’t find the bowtie,” he said, breathing rapidly.

“Forget the bowtie. Ditch these clothes… what’d you make them from, a circus tent?” Tonks asked, studying the ill-fitting formals.

“I didn’t have any of my own so Sirius shrunk some of my cousin’s hand-me-downs,” Harry explained, pulling up his sagging trousers.

“Okay. Take them all off, go wear a pair of jeans that actually fits you and a nice shirt.”

“But-” Harry turned to Sirius. “You said-”

“I’ve been out of the dating game a long time, kid. My advice isn’t exactly current. You should do what Tonks tells you to,” Sirius cut Harry off, anticipating his question.

“Okay.” Harry nodded.

“I’ll be waiting for you downstairs. Don’t take too long, we’re running late!”

“I’ll be down in five,” Harry murmured. He shot Tonks a nervous smile before making the short trek down to his room to change.

When he made his way down the stairs to the main hallway of the house ten minutes later, he found Tonks engaged in a heated discussion with Mrs. Weasley.

“It’s not your place-” Tonks said, glancing up when she heard the staircase creak. She smiled at the sight of Harry wearing jeans and a pale blue button-down shirt. “Much better.”

Harry frowned. The normally laid-back Auror sounded unusually angry. “Is everything alright?”

“Harry, dear, you don’t have to go through with this.” Mrs. Weasley ignored Tonks in favor of addressing Harry directly. “Dumbledore will keep Sirius safe. That’s not your job.”

Harry looked at Tonks in confusion.

“Mrs. Weasley doesn’t think you should go on this date,” Tonks explained, rolling her eyes.

“It’s not safe!” Mrs. Weasley practically shouted. Harry could see Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the Twins spying on the drama from the kitchen, and his frown deepened.

“I’ll have Tonks with me. If she is good enough to guard me in Privet Drive and on the journey here, she’s good enough to guard me in Diagon Alley,” Harry said shortly.

“How do you know Madame Bones will keep her end of the bargain? She blackmailed you into getting married before the trial-”

“Why?” Tonks growled, her expression narrowing. Sirius had a good reason for his reluctance. Mrs. Weasley was way out of line. She had no authority to stop Harry from doing anything, and Tonks had no intention of letting the woman slander her boss. “She’s not a moron. What, she’ll let the man her only niece is married to get banished from Wizarding Society five days after their marriage?”

“I… This is… That girl… you don’t know her Harry…” Mrs. Weasley spluttered, unable to counter Tonks’ logic.

“She did not blackmail me. She plans to help me even if I say no to the marriage,” Harry said calmly before Tonks could speak again.

“Why are you doing this then?!”

Harry frowned at Mrs. Weasley’s tone. Her anger made no sense, especially given that all he was doing was spending the afternoon at Fortescue's with Susan. That too in the presence of a chaperone!

He had many reasons for agreeing to the deal. The most obvious one was that it helped Sirius be free. His godfather had simply traded one prison for another, and Harry planned to do everything in his power to change that. It was also a chance to leave the dreary hellhole that was Number 12, Grimmauld Place, if only for a few hours. He was tired of the secrecy, of Mrs. Weasley’s scolding, and of Ron’s grumbling every time he sat down with Hermione to study. He needed a break.

But perhaps, the most important reason why he had said yes to Madame Bones was that for the first time in his life, an adult had given him a choice. A measure of control over his own life. A chance to explore a path not laid down by Albus Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, or anyone else. She had asked him to date, Susan, yes, but had left the final decision of whether to go ahead with the marriage with him.

She trusted him to make the right choice, and he respected her for it.

Susan is also very beautiful, a quiet voice in the back of his mind spoke up. He ignored it, even though he knew it spoke the truth. Susan Bones was beautiful, caring, and unfailingly kind.

He didn’t say any of this to Mrs. Weasley, however. He didn’t owe her an explanation for his actions, not when she was being so hostile for no good reason.

“Because I want to,” Harry said shortly. He walked around the seething redhead and held out his arm for Tonks. “We’re already late.”

“Yes, we are.” Tonks glared at Mrs. Weasley one last time before looping her arm through Harry’s and walking out of the house with him before Mrs. Weasley could say anything else.

“She’s not going to let this rest, is she?” Tonks asked as they walked down the deserted sidewalk.

“I highly doubt it,” Harry muttered.

Present Day:

“Do you know what Harry likes in his tea?” Susan asked, studying the tray she had prepared with a critical eye. Toast, butter, jam, marmalade, scrambled eggs-


She quickly seasoned the scrambled eggs with salt and freshly ground pepper. She pressed her palm against the teapot to make sure it was the perfect temperature. “I have cream, sugar, and milk. There’s no honey-”


“Yes?” Susan turned to look at Sirius.

“He’s a newly married man whose beautiful wife is bringing him breakfast in bed,” Sirius said with a barely concealed smirk. “Trust me, this is more than enough. I doubt he even eats everything that’s on that tray.”

Susan frowned. “He doesn’t like eggs and toast?!”

“That’s an amazing breakfast, I’m just saying he’ll be distracted doing something else.”

“Doing what?” Susan blinked, confused. Did he like to exercise before his breakfast? Would he be going for a jog? There was so much she still didn’t know about her husband.

Tonks reached out and grabbed a banana from the fruit basket on the dining table, casually peeled it, and stuffed half of it in her mouth, all while keeping her eyes locked with a red-faced Susan. “You,” she said through a mouthful of fruit.

Susan squeaked and whirled around to grab the tray, intending to escape before the two could make any more jokes at her expense. She carefully balanced it in her hands and walked out of the kitchen, making her way across the dining room.

“Mrs. Weasley,” Susan gave the Weasley matriarch a polite smile. As engrossed as she was in getting the tray ready and talking to Sirius and Tonks, she hadn’t noticed the woman climb down the stairs and enter the dining room.

She waited for the older redhead to step aside. Instead, Mrs. Weasley parked herself at the entrance to the kitchen, making it impossible for Susan to leave. Her smile turned into a frown. Mrs. Weasley seemed to have no good reason to oppose her presence in the kitchen. She simply didn't seem to want her close to Harry physically or emotionally, and had even floated the idea that she sleep in the room Hermione and Ginny shared instead of with her husband.

“What’re you doing?” Mrs. Weasley questioned, her eyes narrowed.

“Relax,” Tonks muttered, rolling her eyes. “She made her husband tea and toast. That’s not a crime, last I checked.”

“I told you to leave the cooking to me, didn’t I, Susie dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked, reaching out to take the tray from her hands.

Susan took a step backward, remaining firmly out of reach. “You did. But it’s not your kitchen,” Susan said, suddenly enraged. Food was her love language, and after the way Harry had taken care of her, she wanted to do something to show her appreciation. She couldn’t… she WOULDN’T let Mrs. Weasley keep depriving her of chances to do that.

Mrs. Weasley frowned. “Young lady, I have made sure this house is liveable and everyone in it is fed, clothed-”

“I know-”

“-I have taken care of Harry-”

“Thank you-”

“-for the past four years-”

“Thank you!” Susan repeated, louder and more firmly. She continued before Mrs. Weasley could interrupt her again. “You have taken good care of him, and I appreciate that. I truly do. But one day, Harry and I will have our own house. I’ll be the one to look after him there, not you.”

“What do you know of marriage? Do you even know what Harry likes?” Mrs. Weasley huffed.

Tonks started to speak but Sirius placed a hand on her arm, stopping her from interrupting.

“Not a lot. I don’t know a lot about Harry either,” Susan admitted. “But I do know that I make him happy,” Susan said proudly.

“He married you because your aunt forced him.”

“He married me because he wants me. He chose me,” Susan said, the pressure of the collar around her neck giving her courage. “I get that you’re unhappy about that, but his decision is not my fault. I am his wife. I vowed to take care of him, to love and to obey, and that is what I plan to do,” Susan said, her eyes blazing with determination.

“Sweetie, you’ll spoil him rotten,” Mrs. Weasley said, changing tack and adopting a conciliatory tone. “Breakfast is served at eight on that table, and that is where everyone is supposed to eat. Those are the rules. Do this once, and before you know it, he’ll expect breakfast in bed for the rest of his life.”

“Then I’ll get him breakfast in bed for the rest of our lives,” Susan replied with a shrug. There were many things she could tolerate, but she would not let someone else tell her how to run her house.

“As long as you live-”

“In Sirius’ house?” Susan asked, tilting her head. “Sirius, do you have a problem with me taking care of my husband?” Susan asked.

“Not as long as you promise to find me a wife as great as you,” Sirius teased. He felt happy for the first time in a long time. Susan Bones was like a breath of fresh air in their stale surroundings, and suddenly, the house didn’t feel as hellish as it had before.

“Only if you let me give you a haircut.”


“I-” Mrs. Weasley interjected, her face red with rage. “This is unacceptable. There are rules-”

“I agree. I’ll make sure Harry sets some for me to follow. I’m married to him, not you Mrs. Weasley. Which means the only person who can tell me what I can and cannot do to take care of my husband… is my husband,” Susan pointed out with a sweet smile. “And I’m sure Sirius is happy to let us both use this kitchen. In that spirit of cooperation, I’ll get out of your hair.” Susan carefully walked around Mrs. Weasley and made her way down the hallway.

She slowly climbed the stairs to the bedroom she now shared with Harry. The door was ajar and she pushed it open with her shoulder, carrying the tray into the quiet and dark room. The curtains were pulled and Harry was still in bed, asleep under a mountain of blankets.

She set the tray down on the nightstand before turning to climb onto the bed. The mattress creaked under her weight and Harry stirred. She had debated letting him rest but the food was getting cold and she hadn’t yet mastered heating charms. She wondered if Hermione would help her with them.

“Good morning,” Susan whispered, bending to kiss his forehead. Harry blearily opened his eyes and yawned loudly, his face breaking out into a grin at the sight of Susan looming over him.

Harry groaned as he propped himself up into a sitting position, blindly patting the nightstand to find his glasses. Once they were located he pushed them onto his nose and stretched, working out the kinks in his sore back and shoulders. “What time is it?” Harry asked hoarsely, leaning back against the headboard.

“Half past seven,” Susan replied with a bright smile.

“Too early. Come back to bed,” Harry said gruffly. He wrapped his arm around her wrist and pulled the squealing girl onto his lap. “Too many clothes,” he added, grabbing the hem of the Quidditch jersey she was wearing. She obediently raised her arms over her head to let him take it off, shivering under his gaze.

The naked desire in his eyes when he looked at her would take some getting used to.

Harry tossed the jersey to the floor and pulled a blanket over them. His hands didn’t hesitate in grabbing her heavy breasts, fingers sinking into her soft flesh as he lazily squeezed the creamy mounds.

Susan let loose a breathy moan, all thoughts of breakfast forgotten. Unfortunately, his hands withdrew far too soon. Susan frowned but before she could complain, she realized that they weren’t alone in the room anymore.

“Ron,” Harry drawled, pulling the blanket tighter around her to ensure no part of her naked torso was visible. “Impeccable timing as usual. Hey Mione. Gin,” Harry murmured, nodding to the two girls who had walked in after Ron.

“What’re you doing?” Ron asked, a disgusted expression on his face.

“Seriously?” Ginny smacked her brother on the back of his head. “Idiot,” she muttered, looking at Harry and Susan with an expression that clearly said ‘I’m so sorry’.

“Mom’s going ballistic,” Ron said, glaring at Susan. “You two better come downstairs.”

Susan paled as Mrs. Weasley’s enraged shout reached the room.

“We have breakfast.” Harry glanced at the tray on the nightstand next to him. “Tell Mrs. Weasley we’ll be down in a bit, okay?”


“Come on. What’re you doing? What sort of question is that?!” Ginny grabbed Ron’s arm and dragged him out of the room.

“Sorry about him. He’s just feeling left out,” Hermione said with a frustrated sigh.

“Yeah, I know. I’ll talk to him later today,” Harry murmured.

“Good… well… I’ll uh… I’ll give you two some privacy.”

“Thank you,” Harry said with a quiet sigh. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, pushing the messy locks away from his eyes.

Harry waited for everyone to leave before releasing his grip on the blanket that covered Susan’s body. Hermione was the last one to walk out, looking at them with a curious expression on her face as she made her way across his bedroom. She shut the door behind her and they were alone once more.

“This has to be the weirdest honeymoon ever,” Harry murmured, gently tucking a stray strand of her fiery hair behind her ear.

“I’m sorry,” Susan mumbled, chewing her lower lip worriedly.

“Why do you keep apologizing?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

Susan squirmed in his lap. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes. She was unworthy of his attention and affection, just a silly girl who had talked about her fantasies so often that her auntie had to go and get her a husband. All her confidence from downstairs melted away and suddenly she felt just as scared as she had the night before. “I dunno,” she mumbled. Mrs. Weasley had made her feel like the only reason Harry had married her was because he had no choice and perhaps she had a point. Why would he pick her when she wasn’t as smart as Hermione, as sexy as Lavender, or as experienced as Parvati?

She had nothing to offer him.

“Yes, you do,” Harry said firmly, his voice kind. He cupped her cheeks, making her look up at him. “Why are you upset, pet?”

She tried to lie again, but the look in his eyes made it impossible. It promised safety and love, but at the same time, warned of the consequences if she was to disobey the man who had collared her.

“I feel like there’s nothing important that I can do for you,” Susan admitted. “I’m going to be the most useless wife. You… this marriage-”

Harry had leaned over to grab the silver butter knife from the breakfast tray and pressed its blunt, serrated edge against her lips, silencing her. The serrations dung into her soft lips, the tiny pinpricks of pain immediately grounding the panicked girl.

“I don’t want to be the reason you lose your friends,” Susan mumbled, her heart hammering in her chest. “You saw what Ron…”

“Ron is jealous,” Harry said simply. He loved his friend, but his jealousy was starting to get on his nerves. “He wants a girlfriend but has no idea what to do when it comes to intimacy. He’s frustrated and jealous that all his brothers, his sister, and now even I have partners while he’s still alone.” Ron hadn’t said it out loud, not in those exact words. But he’d gotten good at deciphering the redhead’s grumbling. “It’s not your fault he had a chance with Parvati’s amazing sister last year and blew it by being an immature prat.”

“Oh.” Susan blinked. “So he doesn’t hate me?”

“No.” Harry chuckled. “He’s just pouting because I’ll have less time for him. And because he wants to get laid but his head is filled with some really weird notions that I’m pretty sure he picked up from his mother. Which is weird because none of his siblings share his ideas,” Harry murmured, before shrugging. “Well, maybe Percy does.”

“I had an argument with Mrs. Weasley downstairs,” Susan murmured, fidgeting nervously. All she wanted was to make a place for herself in Harry’s life, and it seemed like Mrs. Weasley was determined to fight her at every turn. It was only a matter of time before she took up her behavior with Harry. It seemed prudent to explain and apologize before her husband got upset with her. It felt like she had started their marriage on the wrong foot, she didn’t want to ruin their entire ‘honeymoon’. “It won’t happen again. I just wanted to do something nice to thank you and she wouldn’t let me,” Susan mumbled, her cheeks red.

“Oh?” Harry quirked his eyebrow again, silently prompting her to elaborate.

“She said I can’t bring you breakfast in bed. I… I might have told her she can’t tell me what to do.”

“Why are you apologizing if you did nothing wrong? You only pointed out what should have been obvious.”

Susan blinked. “You’re… you’re not mad that I sassed her?”

“Princess, the only person you’re not allowed to sass is me.” Harry winked and reached over to grab the small bowls that held butter and marmalade from the tray on the nightstand. “The brat life doesn’t suit you. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”

Susan giggled and nodded, his teasing and the fact that he had taken her side without hesitation immediately setting her at ease. She had read up on all the different kinds of submissives, and he was right. She was no brat.

“What happens if I sass you?” She knew the basics, but she wanted to know more. She wanted to learn, to be the best wife, submissive, and partner. She wanted, no she needed him to know that no matter what happened, he would always have her in his corner.

Harry smirked and leaned up to press his lips against her ear, his hot breath tickling her skin. “I’ll throw you over my knee and spank that cute little butt raw,” Harry growled. He reached up and pulled her wand from the bun it kept secure. He watched as her curly red hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. “Understood?” Harry asked, pulling away.

“Yes, sir,” Susan breathed, her heart hammering in her chest. Her sore bum was a reminder that the threat hadn’t been an idle one.

“But for now, let’s have some breakfast.” Casting magic with her wand wasn’t as difficult as Harry had anticipated. It felt sluggish and responded to him slowly, but he didn’t have to expend too much energy to conjure soft red satin ribbons from its tip. They pulled her arms behind her back and bound her wrists together, securing her arms behind her back. The position pulled her shoulders backward and made her arch her back, her heavy breasts swaying as they were pushed up toward him.

“I-I thought we were having breakfast,” Susan stammered, watching him pick up the knife he had dropped with wide eyes.

“I am,” Harry replied, dipping the knife in the bowl containing butter. “I’ll finish mine, then I’ll feed you. Is that okay?”

Susan nodded, suddenly losing the ability to speak. He had brought the knife up to her right breast, the dull edge scraping against her soft skin as he methodically coated her breast with butter. “H-Harry!” Susan gasped, the edge dragging against her sensitive nipple sending a jolt of delicious pain up her spine. She shivered helplessly in his lap, the shorts she wore drenched with the arousal leaking out of her.

“Breakfast is important, isn’t it Susie?” Harry asked, a wicked grin on his face.

Susan nodded. “The most important meal of the day,” she said breathlessly, watching him gather marmalade on the knife. He slowly and carefully spread it over her breast and all Susan could do was whine and rub her slick thighs together in a futile effort to generate some friction for her needy pussy.

“Do you think I made the right choice?” he asked, gesturing at her body.

Susan ruthlessly shut down the insecure voice in the back of her head. “The perfect choice,” she whispered, a shy smile on her face.

“Good.” Harry grabbed her waist to hold her in place. He leaned closer and placed a gentle kiss on her stiff pink nipple.

“Oh! Don’t stop!” Susan begged as his tongue darted out and teased the sensitive nub, lapping up the marmalade and butter coating it. Too shy to really explore her body, she had no idea her breasts were so sensitive. “Harry!” Susan squealed, her breath hitching as his lips closed around the stiff crinkled nub.

Harry’s amused eyes flickered up to look at her for a quick second. Once he was sure she was okay he clamped down with her teeth, tugging the rosy peak that crowned her creamy mound.

“Master, please!” Susan begged, her hands straining against their bonds in a futile attempt to get free. He was lazily chewing on her nipple, tugging on it every so often to send a jolt of pain racing down to her core.

Her belly felt so, so empty. She needed him inside her, needed him to claim her, to fill her up with his seed. She could feel a familiar tension coil in the pit of her stomach. A slow-building pleasure consumed her entire body, and within minutes she was a mewling and trembling mess on his lap, shamelessly begging him to fuck her.

“Please! Sir, please! I need you!” Susan moaned, bucking her hips helplessly.

Harry parted his lips, taking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. The rough surface of his tongue dragged across her soft skin, lapping up the butter and marmalade and setting her nerves on fire.

She was out of her mind with lust, moaning and mewling and grinding her virgin pussy against him. Her shorts were completely drenched with the arousal leaking out of her gleaming slit, the gentle friction provided by the cloth rubbing against her pussy lips wholly inadequate for the needy girl. She was close to breaking.

And then he began to suck.

Slowly at first, his eyes focused on her face for any signs of discomfort. When he saw only pleasure, he increased the pressure, sucking ferociously even as his tongue massaged her stinging nipple.


Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she came without warning, the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced ripping through her body. Her entire body trembled as she rode the high, chanting his name continuously, paying tribute to the man who had given her such pleasure.

Harry slowly pulled away from her aching and hickey-covered breast, letting the exhausted girl slump against his chest.

They cuddled for a few minutes, silently enjoying each other’s presence before Harry reached over to grab the plate of scrambled eggs.

He speared some of it on a fork and held it in front of Susan’s lips.

“Don’t want this,” Susan whined, far too deep in Subspace to care about how needy she sounded.

“What do you want, Susie?”

In response she simply rolled her hips, grinding against the tent that had formed in his pants.

“You know my rule,” Harry said sternly.

“Belly wouldn’t be empty if you filled it with your seed,” Susan mumbled, her shyness forgotten.

Harry refused to remove the fork so she sighed and leaned forward. She slowly finished the food on the plate, whining every so often to make sure he ate some of it as well.

“There. I ate it all,” she said, looking up at him with wide eyes, silently begging him to give her what she wanted.

Harry sighed. “As much as I want that, within the next five minutes someone is going to barge into the room and demand to know why we’re still in bed,” Harry muttered, the frustration evident in his voice. “And then we’ll have to stop and Mrs. Weasley will come and say something and that is not how I want us to remember our first time. There’s no bloody lock on the room,” Harry groused. “I plan to install one with Sirius today and I plan to ask Hermione to teach me a few basic locking spells and wards.”

Harry picked up her wand, undoing the ribbons around her wrist. The minute her hands were free she reached out and wrapped her arms around him, pulling herself closer and burying her face in his bare chest.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on his heartbeat, letting its steady THUMPING calm her down.

“Sorry if this was weird,” Susan murmured, realizing she had cummed her brains out from just him sucking on her breast.

“Not weird, Susie. Just… unexpected. I didn’t know this was possible. Has it happened to you before?”

Susan shook her head against his chest. She had been too shy to explore her body, just using the basic fingering lessons a kind older Hufflepuff girl had taught her and her dormmates to satisfy her desires. “No,” she murmured, sighing contentedly. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the finger slowly running down her spine. “But uhm… I read about it. In a book,” she whispered, blushing furiously.

“In a book?”

Susan nodded, hoping he wouldn’t judge her voracious appetite for steamy romances. “There’s a Muggle bookstore next to auntie’s London apartment. I pick up the odd book from there on occasion.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the complete truth either. By her count, she now had sixty books in her private collection. “There was this book called-” Susan paused, her blush deepening. She knew she was in too deep to back out, and his question confirmed her suspicion.

“What was it called, princess?”

“Breed Me, Sire,” Susan whispered, her voice barely audible. She groaned loudly when his hand slipped into her shorts and squeezed her aching ass.

“I couldn’t hear you Susie.”

“Breed Me, Sire,” Susan repeated, just loud enough for him to hear.

“Did you like the book?” Harry asked, wondering where he could get his hands on a copy. The Dursleys weren’t exactly big on books (or on letting him leave the house for that matter), and he had no idea where to find Muggle ones for sale in London.

Hermione, he thought with a grin. Surely she could take him to a Muggle bookstore.

“Yes,” Susan whispered.

Harry squeezed her bruised ass again.

“Sire!” Susan moaned, trying to burrow deeper into his chest.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Harry chuckled. “What was your favorite part of the book?” Harry asked, patiently coaxing her to reveal her hidden desires.

“The lord… he uhm… he breeds his new wife. And once he’s done, she’s exhausted and lying on his bed with his seed leaking out of her…” Susan started, moaning softly as she substituted the characters with Harry and herself in her mind. She gently rocked her hips, grinding her crotch against his. “But he keeps going. He… he moves to her breasts. She’s… she has… milk… he drinks everything she has to offer and makes her cum again and again and again…” Susan mumbled, whining needily.

“One day,” Harry promised, kissing her forehead. He was now determined to go explore the stores of Muggle London with Hermione and get his hands on the book, and on any others he could find. “For now, let us shower and get ready for the day, hmm?” he asked, gently helping her get off the bed.

Susan blushed as her thigh rubbed against the tent in his pants when she climbed off his lap. The morning wood he sported was absolutely massive. She was unable to pull her eyes away from his erection, biting her lip with worry as she stared at it.


“Hmm?” She forced herself to look up at him, her blush growing at the amused expression on his face.

“It’s not a monster,” Harry teased, chuckling when her gaze traveled down to his crotch once more.

She couldn’t pull her eyes away from it even if she wanted to. “Will it fit?” she breathed, licking her dry lips.

“Yes,” he said, giving her a reassuring smile.

“Is… is it painful?” All the heroines in her novels talked about relieving their lovers. Surely they wouldn’t use that language unless-

“No,” Harry said, breaking her out of her reverie. “It’s aching and somewhat uncomfortable but nothing a cold shower won’t solve.”

Susan frowned. He had made it clear that he wouldn’t take her virginity in a hurried fashion but the sexy hunks in her books never had to take cold showers. Their lovers always took care of them in so many innovative ways, often in the shower…

She reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him to his feet. He laughed and got up from the bed, letting her lead him to the bathroom.

“What’re we doing?” Harry asked, watching with growing surprise as she pulled him into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it to make sure they wouldn’t be interrupted.

“Taking a shower,” Susan replied, taking a deep breath, her voice trembling with a mixture of anticipation and fear. “Together.”


Chapters 4, 5, and 6 are already out! I just love writing Innocent! Susan, that's a side of hers I've not had a chance to write before this story.  I think she provides a great contrast to Mrs. Weasley in some ways, wherein she cares for Harry without being overbearing. What I am also really excited about is writing the corruption of one Miss Hermione Granger. This week is going to be an upload bonanza as my Halloween gift to all of you, so stay tuned for several fun updates that will be coming out over the next few days! 


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