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Content Warnings: Bathing, Spanking, Teasing.

“Good morning, Miss Addams,” Harry drawled, tilting his head at the sound of the blanket rustling behind him. He turned in his chair to face the bed, setting the paper in his hands back on the desk.

“Morning,” Wednesday mumbled, the blanket falling away from her naked body as she slowly sat up in bed. She groaned as she stretched. Every muscle in her body was sore and her mind was fuzzy. “I feel like a truck hit me.”

Harry chuckled. His happiness spread in her mind like a warm fire, and she was unable to stop the smile on her face.

“Seeing an actual, proper smile on your face is truly disturbing,” Harry teased, his smile mirroring hers.

Wednesday growled and chucked a pillow at him.

“It’s bad enough that you’re in my head but now you go and mock me?” she asked, watching him catch and carefully place the pillow on the desk.

“I’m… what?”

“In my head. You were feeling guilty last night. I felt that. You’re happy now. I can sense that too,” Wednesday explained, tugging on bands securing her braids. She slowly undid them, freeing her hair and letting the sleek black locks flow down her bare back. “Don’t ask me how. I have no idea how my powers work.”

“Y-you can read my thoughts?”

“Not exactly. I can… feel you. Your presence, your emotions.”

“Just me?”

“I’m not sure.” Wednesday shrugged. “Maybe? Or maybe my powers only work when I’m close to a person. I hope that’s not the case. If I can sense everyone’s emotions without any ability to block them, I’ll go mad when we go back to Hogwarts. At least we know the ritual worked.”

She padded over to him, playfully slapping his bare chest when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her petite body onto his lap. “You’re insatiable,” she pretended to grumble as he made her straddle his waist, the massive tent in his boxers brushing against her cum-stained thigh. Her gaze roved over the faint scars on his tanned skin, committing each one to memory.

She was sore, aching, and could barely walk. The perfect time for him to fuck her hard enough to make her see stars.

Barely able to walk isn’t good enough, she mused, rolling her hips against him. The room would be a waste if, at the end of the day, she still had the ability to walk out of it.

Harry carrying you around in his arms bridal style. Now that’s an image.

Shut up, Wednesday growled at the voice in her head that sounded suspiciously like Enid.

“Well, you complaining that I’m insatiable is certainly a first,” Harry teased. The crooked smile on his face caused her heart to skip a beat.

“We booked the Honeymoon Suite and haven’t used a single toy or piece of furniture here so far. I want to explore what this room has to offer,” Wednesday murmured, her hands freely exploring the firm muscles of his chest.

“You said the ritual worked. What did you see?” Harry asked. He stood with her still in his arms, her weight barely registering. He made sure her legs were locked around his waist before he made his way to the bathroom, ignoring her annoyed whine. “Bath first. You can explore when I pop out to grab some breakfast.”

Wednesday growled playfully when he set her down in the middle of the large marble tub in the bathroom.

“So, what did you see?” Harry debated taking off his boxers but decided against it. Instead, he grabbed a bottle of bubble bath and drizzled some in a circle around his petite girlfriend before fiddling with the taps to ensure that the tub was filled with warm water.

“What do I get if I tell you?”

“My undying gratitude?”

“Do better.”

“I don’t spank your ass raw with the riding crop hanging above the fireplace.”

“That just makes me less inclined to tell you what I saw,” Wednesday said, rolling her eyes.

“You’re a bloody masochist, Wednesday,” Harry muttered, bending to kiss her forehead before he drizzled more bubble bath liquid into the tub.

“You say that like it’s an insult when I know for a fact that nothing gets you harder than the thought of spanking me raw,” Wednesday smirked and nodded at his twitching cock. “So, what do I get for telling you what I saw and for tolerating the indignity of what is obviously going to be you bathing me?”

Harry pretended to think. “How about,” he murmured, the water splashing around as he climbed into the tub. Large pink bubbles covered the surface of the water, obscuring their bodies from sight. “When I run out to grab us tea and breakfast I’ll book the room for another day. We can check out tomorrow and we can spend all of today holed up here exploring everything the room has to offer.”

“Tempting,” Wednesday moaned as Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap. She watched through half-lidded eyes as he dripped soap on her petite bosom. His hands grabbed the pale mounds, fingers sinking into her firm breasts as he began to massage the soap into her soft skin. “Do I still get my spanking?”

“Yes,” Harry said with a fond laugh.

“I saw a woman,” Wednesday murmured, groaning with contentment as Harry picked up a loofah and began running it over her soaped-up breasts. She didn’t bother to tell him what she saw about their own futures. No, if he wanted to marry her, she wanted him to think he’d have to move heaven and earth to get her to agree to his proposal and that wouldn’t happen if he knew she’d say yes no matter what he did. She wanted to finagle at least a week’s worth of mind-blowing, toe-curling kinky fucking out of it.

“I don’t think we’re fighting a newly ressurected Voldemort. Not unless he’s somehow figured out how to take the form of a beautiful young woman.”

“I doubt that. When he came back to life his new body was hideous. He was more snake than human. No reason to think it will be any different this time.”

“That’s why I don’t think it’s him.”

“That’s good,” Harry murmured with a sigh of relief. He gently pushed her legs apart before squirting some soap onto his palms. He wrapped his hands around one thigh and then the next, soaping them up and washing away evidence of the previous night’s activities.

“Maybe,” Wednesday whispered. “H-Harry!” She moaned as his fingers ghosted over her slick folds, her aching core demanding to be filled. His fingers withdrew and she huffed in frustration.

“What do you mean by maybe?” Harry asked, keeping his fingers inches away from her wet slit. Her juices leaked out of her and stained the water around them, their heady scent filling the air with a tangy aroma.

“A-are you trying to train me?” Wednesday asked with a quiet chuckle. She bucked her hips to push her pussy against his hands, groaning quietly as his rough, calloused fingers dragged against the soft petals that guarded her core.

“Hmm.” Harry picked up the loofah and began to scrub her slender legs, denying her the pleasure she was so desperate for. “I have to get creative when the threat of normal punishment just turns you on, my little hellcat.”

Wednesday’s heart skipped a beat. What they had was so perfect, it was terrifying.

Not every Morticia found her Gomez, but she had. She sighed as Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck and peppered her shoulder with kisses, punctuating every kiss with the gentle sting of his teeth nipping at her skin.

What they had… what she had seen they’d have… it was all she had ever wanted. She refused to acknowledge it, even to herself, because she had never believed it would actually come to pass, that she would find a man worthy enough to give her what she desired.

Two terrible children. A dark manor. A lifetime of pleasure, pain, and perverse desire.

Her happily ever after.

She wasn’t worried about the unknown woman in the sinister room. They would beat her, she had witnessed proof of that in the future her visions had shown her the night before.

She ignored the first lesson every seer was taught, much too happy to dwell on it. The future was a tangled web of possibilities, and what a seer saw was but one possibility of the things that could come to pass.

“Wednesday,” Harry whispered, gently pinching her stiff brown nipples. He slowly twisted her flushed peaks, the unexpected stinging yanking her free from her thoughts.

“I… ah!” Wednesday groaned, a gush of arousal leaking out of her at the pain radiating from the two pinpoints on her chest.

“I’m worried about you,” Harry murmured with a frown. He let her stinging nipples go and gently pushed her forward, draping her wet hair over a shoulder before he drizzled soap on her back. “Is it my thoughts… emotions… whatever? Are they affecting you in some way? I can try to shut it off but I was always a shit Occlumens,” Harry muttered, gently scrubbing her skin with the loofah.

“It…” Wednesday paused. It would be a lie to say his presence… the warmth and happiness in the back of her mind did not affect her. “It’s complicated,” she said, shivering as his gentle fingers explored her curves.

Getting bathed like she was a helpless child was horribly demeaning.

She never wanted him to stop.

“You don’t have to do anything.”

I like it. I like knowing what you’re feeling, that you’re happy, that I bring you happiness.

Gods, she had it as bad for Harry as her father did for her mother.

“But if you really want me to feel better…” She wriggled her firm butt against his throbbing erection. “I’m sure it’s nothing your belt wouldn’t solve.”

“Hush, you,” Harry growled, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back against his chest. “You can barely walk right now. I saw you wince when you stretched. You’re in pain.”

“The most delicious ache,” Wednesday breathed. She grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand between her thighs and pressing it flat against her pussy. “But I won’t be satisfied until that barely changes to can’t and this is full of your seed,” Wednesday murmured, her mind conjuring up the images of their two daughters.

Addams women always had difficulty conceiving. If she wanted her little terrors, Harry had to fuck her hard and he had to fuck her often. A truly pleasurable prospect for both of them.

“Tell me more about this woman,” Harry murmured, pulling his hand away.

Wednesday tilted her head up to glare daggers at her future husband. Why couldn’t they have this conversation in bed, while he was inside her?

“The faster you tell me what I want to know, the quicker we can move onto the fun part of this day, Miss Addams.”

Wednesday huffed. “Fine. I don’t know anything about her. We had a brief conversation where she tried and failed to intimidate me and regurgitated the typical villain monologue. We’re all going to die painfully, she has a diabolical plan, you know, the usual,” Wednesday said, rolling her eyes. Was it too much to ask for an opponent with some creativity?

“Why do you think it’s a bad thing that it’s this lady and not Voldemort like we were expecting?”

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing… just… you are familiar with Voldemort. You know his strengths and weaknesses and have beaten him before. We don’t know anything about this woman. There’s a lot of variables to account for.”

“We’ll figure it out.”

“Mhm, I know we will,” Wednesday whispered, closing her eyes as she reached out to grab his hand and return it to her needy core. She yelped in surprise when he gently pushed her off his lap, the water sloshing around her as he climbed out of the tub.

“What’re you doing?!”

“Going to get us some breakfast,” Harry answered, grabbing a towel off the rack and using it to pat himself dry.

“But you said-”

“I said bath, breakfast, and then we can spend the rest of the day exploring what this room has to offer,” Harry pointed out as he wrapped the towel around his waist. He pulled his wet boxers down his legs and tossed them into the laundry basket, turning to Wednesday with a playful grin.

“I’m not hungry.” Wednesday glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I am. And I never spank a girl on an empty stomach.”

Wednesday growled and chucked a bottle of shampoo at him.

Harry laughed and easily ducked out of the way, his lightning-fast reflexes kicking in.

“Why don’t you pick out a few things you like and we’ll try them out when I get back?” Harry murmured, walking over to the tub and bending to kiss her forehead.

“Fine. Be quick,” Wednesday grumbled, her dark eyes watching him leave the bathroom. He crossed the length of the room, grabbed the clothes he had discarded the night before, and quickly dressed before he slipped out of the door, shutting it behind him.

She climbed out of the tub after a few minutes of soaking in the warm water, letting it soothe her sore muscles. Like him, she grabbed a towel off the rack and patted herself dry before tossing it into the laundry basket.

She padded into the room, a satisfied smile on her face at the sight of the rune circle etched into the floor, the stone stained with a mixture of her dried blood and their intermixed cum. His presence in her mind had quietened to a happy hum, something she attributed to the increased distance between them.

She walked over to the fireplace and pulled the riding crop hanging from the wall above it, studying the toy with a shiver of excitement.

Unable to help herself she walked over to the large bed and flopped on it, closing her eyes as she let her overactive imagination take over.

Her powers meant that it was sometimes difficult to separate fantasy from reality, which was perfect in situations like these.

She concentrated on his presence in her mind, using it to create an illusion of him towering over her, running the soft leather of the crop over her skin, marking her with it even as he spread her legs and claimed her holes.

The peace, serenity, and calm that was engulfing her slowly ebbed away. The shift was subtle at first, too small for the distracted girl to notice. And then it happened.

The happy buzzing in the back of her mind was replaced with panic in an instant, ripping her free from her fantasies.

The fear hit her like a tsunami, and she knew it wasn’t her own.

Something’s wrong, she thought, her eyes flying open. She shot upright in bed, concentrating on the source of the sheer dread consuming her mind. Harry.

“All I wanted was a nice day of getting my ass paddled,” she grumbled, mostly as a way to distract herself from what she was feeling. Something had to be horribly, horribly wrong for someone like Harry to be afraid. After everything he had been through, she didn’t even want to think about the kind of situation that would cause him to feel real fear.

“I swear, Potter, that if you die before you manage to fuck me hard enough to get me to accept a marriage proposal I’ll find a Necromancer, bring you back to life, and kill you myself,” she muttered, slipping out of bed. She grabbed her clothes and dressed as fast as she could, tightening the belt that secured her knife to her right thigh. She nervously ran her fingers over its finely carved hilt and closed her eyes, trying to use her newly awakened powers to locate him. It didn’t work, not even after she moved to the middle of the rune circle etched into the floor.

She gave up and slipped out of the hotel room, deciding to find him the old-fashioned way. She sprinted down the empty, carpeted hallway, her unsecured hair flying behind her as she ran. She ignored the surprised grunt of the sleepy receptionist manning the front counter and ran out into the mostly quiet street. It was still early in the morning. There were few people on the sidewalk and fewer cars on the road.

Normally, she would have enjoyed the gentle sting of the wind against her skin but she ignored the biting cold of the November wind, her thin silk black blouse, gray skirt, and stockings wholly inadequate in protecting her from the elements.

“Where are you?” she muttered, her dark eyes scanning her surroundings. She turned right on a hunch and ran up the street, the feeling of fear in the back of her head intensifying. It was now akin to a pounding headache, threatening to cripple her. She ignored it and kept running, determined to reach Harry, to make sure the man she loved was safe.

She rounded the corner and her eyes widened. The center of the wide road was completely blocked by a huge circle of fire. Harry was in the middle of the circle, surrounded by shambling bodies with waxy, ashen skin and vacant eyes. There were at least fifty of them, slowly moving closer to Harry, an inexorable horde of the dead animated with a single purpose.

“Fuck,” Wednesday whispered, frozen in place. She watched as Harry conjured more flames from his wand and shot them at the Inferi, ball after ball of fire slamming into their chests. They flew back and crumpled to the ground, only to rise up and make their way toward Harry once more, completely unaffected by the flames searing their bodies. The stench of burning flesh hung heavy in the air. It was a smell Wednesday usually enjoyed.

Harry was holding his own and making it seem effortless, but she could see the sweat dripping down his forehead, his movements slowing as he tried to keep the horde at bay and focused on him for as long as he could, giving the panicked Muggles a chance to escape.

He whirled to attack an Inferi, finally spotting her.


“Harry!” Wednesday yelled, pointing to the Inferi that had snuck up on him. It pounced on his back and sunk its teeth into his right shoulder, tearing out a chunk of flesh. His pained roar finally unfroze her and she started to sprint towards him, pulling out her knife as she ran.

“No! Get away!” Harry growled, severing the Inferi on his back into two halves with a quick Diffindo. He increased the radius of the circle of flames, the hot wind created by the buffeting flames slamming into Wednesday and knocking her onto her ass.

“What? No!” Wednesday clambered to her feet, ignoring her aching body and the bleeding cuts on her elbows.

“Run,” Harry shouted again. “Get help!”

He wouldn’t survive long enough for her to do so. He was already tiring, she could see it. His reflexes were slowing down, the horde of Inferi getting closer and closer before he managed to repel them once more.

Wednesday knew the smart thing to do was to run back to the hotel and get Hermione, but she also knew Harry wouldn’t be alive when she returned.

So she ignored the heat prickling her skin and started to walk against the wind pushing her away, determined to get to Harry. She wouldn’t be of much help, her powers and the cursed knife she held in her hand were of no use against the dead. But if this was to be the end, if the future her dreams had shown her was false, then she would die by his side.

A life without him was unimaginable.

“Please,” Harry begged, his eyes fixed on her even as he struggled to fight off the approaching bodies. He increased the strength of the spell keeping them contained, the wind pushing her away from him and the Inferi that surrounded him.

“You stupid, stupid man!” Wednesday yelled tearfully. She kept pushing against the wind even though she was making no progress. The best she could do was struggle to stay in place and watch as he died.

Why wouldn’t they die? The flames Harry was conjuring were hot enough to melt the asphalt of the road around him yet the Inferi were utterly unaffected. They were abnormal, altered, and seemingly engineered to be immune to what was usually their greatest weakness.

What can I do?

Her seer powers were worse than useless in a situation like this. Touching any of them would probably incapacitate her, pulling her into their past lives and the people they used to be before they were murdered and their bodies were defiled with dark magic. It wouldn’t affect their soulless husks one bit. The dagger she held was cursed and imbibed with venom, but what good would that be against dead bodies that could feel no pain?

She racked her brain, trying to remember everything she knew about the creatures. They were crude, mindless, nearly indestructible creatures, usually created by a Necromancer who-

“Fuck!” Wednesday swore. She knew what to do. Her eyes scanned the street. It was empty save for them and the bodies. The Muggles who had been in the street at the time of the attack had either fled or died and Wednesday could instinctively sense Harry had thrown up a temporary magical barrier at both ends of the street to prevent more Muggles from coming in.

Her eyes moved to the buildings that lined the street, her gaze moving from rooftop to rooftop until she finally located what she was searching for.

“Wednesday,” Harry yelled, causing her to turn her attention back to him. “I-” His voice was choked, his cheeks stained with tears. “I love you,” he whispered, giving her a sad smile before he conjured a flaming whip from his wand. He used it to decapitate a couple of Inferi who had changed direction and were now walking towards her, the man determined to keep them all focused on him so she could escape.


She could not bring herself to say it. Not like this. Not when her heart was being ripped to shreds.

Wednesday ran. She ran the way she had come, feeling a tingle as she crossed the invisible barrier. A small crowd of Muggles had gathered on the corner of the street, staring at the pyrotechnics with wide eyes. Instead of turning right and making her way back to the hotel she turned left and ran down the sidewalk, brandishing her knife to clear her way.

She skidded to a stop in front of the dirty alley and ran inside, mentally counting off buildings to make sure she got the right one. Once she did, she clambered up the fire escape, her knee-length leather boots slamming into each metal step with enough force to make them ring. She tightened her hold on the knife in her right hand, her knuckles whitening.

As far as she knew, Inferi had two main weaknesses. Fire (which these ones seemed immune to) and their need to be close to the magical source animating them. It could be a dark artifact or it could be the original Necromancer who-

“You,” Wednesday growled, pulling herself onto the rooftop, her knife clutched in her hand. The figure standing on the parapet on the other side of the roof wore a dark cloak and was hooded, but there was no mistaking the slender figure or the dark, curly locks that spilled out of the woman’s hood and tumbled down to her shoulders.

The lady stopped her incantation and turned, her blood-red lips curling into a delighted smile at the sight of Wednesday walking towards her.

“Wednesday Addams,” she purred, appearing completely unfazed by her presence. If anything, she seemed delighted by it. “Come closer,” she ordered.

Wednesday paused. The woman's dark eyes were alit with maniacal happiness and she made no effort to raise her wand to defend herself from Wednesday.

“Why?” Wednesday asked, gripping her knife tightly. It had an inbuilt shield that would blunt the effect of most hexes but she bent her knees slightly, ready to roll out of the way of an incoming curse.

“Best seat in the house.” The woman waved her arms around her before gesturing to the street below. “I’d hate for you to miss seeing your beloved getting torn apart by my pets. Thank you for alerting me to your location by the way. I’d never have known that you two were outside the protection provided by that blasted castle if you hadn’t interrupted me last night.”

“He’s not my beloved,” Wednesday gritted out, not bothering to address the woman’s claims.

It’s not true, she told herself, breathing heavily as she forced herself to calm down. She’s toying with you.

Was she responsible for all of this?

She pushed the thought out of her mind and took slow, measured steps towards the woman, her eyes alert for any sudden movements.

The woman tutted. “Do you really wish to spend your life in denial, my dear? I see it in your eyes, as clear as day. He will die and your heart will die with him.”

“What do you want?” Wednesday growled. She was now mere feet away from the woman.

“I already have what I want, Wednesday. Harry Potter shall pay for his crimes with his life. And you… for your transgressions, I shall…” She raised her wand and Wednesday tensed. She cackled and conjured a bouquet of flowers, tossing them at Wednesday’s feet. “For his grave. I hear he likes lilies.”

Wednesday froze for a brief second, completely taken aback by the woman’s actions and words.

No. I can’t… this is not the future I was promised!

“You seem surprised,” the woman said gleefully. “I could kill you, but what fun would that be? No, for what you did you deserve to live a long, miserable, lonely life. You will never know the kind of life you secretly dream of. I will watch you visit the grave of the only man you will ever love week after week, mourning the life you could have had with him. That shall be your atonement.”

“Atonement for what?”

The woman narrowed her eyes and lost her composure for a brief second. “You know what you did!” she screeched.

“I don’t have time for this,” Wednesday muttered to herself. She lunged at the woman, only for her to twist on the spot and disapparate away before she could reach her.

Wednesday grunted as she collided with the hard, unforgiving stone of the parapet. She ignored the pain blooming in her chest and turned her gaze down at the street anxiously. The flames conjured by Harry had died out and Wednesday watched as the bodies of the Inferi dropped like flies, the flight of their mistress meaning there was no magic to animate their dead flesh anymore.

Wednesday didn’t have to search for Harry to know she was too late, that she had taken the woman’s bait and wasted too much time talking. She had played her like a fiddle, knowing exactly which buttons to push to throw her off balance.

Wednesday bit back a sob as her gaze settled on the largest pile of bodies. Buried under the undead was Harry, his glasses shattered and eyes closed. His pale face was streaked with blood and he wasn’t moving, but she didn’t need to look at him to know the woman had succeeded.

She felt… nothing. His warmth was absent from her mind. Left in its place was a crushing emptiness. A void that threatened to swallow her.

Harry was gone and she was all alone.


I am convinced that when it comes to crossovers there's no couple as compatible with each other as Wednesday and Harry are. They just seem to suit each other so well. You can read chapters 9-11, they are already uploaded and Chapter 12 will be uploaded in a bit! Oh, and if you want to stay updated on my stories and what I'm currently writing and want to see some cool Wednesday art, use the Invite Link in my Pinned Post and join my Discord Server! There will be another update tomorrow, Chapter 6 of A Fortuitous Arrangement! 


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