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Content Warnings: Dry Humping, Cum Play, Pet Play, Teasing, Breeding, Lactation.

“Are you sure about this?” Harry asked, staring at Tonks’s reflection in the mirror. Teddy was spending the night with his grandmother, giving them the freedom to get ready for their mission in the comfort of their own home. “I can ask someone else to take over if you’re uncomfortable,” Harry murmured, his breathing ragged. They’d been in their bedroom for all of five minutes and he was already perilously close to ruining a perfectly good pair of shorts. Tonks seemed well aware of the effect she was having on him and to his utter astonishment, she was enjoying it instead of being repulsed by his poorly suppressed desire.

The part of him that had spent all his life deprived of love was still in denial that a woman this wonderful could ever want him back.

Why would anyone want a freak like me?

Tonks turned to him, a huge grin plastered on her face. “For once in my life, sir,” she murmured, her bare breast brushing against his arm as she leaned over to squeeze it reassuringly. “I am actually looking forward to a stakeout. Usually, they involve far less sex and far more ramen. We really should look into fixing the sex-to-ramen ratio in our missions,” she teased, returning her attention to her reflection in the mirror.

Tonks had changed her hair to go down to her lower back, switching its color from bubblegum pink to powder blue. She hadn’t bothered to alter the rest of her body. She didn’t need to. They had gone through the information Pansy had gathered for them and realized that the death eater didn’t have any preferences other than liking his victims to be a couple along with a certain fondness for blue hair.

She was, however, standing in front of the mirror without a single piece of clothing covering her gorgeous body, waiting for her ‘master’ for the night to prepare her for their date.

“I-” Harry started again, unable to help himself. His eyes were fixed on her firm, heavy breasts and he was caught completely by surprise when she bent and captured his lips. “I… fu-shit…” Harry breathed, moaning into her lips as her hand pushed into his shorts and wrapped around his rock-hard cock.

“I’ve been dropping hints for nearly a year now, Harry,” Tonks whispered, gently pumping his enormous shaft, her lips curling into a grin as it started to get harder and larger. “Nothing has ever quite turned me on as much as seeing you be the perfect father these past few months. But you never responded to my advances, and I stopped because I had no intention of forcing myself on you and ruining our existing relationship. Teddy’s more important than my desires, and as much as I want him to have a little baby brother or sister, I wasn’t about to risk him losing you for it,” she murmured, pressing her curvy body against him. “But you were just worried about me judging you for your lifestyle, weren’t you?”

“M-maybe,” Harry groaned, his fingers twitching. He desperately wanted to bury them in her creamy mounds, but he was successful in controlling his urges. For now.

“The last man I fell in love with was simultaneously a werewolf and the most stubborn man on the planet. Do you really think I’m not a physical and emotional masochist, dearest?” Tonks teased, gently swiping her thumb over his massive glans, gathering up the precum trickling out of it. She slowly pulled away, chuckling at her lover’s groan of disappointment. Her job was done.

“The only time I get to… take care of myself,” Tonks added, popping the thumb in her mouth and sucking on it. “Is the five minutes of alone time in the bathroom before I shower. That’s if I’m lucky. Yet here I am, chipper instead of frustrated. What do your powers of deduction make of that, boss?”

“That you’re a denial craving edgeslut,” Harry whispered, blurting out the words before he could stop himself. “I… I always had my suspicions,” Harry lied, his cheeks burning.

“If you did, why didn’t you ever act on it?” Tonks challenged, sitting down on the ottoman in front of the dressing table. She secured her hair in a loose ponytail before starting to work on her makeup for the night.

“It felt wrong.”

“Because of Remus or because of Pansy?”

Harry looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on her face. “Pansy?”

“Oh come on, it’s obvious. The two of you act like you hate each other’s guts but you eye fuck the entire time you’re in the same room,” Tonks muttered, leaning closer to the mirror to apply eyeliner. “I may have been blind about your feelings for me, but considering the fact that Dawlish could make out the sexual tension between the two of you, did you really think I wouldn’t spot it?”

“What? When did Dawlish see the two of us together?”

“Remember that one time he crashed one of our meetings? He was waiting right outside your office for me to come out. Asked me why the boss wanted to fuck a baddie.”

“He called Pansy a baddie?” Out of everything she’d told him, why did he find only that part absurd? He couldn’t bring himself to deny the other parts, partly because the blunt conversation was rapidly pulling him out of denial and partly because Nymphadora Tonks had a bullshit detector like no one else. He had zero inclination to end up like Mundungus.

“Harry, he once spent six weeks investigating a rock because he thought it was a powerful dark artifact. Expecting him to have a sophisticated vocabulary might be asking too much of his abilities.”


“So.” Tonks adopted a conspiratorial tone, her voice dropping. “I can understand thinking the young mom is as vanilla as the ice cream we have downstairs, but why didn’t you bang the chick who’s so unashamedly kinky she once turned up to meet you with cum running down her chin?”

“She didn’t,” Harry replied indignantly. “She said it was orange juice.”

“No darling, that was pussy juice. I get they’re both tangy, but one is tasty and the other is what we have for breakfast every day.”

Harry groaned, his cock twitching as his mind conjured up images of him stroking himself while watching Pansy bury her face between Tonks’s thighs.

Lucky woman,” Tonks muttered under her breath. “It’s been ages since someone ate me out.”

Fuck, since when can Tonks read minds? The pressure in shorts was now unbearable, his throbbing manhood rock-hard and twitching ever so often. If she can do this just by talking, what will happen if we…

“So, why didn’t you pursue our resident ‘baddie’ or me?” Tonks asked again, thankfully disrupting his train of thoughts. “Please tell me you’re not hung up on Ginny. You broke up nearly two years ago. She’s getting married next month.”

“I’m not. Merlin, all Ginny and I did was make each other miserable. ” Harry sighed. Why were feelings so complicated? Sometimes he envied his best friend and his emotional range of a teaspoon. “Mostly Remus. But I guess some of the hesitation in pursuing a relationship with either of you was because of Pansy too.”

Tonks turned to him with a small smile. “A part of me will always love him, Harry. He will always be Teddy’s father. But you’re his papa, and I’m sure Remus would have wanted both of us to be happy, even in his absence. Whatever this is, whatever we are… it makes sense.”

“And Pansy?”

“The two of us are more than happy to be in a throuple. She thinks I’m hot, I think she’s cute, both of us want you to rail us. As I said, it all fits.” She wiped the excess blood-red lipstick before smacking her lips.

“She’s fine with me doing the exact thing that made her hate Draco’s guts?”

“This is nothing like that.”

“How is me sleeping with you while I’m in a relationship with her any different from him fucking Greengrass?”

“Her objection to him isn’t that he’s fucking her.”

“How do you know all this?”

“Unlike you, I don’t beat around the bush. I asked her while going over the mission details last night. She hates Draco because he used her for seven years and now acts like she’s beneath him. He never loved her. He certainly never wanted her as much as you do.”

“I-” Harry flopped down on their bed. “Why is this so complicated?”

“Love is always messy, Harry. In the end, all you need to ask yourself… Does that person make me happy? As long as the answer is yes, you ignore everything else. Things have a way of working out.”

“Sometimes when I look at Parkinson, all I feel is pure rage.”

“Amazing hate sex still counts as happiness, Harry,” Tonks teased, picking up a small jar from the dressing table. “While I can promise you that we’ll easily settle into our new lives, do you know what doesn’t easily wash off? Body glitter. Some of it always somehow ends up inside my vagina and I am not dealing with a burning pussy in addition to achy boobs. No body glitter.” She tossed the jar at him.

Harry caught the small bottle, studying the tiny particles inside with an amused smile on his face. “Always?

“Before Voldemort came along and ruined things, Hogwarts was one big sex party. It truly disappoints me that you couldn’t have the same school experience I did.”

“I’m making up for lost time,” Harry teased, getting up from the bed and pulling a stool next to hers. “What’s up with your achy boobs?”

“Milk. My body refuses to get the message that my son doesn’t drink it anymore and keeps making it. I have to pump once a day and even then they’re always full and tender,” Tonks muttered, closing her eyes to allow him to apply the final touches to her makeup. “That’s what I get for playing around with my metamorphagus abilities, I guess.”

“I could-” Harry stopped himself before he said what he was thinking. He concentrated on fixing the masquerade mask on her face, trying not to focus on the fact that he had almost offered to milk her. The fact that the club their target was about to hit was hosting a masquerade night had been a stroke of luck. It saved Harry the effort of having to change his appearance or take polyjuice.

After all, cut off from the Wizarding World or not, Harry doubted there was a single Death Eater who wouldn’t recognize him.

“You could do what?”

“Never mind,” Harry muttered, getting to his feet and walking over to the corner they had dumped the bag that contained all the shopping they’d done the previous night.

“What do you like, Harry?”

“What do you mean?” Harry asked, dragging the two bags towards her.

“When you’re out there ravishing cute muggle girls, what do you like to do?”

“Oh. Uh… to be quite honest, I’m open to so much I usually go with whatever the girls like,” Harry replied, trying to keep his answer as vague as possible.

Tonks rotated in her chair till she faced him, her hand wrapping around his cock without hesitation. She slowly began to pump it from over his shorts, keeping her eyes locked with his. “I didn’t ask what the girls liked. I’m sure what they wanted was all wonderfully kinky, but I don’t care about them.” She carefully transferred herself to his lap, her legs resting on either side of him. She gripped his shoulders for support, her arousal staining the fabric as she pushed her wet slit against the massive bulge in his shorts. “I’m asking you,” she whispered, gently grinding against him with gentle sways of her hip, never once breaking eye contact. “If you had a girl who could fulfill any fantasy of yours, what would you ask for?”

“I-” Harry sucked in a sharp breath. He trapped his lower lip between his teeth in a useless effort to stifle his soft groans.

Tonks leaned closer, her hot breath tickling her skin. “You can tell me. I’m that girl, sir,” she whispered, continuing the world’s most sensual lap dance without a break.

“I… uh…” Harry moaned, his hands instinctively moving to her hips. He pushed her down on the bulge, now utterly desperate for an orgasm. “I like being a daddy, but I also like having a pet,” Harry admitted, knowing how completely ridiculous his wish sounded. Mixing the two lifestyles in a harmonious way was next to impossible. He had tried. Several times. “I know it’s impossible. That’s why it’s a fantasy, right?” Harry murmured, taking advantage of the break in grinding to catch his breath and compose himself.

“Not if you have daddy’s bratty princess and the world’s best pet living under the same roof,” Tonks pointed out. Her hands moved to his chest and gently pushed him down on the bed, giving him the perfect view of her body as she rode him. Her heavy breasts bounced in tune with her hips and Harry was enraptured by their movement. His eyes lowered to her nipples, each rosy peak sporting a hint of white. It was the only hint of the treasure they held, and Harry was sorely tempted to reach up and plunder them one after the other.

“Which one are you?” He asked, his hand moving from her hip to her clit. He grinned at the sudden gasp when his thumb pressed against the sensitive bundle, the man slowly increasing the pressure of his nail digging into it.

“I’ll let you guess. It’s fifty-fifty. Those are not bad odds,” Tonks pointed out, running a hand through her hair and freeing it from the ponytail. She let her blue locks tumble over her shoulders, her messy appearance only serving to make her more enticing.

“Do I get a hint?” Harry asked, gently trapping her clit between his fingers. He started to twist it, eager to test his lover’s tolerance. Tonks groaned, the sudden pain causing her entire body to quiver with a mixture of fear and excitement.

“Well, when we went kink shopping yesterday, Pansy bought very expensive and very good looking lingerie. I bought a reindeer costume. Does that clear up the mystery for you, Head Auror? Or do you need some help?” She asked teasingly, now bouncing on his cock like he was actually fucking her.

“No… a reindeer?!”

“It… is the season,” Tonks breathed, her creamy skin now covered by a sheen of sweat. “May-Maybe I could pull you along while you handed out justice and imprisonment to those on our naughty list,” she teased.

“What, like Rudolph the red-bummed reindeer?” Harry laughed.

Tonks giggled, her giggle turning into a breathy moan when he gently flicked her clit, her neglected pussy dripping with arousal. His shorts were completely soaked, and neither of them had even cum. “Th-this is the real you… daddy. We like you. You don’t have to pretend around us. Be who you are. Do what you want,” she murmured. “Stop overthinking.”

For once in his life, Harry followed someone’s instructions without hesitation. He pulled her down to him, his lips closing around her crinkled nub.

“H-Harry?!” Tonks squeaked, her eyes growing wide. “What’re you… oh! Oh, god, yes please!” It took a single hard suck from him to release the floodgates, her delicious, creamy milk dribbling into his mouth. The pressure that had been building up in her chest for months suddenly disappeared. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop!” She begged, desperately humping him.

He grabbed her hair, pulling her limp body away from him. “You’re not a reindeer.” Tonks shuddered at the darkness in his eyes, the fear it awakened in her causing another gush of arousal to leak out of her pussy.

“What am I, daddy?” Tonks asked innocently, gently raking her nails over his bare chest.

“You’re my little cow. And if you want to earn your keep, you’re going to be bred and milked.”

“I live to serve,” Tonks whispered sultrily, using her hand to guide her rosy peak back to his lips. “Y-you should get me a collar. And some cute floppy ears,” Tonks mumbled, “and… oh god!”

Harry grinned against her flawless skin and lazily continued to reap his bounty. He drank her milk and enjoyed the sound of her confident moans turning into desperate whimpers and pleas.

“Maybe… maybe an ear tag. I could go for another piercing,” Tonks mumbled, desperately bouncing on his cock.

His orgasm took him by surprise, a hidden wave that came out of nowhere and swept him away. He groaned into her breast, instinctively tugging on her clit, eager to have her finish with him.

“And a… butt…” Tonks wheezed, a shrill scream escaping her lips at the harsh tug. “I… cumming!” She shrieked, her entire body shaking at the explosion of sensation that had been denied to her for nearly three years. “Cumming, sir!”

“Cum for me, sweetheart,” Harry murmured, pushing up against her womanhood one last time before he lost control and exploded in his shorts, the fabric thoroughly drenched with a mixture of their cum.

Tonks collapsed against him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. Her quiet whimpers were the only sound in the room for some time, the two lovers holding each other and quietly enjoying their newfound intimacy.

Eventually, their silent paradise was broken by the sound of sarcastic clapping.

“Bravo. A strong finish, Potter. I’m sure the sociopath we’re hunting won’t mind waiting for you to get your shit together. It’s not like he can pick up some other couple at the club,” Pansy said sardonically, leaning against the doorway of their bedroom.

Tonks chuckled and gently brushed her lips against Harry’s cheek. “As much as I want to just cuddle you, enjoy my post-orgasmic nirvana and let Parkinson stare at my magnificent ass, she does have a point.” She reluctantly pushed herself off her lover, grinning at the look Harry and Pansy were giving each other.

“She is all yours,” Tonks murmured with a grin, gently patting Harry’s chest. She rolled off the bed, slowly walking towards the bathroom on unsteady feet.

“Pansy,” Harry growled.

“Yes, daddy?” Pansy squeaked, clamping her hands on her mouth when she registered the response the tone of his voice had elicited.

“Across my knee. Right now.”


Firstly, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Thank you for the gift of your support, it means more to me than you realize. This story is turning out to be one of my longer short stories, simply because I am having so much fun writing this ship. Brat! Tonks getting Harry out of his shell and Pansy just being a menace are perfect vibes and the ship I didn't know I needed. Harry is going to have his hands full. Lol.



I absolutely love it and I absolutely love the character personalities you're using. Tonks made a valid point about her obviously being a masochist based on her canon decisions. Sexy, fun, and I can't wait for more.