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Content Warnings: Bondage, Clamps, Blindfolds, Ball Gags, Overstimulation, Forced Orgasms, Edging, Kink Rooms, Voyuerism.

“Speak of the devil and he appears,” Hannah said, grinning at the sight of Harry slipping into the warmth of the pub. The Three Broomsticks was packed with teachers and students alike, and they had been incredibly lucky in being able to snag an empty table right by the doors of the pub, even if it meant having to tolerate a gust of cold wind every time someone entered the warm establishment.

Susan looked up at her boyfriend with a slight frown, her disquiet only growing when she saw that Daphne wasn’t with him. Had her plan backfired?

“What’re you doing here, darling?” Susan asked, getting to her feet and pulling him into a hug. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, letting his calming scent flood her senses. “Is everything alright?” she mumbled in a low voice. “Please tell me my gift didn’t cause you two to break up. Or… is Daphne injured?”

“Daphne’s alright, love,” Harry replied, pressing a reassuring kiss to her head. He took the seat she had vacated, his arm looping around her waist and pulling her into his lap. “She’s just a little… tied up,” he finished with a satisfied smirk.

He turned to her friends, both of whom were watching their interaction with a mixture of amusement and jealousy. “Hannah, Susan told me you were going to show us your wine trick.”

Hannah slowly pushed the glass of butterbeer away from her, glaring at Harry with an expression of faux outrage. “That’s for friends, Potter. Not men who steal my best friend away from me.”

“Well, to be fair,” Padma started, only to be cut off by Hannah.

“Padma, if you try to be logical, I swear I’m not buying you any chocolate in Honeydukes,” Hannah muttered, moodily sipping her butterbeer. “Can’t I be pissed that I’ve barely gotten any time with my best friend ever since she openly started dating the school’s most famous student? It was bad enough that boys from every house came up to me asking for the best way to propose to Susie, now I have girls coming up to me too.”

“Why?” Susan asked with a frown. She decided against divulging the fact that she and Harry had been a couple for far longer than they realized, something she had still kept hidden from everyone, even her closest friends. That can of worms could be opened when her best friend was in a far better mood and therefore much less likely to murder her for hiding the fact that she’d been secretly dating her soulmate for nearly a year.

“Because they think I can set them up with you and Harry. Romilda Vane has spent the last week asking me if changing her hair color to match yours will improve her chances. That girl is a month away from charming her boobs to grow a few sizes, I tell you,” Hannah chuckled, rolling her eyes.

Susan could feel the tension leave Harry’s muscles when he realized her friend was just taking the mickey.

“Don’t talk to me about boobs,” Padma muttered, crossing her arms over her chest and flopping back into her chair with a disappointed groan.

“Did I miss something? Why does Padma hate breasts now?”

“Well, Susie, if you spent a little less time with your boyfriend and a little more with your best friends, you’d know Padma’s ever so considerate sister spent both their monthly allowances on a set of lingerie which she’ll probably get to wear once. I’ve heard Pucey collects panties as spoils of conquest.”

“I didn’t know she was dating Pucey.”

“I wouldn’t call what she and Pucey are doing, dating, Harry.”

“Not everyone can be as glamorous as the IT couple of Hogwarts, Padma,” Hannah cut in teasingly. “Harry woos Susan with forehead kisses and cuddles… Pucey pulls your sister into broom closets for a quickie in between classes. Mind you, I fully expect these two to get just as bad as them in a few months.”

“Unlike Pucey, if I were to ever drag my girlfriend into a closet, Hannah, I’d make sure people don’t notice. Plus, I don’t think we can have quickies, I never manage to finish that fast,” Harry said, calmly picking up a glass of water from the table and taking a sip.

Susan turned to Harry with wide eyes, ignoring the gobsmacked expression on her friends’ faces for the time being. He had never been this forthcoming about their sex life with… well, even her. Conversations about their desires were always couched in metaphors and alliterations and always conducted in hushed tones that left her with the distinct feeling that he felt they were talking about something somewhat shameful. She blamed his idiotic, sexually-repressed relatives for it. Them calling him a freak was supreme irony, especially when she was sure they’d all have fits if they ever overhead Daphne calling her boyfriend ‘daddy’.

“So, you did have fun with Daphne in the suite,” Susan mumbled, her lips curling into a smirk. The only time her lover didn’t worry about the ‘freakish’ nature of his desires was when he was turned on. His words, Daphne’s suspicious absence, and the bulge poking into her thigh through his loose-fitting pants all pointed towards the same hypothesis.

Daphne Greengrass had finally broken their boyfriend.

Good. If I have to play one more game of strip chess…

She honestly wouldn’t have hated it quite as much if she was remotely good at the game. Her decision making process in every match was completely guided by the philosophy of avoiding her adorable chess pieces being brutally murdered by their opponents, a fact ruthlessly exploited by her lovers to ensure that she went to bed without a stitch of clothing covering her body every single night.

“I did tell you she was tied up,” Harry mumbled, kissing the corner of her lips.

Tied up. Tied up. Tied… fuck, I’m an idiot.

“I won’t believe it without empirical evidence, Potter.”


“Well, we can’t trust your word or the word of my traitorous best friend. I guess the only thing we can do to settle this matter is for you to take Padma in the bathroom while I time you. Standard break between classes is ten minutes so you have to last longer than that,” Hannah said seriously, pulling out a pocket watch from her coat.

“What?!” Padma squeaked, the tips of her ears turning red.

“Hey it’s a win win. I get to prove Potter’s full of shit, you get to-”

“Finally lose my virginity?” Padma interjected, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Hannah had sworn to keep her crush a secret after she had drunkenly told her about it. Revealing her feelings to the person living rent free in her head for months felt like the exact opposite of that. “I’ll wait till I have a boyfriend, thank you Hannah,” she mumbled, hiding her face in her glass. She gulped down the butterbeer, hoping it was enough to hide the way her eyes kept roving over Harry’s body of their own accord.

“Well, I guess we’ll never know if Potter’s full of hot air like Malfoy claims,” Hannah said with a dramatic shrug.

“Hannah, Daphne told me Pansy often reads Witch Weekly while he’s inside her. I doubt Draco is the best person to comment on my sexual skills. He’s just acting like a jerk because no one wants his ‘Potter Sucks’ pins anymore.”

“Not to mention the whole ferret fiasco,” Susan added with a quiet giggle.

“Since we are on the topic of those pins, I’m sorry for ever doubting you, Harry. It was mean, hurtful, and childish of me to ever wear one,” Hannah apologized sheepishly. “It’s just… for the first time-”

“You don’t need to apologize, Hannah.” Harry shook his head. “I can understand how you feel, especially since Cedric is also a Hufflepuff. The man I called my best friend still won’t talk to me out of some childish grudge fueled by jealousy, so expecting others to believe me without providing any proof other than my word was a pipe dream. At least you apologized. That is enough for me. You have no idea how much I wish I could sit on the sidelines and watch along with all of you. Cedric is more than welcome to the glory and fame if it means I don’t have to risk my life again.”

“Well, maybe you’re lucky and the First Task is one big orgy. Although I’m pretty sure Krum would win if that’s the case. He just has the look of someone who’ll ask you about your day while you’re writhing on his cock trying to ride out your second orgasm of the night.”

“Is she always…” Harry murmured, looking at Hannah with an amused expression.

“Yep,” Susan replied.

“I heard that! It’s just practice for my future profession, Potter. I doubt my bar would be very successful if I just talked about the weather or the latest Quidditch game while serving drinks. Sex sells. Raunchy jokes and folksy sexual wisdom make for a popular bartender.”

“I doubt insulting your customer’s sex life is going to get you anywhere though,” Padma mumbled, setting the glass back on the table with a satisfied sigh.

“As usual, she has a point. And I doubt the First Task involves an orgy in any way, shape, or form,” Susan said, shaking her head fondly.

“Oh, we know. It’s a flying competition.”

“That makes no sense, Hannah.”

“Really, Padma? Then explain to me why there’s a massive Quidditch stadium being constructed at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.”

“A what?” Harry asked, utterly confused by the new information.

“You didn’t see it? It’s clearly visible if you take the usual path to Hogsmeade.”

“We left early and were in a hurry. We just climbed over the turnstiles,” Susan explained.

“That explains it. But I’m still not convinced it’s a flying tournament. There’s no way that is fair. Krum would clearly be favored, followed by Harry and Cedric. I don’t think Fleur would even be in contention, Beauxbatons doesn’t have a competitive Quidditch program. Also, the biggest reason your theory doesn’t make sense is obvious, Hannah,” Padma said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Why are the organizers constructing a new one if we already have a stadium they can use?”

Harry and Susan exchanged glances.

“Maybe it’s not supposed to be a stadium. The layout can work as an arena too,” Harry pointed out.

An arena where your opponent is a bloody dragon. Susan shivered at the unwelcome thought. They had little more than a week to come up with a plan if the Conjunctivitis Curse didn’t work.

“A dueling arena?”

“Something like that,” Harry replied, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He didn’t like lying, especially to Susan’s friends, but he could see Skeeter eyeing him like a vulture from across the crowded bar. The information they’d learned had to be kept secret at any cost.

“See, now that makes much more sense,” Padma murmured, deep in thought. “Still, it’s a pity it’s not something related to flying. My mother always told me to play to my strengths in a competition.”

Harry lapsed into silence, letting the girls continue the conversation without him as he leaned back in the chair, deep in thought. “Play to my strengths,” Harry mumbled after a few minutes, a huge grin on his face.

“Padma, you’re a genius. This month’s chocolates are on me,” Harry muttered, effortlessly lifting Susan and setting her down on her feet. “You’re the best,” he said, reaching over to squeeze Padma’s hand, too excited to notice the dark blush coating her cheeks. “I promise you can have Susan on alternate nights every week, but right now, I really need her to come with me Hannah,” Harry said, pulling Susan out of the pub with him before any of them could voice a protest.

“What’s going on?” Susan asked, shivering slightly in the cold. Her coat and scarf were still in the pub, left behind in Harry’s hurry to leave.

“I have the answer.”


“The First Task. Sirius told us to come up with a backup plan in case the Conjunctivitis Curse doesn’t work, right? One that works regardless of which dragon I face? Well, I have an idea thanks to Padma,” Harry said, leading her through the narrow alleys of the village. “Look, my chances of using the hex successfully are much better if I am closer to the eye. I can get closer by flying.”

“How?” Susan asked, letting Harry lead her towards Twigleflit's. “You told me you’re only allowed to take your wand into the task.”

“We need to figure out a way to get my Firebolt to me after the task begins. I bet Daphne has a way to do that,” Harry murmured as they entered the quiet hotel. The disinterested man at the register didn’t even bother looking away from the paper as they brushed past him, rounding the corner to reach the stairs that led to the rooms on the second and third floors.

Susan tugged on Harry’s hand, stopping him from going any further.

“What?” Harry asked, confused by the iron grip on his wrist.

“The task isn’t tomorrow. We can talk about this tonight. I presume Daphne is in the Morgana suite in some state of undress? Presumably waiting for you to return so you two can continue whatever kinky game you’re playing?”

“I… yes,” Harry admitted, the bulge in his crotch growing noticeably as he recalled the state in which he had left Daphne.

“Then this discussion can wait. She deserves a good date, Harry. We have had a year full of amazing moments and memories. With Daphne… I don’t want her to feel like we want her around only because she’s good with plans and scheming. I know you care about her. A lot. So take a day and show how much she means to you. Daphne deserves that much.”

Harry sighed, the excitement ebbing out of him. “You’re right. I just got lost in the moment, I think.”

“Good. Do you mind if I come with you?”

“To the room?” Harry asked, his breath hitching.

“Yes. Unless you don’t want me there?”

“No, it’s just… it’s a little… severe,” Harry mumbled, unable to think of a better word.

“It’s called the Morgana suite, my dearest husband. I think I have a pretty good idea what to expect,” Susan pointed out with a quiet giggle.

“It’s not just the room. The way I left Daphne was also quite… severe,” Harry admitted, blushing.

“Darling, the last time we had sex, you left me alone by your bed in a pool of your cum. I’m no blushing maiden. I can handle it,” Susan murmured, leaning up to kiss his pink cheek.

Harry nodded, silently leading her up to the second floor. He quietly pulled her down the heavily carpeted hallway. She counted nineteen shut doors until they reached the large black door set at the very end of the corridor. Harry fished out the golden key from his pocket and unlocked the door, pushing it open and slipping into the large, red-walled room.

As interested as she was in exploring the contents of the dimly illuminated sex dungeon, Susan couldn’t help her gaze being drawn to the quietly moaning figure on the bed. Daphne Greengrass had been stripped naked and secured on the bed with rope. Her body was arranged in a classic spread eagle, with each limb tied to one of the four bed posts of the bed with coarse black rope.

Susan took an involuntary step towards her girlfriend, her heart thudding in her chest. Daphne’s eyes were covered with a black satin blindfold, ensuring she was completely unaware of their presence in the room. Her plump pink lips were stretched around a bright red ball gag, the ball and her lips gleaming with a thick coat of the drool that was also leaking out of the corners of her mouth and running down her cheeks to the bed in a steady stream.

Her eyes moved to her firm breasts, their rosy peaks secured with gleaming steel crocodile clamps connected to each other with a thick metal chain. They buzzed violently every few seconds, drawing out a pained groan from the blonde submissive, her back arching in a futile attempt to relieve the pressure on her chest.

“She… you… wow…” Susan breathed, equal parts terrified and aroused by the sight in front of her. She doubted she’d ever have the courage or pain tolerance to go as far as Daphne seemed to have, but a part of her desperately wanted to sit in a corner and watch her boyfriend ravage his other lover’s body.

“I- I’m sorry. I know it’s-”

“Breathtaking,” Susan whispered, eyes drawn to the vibrator attached to Daphne’s clit. The small pink toy was buzzing violently, assaulting the girl’s core with a never ending supply of pleasure.

Her move to caress Daphne’s leg was interrupted by a surprised squeak. She turned to Harry in confusion, the look on her face changing to one of horror as she took in the sight of Padma standing behind her boyfriend, frozen in shock.

Susan first moved to Harry, cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a quick kiss. “Don’t come back to the castle until you’re satisfied you’ve given Daphne an experience she’ll never forget,” Susan mumbled against his lips, gently squeezing his hand before slipping around him and walking over to Padma.

“I… You’d forgotten your coat and scarf so I followed you two to give them to you before joining Hannah and Neville in Honeydukes,” Padma squeaked. “I’m sorry I followed you upstairs, I was curious. I didn’t know about this, I swear” she mumbled, hanging her head in shame, afraid her friend would never forgive her for the accidental breach of privacy.

Susan gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the doorway and shutting the door behind them before Harry did something impulsive. She gave her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand. “It’s okay. I just need to explain a few things to you before we join Hannah in Honeydukes, okay?” she asked, leading the shocked girl away from the room.


Harry had almost walked out of the room, tempted to run up to Padma and clear the air when Daphne’s shrill shriek caused him to snap his head back in her direction, his hand on the doorknob. She was thrashing against her bonds, her hips bucking in a futile attempt to fill her warm, wet womanhood with something that simply wasn’t there.

Harry silently climbed onto the bed, the gentle creaking of its springs finally causing the overstimulated girl to turn her head in his direction. He straddled her waist, his legs on either side of her body.

“Daddy?” she rasped, her throat dry. Harry had pulled the ball gag free from her lips, finally allowing her to speak.

“Princess,” Harry said coldly, easily slipping into the persona she had finally succeeded in drawing out after a week of him struggling against giving in to his urges. “Are you ready to use your safeword?”

“A-are you ready to give in?” Daphne asked. “I… oh, god!” Her legs were shaking, her thighs and the white cotton sheets of the bed completely soaked with her cum. “What are you so afraid of?” She asked boldly.

“Why do you want this so badly, princess?”

“Because it is a part of you and denying it won’t change that. It’ll just consume you until it drives you mad one day. Because I think I was made for that part, daddy,” Daphne sighed, taking advantage of the relief provided by Harry switching off the vibrator, glad to be able to voice her first coherent thought in an hour.

“You were made to be on the receiving end of my worst desires?”

“Without darkness there can be no light, daddy,” Daphne said, weakly struggling against the rope wound around her wrists in an effort to pull him closer to her. “The world needs your light. I need your darkness.”


“I don’t know. I just know that I do not want a normal relationship with you. I don’t even want what Susan has. This is what I want. So give in,” Daphne begged.

“If you’re waiting for that to happen, we’ll be here for a very long time,” Harry lied. He could already feel the darkness nibbling at the edge of his mind, the beast demanding to be freed so it could claim its beautiful maiden.

“Then I suppose you better put the gag back on daddy, and let me get on with orgasm number three,” Daphne said stubbornly. She gently arched her back, pushing her breasts up towards him. “Leave me here all night if that’s what it takes to prove I can handle everything you throw at me.”


“Yes, daddy?” Daphne murmured, groaning in disappointment as he climbed off her. She steeled herself for the prospect of being left in the room the entire night, the ultimate test of her devotion and mettle.

“I love you,” Harry said quietly. He quickly stripped off his clothes, sighing in relief as his hand massaged his throbbing manhood. “I-if I do this…”

“It won’t mean you love me any less. I know,” Daphne whispered, quivering with excitement. She was minutes away from everything she wanted. She turned towards his voice, a huge smile on her face, “I love all of you, daddy. The good and the bad. Especially the bad,” Daphne whispered, obediently wrapping her swollen lips around the two fingers Harry pushed into her mouth, sucking on them without prompting.

Daphne Greengrass was in for a very long night.

Neither of them would be the same come morning.


In a rundown manor hundreds of miles away, Lord Voldemort screamed. For the first time since his unexpected defeat in Potter cottage, the Dark Lord felt excruciating pain consuming his useless, malformed body.


Harry's next soulmate is introduced and Daphne's instincts and desires have unexpected consequences. The next chapter will be all about Harry and Daphne's special date and the preparation for the first task.


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