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Content Warnings: Kink Clubs.

“Why didn’t we go over this case during our weekly briefing?”

Harry looked up at his pink-haired deputy, shaking his head fondly at the sight of the older woman lounging in the chair, her feet propped up on his desk.

“Feet on my desk? Really, Auror Tonks?” Harry raised an eyebrow, flipping a page absentmindedly. Things between them had been… weird ever since she and Teddy had moved in with him. Harry had put it down to the suddenly forced proximity and the fact that they were raising a now boisterous three-year-old together. The fact that Teddy had started calling him ‘papa’ certainly didn’t help matters.

“You were the one who said you wanted a relaxed, informal atmosphere in the department, sir,” Tonks teased, blowing a bubble with the gum she was chewing till it popped and coated her lips. “I plan to be an approachable boss.” She shot a part of his inauguration speech back at him, using her metamorphagus abilities to mimic his voice perfectly.

“I don’t think anybody took that as permission to have their dirty boots on my desk.”

“Hey! These are the finest dragon skin. Cost me a small fortune,” she responded, refusing to budge even after he had gently smacked her feet with his hand.

Harry shook his head and returned his attention to the file in front of him. Between staring at mundane budgetary issues and letting his mind wander off to the things he’d do if Nymphadora Tonks was his bratty girlfriend… he found the former to be the safer option.

It’s not that far-fetched, his mind reminded him. After all, they lived in the same house and ate all their meals together. Teddy often refused to sleep without both of them, which meant it had been easier for all of them to shift to the large master bedroom of Number 12, Grimmauld Place, and sleep in the same bed. They were a couple in everything but name.

Except she loves… loved someone else, he reminded the voice in his head. Even if he did act on his feelings for her, he highly doubted they would be reciprocated. He had no desire to ruin their existing relationship so he kept his mouth shut, dated bubbly brats, and tried to forget that they were mere placeholders for someone else.

“So. Are you going to tell me about the case? Or is it one of those top-secret, you’ll find out when you need to know kind of missions?” Tonks asked, breaking him out of his reverie.

“Honestly, I don’t know. It’s one of hers,” Harry answered, referring to their highly confidential informant. The woman had refused to work with anyone but the two of them, but the information she provided was so valuable that Harry had found it easy to turn a blind eye to normal protocol. “She seems to be running late.”

“Speak of the devil.” Tonks tilted her chair back as the fireplace in his office roared, the flames in it turning a peculiar shade of green. A cloaked figure stepped out of it, taking a second to dust off the ash clinging to her clothes before she turned to the occupants of the room.


“Potter. Tonks.”

Harry gave her a smile, his eyes drawn to the bulky file in her hands. The chaotic state of their world after the war meant that several of Voldemort’s followers had found it incredibly easy to escape after the Dark Lord’s fall. The Ministry, which had been in utter shambles, had been powerless to bring them to justice until Kingsley had taken over as Minister and started the process to rebuild their society. Since then, his department’s sole focus had been tracking down the murderous bastards and hauling their asses in front of Wizengamot so they could be tried and punished.

“Have a new one for us?” Harry asked, gesturing for Pansy to sit.

“I do.” She sat on the chair next to Tonks’ but made no move to hand over the file to either of them.

“Bad one?” Tonks asked.

“As bad as it gets. I got the file from Lucius’ private office.”

Harry snorted. Lucius Malfoy had kept files and information on every single Death Eater to ever get the mark. He had quite successfully leveraged that information to keep himself out of prison and protect his family’s wealth. Kingsley had allowed it to happen over Harry’s strenuous objections.

Just because he understood the logic behind letting one bad guy walk free so they could prosecute the remaining twenty didn’t mean he had to like it.

“I always thought it was highly convenient of Malfoy to only have incriminating evidence against the ones we already had in custody.”

“He hid the remaining files to use as leverage. It’s his only protection against his understandably pissed former colleagues.”

“I have to say, I respect the man’s deviousness. No matter the outcome, he always ends up on the winning side.”

Harry had to agree with Tonks. The man was a bloody eel. Slippery and impossible to pin down.

“Who did you bring us today?”

“Have you been paying attention to all the strange murders of muggle women in and around London?” Pansy asked.

Harry turned to Tonks, who shook her head and shrugged. “We are keeping a close eye on muggle police reports. There have been no deaths consistent with the use of Avada Kedavra or any magic, really.”

“All of you seriously missed it?” Pansy grinned, an expression of haughty superiority on her face. “I guess I was wrong to expect the rest of them to notice, but I’m surprised you didn’t either, Potter. After all, you do spend quite a lot of your time in such institutions.”

“What institutions?” Tonks asked.

“Kink clubs. All murders occurred in kink clubs in and around London. All the murdered women were either blue-haired or wore blue wigs, and they were all stabbed by their partners. Every single person who stabbed a woman, get this, had absolutely no memory of committing the act,” Pansy answered, finally dropping the file on the desk.

Harry didn’t register anything Pansy said after the words ‘kink club’. “I… how… did… you know?!” He spluttered, his cheeks turning pink. He tried his best to keep his dating life private, especially when it came to the more… deviant aspects of what he and his partners got up to.

Pansy gave him a look that clearly asked him to stop insulting her intelligence. “I’m a spy, Potter. A good one at that.”

“Wait!” Tonks grinned, her eyes glinting. “When you say you’re going for a pizza run, is that code for you going and railing some poor muggle girl senseless?” she asked teasingly. “I always thought it was weird you took hours to come back, and the pizza is always cold,” Tonks said, turning to Pansy with a faux sad expression on her face.

“Merlin, Potter. If you’re going to fuck women behind her back, the least you can do is bring her warm pizza for dinner.”

“We… we’re not a couple!”

“You two are raising her kid together. That’s a couple in my books,” Pansy shot back dismissively.

“You know,” Tonks teased, clearly in a mood to rile him up. “She has a point. Although if you want to rail me, sir, you need to do much better than a warm pizza. I’m not settling for anything less than chocolate ice cream.”

“You know, Zabini once told me he spent an entire night licking chocolate ice cream off Patil’s boobs. He made it sound like a rather pleasant experience.”

“Oh, darling, you’ve never had the pleasure?” Tonks asked, turning in her chair to make sure she could look at both Pansy and Harry.

“I’ve never had any pleasure,” Pansy muttered, rolling her eyes. “I’ve been saving myself for an utter pig of a man.”

“Ladies,” Harry begged, pulling his chair closer to his desk to hide the rapidly growing bulge in his pants. “Can we please concentrate on the case?”

“Of course, boss.” Tonks gave him a playful salute. “It does sound like the Imperious.”

“That’s Richard’s modus operandi.” Pansy finally dropped the finally on the desk. Harry’s eyes flitted to the name printed on it. ‘Richard Armstrong’.

“I’ve never heard of him.”

“Durmstrang alumni. He was part of the group that recruited the giants. I’m sure Hagrid would be familiar with the name.”

“What exactly is his modus operandi?” Harry asked, pulling the file towards him. He opened it and flipped through the pages, eyes scanning the neatly handwritten notes for important information.

“He targets couples in the kink club looking for a third partner. Takes them to a private room, stuns the guy, has his way with the girl.”

“Let me guess, he then imperios the man and makes him stab his trussed-up partner?” Tonks asked, leaning over the desk to look at the man’s photograph.

“Pretty much.”

Harry sucked in a breath. “This has been happening in London? How did we miss this?”

“Because he’s been smart about it, if I had to guess,” Pansy said, speaking up before Tonks could. “He’s cut himself off from the Wizarding World. He only preys on muggles and the way he does it can plausibly pass as a non-magical crime.”

“Thank you.”

“I have more.”

“You do?” Harry asked, looking up at the dark-haired beauty sharply.

“I know where he’s going to be tomorrow night.”


“As I’ve said, Nymphadora, I’m a very good spy.”

Tonks hissed at the use of her first name, which the Slytherin ignored.

“What do you want for that information?” Harry asked. It was always the same thing with her. The first part of the case was a freebie. The second part (and often the vital part), came with a price.

“I’m tired of acting. I don’t want to pretend to be happy to be Draco’s simpering girlfriend anymore. I especially don’t want to act like I’m a naive little girl who doesn’t know he’s fucking Greengrass in his office right when I’m in the next bloody room having tea with his mother.”

“How do you plan to gather intelligence without access to Draco?”

“That’s my lookout. You should only be concerned about paying my price.”

“I can’t arrest Draco for being an asshole, Pansy.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

“What’s your price, then?”

“If I give you the location, you take me with you to the club tomorrow.”

“Absolutely not. I’m not taking a civilian with no training to a potential shootout.”

“I thought you liked to keep things simple and uncomplicated, Potter,” Pansy shot back. She glanced at Tonks, hoping for backup, but the pink-haired Auror simply watched the exchange between the two with an amused smile. “The easiest way to arrest him would be to get him to a private room willingly. Need I remind you that he only targets couples? How will you get him someplace secluded without a partner?”

“That’s sound logic, but still not enough to convince me of the necessity to put an untrained witch in danger.” He felt safer using that as an excuse than his real reason. He liked Pansy, and he doubted she’d like him very much after being on the receiving end of his… desires.

Fuck me, I have a type, don’t I?

Ginny. Tonks. Pansy.

Every single woman he pursued was a thrill-seeking brat.

“What if I can hold my own?” Pansy asked, her dark eyes glinting dangerously. Harry had a feeling she wasn’t just talking about being able to defend herself against the man they were hunting.

“What if you take me?” Tonks asked casually, finally speaking up.

“Guess you don’t want the location, then. Have fun staking out every bloody club in London.” Pansy moved to stand, only to be stopped by Tonks grabbing her wrist.

“Hear me out. The two people in front of this dickwad are going to be at a major disadvantage if it comes down to a duel. If we want to minimize the risk, we should have a third person hiding in the room who’ll catch him by surprise and stun him before he can react,” Tonks pointed out. “As Aurors, Harry and I take the risky part of the job and pose as the couple. You stay hidden in the room and drop the bastard when he walks in. If you prove you can hold your own, Harry has to keep his end of the bargain, whatever that may be. Is that an acceptable compromise, sir?” Tonks asked, turning to look at Harry.

Harry’s eyes bulged. “I…” he mumbled, his throat suddenly dry. His pants were now uncomfortably tight around the groin and he had to shift in his chair to relieve the pressure. “Yeah, that works,” he rasped after clearing his throat.

What have I gotten myself into?


Chapter 2 (which is the fun chapter) will be out on Saturday! A massive thank you to all Patrons who suggested this ship and to those who voted for it! You made me go out of my comfort zone and I had a blast writing it, so keep sharing your favorite ships and ideas with me! I enjoyed their dynamic so much I'm almost tempted to turn this into a long story, basically a raunchy procedural where they bust Death Eaters and have kinky adventures, lol. 



I need so much more of this story!! Leaving it without catching the murder is just rude haha


I'm absolutely here for it being a longer fun procedural. Tonks/Harry is a great ship for more reasons than her powers. They both stuck out for reasons they didn't choose and don't care for, they're both thrill seekers with an interest in righting wrongs, and more. They have an age difference, but nothing in canon ever suggested she was as mature as her age would suggest, and I've seen much greater discrepancies irl. Great work!