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Lorraine was 18 when her wealthy father introduced her to his new wife, a tubby chef named Rhea. Rhea voiced high hopes that the two could get along like a true mother and daughter. Lorraine, not interested, told her that she was too old to care about befriending her dad's lover.

However, all of that changed when Lorraine ate her first meal prepared by her new stepmother.  It was a greasy meal of fries, burgers and cakes, all secretly laced with addictive chemicals. Lorraine couldn't get enough and Rhea happily prepared her three meals a day. Lorraine's waistline exploded as she gained over 300 pounds in just six months. Her intestines were also devastated by the unhealthy food and she let out sloppy sounding farts every other minute.

After a few months, Rhea requested that Lorraine start referring to her as "Mommy", and implied she would stop making her food if she didn't. The food addicted Lorraine submitted to the request. Rhea also insisted on dressing her, giving her tacky hairstyles and putting her in gaudy pink dresses and embarrassing overalls. All of Lorraine's friends mocked her new appearance and constant gas and abandoned her. Rhea and Lorraine's father also clashed over her relationship with his daughter and the obese piglet Rhea was turning her into and they eventually filed divorce. Rhea invited Lorraine to live with her and she waddled out the door alongside her "mommy" without hesitation.

After almost a year of staying under Rhea's care, Lorraine grew into a immobile, sedentary, and submissive blob. The only clothes she wore was an oversized Disney Princess shirt and frilly laced flower panties. She never got up anymore except to use the bathroom, and even that was so difficult that she couldn't do it without Rhea's help. While Rhea worked during the day, Lorraine sat at home watching TV and sucked on a tube that was attached to a ten gallon water jug filled with lard and chocolate sauce.

"Hi honey, I'm home!" Rhea said as she came through the door while Lorraine laid on the outspread couch-bed in the living room. "Good news, your father and I finally finalized our divorce and I got enough money from the settlement that I can quit my job and take care of you full time!"

Lorraine only let out a belch and a fart, but Rhea had been taking care of her so long that she could tell by the sound and tone of her gas that she was happy and satisfied with the news.

Hearing Lorraine stomach growl and seeing her slop filled jug was empty, Rhea pulled out her hefty breasts, climbed on top of her immobile step daughter and popped a nipple in her mouth. Lorraine sucked heartily as her body relaxed and her rear ceaselessly pushed out deep and long farts, eventually releasing a couple that sounded far wetter than usual. 

"Maybe it's time to replace your panties with something more padded." Rhea said, crinkling her nose while her daughter suckled without care.


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