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"More mutton, peons!" Princess Smauga said, finishing a large lamb dinner with a burp that smelt of brimstone.

"Yes, milady" A serving wench said, going to the kitchen to give the cooks the new order while the huge roasted pig was set in front of the gluttonous royal.

The princess was a tubby half woman-half dragon. She had large breast, wide hips and ass and big tummy that was always growling with hunger. She also had sharp teeth in her plump mouth, pointed horns growing from her forehead and claw-like nails on her pudgy hands and feet. She could breathe fire but had no skill in doing so, only capable of letting out small bursts of embers from her mouth and buttcheeks when she belched and or pushed hot air from her rear. She also had a thick, scaly tail growing just above her thick, soft buttocks, meaning she always had to get her large clothes tailored to accommodate her extra appendage.

18 years prior, the king's wife died in a dragon attack. A loving but barren queen, she left him alone with no heir. One day while, he saw a dragon hatch from, likely laid by the dragon that had attacked the castle. Naming her Smauga, he took pity on the young creature and raised her like a pet. When it began displaying human intelligence, he began raising her like a child, believing he could instill kindness in it. However, as the years past, Smauga began growing in size and appetite, being able to eat multiple cows in one sitting. Fearing that she would grow into a threat like her birth mother, the the people of the kingdom demanded she be slayed immediately.

The king, distraught over the thought of killing his beloved hatchling, turned to his most accomplished court mage for help. The mage fed Smauga a shapeshifting potion and she was transformed into a plump, young humanoid dragon girl. Smauga had never fully developed her natural dragon magic, so there was no chance of her undoing the spell and she was now so small that no one could consider her a threat and she could eat her fill of human sized meals. This is how Smauga became officially adopted by the king as his daughter and heir.

However, Smauga still had the heart of a dragon and the upbringing of a royal. She was a greedy and pampered creature who constantly demanded to be surrounded by shiny things and be fed sweets and meats around the clock. Her father was happy to spoil her with all her desires but the overworked and unappreciated servants and cooks who waited on her hand and foot 24/7 occasionally wondered if they'd be better of had they stayed with the slaying plan.


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