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It was almost three years ago that I first met my girlfriend Leanna. She was over 250 pounds at the time and I had a thing for big girls and asked her out, After a couple of dates, I explained my fetish to her and asked if she would be okay with me feeding her. She was surprisingly okay with it, with her only request that she be able to feed me as well.

She proceeded gain weight at at a slow and steady pace from our feeding sessions while my own weight quickly skyrocketed. It was only recently that I learned that she had been spiking my food with a powerful weight gain supplement to "spice things up." And thanks to her ceaseless pampering, I became much lazier and less active than I used to be. Eventually, I gained so much weight that I became immobile and couldn't leave my bed, becoming completely dependent on Leanna for everything from food to sexual release to maintaining my hygiene.

After I became immobile and had to quit my job, she became the main breadwinner of our relationship and took control of all my savings and my welfare checks. This means I have to beg and grovel every time I want to buy a new game of rent a new movie to keep myself entertained during my endless amounts of free time.

Tonight, she was running late from work and my evening feeding was being held up. Her absence caused me to have not only hunger pangs but also pangs of shame as I was reminded of how dependent I was on her. I couldn't even get out of bed or fit through the door frame of my room. If Leanna ever stopped being around to assist me then I would be forced to sit here indefinitely, slowing starving to death as my body burned through its massive supply of adipose. I knew Leanna was aware of this and wondered if this is what she was after all along: a fat, helpless boyfriend who she had full control over.

Luckily, it wasn't long before she walk through my door carrying almost a dozen large fast food bags and the bitterness in my mind turned to hunger and joy. I began to drool and my stomach growled louder than a lawnmower.

"Aww, is my greedy boy hungry?" She said like she was speaking to a pet. I shook my wobbling fat head as my stomach roared . "Well, your going to have to be patient. I'm a big girl and I need to eat as well."

She set all but one of the bags on the ground before climbing onto the bed and laying against my rumbling belly. She pulled a out triple decker burger and began eating it, tormenting me as the sight of her eating made me both hungry and horny.


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