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Kaya, a centaur and a hedge knight, wandered the forest path hoping to find some potential employment. As she trotted down the road, she came across a large gambling hall and a rabbit girl beckoning would be patrons inside.

"Hello miss, would you care to try your luck today?" She asked

"Sorry, but I haven't the coin to waste in your establishment." Kaya replied.

"Oh don't worry about that. You don't need to have cash to play here."

The bunny girl led Kaya inside and had her weighed. She then handed Kaya a large number of gold and silver chips and the centaur was led into the main hall and chose to play craps. She bet half of her chips and won her first game. Suddenly, more chips appeared in front of her and her body swelled in size, her body mass increasing by 50%.

"What happened to me?!"

"At this hall, your wealth is also your weight." The bunny girl explained. "The more you win, the richer and heavier you become. But if you lose..."

The bunny girl gestured to a few other tables where some luckless patrons had become emaciated or had died from magical starvation. As they lost weight, gold and silver coins magically appeared  and were taken by other rabbit girls employed by House. Kaya considered leaving right then and there but the allure of profit was too strong. She decided to play it safe from then on out, never betting more than 5-10 of her winnings and slowly gaining more and more chips and more and more weight.

Years later, Kaya was now the owner of the gambling hall, having won so much money that she was able to buy out the place. She had grown so much in that time that she could barely trot from her personal quarters to the high rollers club, where she continued to win against wealthy patrons and gain incredible amounts of weight. She now depended on the bunny girls under her employ to assist her in running the gambling hall, preparing her food and feeding it to her and assisting her in various hygiene issues.

Despite all the success, wealth and pampering she now had, Kaya would occasionally gaze at her old armor and sword and wonder how far as a knight she might have made it.


This mini story is based off a suggestion by Mina.


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