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hi friends!

happy saturday!

here is my TIMER reaction to iron man 3! i LOVED this movie. this movie is definitely my favorite marvel movie so far, and might even have made it to my all time favorite movies list ever!

i am so excited to continue phase 2 of marvel!

thank you for watching with me!



im glad you enjoyed this movie, it remains one of my favourites for multiple reasons, but definitely understand why comic fans were not a fan of the Mandarin twist, though ive been told the original was incredibly problematic so i understand why they moved away from it for the MCU. however I loved the twist from a purely MCU viewer honestly the biggest reason i loved this movie is i suffer from panic attacks too, and seeing my favourite hero also go through at least a part of that was great, and i love that the events of the avengers movie had a lasting impact, anyway, great reaction as always, glad to finally be catching up with these haha

Lorenzo Baxter

So yeah people really wanted to see The Mandarin face off against Iron Man, because he's basically his architect enemy. So people were let down. Also the numbers of suits sre just "Mark 1, 2, 3", and so on. So he's made a huge amount of suits, now that he's on Mark 42. He injected miniature pieces of tech into his arms right at the start of his scene testing the suit. So the pieces of it respond to his movements, that's how it works, and how it crossed all the way from Florida to Tennessee, which if seems you miss tiny little things like that. Thats why he asked the guard what the mileage count was. He was wondering how long it would take for the suit to reach him. Tony having Ptsd makes perfect sense. In all his other movies, he's always had a way to think himself out of danger. But, in Avengers, he didn't. He went into space thinking, "I'm going to die." There was no way he could've gotten out of it. He had to focus on guiding the nuclear missile into space. But the. He survived. So like, of course he would experience ptsd. It's not even about his smarts, it's literally what happens to people who experience any type of intense trauma, including near death. So his coping mechanism has been building a bunch of suits. But it's a really cool character decision to have him go through that. So Rhodey is called the War Machine, but he's also been known as the Iron Patriot in the comics. Fun little joke they played in this movie. Bomb shadows are absolutely real things. I'm surprised you've never heard of them if you've maybe studied Hiroshima or any nuclear event in school. People vaporized from intense explosions (mostly nuclear) leave an impression if there's something in front of the explosion. The shadow is left. Killian is basically a real life serial killer. He's got psychopathic traits, including not seeing people as people. Hence, Pepper isn't some girl he has a crush on. Instead, he sees her as his trophy. A prize. And yeah, Tony can control his suits from a distance, or rather, Jarvis can. So Jarvis is a handy guy to have on your side. You also missed that Tony was using his suit from a distance to save the people from the plane, that he wasn't actually in it. His suit was run over on a freeway after saving them. Gotta catch that stuff 😅 So yep, Tony doesn't have his Arc Reactor inside his chest anymore. He will still have it actually on his suits, because its the power source. But luckily, if it's destroyed, it won't kill him, just make his suit power down.


I thought it was decent enough, a lot better than Iron Man 2. I think a lot of the people that didn't like it were those that were familiar with the lore and didn't like the portrayal and eventual reveal of the Mandarin.


Holy shit just realizing now that the VP's daughter is Jenna Ortega.