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hi friends happy sunday!

here is this week's upload schedule!

for patreon we have more rebels to look forward to! i made the official decision to hereon out react to EVERY episode of rebels similar to how i've been doing for bad batch. i hope this is exciting news for yall!

also, we have another marvel reaction to look forward to this saturday! very excited to see what's in store for thor!

this is my last week off before i start student teaching for the remaining of the semester. if yall didnt know, i am in school for early childhood education and student teaching is the last leg! for the next few months i will be 40 hours a week teaching. this will be very different from the last few weeks when i've had vacation from school. patreon is my priority so i don't think we will have to worry about missing uploads, however i am just bringing this up because i'm not sure how active i will be able to be on here so if you notice a shift, that will be the reason!

anyways, have a great week!! thank you for your support as always!



Patrick Reynolds

Congratulation, Emme. I wish you good luck as you advance on a noble and most important profession as a teacher.

Lucas Chantler

Once you finish Bad Batch season 1 do you plan on starting season 2 of BB or will you start doing 2 rebels episodes per week? If you plan on starting season 2 of bad batch then I might recommend doing 2 episodes per reaction for Rebels because you have 55 episodes left and based off my extremely rough estimate you would finish the series in late 2023/early 2024 going one episode per week with the occasional two parter. Obviously it’s your call but those are my thoughts. Also good luck with the student teaching! I’m sure you’re going to be great


I’m definitely going to do the bad batch! And unfortunately i really dont think i can do 2 eps a video at least now because i still edit all my own video. It takes roughly 1.5-2hrs to edit a 20 min episode and its double that if i do two. Since ill be working full time and dont currently have an editors its just not plausible now but hopefully in the future because i agree it’ll take a while. But ill still be watching other things like when bad batch ends