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hi friends! 

sorry for the delay in this part of the playthrough, i've been spending most of my time finishing the iron man 3 edit for tomorrow!

anyways here's part 3 of JFO! it's a lot shorter than i would have liked since i unfortunately ran out of dramamine and forgot to replace it. i thought i'd be ok but i got really motion sick ; ^ ;

i've learned my lesson though and know i need dramamine for the future!

i also was lost in this playthrough anyways so i think im going to spend time to find a good walkthrough guide for next time!

besides being lost and motion sick, dathomir is SO COOL. im really excited to explore it more when i can look at my screen without fear of getting sick.

thank you again for watching me go through my jedi journey <3

streamable link: https://streamable.com/va5qu4


JFO part 3

Watch "JFO part 3" on Streamable.



it says this video doesnt exist anymore!


Unfortunately streamable got rid of a lot of my videos, and i replaced all of what i could. This playthrough is all up on my gaming channel too!


The first time I played this game I also got hella lost pretty often. It takes a minute to get the feel of how the maps are laid out. It also doesn't help that, even though the game let's you go to Dathomir early, it's not the quest objective quite yet, and so doesn't show you where you're supposed to go. You can also only go so far because you're lacking a certain ability that you will acquire later in the story.

Kenny Lam

Told you Story Mode was still difficult haha. That and I often got lost like you did. The bad game map didn't help.