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Outlander 4x3 Full REACTION

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Roger is a flawed character like any other. You are allowed to have your take on him based on your experience, but I'm generally sympathetic. I think he has seen this life he described in his head with Brianna from the moment he saw her. Which of course he is not entitled to if she doesn't want that. But her feelings have had to grow over time. I think it just shattered that fantasy that she could, in his mind, make light of something he held so sacred by just casually hooking up. I read him not as wanting to marry a virgin so much as saving sex with his future wife til after they're married, much like how Fergus was. I appreciate your nuanced look at that argument though. Brianna shouldn't have hit him, and Roger was stubborn and rude and did not explain himself well.


Also, not trying to be a Roger apologist, especially if you found his behavior triggering or abusive in any way. You don't have to like every character or relationship, and I will still love your reactions!


The writer of this episode did not do Roger any favors! Truthfully, in the books, the arguments between him and Bree are very passionate but pretty even with their back and forth. Instead of portraying that, it was like the writers took select parts from the arguments to make Roger look worse and Bree seem more sympathetic for dramatic effect; yet in the books Bree comes off more fiery, stubborn and a little less sympathetic where with Roger, we actually get Roger’s POV with his innermost thoughts, so he comes off much more relatable instead of so….misogynistic. Also, we do need to remember we are seeing these actions with a 2023 mindset, instead of a 1960’s perspective; plus Roger was raised by a minister from 1945-1968, so it’s not a shock that he would want to uphold these very traditional values. Remember, everyone forgives Jamie for fighting with Claire and beating Claire with a belt and then lying to her (by omission) about marrying Laoghaire. So please cut Roger some slack. You said Roger hasn’t proven himself, I kinda disagree, as he kept Trying to play Devils advocate when Bree found out about Jamie and was angry at Claire for her crazy story; He also helped them try to find out what happened to Jamie after Culloden and kept up the search for Jamie even after Bree and Claire gave up and left Scotland; he then flew to Boston to give Claire the good news and surprise Bree. He also got her a Christmas Carol for Christmas because her parents would read it to her as a child, etc…Honestly, this episode always makes me feel bad for Richard Rankin because he is an amazing actor and does such a great job, but some of the loud toxic minority in the Outlander fandom were really hating on Roger and even being kinda disrespectful on social media.


Hi Imon, you mentioned in your outro that you didn’t understand how Roger wanted to be with a virgin even though he had been with other women. You were talking during a scene and may have missed that it wasn’t the fact that she was a virgin, but he didn’t love those other women he’d been with so it didn’t mean as much as it would mean to be intimate with Brianna because he was in love with her and wanted to wait. Yes, he was moving way too fast and I think one of the other commenters said it perfectly that Roger had this romantic fantasy about marrying Bree and having kids, but her reaction shattered that fantasy. And it’s not her fault for putting on the brakes. Roger just needed to understand that he should’ve slowed down.


At the start Jamie tells his aunt that he and Claire are leaving, he said they will travel west towards the mountains Claire can practice her healing and he can find work as a printer. Ian wants to go with them, Jamie wants to send him home, he tells him there's danger here. Ian says "I've been set upon by pirates twice, kidnapped, thrown into a pit, sailed through a hurricane." He then tells Jamie that he's a man, free to call the place he chooses home. Jamie then smiles and tells him he won't stand in his way any longer and that he'll write to his mother and father. You said "Jenny is like punching the air saying Damn you Jamie!" That made me laugh. Later that night Jamie and Claire are sitting by the fire, Jamie says they'll be at woolam's creek soon enough, Claire says "Its all right. I rather enjoy being under the stars." They talk about the future, a place to live, she says "I want us to make a home together. A place that's ours." He then smiles at her, that smile that let's her know that everything's going to be okay. In the morning they talk a little, Claire asks if printing is enough for him now, that he used to be a smuggler and a seditionist, and that she doesn't want him making a decision because he thinks it's what she wants. He says "I was an outlaw when first we met, and an outlaw when you returned. If it was only me, I would live as one again. And when I was auld, I would lie under a tree and let the wolves gnaw at my bones, but it's not just me. It's you... And Ian... Fergus, marsali. You understand? I would lay the world at your feet, Claire, but I have nothing to give you." I love what you said about Jamie and Claire, that their love is the most pure love that you have ever seen, and that you really believe that love should be very similar to this, and even though this is a TV series. Love really needs to be this way. Roger and Brianna, I mean what the hell. Let's start from when we first see Roger, he's talking about Brianna, he says it's been a while since they've seen each other, that they write and have the occasional phone call. I thought he'd get to America and that Brianna would already be with someone but she's not. When they see each other they smile and then there's that awkward hug. She then asks how his flight was, and as the episode continues things seem good between them, they have a fun car ride together and at one point she tells him he's pretty, she keeps smiling at him and then she says shut up and kiss me. They then arrive at the festival, things are good, they seem happy, they then have a drawing of them both made, it's cute. They then take part in the ceilidh dance, she looks so happy. Later that night at the festival Roger plays guitar and sings, Brianna is in the audience listening to him, you said "She's... She's falling in love. I mean, she's in love, for sure." He then walks her back to where they are staying and they kiss, they then go inside for a drink, Bri takes off her shirt, they then kiss again, everything seemed so perfect and then Roger stops, she asks "What's the matter?" He said he wants this to be perfect, she says "It is perfect." I couldn't believe what happened next, the way he turned. He gives her a bracket and asks her to marry him, she said "Roger, this is very fast." He said they can have as long as an engagement as she'd like, but he just wants her to say yes. Those words, as long as an engagement as she'd like. It's like he just wants to own her in a way, like he believes that once she has that ring on she belongs to him. She then tells him as politely as she can "I'm not ready for this." We then see the real Roger, he goes to leave, she stops him, she tries to kiss him. The way he spoke to her, the things he said, he then tells her that if she doesn't care enough to marry him then he doesn't care enough to have her in his bed. It then gets better, we find out Roger has been with multiple women and expects Brianna to save herself for him. He can sleep with whoever he wants, and his excuse was that he never loved them. So is Brianna not allowed to live her life too, her life has barley began and he wants her to settle down, it's all or nothing with him. I can't believe she went to see him again, she said she hates the way they left things, I still can't believe this guy, he's asks her "Have you changed your mind?" She tells him no, she then tells him that marriage isn't out of the question, but that's not good enough for him, she then tells him that maybe she doesn't believe in marriage at all. I mean is just being with her not enough, is she not allowed a say in their relationship. It's his way or nothing at all. Imagine if she did marry him, how controlling he would be, she wouldn't have a say in anything, over time he would slowly control her and she would lose that light inside, that thing that makes people special. At the start of the episode you spoke about Claire, what would happen if she stayed at Jamie's aunts house. You said nothing good would have come from Claire living there, you said "Everyday that Claire lived there she would have to go against her morals and her beliefs, and that you believe, truly, that she would have just slowly died. Her spirit would have went away, her passion would have went away, and over time she and Jamie would have become distant." That's how it would have been for Brianna if she had married Roger, over time she would have lost her spirit, her passion. It's good that they both left, Claire leaving that place, and Brianna leaving Roger. Now they can both live their lives the way they want, not how someone else wants them to. You said at the start that it would be great if Bri goes through the stones and falls in love, I hope she does. I loved that the episode ended so nice, Jamie and Claire standing at the top of a hill eating strawberries and planning their future together. He tells her it must be the most beautiful land he has ever seen. He then says the meadow below would do for a few animals and that the land near the river can be cleared for crops. Claire says "I know that look on your face, Jamie Fraser. You're in love." She then tells him that for so long she's dreamt of her and Jamie having a home together, a place of their own, he asks her "Do you trust me Claire?" She says "With my life." He asks "And with your heart?" Always, she says, they then kiss and Jamie says "Then this will be our home. And we'll call it Fraser's Ridge." I'm glad this episode ended so beautifully. As always, it's been a pleasure watching with you Imon. You're beautiful, always. <3