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With hours upon hours worth of voice overs to record and edit. Things are bound to get a little... unhinged XD

Watch through Mega (Full HD):


After sitting down and sifting through all of the voice over clips, listening-in and cherry picking the best and juiciest outtakes, and maaaaaybe sprinkling in a lil bit of meme-ery on top...

I can now proudly¿ present to you!.. A testament to my VA's weirdness!.. And a compilation of behind the scenes clips, that tell the story of our never ending quest towards mental instability!... Happy Accident Part 2 Bloopers!!!

Ngl, I had waaayyy to much fun editing this one (maybe even a lil too much). As I decided to try and tap into .1% of Max0r's power and ended up with some pretty... questionable results XD... One can only imagine how much that man's PC must be chugging, suffering, just trying to render all of the psychedelic videos, jam-packed to the brim with memes XD

But on another note!.. The Newgrounds public release is now officially out!

Tho it's prolly still in the "under-judgement" state, as it's still fresh off the oven. So if you'd like to give it a look, and perhaps even show some support by giving it a rating, and help it get out of the judgment state sooner, then here's a link to it!


I also decided to make this post public, as I want miss Nyono and Noodles to share their behind the scenes moments to their following!.. It is after all, a huge milestone in their VA careers to have completed such a big project, that took months of hard work and patience, dealing with my nit picky butt XD

I also wanted to share it to the former Chads that helped make this project a reality! Especially the ones that are still following me to this day!.. May not be financially speaking anymore, but I still VERY MUCH appreciate the support nonetheless! :3

And that's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!


PS: I also updated all the links to the dubbed version, lowering the BGM a bit and rebalancing the voice over volumes, as I've heard of feedback that the BGM tends to overtake the dialogue... And I agree XD

Should be fixed now tho :p




That brought many smiles! Thanks for sharing the fun~

Markus Jackson

Why was that lowkey so funny and noddles randomly singing about porn that was just so funny 😂 😂


Those were definitely noises at the start. Porn song went hard. It would've been ellogical not to share it


Dig deep my sensei, for the Way of Max0r is one layden with THC and ADD.


😂 can’t breathe!


Hahaha some scenes where amazing. The song from Noodles or the Scream from Nyono as Succrose get sucked in the Teapot hahaha. And i think i never experienced such a Timeaus hate 😂 You kinda could add a Burp after Succrose swallowed the cum or the cum came through after Anal but i guess not everyone would be amused by it. Nontherless the Bloopers where funny to watch and we kinda learn more about the Voice Actresses and how the work gets done. Ps. Im very jealous of Noodles and all the Porn she gets for free hahaha


Ahhhh ofc! That's what I was lacking! Silly me, no wonder I could barely tap into his power XD


Lol! That burp would've been on point XD Tbh my ears are pretty much immune to the Nyono burps atp lol. I had to cut out a bunch more and just leave the premium burps for the bloopers XD "I see the porn before the Chads. They pay the money, and I get the porn for free" ~Noodles Oh no... I edited that mic song so much that memorized the song now T-T

Apocalyptic Hobo

I honestly miss seeing blooper reals, they always put a smile on my face, real damn shame that they rarely exist anymore. Great work to Nyono, Noodles, and you Pink Sama all of your combined effort breathed life into this project, and I'm glad to see that there was plenty of fun to be had along the way.


Right?! They would even go out of their way to make them, like in Monster Inc! And it was like the cherry on top of an already great movie. I wann 'em back XD Hehe, defo a lot of challenges along the way. And lots of ups and downs, but the fun moments really helped and kept everyone morale up even in the more trying times :3 Oh yeah! I just remembered! The 3d printer I told you about a while back. I tried working with it for a while and got sum pretty nice prints out of it that now decors my room... butttt as for tryin to make my own models to share to you chads, apparently FDM printers aren't good for high detail miniatures -_- Resin printers are what's needed for those types of projects, but liquid resin can be very toxic and needs a lot of special preps to make safe, and I just couldn't deal with that rn :/ So no free Night in Teyvat themed 3D models for now unfortunately


The fucking burp i cant lmao

Apocalyptic Hobo

Oh there's definitely a safety hazard with Resin Printers, that along with generally a high price tag are the biggest barriers to entry, that being said you can get a far greater artistic freedom to them.


That banger porn song deserves a record deal

Nhi Nguyen

I love it❤