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Lumine's curiosity had some unintended consequences... Oh well, at least she can talk now :3

Watch through Mega (Full HD)

English Dub:
No Dialogue Box:
SFX Only Version:


After 14 months of production, and countless hours of work... I can now say, with full confidence, that the First Chapter of the A Night in Teyvat series is finally, and truly done!!!

And lemme tell you! It feels suuuuuper nice to finally get this bad boi out in it's final form! As if this huge weight just got lifted off my back, and I can now breathe a sigh of relief XD

And of course, I have the unwavering support of all you Chads to thank for it! As well as the Voice Actresses that gave life to my Sucrose and Lumine, miss Nyono and miss Noodles!.. I really couldn't have been luckier to have found such perfect fit for the roles. And I really couldn't be more grateful to all of you :3

I also learned a whole bunch from this project... Especially in the audio side of things! Figuring out how to blend all of the different takes and recordings into one, and making them feel as natural as possible, was defo a huge challenge! Hopefully, my newbie audio skills gives justice to Nyono's and Noodles' performance :)

It also gave me a whole new perspective in animation!

Being in the driver seat and directing the actresses, figuring out the best ways to convey my vision (mostly through trial and error XD), all while dealing with unforeseen set backs that naturally comes with collaborating with other people, REEEALLY gave me more of a respect to creators like Nyl, Derpixon, Studio FOW, Zone Sama, and many other creators, directing far more complex workflows, and collaborating many more artists and actresses, to make their creations a reality... I can only imagine the headache they had to go through XD

Especially when you think of how easier and more accessible it has been to make these kinds of animation throughout the years. As many of the tools we have now, wasn't even available to them when they were starting out!

We are standing on the shoulders of some very lewd giants indeed XD

So what now, you ask?... Well... Bloopers!

Imma be sifting through hours of voice overs, looking for dem juicy behind the scenes clips, filled with messed up takes, surprise coughs, countless Nyono burps, and cursing cars, in an effort to hopefully bring a smile to your face :D

I'm also gonna give it my best and try to use the voice overs from the dubbed and apply it to the Nut-Cut!.. Tho tbh, I'm not completely sure if it's even possible XD... But Imma give it a try anyways!

And last but not least! Imma be posting this publicly on Newgrounds on Feb. 29th! Hopefully along with the Bloopers and the Nut-Cut here, all on the same day!

So yeah... Happy Accident may be done, but the grind certainly isn't XD

And after all of that, I guess the next step would be to have the Happy Accident Epilogue dubbed over as well... Buuuttt tbh, I really need a break from all this audio work. So I'll prolly just work on Prank Gone Wrong for a while, finishing up the intro (Lumine & Succ's sexy scene), and polishing it up. Before going back and dubbing the Epilogue!

And yeah! It's been a looooong time coming, but I sure hope you like it you absolute Chad!


Sucrose VA: @Nyono8008_
Lumine VA: @invadernoodles
Lisa VA: @_PixieWillow 


PS: I'd very much appreciate it if the leeky bois out there can hold off for a lil bit, preferably after the public release. Coz based on past experience, I'll most likely spot a few flaws in the animation (like clippings, typos, dependency issues, weird snapping movements) that managed to get past through quality control.

And Imma just hate my self if that flawed versions gets distributed far and wide again T-T

So yeah... If and when I do spot those cheeky lil buggers, imma patch them up real quick and replace the link with a fixed version before the public release. Where HOPEFULLY it'll be as perfect as I can get it to be... Thanks! :3

Oh! And if you do spot one, defo lemme know!.. There's only so much that these 2 sleepy eyes can catch after all XD

PPS: AHHHH!!! I forgor to remove the VA credits in the SFX Only version T-T... Well that's one XD




Big salute for everyone involved; glad to know things have started to take a steady pace instead of a start-stop. Looking forward to indulging in this one <3


Ohhh you said it!... It's such a relief to finally have my attention, not split between the two big projects for once XD

Ichigo Kurosaki

Oh man, this must feel INCREDIBLE to be off your chest and finally completed!! haha Haven't had a chance listen to it yet, as it's hella late (work is rough right now) where I am but I know it'll be top quality like you always put into your work. Big thanks to the all the voice actors involved!! I know there's a lot going on behind the scenes, so hats off to them and thanks for all the hard work, Pink!! cheers!


the mad man ACTUALLY did it!!!! just listened. incredible work.

Wolf Jilly Jill

I have rewatched this so many times & it still shocks me how it can be so hawtttt/sexy, yet so goddamn wholesome & sweet. The dubbing only enhanced the experience further. Brilliant job from everyone, this is basically my favorite piece of work ever. 👏🏾


The man the legend


Ahhh... And I was really looking forward to seeing what you think of it :/ Oh well, It's not like the animation is going anywhere XD... I shall be eagerly awaiting your critique in the mean time lol And yeah, it feels great to have finally finished this bad boi. And I'm sure Nyono and Noodles feels the same :3... Especially Noodles! She's been poking at me earlier, asking what you Chads think XD


Awww! Glad you liked it! :3 Also glad my noob editing didn't take away too much from the VA's performance XD


It is?! Shieee-.... XD Ngl, it's gonna be tough to top this one off. But I'm sure as heck gonna give it my best and try to make the next one your next fave :3 Wish me luck tho lol


Bravo! It's been wonderful just looking at the progress updates for this. Now it's finally done and definitely going down as some as the best futa content ever!

Cray Shay

ITS HERE AAAAHHHHHHH WE ARE SO BACK!!! Congrats pink! I’ll need to watch this later today! Our long journey has finally semi concluded. It was super fun watching the development of this project!


Really appreciate what you and the VA’s do


Huge congrats to everyone involved! The scene around 24-25 mins still stands out as my favourite I think. All VAs did an amazing job too but if I had 1 complaint it would be that the music drowns out their voices a little when it gets a bit loud, like at around 15:45. I also noticed how much Sucrose's vision morphs with her movements. Not something I think is worth fussing over, I just thought it was funny and it was something I hadn't noticed until just now Also, don't think it was only you that's caused this, but I've gained a pretty big appreciation for futa lumine over the last year or so. I'm definitely more of a top-energy/harem lumine enjoyer now


It still stuns me how much time, dedication, and attentiveness goes into your projects. What you do is, in my eyes, the true blend of cuteness, romance, and eroticism. I can't think of any nsfw animators that make me care about the characters they use as much as you; the emotions, expressiveness, and story content will always be a source of inspiration for me. Please keep doing what you're doing


Eat... ~Horni Lumine XD Ohhh gotcha!.. Imma fix that right up! Audio balancing is haard T-T Butttt nothing a lil trial and error can't fix :3 As for her vision.... ehhh... I kinda gave up on that one lol. As you said, it's something not too noticeable until you watched it enough times. And lemme tell you, I watched it enough times XD But the amount of work to fix it is waayyyy too much so I kinda just threw my hands up. I did learn from my mistakes tho, and I made sure to minimize that morphing problem with the Gen 2 models :3 Bruhhh... Same XD At first I just picked Lumine as it makes sense, she's the MC after all. But she slowly climbed up my waifu rankings, all the way up to the top 5 lol


It's a huge checkpoint in this big boi journey, that's for sure! Really hope is worth the wait :3 And now, it's time for the next chapter babyyyy


Awwwwwww stop it you! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ And yeah, I don't really see myself stopping anytime soon. It's just too fun and rewarding for me too stop. And I really wouldn't want to trade it for anything :3 But anyways, how's your training montage going? Going well I hope? If you hit any particularly big hurdle, you know who to ask :3


You're very sweet, thank you, though my PC went kaput a little while back and can't afford a new one. Given that I'm in the process of moving country it seems like it will be a while before I can start saving again - moving to the US costs soooo much ¬.¬ That certainly doesn't mean I'm done with my path into animation though, all I need is time!

Dark Angel

Great work once again, Pink! I'm not normally a big fan of voiced dialogue during sex scenes, but Nyono and Noodles definitely did an amazing job, and their moans were fantastic! The music definitely gets a bit loud compared to the voices though, but other than that i have no complaints. I was never particularly interested in Sucrose before, but despite that this is easily in my top 5 nsfw animations, and I've definitely grown to like Sucrose a lot more after having watched both parts of Happy Accident. And if this is in my top 5 even with a character that I wasn't initially interested in, I can't wait to see what you cook up with Night in Liyue, since Hu Tao is my absolute favorite.


Funny how final version of this masterpiece takes almost 1gb less space than version without dubbing XD


They defo did an amazing job! Couldn't have asked for a better fit for the roles :3 Yeah... There's some balancing issues with the voices and bgm, so Imma have to fix that before the public release. Shouldn't be too hard tho :3 Waha! Glad I managed to squeeze Sucrose in your top 5 XD Perhaps I can interest you with yet another under rated waifu in the form of Xiangling, whilst you enjoy Hu Tao hehehe


Ahhh well, that's aight... If you wanna look on the bright side tho, more tools and innovations will prolly be available for you in the future, once you restart your training montage. So that's one thing to look forward to! And ofc you can always ask if you need help in anything animation related :3


You're certainly correct! Thank you pink senpai sama, your insight will be invaluable, of that I have no doubt


So whats the plan for now? Remake of A Night in Liyue and adding Teapot Paradise into it?


Yep! Tho I'm still not sure how I'll proceed with Teapot Paradise. I guess it depends on how the story unfolds... I could add it into the main episode, or I could make it part of the epilogue, as it is set a few days after PGW. Time will tell :3


I love it! I was kind of curious; Do you have any cute looking SFW pics/gifs of Sucrose? I love how you animate her and such!


I have thought of doing sfw stuff for a while now, but It's quite a big change from what I usually do. And people tend to not like change lol Maybe in the future, I'll do some sfw stuff and post it yt or sumtin... but not for now :p Buttt if you're just lookin' for just SFW gif's in general, ig this one counts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-2023-plans-or-77300178


Naturally! I didn’t mean a full on change from your NSFW animations ^^ I more meant if you just happened to have some random cute pics you did, or cute little gifs you had made haha. Either way, from one animator to another, I love your work!

Kyle P

Hello Pink Sama. Great Work love it. Will there a dialogue box version for the dubbed?

Kyle P

i am so sorry. i got it confused with part one my bad.


It has been amazing working with you and we both learned a lot during the making of Chapter 1!! It really lightened the load having you in VC with me while i recorded, it felt like having fun with a friend than a job i was rushing to do. Noodles is an amazing voice actress and uses her funds to get tutors to further her craft! she really inspires me to do more and I will always have my door open for you both if you ever need me to reprise my role as Sucrose its been a pleasure and an honor knowing you > u< cant wait for the future!! hehe


thank you!!! im just so glad i nailed it to pinksama's vision


i completely agree!! a lot of porn is always trying to top who can make it more nasty or rougher Pinksama balances rough sex with emotional moments, cute expressions; making soft and hard moments. It really pulls my heart strings!!


Ye! i never really played genshin but now..i wanna unlock sucrose and main her LOL


The voice of Sucrose! I know it goes without saying but your performance was great, your delivery met those emotional moments wonderfully. That goes for all the naughty moments too >.< I can't begin to imagine making those noises to a microphone myself, ehe