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Eyyy... First new sexy scene of the year!

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After the public release of Happy Accident Part 2, I decided to take a couple days off to reorganize my files, clean up my room, and just chill for a while... Basically doing a reset before continuing with the next animations.

But in one fateful evening... Gaben (perhaps sensing my weakness at the time XD) offered me a deal I cannot refuse... A sale to Mount and Blade: Warband!.. One of the greatest nostalgic games of my childhood. Filled with fun memories of playing all night, only to go to school with only a few hours of sleep in me. Before chatting with a couple of my fellow eye-bag riddled friends who did the exact same XD

And so I thought, "Ehh... Why not."

80 hours into the game, and I finally beat it for the first time!... Aaaannddd now this post super delayed... Sorry bout that :p

On another note... Patreon decided to update their policies. Most notably of which, is their policy about consent within "Sexually Gratifying Works" (aka smuts). And it's uhhh... pretty strict XD

"It is paramount that Adult/18+ creators demonstrate consent in all works (real or animated; photo, video, written, audio) between adult participants or characters; specifically, a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of consent by a statement or by a clear affirmative action. Additionally, participants and characters must be able to give consent (i.e. not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, blackmail). “Consensual non-consent” works, in which participants or characters engage in simulated non-consensual encounters, are not permitted. Accompanying a work that features a non-consensual encounter with a statement claiming that the encounter was consensual is a violation of Patreon guidelines."

Tldr: If at any point there is a loss of full and unambiguous consent, regardless of context, even if the entire message of the animation as a whole is wholesome and romantic... That is a no-no.

Which means that Hu Tao getting tied up after being caught peeping is not allowed anymore... And that Xiangling being Hu Tao's dom is now pretty sketch. Which also means that I now have to rewrite pretty much everything from this point forward in the story to comply with the new policy. Turning it into something more... family-friendly XD T-T

I'm sure I can think of something that'll work just fine as the previous script... eventually. Hopefully before I finish making Gen 2 Xiangling and start doing the animation. Buutttt I'd be lying if I said that this wont affect the quality of the final product at all, since it does put a pretty big limitation on me. As well as removing a bunch of the h-tags that I originally wanted to go for...

Which reminds me!.. This pretty much also disqualifies Layla for the A Night in Sumeru chapter. Which is defo a bummer. Since the potential of sleep-play (no matter how wholesome I make it), combined with her split personality... Would've been super interesting to write and animate... But alas, that is also a no-no :/

Ofc, I do appreciate Patreon being super clear about this thing. Drawing a clear line on the sand of what is and isn't allowed. Meaning we NFSW creators won't have to essentially guess anymore... so that's nice. And I also understand that they also have to comply with their business partners' demands. And that they pretty much have their hands tied as well (with consent ofc XD).

But hey! At least they announced this before I started work on the Hu Tao x Xiangling scenes, coz I would cryyy like a bebe if all that work goes for nothin XD

And that's about it!.. Hope you like it you absolute Chad!



Markus Jackson

Oh inviting some other friends now that sounds interesting


Why not try going to subscribe star or another platform that more aligns with what you wanna do?


Maybe try animating it but adding it as a surprise in a mega folder of your works. Just add a vague title?


Ooo another futa?🤩 Plus the idea of different species is top tier


Glad you’re doin well, kinda of a interesting to make strict rule like those “real or animated” but hopefully the rules don’t change too much of your creative process, love your story and work please keep it up

Lalo 721



I would still follow even if you move to another platform for more creative freedom


Let's gooo more people are joining to the party!!!


This may not work, but I'll throw it out there anyway. Could you not simply have Hu Tao give Xiangling permission beforehand? Something like "If you ever catch me peeping, I give you permission to tie me up and dom me"? Perhaps making it into a game of sorts where Hu Tao wants it but won't directly ask for it? There may be a more subtle way of doing it. Its sounds like a great concept though and I'd hate to see it go to waste. Hopefully you can figure out a solution.


Ohhh she's back and damn that transition was smooth. Also I didn't expect that design of a Penis but I believe you had some thoughts about it and I probably missing something maybe never saw a cat/dog genitals like that detailed idk I'm just happy that it's still big we have some bulge to see in her belly and the best of all, if my eyes saw it right a Knot. That's gonna be fun. Don't get me wrong it's not a negative Feedback for the Penis Design I was just like huh ist that a Horse Dick with a Knot or am I missing something 😂 still amazing and love to see some Knot Action. Also as always I think I speak for all us Feet guys thank you for that views :3. Sad to hear that Patreon kinda swooped into your story plan there. Also cause maybe Layla can't make it 😭 I do love her tho. But hey maybe that makes some space for someone other. Yeah it's hard but I guess strict rules are a good thing before they shut something down after the work is done. Also phew that was a lucky strike that you didn't worked at the Xiangling Hutao video first. I still hope youre staying at Patreon cause I want to support you and I hate having like 5 transactions every month from other platforms NGL. I never played Mount and Blade but I heard only good things from friends about it. Glad you had a good time to rest and much joy. You earned it. Damn I just remembered how anxious I was about my English grammar and that I better not text anything and support silently and now I really enjoy texting and giving Feedback. Still a bit anxious about my grammar tho 😅 As always thanks for your work.

Dark Angel

Oh shit, i actually thought about suggesting using a canine penis after the last wip, but i ended up forgetting about it. But, it looks like you already had that in mind. I hope we'll get to see a lot of knotting action with it. As for the whole patreon thing, maybe it's possible to keep things unchanged and just have it be vague or not shown in posts? Aside from that, you could always move over to subscribestar or fanbox, but i understand if that might also be a hassle. Either way, i'll definitely keep following you, so you do what you think is best for you.


I LOVE where this is going! Also I was really hoping you would go with a canine penis for the transformation. Can't wait to see Sucrose get knotted 😅


Very sexy, looking forward to the foursome. As for patreon being stupid with their rules,especially for fictional works. Have you thought about moving to subscribestar? They don't have all these dumb banned content criteria.


I follow a NSFW artist who posted all his work in his discord channel and uses patreon only to inform his patrons that he make something new. All link he posted on patreon only leads to the a video that shows the video sumpnail for a couple of seconds.


Please dont give up Your original plans because of Patreon bullsht. Your animations will be hurted that way if you will be forced to change Your plans that sounded really great. Maybe make a Discord and put links there. If we will keep giving Patreon and other sites what they want they will ban everything sooner or later. I seriously Hope You will not change most of the script because someone tells You to do so, Your works will be godlike anyways but it will not be the same anymore.


And as someone started earlier canine penis would a great and fresh experience in Your animations, please dont give up.


Hell yeah, not even a Genshin fan but your uploads are way too good

HideN seeK

Oh, God, YES! You are the GOAT!

Cray Shay

WE ARE SO BACK! Also, sad to hear patreon’s changes are interfering with your creative vision. Hopefully you can find a way around that or adapt to their policies, but I was really excited about the sleep sex with Layla. C’est la vie I suppose


Forcing someone to change their artistic vision into something they didnt wanted to do always Hurts the final art. I Hope PinkSama will just make a Discord to put links there because for supporters it basically changes nothing and we will get best animations possibile.


Is it possible that Pinksama put those off-policy stuff in Newground or other site and give us the link?


I have tried it before, since a few other creators suggested the same. Unfortunately, they only accept direct to bank methods of withdrawal. Which I was a bit apprehensive about, so I just decided against it. However, I might give it another go after all this :3


I was wondering about this as well... Since I only post thumbnails and links to other websites to view my works. Is it still technically within patreon? I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things pan out for now :/


So far... It prolly wouldnt change tooooo much from the original script. And changes that stray farther away from the original animation wouldn't hurt too much neither. Coz while it is a remake, new positions and scenarios are always welcome XD


Horse dick knot lol XD Yeahhhh... I guess it does look like that as well. Buttt after a few hours of looking though a bunch of furry stuff, bad dragon designs, and even anatomical illustrations of doggo genitals... I can definitely say that that's the best version of furry Lumine I can come up with XD Ahhh don't worry!.. I don't plan on leaving patreon any time soon. It is where I got my feet off the ground after all. And other than a few hiccups in the past, patreon as a platform has always worked for me, and I hope it continues to do so in the future :3 I might decide on making backup accounts on other platforms in the future, but I'll always keep patreon as my main channel. Nahhhhh.... If anything, I'd say your grammar have improved significantly since your first comment! Glad I managed to make commenting fun and welcoming enough that you're now a regular commenter as well XD


Can't have furry lumine without canine pp after all XD... I even added a cute paw-print pube in there, but I couldn't get a shot that showcased it lol. Yeahhh... I'm just gonna wait a while and see what happens to other creators and how they deal with it. Maybe it'll blow over eventually?.. Maybe we can find some sort of loop hole? Who knows :/ Either way, I'll keep making these animations for you chads, even if patreon decides I'm no longer worthy of their platform XD


Ahhh that's pretty smart!.. I don really know much about running discord servers tho. But I'll defo keep that suggestion in my back pocket :3


Feels like everythings being locked down lately. Shit sucks man. Hope you do find a way around it, or at least something that works for you. Was not expecting that penis design either lol. Was a little confused for a second until I put the pieces together. Canine's generally not my thing but the fact its going to be inside something most of the time, and the fact that it's not super anatomically correct does mean it doesn't really bother me though. Good timing too, with the alchemy event going on right now


I really don't like Patreon trying to censor this stuff. If it is animated, there is no inherent harm.


This looks incredibly good.

Wolf Jilly Jill

Omgggggg this is looking hella goooooood. I can't wait for the next update. 😍


Yeahhh... With the gumroad thing happening only days earlier and now this. Ngl, it really does put a bit of anxiety on my chest :/ And when you think of it, I'm prolly one of animators that are the least impacted by this. Coz most of the other creators are waaaayyy more un-wholesome than mine XD... Can't imagine what someone like Derpixon or Pinktea is feelin about this change. I kinda based the design more on furry toys more than the actual real life stuff. Coz ngl, the real one are pretty gross XD... At least the furry dildo's tend to look a bit more... familiar :3 Ohhh I spent way too many hours on that alchemy event. Defo did not expect mihoyo to drop a banger of a game mode like that lol.


If the rumors are to be believed, patreon is just trying to please paypal and/or stripe's terms. Patreon itself prolly don't want to kick out the nsfw stuff either since it is a pretty big chunk of their income. And with a new update on Fanbox literally just dropping rn, no longer allowing paypal to be used as a payment method for supporting nsfw creators... I'm inclined to believe the rumors :/


I hate when platforms censor content creators that being them most of their income. H related stuff is just art in its own way, and it's fictional so I don't see why this is such a taboo for higher ups that are trying to reduce it to minima and boring stuff... Good stuff tho, as always you're cooking. As other have said, please find a way to not let your creativity be impacted by these changes.

WishStone Dragon

I bet I'm not the only one here who has to work with Discord for one reason or another. That wouldn't be a limiter x3