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BGM this early in production?... Blashpemy! XD

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I've been quitely listening around this past week and waiting for any updates from other patreon creators. And so far (at least as far as I'm aware), the recent policy changes haven't been too bad... And so I decided to stick to my original story line!

Buttttt, just to be on the safe side... Tied up Hu Tao is still a no-go. Which tbh, is fine by me :p

I originally had her tied up coz I reeeeaallly didn't want to deal with her long and bulky sleeves, moving about when animating. And since she's got a whole new outfit now, that won't be an issue anymore :3

And speaking of outfit, I might change up Hu Tao's shirt a bit more, Into something resembling her original outfit. Coz as she stands right now, I think she still doesn't feeeeel... Hu Tao enough XD

I might also make her more skinnier in the arm, and possibly even the thigh region (sacrilege ik), just to mirror the in-game look a bit more... Maybe tweak the face shape a lil as well? We'll see :p

I also added the BGM early in production this time around. Coz one of the things that I learned while making the ending of Happy Accident Part 2, is to not only adjust the BGM to the Animation... But to go a step further and adjust the Animation to the BGM after the fact. Just to make the two feel more in-sync with one another :3

So what's next?

Well now that the intro scene is finished... Here's my to do list for the next couple of weeks:

-Modify Hu Tao (to make her look more "Hu Tao")
-Improve her hair rigging (so that I won't pull mine out while animating)
-Design and make Xiangling's room (where the main story will take place)
-Research and design Xiangling's sleepwear (I'm thinking see through camisole pj's :3)
-Make Gen 2 Xiangling (and Guoba ofc :3)
-And finally... Test them out and show the results to you Chads!

Good luck future me! XD

And last but not least, after listening in to the suggestions of you Chads, I decided to make a Subscribestar account!.. Tho I'm honestly not too worried about the recent policy changes (at least not as much anymore), It really makes me feel a LOT better knowing I have a back up :3


I'm still new to the platform and there's still a lot of figuring out to do. So if I end messing up somethings here and there, please do bear with me XD

Ofc patreon will still be my main platform! It's just that I'll also be uploading any future wips and updates to SubStar from now on, in addition to Patreon and Fanbox... So you can just pick and choose which site you wanna support me on! Any of them works just fine :3

And that's about it!... Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

I'm currently finalizing this post, and I just noticed something... And now I'm losing my sht over it lol
So I watched this Veritasium video a few days ago about how the number 37 always pops up when thinking about random numbers... And I just realized that I literally used it for this intro XD




YEES! We got it boyzz. I guess untied Hu Tao is not a big loss as long as You keep Your original storyline without being forced to change it too much. After all its like a change in her wardrobe which doesnt affect animation too much. As always thanks for The effort that You put in these works :)


You might think I'm one of the people who would be disheartened by the Hu Tao de-thiccening but I honestly don't really mind. I think its more in the shot angle and clothing anyway. Take Kuki for example, her thighs look good in-game but I've seen someone prove they're not really much thiccer than any other character of the same model type


I just need to know one thing Pink: Do you really want to have 37 different potions in the final video?

Cray Shay

He cooked!

Dark Angel

Lol, I also recently watched that veritasium video. And I'm glad you can stick to your original idea. Ultimately, I think it's something that won't really be actively enforced unless people report your posts, but it's still good to have a backup. As for Hu Tao's outfit, maybe try her coat just without the coattails? And while i prefer the thicc thighs, I'm not opposed to making them more like her in game model.


So plot twist, Layla and anything Sumeru/Fontaine will be subscribestar only as to devide our devotion. (I don't remember who the Layla partner was but my heart would say a Candace/Dehya tag-team.

Wolf Jilly Jill

Ohhhhh, now this is an incredible setup. I can't wait to see where it goes. 👀🔥


Yesss... And it also gives Hu Tao's hands the opportunity to do some nice touchy-touchies instead of just being tucked away :3


Veeery true! It's also one of the big reasons why I think half naked is hotter than fully naked. Coz clothing, when used right, can accentuate a characters figure and... assets XD. Even if the volume (ie. thiccnes) itself isn't that much bigger than the norm. Ofc while Mihoyo is pretty much a master of that craft already... I on the other hand stil got a looooong way to go. But as usual, we'll get there eventually :3


Nahhh... I don't think even a dedicated hour long video would be enough for that XD The idea behind it is that, within the lonely months that Lumine was gone, Sucrose made hundreds of different variations of the original potion to keep herself busy, as sort of a way to cope. And the 37 potions referred too was just the more promising ones that managed to go through to the "experiment stage". Specifically, to be experimented on Lumine XD But the final number of actual "working and reliable potions" is still up in the air. And tho we may not see all of them in action in this animation, I intend to just sprinkle them all over the future episodes, as sort of a plot device of kinkyness XD


Would you let one of the effects be chosen by us or do you want to remain in control there then?


Yep! I doubt patreon has enough man power to check every post and every link to every patreon so it'll most likely be from ppl reporting sus content. Oh yeah!.. The coat tails and any hanging/dangle-y bits needs to go XD I want to make it look like her undershirt tho, so I'm planning on incorporating the exposed red undershirt that can be seen on her in game model, to the shirt that I made... And hopefully that'll help make her look more... "Hu Tao" XD


With the recent cooking event, I'd say the most common yuri ship would prolly be madame Faruzan XD


Ohhh!... That's a pretty good idea! I'll keep that in mind while writing the script and look for scenes with more... flexibility, and then maybe do a poll. Kind of a shame I didn't think of that earlier :p


Plot twist, it's actually Yae and she suffers a full Domination loss when Layla flips personality.


sound's like there will be more people in this one, I love it and can't wait! also question, do you plan on doing anymore ripped/torn clothing like there was in the "A Night In Teyvat" ?


Yep!.. The party's slowly getting bigger hehehehe As for the torn clothing... I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I usually animate what I feel is best, right in that moment. And rarely do I plan the shot by shot scenes in advance, unless its super important to the plot. Like say the climax for Happy Accident. And Lumine ripping Succ's shirt kinda just felt right when I was animating the scene at that moment... Plus the chads back then was asking for more skin, so I went with it! XD So will I have another piece of clothing get torn in Prank Gone Wrong?... I guess we'll see :p