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A few days ago, I asked miss Nyono if she could take care of the voice acting side of the project for me, so that I may focus on working on Prank Gone Wrong... The Chadess that she is, ofc she agreed!

She wanted to focus on Sucrose tho, so I asked her to find someone to voice Lumine. And with my relatively tight budget of 2000$ for the Voice Acting work in mind, we ended up taking on board another VA by the name of Invader Noodles!

I've yet to see her performance as Lumine, but from the clips I've seen of her previous works, I think she'll do just fine! And more importantly... I've faith in miss Nyono's judgement :3
For now tho, we're just gonna have to let them do their own thing.
And as the old adage goes...

~Let em' cook...

There's also another super cool thing that happened that I'm super giddy about...
Buuutt... I'm gonna leave that one as a surprise for when miss Nyono's done with the dubbing. Hehehe....

Anyways!.. I'd also like to share to you Chads, a small behind the scenes look into the dubbing process that Nyono and I have figured out (the hard way XD) with our time working together on Part 1.

Mega (960x540): https://mega.nz/file/UkQjXCZD#1poF0sQkddmrw1T0rGI47QeeZ2LdA0TBYdPPIa10pUs

We had to figure out a way to deliver my thoughts and directions to the actress, in real time, as she's recording, whilst still leaving enough room for her to give her own spin on things.
And so... we ended up with this!

In hindsight, I should've prolly asked the pros for advice much sooner, and be spared the headache of figuring things out... Buuuttt at the same time, I was way too excited at the time to be thinking that clearly. So I guess it couldn't be helped XD

But yeah! That's about it, and I hope you have a wonderful day you absolute Chad!

PS: I'm still figuring out whether or not I should add the Voice Acting in the Nut-Cut version of Part 2, or just leave it "SFX Only", based on how the dubbing comes out and whether or not it's even feasible enough to splice and edit without feeling off.

Ofc I'll also have to ask miss Nyono and Noodles if they'd be ok with it as well so yeah... Gonna take a while.

In the meantime, Imma be working for a couple more days on the setting (room) where PGW will take place, before taking a week off... See ya!




Speaking of the nut cut version would it be possible to have a version with just dub and no dialogue box?


Almost like a director's commentary lol. Good to see you working out the kinks in your workflow though


Hmmm.... That'll be easy enough to implement. The only issue would be the storage. Say each full HD version is 2-3gb, and we have the, SFX Only, EN Dub, Nut-Cut, EN Dub no dialogue box and possibly a Nut-Cut w/o moans. We're looking at around 13gb... Yeah, why not! That ain't so bad XD


Yeahh... defo took a while to figure out. At first I was providing too lil direction, that miss Nyono went a lil too off course to what I had intended. I then overcompensated to the point that I was pointing at the ridiculously small details, And it was just impractical & honestly dumb XD Luckily miss Nyono bear with me and helped me iron out the workflow, She's the real MVP on this one :3


Is that $2000 US dollars? I'm just curious, because with two people VA'd that would be $1000 each, no? If so, that sounds like a lot of money. Then again, I suppose 30 minutes of voice acting is a lot of work. Not trying to say they don't deserve it! I am just curious as someone who has always wanted to get into voice acting.


Yep! USD... As far as NSFW VA's goes tho, that's defo on the low end. There's a very good reason why I consistently put at least 40% of my monthly earnings into the Pink Coffers lol. Gotta prepare for dem work expenses XD Important thing to note tho, is that it's one of those things that sound waaaayyy easier than it sounds. Especially if you're just trying to get off the ground without a stable pool of clientele. Don't let that stop you from trying it if you're passionate about it tho! But prolly a good idea to just do it as a side thing for a while :3


Oooo a nut cut with just moans?😩 I’m about to buuuuust