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No dialogue boxes, No music, No distractions... Just Nut!

Watch through Mega (Full HD): SFX Only Version



Now that my week long break is over, I finally got to work on the Nut-Cut version of Part 2!

Tho tbh, I thought I wouldn't have to do a Nut-Cut for this one. Since it's pretty jam-packed with sexy scenes already and is a lot less dialogue heavy than Part 1... Buuuttt I suppose the context that the dialogue and story brings, does dampen the horni mood a bit...

So let's just get rid of it!

I also put in some variations here and there, especially during the transitions and ending to keep things a lil fresh... Oh! And I'm prolly just gonna keep on making Nut-Cut versions for every episode I make at this point... Like a tradition of sorts XD

Anyways... I made this version with the intent of applying the Voice Acting from the original into the Nut-Cut, without any additional recordings made specifically for it... Which raises a minor issue.

A lot of the moans from the original version are what I like to call "Moan Talks", where the lines are delivered whilst moaning. This means that some scenes will need to have spoken dialogues, and I can't really do anything bout it. As I can't just simply separate the moans from the Moan-talks... Which isn't bad at all!.. Fact, it'll prolly be hotter that way XD

However, as a result, if you're watching the VA-Less version, there will be some scenes where Sucrose and Lumine are talking to each other, but since there isn't any Voice Acting nor dialogue boxes... You can't really tell what they're saying :/

Unless of course... you do! In which case... Thank you for watching Part 2 enough times that you now know the script from memory XD

It only happens a few times tho, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue :3

On yet another anyways... Once the Chadesses are done with the Voice Acting for Part 2, I'll update this post, adding another link for the dubbed version!

And as for when the dubbed version will be coming... I would like to know as well! XD
I instructed miss Nyono and Noodles to take their time with it, and didn't give any sort of deadline, as I'd like to give them as much time as they need. Much like how you Chads did for me while I working on this big boi :3

In the mean time, I'll get a head start with working on A Night in Liyue - Prank Gone Wrong, designing some alternate outfit for the 2nd gen version of Lumine and Sucrose for their brief, yet kinky appearance in the intro to properly tie the two episodes together :3

And that's about! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!




Part 3 in the Serenitea pot ? Sucrose destroy Lumine with her new potion ? 🙏♥️


That was a close one. Almost NNN XD


Oh yeahhh! I almost forgor about that... Looks like I gotta finish the PGW intro and Part 2 dubbed version before NNN ends mwahaheeheheh...


Hope Lumine didn't forget to turn the "allow direct join" teapot option off 😏

Ichigo Kurosaki

yoooo! patreon didn't give me a notification for this! :( What I love most about these nut-cut (besides the obvious, heh) is watching your s-tier animations on full display without any distractions! Like those transitions between scenes are so sick and give sooooooooooo much personality to these two. this also puts a ton of emphasis on their faces which show a ton of range. plus my sister in christ lumine, you sex deviant. you keep banging and twisting sucrose like a sex doll, no wonder she's doesn't want to lose to you. you just don't stop. the sex stamina of a demon lol hats off to you for animation this many sexy scenes for us and can't wait for your next work! super hyped to see what you got cookin chef pink


Now that you mention it. Whenever I do a Nut Cut, I always end up finding a whoooole heck of a lot of clipping issues and other imperfections that were previously just chilling behind text dialogues. Tho it does also show some of the small details I put in that were unfortunately covered by dialogue box, so I ain't compainin :p Lol! I guess it's like a different ending where the potion and her stamina never ran out, or at least, took a lot longer to wear off... Who knows how this alternate timeline would've ended hehe. Horni Lumine = Best Lumine Btw, I see a lot of you Chads changing your pfp's... Wonder whhyyy


Oh I don't think she would mind any surprise visitors... In fact, she already invited a couple hehehe

Bane of Horni

Lumine gonna get a whole superlab in the teapot for Sucrose to cook batches of these potions Also bet mr Pink is cooking too xD