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Lumine's curiosity had some unintended consequences...

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It's been 8 long months in the making, but I can now finally present to you. The culmination of all my hard work, time, and effort. As well as the invaluable support and helpful feedbacks from all you Chads... The much awaited and admittedly long overdue continuation of the Night in Teyvat series...

A Night in Mondstadt: Happy Accident Part 2!!!

Of course as always, Super super thanks to all you absolute Chads that have supported me! None of these would've been possible without your support and I'm truly grateful to each and every single one of you :3

And speaking of Chads... On my previous post, I've been asked by Ichigo to give a postmortem review and perhaps give my thoughts on the project, as well as the important things that I've learned during production... Welp, I think that sounds like a great idea!

All in all, three things spring to mind:

First is to always be open to change.
I've learned that if an idea, an inspiration, or a suggestion pops up that might end up improving the animation. Always, always, give it a try!.. Or at the very least, give it a long hard thought. Even if it may seem to deviate too far from the original plan.

For example... Some of the things that weren't originally included in my plans were:

-The Full-Hermaphrodite version of Lumine's giga dong, even though I initially thought it wouldn't work simply coz it was too cramped in there.
-Sucrose showing off more skin, even though the gen 1 model's torso isn't as good as I'd like it to be.
-The stomach bulges moving along the stomach rather than just simply poking out, even tho I had to use trigonometry to make it work XD
-And adding in all of the Fluid sim stuff, even tho I had next to no experience working with it and had to learn it from scratch.

All of those were just extra stuff that some of the Chads had suggested that could've easily been discarded with a simple "Ehh... prolly wouldn't work." but instead became an integral part of the animation, and eventually giving way to a lot of the later sexy scenes!

Which leads me to the next important thing...

Feedback is king!
Although I spend a LOT of time thinking about and working on my animations. At the end of the day, I'm just a single person. And having access to the thoughts and ideas of hundreds of Chads, all with different backgrounds, yet (through the power of smut) united in the same goal of helping me make the best smut I can deliver is just an absolute privilege. One that I will always use to it's full advantage :3

And lastly, and most importantly... Is to just enjoy the process.
A couple months ago, I came to the realization that putting in tight schedules and deadlines wasn't good for my well being... Big surprise I know XD. But as obvious as it may seem, it's still a super easy trap to fall into.

Even if dozens of people were to constantly urge you to take your time... Sometimes, a single "Is it done yet?" can somehow overtake all the prior sensible advices, and make you think; You're not doing enough... You have to hurry and be more productive... And that you shouldn't waste the support that everyone has given you.

To the point where my love for animation, was slowly being replaced with the stress and anxiety of delivering good smut, as soon as possible.

It takes some time to realize this... and even more to override the human tendencies to focus on the negatives. But eventually, you learn to just enjoy the journey and the process, and just focus on making the best animation you can give, rather than some arbitrary deadline that no one really cares about.

And yeah! Those are the three most important things that I learned throughout the production of Happy Accident Part 2!

As for what comes next...

Now that the Full HD version is done, I'll be reaching out to the people who know a LOT more than me about Voice Acting for advice on how to proceed with the dubbing of Part 2. And as much as I love doing things my self, Working on the dubbing, on top of my usual tasks is spreading me out a lil' too thin. So I'd like to take a more hands-off approach this time.

Of course, I'll still be giving some general directions as to how I'd like it to go, but other than that, I'll let the pros handle the rest :3

Also, I'm currently working on the Nut-Cut version of Part 2. And once that's done, I'm gonna take a week break to take care of some looong overdue irl stuff before going back at it and start working on the remake of A Night in Liyue - Prank Gone Wrong!

Again, Super thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you like it you absolute Chad!




Congrats on the full release! It was fun to see the journey.


This was indeed an amazing journey. Loved all the process and the post of the little bits of the progress. Great job!

Daniel Martell

It's been a long while now since you started on this animation, but it's been a really interesting experience watching it come together. I'm glad I stuck around and watched the whole process. I can't wait to see what comes next!


It's been quite a journey. It's interesting to see how our feedback has changed the project over time. I get what you're saying with that third point too. You don't always realise when you're overworking yourself when you're motivated. Can't wait to see what you can do with your newly cultivated skills


What is a “Nut-Cut”?


Going over the video again now I realise that I never really appreciated the scene at 23:12 before. The angle, the expressions, the "Lumine being topped" energy, that little leg movement. Good stuff


We need to coin a new term for porn so tasteful you don't want to masturbate to it, because this is it. And I don't mean this in a bad way I loved every minute of this but you managed to make the interactions, expressions and dialog between the two so cute and wholesome that overtime I lost my arousal. I cared for the characters and story in smut wich is a first for me and for that you deserve all the praise you currently get and so much more. Incredible work and I can't wait for all of your future animations. (P.s: Do take a break tho if you need it) (P.P.s: I think that term should be "Pinks")

Ichigo Kurosaki

🎉✨🎊🙌🏾✨🎊🎉 A job well done, Pink!! 8 months flew by watching this come together like it did. Super proud of ya and everyone who supported and/or gave feedback! So many great scenes and moments throughout this animation that like HornyOnSide said, some so wholesome you don’t want to masturbate but watch this cute couple learn about each other ^_^! They felt like real characters with ups and downs which is a huge accomplishment in not only smut but any work. Take a much needed break and get bored during it! I’m most creative when bored and hope you get the time away to play some games or catch up on some shows/anime you’ve missed. Amazing job as always, Pink!! Gonna miss writing novels of feedback for you while you’re away haha XD Thanks for the postmordem!

Ichigo Kurosaki

Oh and I think Pixie Willow has expressed interest in implementing long form VA work for animations. Might be worth chatting with her. She might even know others who could help!


Woo congrats! Have been following this project for months, and its finally finished! Great work This is so wholesome, I stayed for the plot. Actually such a wholesome and cute animation. GZ


Daniel!.. It has been while hasn't it XD And thank you for sticking with me all this time. I really really do appreciate it :3


Your suggestions have had a rippling effect on my animations, that's for sure. Much like how your feedback on lateral stomach bulges will live on all the way the next gen models :3 Ahh yes... That's one of the scene with "replay value" lol. Coz once the scenes changes, the placement of Succ's butt and the dripping coom was at the same location as Sucrose's face on the last shot. So that's where your eyes naturaly drift to. However, Lumine's bewildered facial reactions to being topped is also on display on the right side of the shot. And ya cant look at both at the same time. So I settled with a timing of "when the coom drops, Lumine looks up" so your eyes only have to focus on one thing at a time, whilst maintaining both the butt AND Lumine on full display all the time for second time viewers that are looking for sumtin different :3 Sorry, got a lil carried away there XD


Ahhh... I forgor that there are a lot of new Chads that wasn't here a when that term came up XD. But Ichigo is [retty much spot on. No dialogues, No music, No distractions, Just Nut :3


Ahhh... I really want you to come tho XD Oh well... Someday, I'll find the right balance of Horny and Story that ideally makes you finish before the story does. Gonna be a challenge for sure lol. But even tho I could't manage to stroke your appendage, at least I was able to stroke your heart. Which is already 1/2 of my goals reached. Plus! The other half, is what's the nut cut is for anyways, so I'll take it XD "Pinks" lol... Kinda like the roguelikes or soulslike genre. Here we got Pinklikes XD


Ahhh... you know me too well XD I will most likely get bored real quick and get back to working on sumtin even when on break. That said, I will try and catch up on all the new genshin stuff that came out before it piles up on me again lol. Oh wow... It's like you read my mind! She's one of the first one that I plan on approaching for help. Didn't know she's looking for long form stuff tho, so that's defo a plus :3


And thank you! for riding with me on this journey hehe... Cute new pfp btw, kinda looks familiar but I'm not to sure where I've seen it before...


Oh thanks! Didn't think you'd recognize I got a new one lol. She's Giselle from Bleach, she's silly


Didn't realise so much thought went into it. Was well worth it though lmao. Something about assertive characters being flustered/embarrassed while being milked really activates my neurons. I blame Ihcaris' art


OOHHH!!! The one with a smelly coom XD I see I see... It all makes sense now. Haven't watched bleach other the soul society a loooong time ago, and I only know her through youtube, but her image somehow stuck with me lol


To me, this is simply art. To be honest, most film creations tend to omit the changing poses in animation, but here the performance is truly dynamic, without any ambiguity. It's really great! The expressions and transitions of the two characters, coupled with the sound effects, make people feel like they are watching a high-quality animated movie. I'm glad you've done this work and I will continue to support you. So, I wish you a great day.


Ohh a new potential... inspiration. Please do link their art if you got the time hehe


I especially like their Koharu stuff. They don't always upload their stuff to pixiv so boorus are your best bet. One of my favourites would have to be https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7423291


Ty for the sucrose content the world needs king. My only lament is that the no balls futa did not win the poll, would a model swap version be possible to request? Amazing work regardless and I have no regrets supporting you!

Bane of Horni

Omg I just found your works and it was an instant sub from me. It's really nice how you managed to combine smoking hot smut with a wholesome compelling story (prolly biased tho cuz I simp both Lumine and Sucrose so hard XD). You're a goddamn artist. This is art, Pink-sama! Also will you consider having characters have a bit fewer clothes on in future projects? Not like full nude but at least free the titties ヾ(° ▽ °)ノ But either way things are pretty much perfect. Hope you have a nice break and i can't wait for more masterpieces from you :D


Right?! I think that seeing the characters change poses, rather than just smash cutting to the next shot is way hotter and more immersive! Ofc it takes as long, if not longer to animate than the actual humping itself, but I believe its worth it XD I did have a great day! And thank you for supporting me and my weird passion :3


Sucrose defo needs more love! Ahhh... I'm afraid that'd be waaaaayyy to hard to implement. But on the bright side, there will be another chance at ball-less redemption for Prank Gone Wrong. And I've a feeling it's gonna be favored this time around hehehe...


Aww.. thanks! And if that's the case, then I guess you're one lucky Chad! Looking at your pfp, I'm sure you're gonna enjoy the next animation as well :3 Oh for sure! In fact, I'm currently working on the next generation of my character models to specifically improve the torso and bewbs so that I can do some nude-er scenes :3


Nice, congratz on the full release! Super looking forward for the remake of A Night in Liyue - Prank Gone Wrong but before that I think Pink Sama deserve a good rest haha


You are seriously one of my favorite artists of all time, 100% my favorite 3d animator / artist. You're such an amazing and open person. Love to see that you're growing and gaining popularity. I remember subbing when there weren't many here, it makes me so happy to see you get recognized. You deserve it.


Awww.... :3 You've been by my side for almost a year now huh... I remember having like, a hundred of you Chads way back when you joined in 2022, and I was Ecstatic! And now there's like a thousand of you... Just... Wow.


I dont tend to use patreon very much, but I just wanted to say that this was an absolute masterpiece, This felt like a Disney Classic movie mixed with Genshin porn, and somehow very wholesome, I hope you keep doing what you want and I hope I can keep supporting you.


Awww thank you :3 And no worries, I don't plan on stopping any time soon, not when I've got Chads like you, supporting my weird passion XD


I register patreon and paypal just for subscribe you, 30min+ futa animation masterpiece


After a year ish and 18 days later, I discovered part 1 of this series and awaited part 2, and now my dreams have come true. Part 1 was God like and part 2 went even harder. I now await what more you have instore for us. (Also your animation is amazing I've never seen anything like it keep it up)


When is the dubbed version is coming out

Katsuki Yoakenohoshi

Absolutely love this! I want more purely for the story, hell i'd love for just more story. Without a doubt my number one favorite animation.


OMG! This animation is very very good and sweet. I’ll support you every month. ❤️