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One last sexy scene to go!

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Alt link (Mega)



TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Lumine's voice! (mega):



Making this wip was pretty straightforward... Polish the movements, improve facial expressions, add some lighting, gape Sucrose's butthole, find and fix clippings, and sprinkle in some cute ear flicks for the finishing touches!.. Y'know, the usual.

There's also nothing too weird or note worthy that happened this week. And it was all around pretty chill.

Well... I guess I did catch the flu (along with my entire neighborhood apparently), but it was nothing compared to the might of the spag, and so I was able to mostly work through it without much trouble.

There was also a 12hr blackout which sucked, coz I couldn't work, But!!! It did give me an opportunity to catch up to Genshin content!.. All the way up to the latest Dainsleif quest, which was pretty cool imo!

On a side note, I love narratives where the "villain(s)" has a compelling and understandable reason for doing villainy stuff. Specifically the types where it gets you to think: "If I was in their shoe, and was forced to experience what they went through... I'll prolly do the same thing!"

Really hope MHY can stick the landing with these morally gray narrative they got going, and not just end up with some clear cut, good vs evil cliché that's so prevalent in rpg's... It's MHY tho, so I'm pretty hopeful :3

Oh!.. And the recent "Kaveh story quest" was pretty lit too!.. Loved the dynamic between the characters as always. Tho I still need some getting used too when it comes to Tighnari's voice... It always manages to catch me off guard whenever he speaks XD.

And also, I just remembered. I also found out a new way of post rendering that improves the video quality without increasing file size. So the wips from now on should be a little more crisp than usual :3

And yeah! That's about it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: Sorush needs to chill tho... She's cute and all, and I'm all for character progression, but waaayyy too much filler lines -_-




Loving the feet shot just wish both Lumine & sucrose were barefoot. Animation is crazy good nice job mate


Thanks! I also adjusted the angle of Lumine's boots at the start of the pounding based on your feedback. Looks a bit more realistic now :3


Woah an update from Pink Sama, what a great surprise after long day of stressful work 🥲🫶


Creampie ending please