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They're uhh... quite energetic aren't they?

Watch through google drive:


Alt link (Mega)



TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Sucrose's voice! (mega):



This may be the most animation-heavy scene I've done yet. With 4 separate instances of fluid sims and a whooole bunch of spasm XD...  It even ended up eating most of my day off. But I think it was worth it :3

Speaking of spasms, I've also managed to find a way to standardize climax spasm! (Which is a sentence that I never thought I'd ever write down, but hey!).

My current approach is that a spasm is just a quick back and forth movement of the hips, that starts off rapidly, with every thrust changing direction every couple frames which slowly tapers out to about 10 frames. With each arc of the hips being wider than the last... All of which needs to be tediously animated manually. And ultimately concludes in about a single second of watch time!.. Worth...

Speaking of work intensive additions that barely adds to the total runtime, I've had a lot of practice with fluid sims on this one!.. And mannn... I don't know how to express this feeling, but imma try it anyway!

So whenever I do squirts, I've basically just brute forced it with trial and error until I get to a point where I'm ok with it. And tho I usually have a vision of what the squirt should ideally look like, I was pretty much at the mercy of luck most of the time. But on this wip... I finally... got... gud... Shieeeeeee-...

Weeeeellllll... At least to the point where I now know what most of the buttons do and vaguely when to push them.

Still... That feeling of seeing a squirt and instantly knowing that "Ahh... the squirt spreads too much, I gotta switch to APIC and up the surface tension to 0.1 and try again"... And then that sudden realization of "Oh crap, do I actually know what I'm doing now!!!?"... *chef's kiss*.

Ofc there are still a bunch of things that I can't figure out for the life of me. Like making the squirts look "finer" and more lifelike, while making the cum look more sticky, messy, and less homogenous. OH! And there's also the thing when particles just randomly pop out of exist-... You get the idea...

Moments like these are one of the big things that kept me from quitting. Even after experiencing countless demoralizing errors during my training montage :3

Still, Ik I've just scratched the surface of what blender has to offer and that there's waaaayyyyy more things to learn... But who knows! Maybe someday I'll even git gud enough that I can share and teach what I've learned in making hentai animations, so that our future degen animators wont have to go through as much headache as I have... But until then!

Hope you like it you absolute Chad!

PS: The next wip will be the last of the sexy scenes and will likely be around 3 mins long. So it might take a few days longer than the usual to make. Buuttt I'll do my best to make it worth the wait hehe.

Also, in a typical me-fashion, Part 2's total runtime will now be around 26-27 mins. As opposed to the original goal of 24 mins. And based on my current pace, The entire thing should be done sometime around July as opposed to June.

Sorry bout that -_- I'm still absolute garbage at planning (and sticking to it). But hopefully I'll get better at it with time :3

PS2: "The next wip will be the last of the sexy scenes and will likely be around 3 mins long". Uhh yeah... Make that 5 mins long :p




do u do sounds for wips by any chance


Yep! "Audio WIPs" are the last step before the final release. You'll be seeing them soon enough :3


This is absolutely fantastic. I wish others would take notes on the angles you provide with your scenes!




Why do so many videos have no sound