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Yep... definitely won't be sitting down for a while.

Watch through google drive:


Alt link (Mega)



TLDR? Try listening to this blab in Sucrose's voice! (mega):



It's been a pretty rough past few days for me. All because I got too greedy. And made one seemingly simple, yet devastating mistake...


Tldr, it was spoiled and I got rekt for a couple days :p

Not so Tldr: I had this tray of leftover spag, chilling in the fridge for a couple days. Then, shortly after microwaving it, I then proceeded to devour the entire thing...

Big (and delicious) Mistake...

It had this ever so slight sour smell to it, but I didn't think much of it coz c'mon... It's spaghetti! It's prolly just the tomato sauce right?.. Aaaaaand voila! Food poisoning :3

In hindsight, I prolly should've added some vinegar to the tomato puree to extend its shelf life. But alas, I did not.

I tried working through it, but after half a day, the lower back and wrist ache, plus the fatigue (and all the other symptoms that I will not go into detail) proved a bit too much and I ended up taking a of couple days off to recover.

Tho there are a couple of silver linings from this crappy event... hehe.

One is that my fingers had some much needed rest (I usually workout and play genshin on my off days, so my fingers couldn't catch a break there neither).
And two, is that while I was self diagnosing my condition though google (as you do XD), I found some pretty interesting anatomy tidbits about the gastrointestinal system, that lends credibility to the real world feasibility of a particularly kinky thing that I'd like to do in the next wip...

Which is it specifically? And what is this "thing" I'm talking about?.. He-hehhe....

But anyways, I don't have much screen time left for this animation (we're at min. 18 out of 24 now), and Imma make sure to make good use of the rest of the screen time that I've got... And so, I'll be putting aside the dialogues for the next 4 mins. and just focus on back-to-back, high-paced sexy action!.. The remaining 2 mins. will ofc be spent wrapping up Sucrose and Lumine's story :3... At least that's the plan :p

But yeah! That's pretty much it! Hope you like it you absolute Chad!




Oh shit, that reminded me of a video from chubbyemu hope you are ok now.


🥵🥵🥵 is all i can say!


I’m not normally into anal, butt….. In all seriousness this is some good stuff. Curious how it’s all going to wrap up.


Dang, that did not disappoint. Glad the spaghetti didn't effect the quality it seems. Continue the great work. :)


Holy shit this is perfect, this is my favorite part yet


Oh damn! Another great update, hope you got well from the spaghet soon :(


gastrointestinal system? Is the "thing" you are talking about perhaps a particularly large amount of coom that may even reach the other end?

Ichigo Kurosaki

Firstly! Duuuuuude! Hearing you aching and in pain makes me so sad. 😅 I’m sorry you had to go through that tho, spaghetti was always the good guy but not this time. Secondly! Hoooooooly shit. The smoothness of your animation for fast paced thrusting has been perfected. Back in March you were just starting out with 60fps and using those extra frames (and time) to achieve something like this. Wow. Is this still using the “3 thrusts forward, one back” technique you mentioned? It looks so lifelike, with Sucrose’s reaction to every thrust feeling fluid yet firm. I’m really, really impressed and can effortlessly say this is your best work. If your last update flexed your face emoting and complex hand translation anim skills, this flexes your thrusting skills - incredible work, Pink!! Thirdly! Gonna gush on some details. Lumine’s eyes looking at Sucrose throughout were great. She feels so alive checking to see how Sucrose feels while pounding away. I’ll never get enough seeing liquid on the screen and Lumine playing with Sucrose’s clit was so so good. Finally seeing Sucrose cum from such a build up was amazing. Now Lumine can play with her like a toy and I’m sure Sucrose won’t mind 😈 Your camera work doesn’t get enough love, but I love the establishing wide shots to showcase where they’re banging. Something about it makes the scene much hotter!! The audio when it gets added will elevate these scene soooooo much! It's already so hot without it, but with it, this will be a masterpiece. Did you ever work with that audio guy again or find someone new? There's someone on Twitter I saw that may work (and want to suggest), but I don't want to intrude if you feel close to who you have :) Thanks again for everything!!! Rest up those hands and hope you feel better, Pink!! 🙏🏾


Always the best pink😍😍


Definitely see you starting to moving in a less vanilla direction with some of your ideas. At least as vanilla as you could describe futa anyway. As a fluid connoisseur (mostly coom but also can appreciate a good squirt), I like this direction. Had me a little worried when I saw the comment about that "thing" considering the context 🤣 but HornyOnSide's comment made me realise it <i>probably</i> isn't what I thought at first Sucks about your food poisoning. I must have some tolerance or have just gotten really lucky considering some of the risky things I've done. Only had full-on food poisoning twice and one those times wasn't even my fault


Reminds me of the time when I brought some chicken and asparagus to work for lunch. I bit into the veggies, and there was a… fermented taste, but my dumb ass thought it was just cuz I marinated everything in lemon-based dressing. My butt disagreed.


Oooff... You'd think that the lemon would extend its shelf life, but guess not. At work too, sheesh. Oh well, At least its just one end that disagreed. The spag wasn't as merciful XD

Dark Angel

Really hoping the remaining 4 minutes of action is all or mostly anal. As an anal lover, the anal section in the first part was too short in my opinion. But great work either way.