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Create Your Own Adventure - Part Three

  • Does Oliver try and make a run for it? 0
  • Does Drake try and help him? 12
  • Do the guys from accounting not notice and walk the other way? 3
  • 2023-08-25
  • —2023-08-30
  • 15 votes
{'title': 'Create Your Own Adventure - Part Three', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does Oliver try and make a run for it?', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Does Drake try and help him?', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Do the guys from accounting not notice and walk the other way?', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 30, 22, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 25, 16, 7, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 15}


You guys wanted Oliver to accept Drake's help, but with an incident on the way to his office, so here it is!

Vote for what happens next and part four will be out next week!

Oliver knew he had no choice other than to accept Drake’s help. As much as he didn’t want his sexy boss to see that he was hard as a rock and leaking inside his suit pants in the middle of the office, he just needed to get back to his office. Once there, he could calm down, clean up and disappear before the day got any more humiliating.

“Well?” Drake asked, offering Oliver his hand.

Oliver swallowed and closed his laptop. “If you could help me get back to my office, that would be great. But could you maybe not . . . look?”

Drake raised an eyebrow. “You realise I’ve already seen it?”

Oliver blushed. “Yes, but could you not look again?”

With a roll of his eyes, Drake turned his back on Oliver, which was less than helpful as it put Drake’s tight suited ass right in front of Oliver’s face.

Desperately trying not to lean forward and bite one of his meaty cheeks, Oliver stood up and positioned his laptop bag in front of the tent in his suit pants. When he looked down, he was horrified to see a sticky wet patch the size of table tennis ball. You could practically see the head of his dick through the damp, light material.

“Oh fuck,” Oliver whispered.

Drake spun round. “What’s . . .?”

Drake’s eyes travelled straight down to Oliver’s crotch and Oliver noticed him lick his bottom lip.

“Wow! You really are boned up. Did you take Viagra or something?”

Oliver shook his head quickly. “No! Of course not, I just . . .”

There was no way that Oliver was going to tell his hunky boss that he’d gotten behind on laundry and had no choice but to wear a slutty silk thong under his suit. And he definitely wasn’t going to tell him that the silk made him horny as hell.

Drake laughed. ‘Look, walk behind me closely and I’ll try and make sure no one gets a look at that.”

Despite the situation, Oliver’s cock throbbed at his boss talking about his dick.

What was wrong with him? He should be mortified right now, not horny.

Drake opened the conference room door and stepped into the corridor with Oliver following closely behind him. So close that when Drake came to a stop, Oliver stepped straight into the back of Drake and his tent connected with Drake’s firm suited cheeks.

“You may not want to get that close,” Drake chuckled. “At least, not in the office hallway during business hours.”

Oliver couldn’t form a coherent sentence. He said something that sounded like words mashed together, but the implication that grinding his cock against Drake’s ass outside of office hours could be a possibility was enough to blow Oliver’s mind.

“Come on, whilst it’s quiet.”

Oliver followed Drake along the hallway, past one of the old storage rooms, past the small kitchenette and around the corner to the hallway that led to Oliver’s office, and further along, Drake’s.

Oliver was feeling almost relieved that the corridors were empty and that they’d nearly made it.

And then . . . the smaller conference room’s door opened.

Four guys from accounting emerged into the hallway, forcing Drake to suddenly back up. The sharp movement knocked Oliver’s laptop bag flying out of his hand and on to the floor.

Desperate to avoid any of the guys in accounting seeing the damp patch on his suit pants, or the throbbing hard on inside them, Oliver immediately spun around and bent over to grab the laptop bag.

But as soon as he bent over, a loud RRRRIIIIPPPPPPPP echoed through the hallway.

The rear seam on Oliver’s light grey suit pants had ripped open from waistband to crotch. It would be a humiliating event on a normal day, but on a day when Oliver was wearing a silk thong, a day where Oliver’s bare cheeks with a slither of black silk between them was on show?

It was possibly the most humiliating day of his life, and he had absolutely no idea how he’d escape with his dignity intact.


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