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Here's part 3 of Matt's story where Mr West finally gets his hands on him. I'd love to hear what you guys would like to see happen between them next - comment below or drop me a message!

When Matt woke up the following morning, he showered, dressed and was ready to leave early for once. The thought of being at Mr West’s control had kept him awake and hard for most of the night. As per his instructions, Matt had worn some tight jeans and a pair of black boots. The jeans were a little old and ripped on the legs, but they were a perfect fit after they’d been washed, even if they did a get a little baggier the longer they were worn. He’d also put on a check shirt and he’d decided to forgo underwear completely to avoid any visible lines through the tight faded denim.

Matt arrived at the construction site ten minutes early, but Mr West was ready and waiting for him at the gate.

‘Looks like you do know how to arrive on time,’ he said as Matt got out of the car.

‘Yes, Mr West. I didn’t want to disappoint you again.’

Mr West smiled as Matt took in his tight jeans, white t-shirt and heavy-duty boots. ‘Cut the Mr West crap and call me Kit. Shall we go over my questions?’

‘Certainly,’ Matt said with a nod and followed Mr West . . . Kit to the site cabin, his eyes barely ever leaving his impressive denim-clad butt.

Inside the cabin, Matt waited by the door, before Kit beckoned him over to a small table where the plans were laid out. Kit went through his many, many questions about construction plans, the various changes he needed and the additional materials he’d need.

As Matt went through the queries, he started to wonder if he’d dreamt up the previous day. He was semi-hard inside his jeans, but Kit seemed to be solely focused on the job and didn’t seem to give any indication that he was going to follow through on the promises he’d made the day before.

‘I expect the revised plans by Friday evening so that I can review them over the weekend. I assume that works?’

‘Yes, Mr West . . . I mean, Kit.’

Kit smiled at Matt’s speedy change of his name. ‘I’ll give you a quick tour of the construction site so you know your way around when you’re here.’

Matt rolled the plans up and put them back in the tube with his notes and left them on the desk. ‘Sure, let’s do a tour.’

Kit frowned. ‘Problem, Matt?’

‘Nope,’ he said as he crossed his arms, hoping his biceps were bulging in the checked material of his shirt.

Kit crossed the small space between them and leaned forward, his lips pressed against Matt’s ear. ‘Is someone a little frustrated that they aren’t being used as they expected?’

‘Not at all,’ Matt scoffed, hoping he sounded relieved. ‘Why on earth would I want you to treat me like some toy?’

Kit laughed. ‘This says otherwise.’

Kit grabbed a hold of Matt’s throbbing hard on through his jeans. ‘You are mine during this project, remember? I will dictate when, not the other way around.’

Matt swallowed audibly as Kit unbuttoned Matt’s jeans and lowered the fly about halfway revealing Matt’s trimmed pubes.

Matt’s breathing quickened in anticipation, but he was stunned when Kit stood back and put on his hard hat, before throwing another to Matt.

‘Put this on. I don’t want your clumsy ass to cause a lawsuit.’

‘But, what about?’ Matt looked down at his undone jeans and the clear outline of his cock.

‘Oh, they’re staying undone for the tour and you aren’t going to touch them. Now, come on.’

Kit opened the door of the cabin and ushered a confused Matt outside. Why would Kit want his jeans undone and why would he leave him in that state? He was relieved that there were no workmen on site. Having his pubes on show was bad enough, but if he was hard much longer, he knew a wet spot wouldn’t be far behind.

The tour lasted about 15 minutes with Kit pointing out where certain equipment was stored and what they’d cleared so far on the sight. The focus on construction and the building was enough to distract Matt from his arousal and he was soon talking quite normally to Kit about certain ideas he had for where certain elements needed to be amended.

Matt was so focused on the conversation that he hadn’t noticed that the base of his cock could be seen, along with his pubes, from underneath his shirt tails.

‘So, when you’ve done the revised plans, we’ll sit down with the construction team and the project manager and we should be able to start by the end of next week.’

Matt nodded, making notes on his phone as he walked.

‘However, that is dependant on you getting those revised plans done and over to me to review at the weekend,’ Kit said with a slightly threatening tone.

Matt pushed his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, unaware that he had just pushed them down another inch and his perfect bubble butt was visible from behind between his shirt and the low waistband of his jeans.

Matt and Kit arrived back at the cabin, just as a pickup truck pulled up to the gate.

‘That’s the project manager. Wait in the office whilst I deal with him and then I’ll double check those revisions before you go.’

‘Sure thing,’ Matt said as he left Kit and headed inside.

‘And try not to break anything,’ Kit yelled over his shoulder.

Matt was grateful that he remembered the evil shovel as he side stepped it and made his way to the table where he’d left his stuff. He unrolled the plans again so that Kit could double check the revisions when he returned, but he couldn’t see anything to hold the edges down. He let the plans roll up and moved over to the end of the cabin where there was shelf along the top of the room with a few samples of brick.

‘They’ll do,’ Matt said with a shrug.

Matt reached up to grab 2 brick samples, but stumbled slightly when his foot connected with a bin. As he stumbled, he grabbed hold of the shelf to steady himself and . . . it came free from the wall. Matt managed to get his hands under it in time and was partly relieved that it wasn’t too heavy, but equally in a panic that he’d taken a shelf off the wall.

Matt’s biceps tensed as he held the shelf up, hoping that Kit would be back quickly and would help him put it down so that he didn’t break the ceramic samples that were also on the shelf.

As Matt stood as still as he could, sweat beading on his forehead with the effort of holding the shelf up, his jeans slipped a little further down exposing more of his butt. In his current position, his shirt was riding up with his arms over his head and he was suddenly aware that he was completely exposed.

Matt couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Kit brought the project manager back to the cabin. What if he needed something? They’d both see him with his jeans undone and his ass on show. Not to mention that they’d see his pubes and the base of his cock if he had to turn around.

Despite his predicament, Matt’s cock started to harden at the thought of getting caught in such a position. Another occasion where he’d been a potentially humiliating position after a clumsy event and he was getting hard.

‘What the fuck did you do this time?’ Kit said as he slammed the cabin door closed behind him.

‘Sorry, Kit. I was trying to get the pieces of brick to hold the plans open for you to check the revisions and I accidentally knocked the shelf down. Can you help me put it down? I’m going to drop it.’

Kit laughed. ‘Why would I do that? You’re in the perfect position. Now, don’t drop that shelf or the contract is gone.’

Matt didn’t understand what Kit was talking about until he felt Kit’s hands on the waist of his jeans. Kit lowered them to his ankles at a snail’s pace and when Matt’s cock sprung free, it was rock solid and already starting to glisten with precum.

‘Kit, please can you just take the shelf and then you can do whatever you want.’

‘I can do what I want now.’

Matt risked a glance over his shoulder to see Kit squatting down behind him. Matt felt Kit’s hands brush up over his calves and then his thighs before they started massaging his bubble butt.

Matt couldn’t stop the groan that escaped from his lips and he nearly dropped the shelf when Kit parted his cheeks and his tongue traced a path down his crack.

‘Fuck, please, Kit.’

Kit ignored Matt’s begging and pushed his tongue into Matt’s hole, savouring the musky taste as he pulled his cheeks further apart to get better access.

Matt’s cock was constantly pulsing as Kit’s tongue drove him wild. Matt was moaning loudly, his arms shaking from the strain of holding the shelf whilst sweat glistening on his face and chest.

Kit slowly withdrew and stood up. He stepped close up behind Matt and started to kiss down the side of his neck whilst he unbuttoned Matt’s shirt.

‘Kit, please, I’m going to drop this. I can’t hold it much longer.’

‘You’re a strong guy, Matt. You can handle it,’ Kit said before biting Matt’s earlobe.

With Matt’s shirt undone, Kit used one hand to play with his nipple, whilst using the other to gently massage Matt’s balls before tracing his finger over the head of Matt’s dick and pulling it away covered in precum.

Kit pushed the finger into Matt’s mouth. ‘Suck it.’

Matt took Kit’s finger into his mouth and tasted his own cum, salty and tangy.

‘Now, what should I do next?’ Kit asked out loud.

Before Matt could answer, he heard the sound of a belt being undone and glanced behind him as Kit undid his jeans revealing a thick hard cock of about 7 inches encased in a Bike jock. Kit pulled the pouch to the side freeing his hard on, before pushing it between Matt’s ample cheeks.

Kit had no intention of fucking Matt yet, but he wanted to tease him and he knew it wouldn’t be long before Matt dropped the shelf.

As Kit slid his cock up and down Matt’s crack, he slowly started to jerk Matt off and after only 3 strokes, Matt stumbled back into Kit before dropping the shelf and its contents on the floor in front of them.

‘Kit, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t . . . ‘

‘You don’t do as you’re told and you deal with the consequences.’

Matt cocked his head to the side in confusion, like a puppy. ‘What do you mean?’

Kit grudgingly put his dick away and did up his jeans and belt. ‘Get your jeans back up.’

Matt obliged and pulled the tight faded denim back over his muscled thighs, his fly and button still undone, his cock glistening and pulsing.

Kit folded his arms, his biceps bulging. ‘Jerk off.’


‘I said . . . jerk off. Now.’

Matt blushed. ‘I can’t. I’m really close already, Kit. I’ll just take the plans and go.’

Kit laughed. ‘I said jerk off. If you can manage to jerk off for a minute without cumming, you can leave. If you cum, you will cum over yourself and you will then get the bus home, leaving your car here.’

Matt’s cock throbbed at the thought of more humiliation. He knew how close he was to exploding, but seeing the challenging look in Kit’s eyes, he couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his hand around his shaft. He wanted to focus on something that wouldn’t turn him on, but all he could look at was Kit’s huge bulge in his jeans.

It had been just 36 seconds by Kit’s watch when Matt tensed and started to shoot cum all over his stomach, chest and jeans, some cum splattering on his still open shirt. Kit could feel his own cock throbbing in his jock watching Matt groan and shudder as he milked every last drop from his cock.

Matt looked down and could already feel that he was in for a humiliating bus ride. He’d always cum a lot and the situation with Kit seemed to make that even worse. His jeans were splattered with ropes and globs of cum all down his thighs. His shirt wasn’t too bad, but his chest and stomach were covered too.

‘Fuck,’ Matt hissed under his breath, knowing what was to cum but unable to feel anything but aroused about it.

‘Do your shirt and jeans up,’ Kit instructed.

Matt sighed and after stuffing his semi-hard cock into his jeans, he buttoned them and did up the fly. A large spot of cum immediately bloomed at the spot where his cock head touched the material. Matt buttoned his shirt and immediately felt the cum on his stomach and chest start to seep through the white material.

Once done, Matt looked down at himself and couldn’t believe the state he was in. He was covered in cooling cum.

‘You better get yourself to the bus stop. Not being able to hold out for even a minute is pathetic.’

‘Yes, Mr West,’ Matt said, feeling like an idiot. ‘I’ll get the bus.’

‘You can come and collect your car tomorrow afternoon. I expect you to be in one of those tight suits of yours.’

‘But, I need my car in the morning.’

Kit laughed. ‘Good job you earn enough for a taxi then. Now, go and get on the bus. It’s still rush hour so should be nice and busy.’

Matt grabbed the plans and with one last look at a smug looking Kit, he headed to the bus stop.


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