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Firstly, apologies with the delay in posting this one. Second, I'm really excited to share this story. During July, my awesome Smart Casual patrons voted for their monthly story and the winning scenario was a stepdad at a cabin in the woods with his two stepsons. When I started writing it, it took on a life of its own and this is the first chapter in what could be a rather epic story. It's a slower burn than some of my usual stories, but I really hope you guys enjoy this - let me know what you think in the comments or message me :) 

Rain hammered against the windshield of my car as I exited the highway on my way home. Despite being the middle of summer, the rain never stayed away for long in Washington state and as I navigated the quiet roads back to my mom’s house, I was unsurprised by the hideous weather.

Typically, I’d be on my way to meet my older brother and my mom somewhere warmer and drier, but after recent events, our usual summer plans had been scrapped.

Mostly because, we had a new dad.

Well . . . stepdad.

My dad had disappeared when I was three and my older brother, Caleb was five. We’d grown up with mom and we’d had a pretty awesome childhood. Mom had never really dated, and it worked just the three of us.

But when I came back from my first year at college, Mom had started working at an art gallery in Seattle and had started dating her boss, some wealthy city guy who owned the gallery. Caleb and I had heard loads about him, but neither of us had met him.

Presumably, things with him and Mom had been going great because just as I finished my second-year exams, I got called into a family facetime to be told that Mom and Pete, aka Mr Rich City Guy, had been “a bit crazy and gotten married”.

I’d spent most of the drive home wondering how I felt about the whole thing. Sure, I wanted Mom to be happy, but she’d only dated this guy for just over a year, and it all seemed a bit sudden.

Caleb was fairly chilled about the whole thing. It wasn’t like we’d have to spend a great deal of time with him, and if Mom was happy then we should be too. But most of all, he was adamant that we gave the guy a chance.

Granted, that wasn’t my forte when it came to my family. I was protective of our small family unit. But, for my mom and for Caleb, I would try.

When I pulled into the drive, I was surprised to only see Mom’s car and Caleb’s. I had fully been expecting Mr Rich City Guy to have been there with some ostentatiously expensive car.

Caleb gave me a massive bear hug as soon he opened the door. “How was the drive?”

“Wet,” I said with a shrug as I followed him into the kitchen.

Most people thought Caleb and I were twins. We were the same height at bang on six feet, both broad, both with blue eyes and both with dark hair. The only difference was that whilst I was a little on the chunky side, Caleb had the body of an Adonis, and he didn’t let me forget it.

“Hey baby,” Mom said as she pulled me into a hug.

I stepped back and appraised her and was unsurprised to see her looking so glam. Despite being nearly fifty, she still had the same curvy figure she’d had in her twenties. Her face had barely any lines and even though her dark hair was now dyed once a month, she looked stunning.

“You look like you’ve lost some weight. Have you been eating enough between classes?”

Caleb scoffed. “It’ll do Aaron some good to catch up to me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Caleb, you have the body of a god and we’re all incredibly jealous. Let’s leave it there shall we.”

Caleb laughed and Mom shook her head.

“I’m making lasagne for dinner.”

I pumped my fist into the air. Mom’s lasagne was my favourite, and it would certainly make the evening slightly more bearable.

“So, where’s the new guy?” I asked, sounding a bit snottier about it than I intended.

“Excuse me, he’s not the new guy. He’s my husband!”

“Yes, I am,” said a rich, velvety voice behind me.

I spun around and felt my jaw drop!

Mr Rich City Guy was hands down the sexiest man I’d ever seen in my life! He was around my height, brown eyes that were like pools of chocolate, a chiselled jaw that was covered by a perfectly trimmed salt and pepper beard. His hair was dark, styled and greying at the temples. His shoulders were broad and he had a trim waist, and his tight navy suit showed off how thick and muscled his thighs were.

This man was my ultimate wet dream . . . and he was my new stepdad. Fuck!

“Great to meet you at last, Aaron,” he said, stepping forward and smiling with his hand extended.

I tried to ignore the smell of his musky cologne that made my dick twitch, and the strength in his grip as he shook my hand.

“Oh, come on, you’re family now, Pete,” Mom said with a laugh. “Give him a hug.”

Pete laughed with her and put his arms around me. I could feel the muscles in his biceps as he squeezed me tightly and embarrassingly, I felt my dick start to chub up. What the fuck was I doing?

Pete stepped around me to kiss my mom, and Caleb wagged his eyebrows at me, clearly knowing exactly what I thought of our new stepdad.

“I’m gonna help Aaron take his bags upstairs,” Caleb said with a forced smile in my direction.

“Yeah, we’ll be right back,” I said, following Caleb into the hall and up the stairs.

As soon as we got to my room, Caleb closed the door. “So, thoughts?”

“Mom cannot be married to that,” I said as I threw my bag on the floor.

Caleb laughed. “As soon as I saw him this morning, I knew he’d be your type.”

“I seem to recall you having a thing for older guys when you were at college.”

“Dude, I fucked one professor,” Caleb said, dropping on to my bed. “And besides, I’ve been far more interested in the ladies lately.”

I groaned as I sat down next to Caleb. Even though he was two years older than me, we’d always been inseparable. When I started to think I was gay when I was thirteen, Caleb was the first person I told and when he was at college, he called me one night and told me he was bi after sleeping with one of the guys in his fraternity.

“So, aside from looking like one of my wet dreams, what’s he like?” I asked.

Caleb considered his answer carefully, which meant he wasn’t impressed. “He seems like a nice enough guy. He definitely worships the ground that Mom walks on.”

I laughed. “But?”

“Well, he’s a bit stuck up his own ass to be honest. He’s loaded and he’s successful and boy, does he know it.”

“So, a bit of an arrogant dick?” I asked with a chuckle.

“I guess he is. He’s kind of on this pedestal of perfection. Everything about him is so pristine.”

Caleb saw the frown on my face. “But he really is amazing with Mom.”

As much as I wasn’t happy about anyone gate-crashing the life that we’d built, I was happy that Mom had found someone that gave her what she wanted. She deserved someone decent.

“I guess I’ll play nice then,” I said with a sigh.

Caleb slapped me on the shoulder. “It’s all we can do. Come on, let’s go and have dinner.”

By the time we’d had dinner and settled in the lounge to watch a movie together, I couldn’t deny that Pete clearly made Mom happy. They talked and joked with one another, and were constantly touching, which was all very innocent, but I could see how happy Mom was.

However, Caleb was absolutely correct that Pete had a major stick up his ass. He talked incessantly about how popular the gallery was and how well he was doing. He was also obsessed with keeping himself clean. I’d never seen someone use so many napkins and he refused to pick up the garlic bread with his hands, choosing to use cutlery instead. He kept his perfectly tailored navy suit on the entire time and didn’t even undo his top button. It was odd to say the least.

The worst thing was how desperately he tried to make out that Caleb and I were now his sons. He must have said something about us being a family at least six times, and it was irritating the crap out of me.

“So, boys,” Mom said after the movie had ended. “I’m going to see your aunt this weekend and I wondered if you guys fancied hanging out with Petey and getting to know each other a little better.”

Caleb and I immediately exchanged a glance that said we’d rather be shot.

“Perhaps I could take you both into the city and show you the gallery? We could stay at our apartment and maybe grab dinner and a show or something.”

“What a lovely idea,” Mom said, giving Pete a sideways hug.

Before Caleb could say a word, an idea popped into my head. It was bred partly from wanting to do it, but also from wanting to drag this pristine god down a step or two.

“We were actually going to head to the cabin this weekend, but you’d be welcome to join us.”

Mom frowned. “I’m not sure the cabin would be Pete’s thing.”

Pete waved her off. “Not at all. A cabin for the weekend sounds . . . like an adventure.”

It was obvious that he didn’t think it would be a good adventure.

“When were you planning on going?” Pete asked.

“Friday,” I said, giving Caleb a look that said, “go along with this or else”.

Pete sighed. “Oh, that’s a shame. I have to be at the gallery on Friday.”

“That’s not a problem,” Caleb said with a grin. “Why don’t we pick you up from the gallery and then we can head to the cabin.”

It was almost laughable watching the cogs turn behind Pete’s beautiful brown eyes as he tried to think of a way out of this, but one look at the joy on Mom’s face was apparently enough to resign him to agreeing.

“Oh lovely,” Mom said as she gathered the empty wine glasses up. “My three favourite boys spending the weekend together.”

The rain had finally slowed to a light drizzle as Caleb and I joined I90 and headed into Seattle to pick up Pete.

“Just remember, we don’t want him to hate us or anything,” Caleb said for what felt like the hundredth time.

“He won’t. We’re just going to take Mr Perfect up to the cabin. I’m sure he’ll freak out about the mud and the nature and the lack of modern technology, which should bring him down a peg or two, and then hopefully he’ll be more bearable to be around. Job done.”

Caleb laughed. “We don’t know the guy. He might enjoy the outdoors.”

“Please! The guy wouldn’t even eat garlic bread without a knife and fork. There’s no way that he’s going to enjoy our run-down cabin in the backend of nowhere.”

Despite Caleb being completely onboard with my cabin trip idea, he was also adamant that this wasn’t some childish attempt to make Pete leave. I assured him multiple times that that wasn’t my aim, but he didn’t seem convinced.

Pete was probably a decent enough guy, but he was a bit of arrogant snob and that grated on me. Mom wasn’t like that, and neither were Caleb and I, so I just wanted to bring Pete down to Earth a bit.

And yes, I also wanted an opportunity to be somewhere that I could maybe see the guy in shorts, or even better, in a tight speedo in the hot tub. Fuck, what a thought that was. A thought that I’d possibly jerked off over the last couple of nights.

Seeing Pete in his perfectly tailored suits the last few days was the world’s greatest tease, but I needed to see more. He didn’t even come down for breakfast in pyjamas. I was starting to wonder if he slept in his damn suits.

Caleb seamlessly drove us through Seattle to Sunset Hill where Pete’s gallery looked out over Puget Sound. I had to confess that it was an incredible location, but the view was nothing compared to the one walking towards the car.

Pete was wearing a charcoal grey three-piece suit that hugged every muscle and curve in his body. The pants were so tight that they were almost obscene, my eyes fixating on the round bulge that seemed to almost bounce as he walked. He was wearing black shiny leather dress shoes with red soles that clicked loudly on the sidewalk, and he was wheeling some expensive suitcase that would be completely ineffective on the muddy track that led to the cabin.

“Hello boys,” he said with a smile as he opened the back door after putting his case in the trunk.

“Hey Pete,” we said in unison, neither of us willing to call him “Dad” like Mom wanted us to.

“I hope you weren’t waiting for long, but I had a last-minute sale that I had to get processed today.”

I tried not to roll my eyes and politely asked about the sale as Caleb drove us north.

The drive to our cabin took a couple of hours and I could happily admit that the conversation had been painful to say the least. Pete had talked incessantly about the gallery and some beach house that him and Mom were looking to buy. He barely asked me and Caleb anything and I was so bored that I was seriously considering throwing myself out of the car.

As the roads had quietened down and the signs of life had thinned out, Pete became a bit quieter.

“So, uh, where exactly is this cabin?” he asked.

“It’s about five minutes away,” Caleb said. “Although, it looks like there’s been a lot of rain up here, so we may have a short walk to the cabin. I don’t want to risk the car getting stuck in the mud again.”

I laughed at the memory of Caleb and I desperately trying to push his hatchback out of a muddy bog whilst Mom gunned it on the accelerator and covered us head to toe in muck.

“Stuck in the mud?” Pete asked after a short pause.

I turned in my seat to look at him sat behind Caleb, and I made a conscious effort not to look at the way his suit pants dug into his muscular thighs.

“Yeah, we made the mistake of parking outside the cabin, instead of on the gravel road further down. After a weekend of rain, the car was so bogged down that it took us forever to get it free. It was messy work.”

Pete paled, his handsome features looking a little drawn.

When Caleb pulled on to the gravel track that led to the cabin, I couldn’t resist a peek at Pete as he stared out of the window. Clearly, Mr Arrogant Rich Guy was not happy about our country adventure.

“Okay, I’m not risking going any further than this,” Caleb said, parking at the end of the gravel track. “We can walk from here.”

Caleb and I climbed out of the car and grabbed our duffel bags from the trunk.

“Oh fuck,” Pete hissed as he climbed out of the car and stepped into a patch of thick mud that splattered over the polished leather of his dress shoes.

“Caleb, why don’t you take Pete’s case and get the cabin aired out and I’ll show Pete the way?”

Caleb eyes me suspiciously. “Yeah, sure, but behave,” he whispered under his breath to me so that Pete couldn’t hear.

I watched Caleb head off up the dirt track at a fast pace with Pete’s suitcase and his own duffel. I threw my duffel over my shoulder and closed the trunk.

“Are you ready to head up, Pete?” I asked with a grin.

Pete looked at the direction Caleb had headed, and a light sweat broke out on his forehead. “Is it always this . . . muddy?”

“It’s Washington, so yeah,” I said with shrug. “After you.”

Pete headed off slowly in front of me and I made sure to hold back so that I could fully appreciate the view of his bubble butt in his tight charcoal suit pants. It had to be the sexiest ass I had ever seen and seeing his perfect dress shoes slipping and sliding in the mud gave me more than a little satisfaction.

As we rounded the corner to the cabin, Pete hissed through his teeth and came to a stop.

“Is everything okay, Pete?” I asked, trying not to laugh at the indignant look on his face and the flush in his cheeks.

It wasn’t a hard walk for a guy so fit, but I was guessing a three-piece suit and an aversion to muddy conditions would make him sweat.

“I didn’t realise it would be quite so . . . rustic.”

I let myself laugh. “It’s very rustic. Come on, we’re nearly there.”

Pete went to step forward, but his right dress shoe was stuck in the mud. He momentarily seemed to pause in motion before his sheer sock clad foot came free from the shoe and plunged down into the mud with a loud squelch.

“Fuck,” he yelled.

Before I could offer to help him, Pete bent over to grab his shoe, but as his fingertips brushed the muddy leather, there was an almighty RRRIIIIPPPPPPPPPP and the rear seam on Pete’s ridiculously snug suit pants burst open.

I was expecting to see white or black cotton through the rip, but instead, I was treated to the sight of Pete’s slightly furry cheeks.

Fuck, he’s commando!

My cock throbbed to life at the hottest sight I’d ever seen, and Pete dropped his shoe and stood up, his hands flying to the ripped seat of his pants.

“Oh my god,” he almost whimpered.

I was about to offer him some help when Pete stepped forward and slipped. He fell forwards with a grunt before he splatted down in the mud, his exposed ass even more on show as his suit pants ripped further.

This was like a wet dream come to life, and I wasn’t sure I had the self-control to keep my hands to myself!



Can't wait to hear more! I hope Aaron sneaks in a slap on Pete's bare butt 🥵