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Here's part two of Matt's story where he has an eventful trip across the construction site to meet Mr West! I hope you guys enjoy this one!

After the events at the construction site, Matthew Butler had had to cancel his client meeting that evening and head home, still naked and covered in his own juices. He’d wrapped his trousers round his body like a skirt and slipped his shoes on to get back into his apartment.

The following morning, Matt was woken up at 7am by a phone call from Mr West.

‘Mr Butler, I’ve given the construction crew the morning off so that we can go through the plans. I expect you here by 8am sharp.’

With that, Mr West had hung up and Matt had dived out of bed and into the shower. It would take a good 30 minutes to get to the site in traffic, so Matt knew he had to hurry. If he was late, he was fairly certain he’d lose the contract.

Matt dressed in a panic when he saw that it was already 7:30. He pulled on a pair of old black bikini briefs that barely covered his bubble butt at all, followed by a white shirt and his metallic grey suit. It wasn’t an ideal suit to wear as it was slim fit and both the jacket and trousers were incredibly snug, but he was in desperate need of a trip to the dry cleaners and didn’t have much else.

Matt slipped on the black leather dress shoes that were still dusty from the day before and ran down the stairs to his car.

By the time he arrived at the construction site, he was fifteen minutes late and starting to sweat with nerves. When he got to the gates, there was a piece of paper taped to them that said:

You’re late! I’ll be in the tools locker at the rear of the site. Come and find me if you ever arrive.

Praying that he wouldn’t lose the job, Matt walked through the construction site, which consisted of piles of rubble and several diggers and bulldozers. The tools locker, Matt assumed, was a large metallic shed at the edge of the site. It was to the right of a large pile of rubble that was double the height that he was. As he assessed his route, it looked like he’d have to squeeze between two bulldozers and walk across a cement pathway to get the shed where the door was hanging ajar.

Matt turned to the side and started to squeeze through the narrow gap but the giant wheels of the bulldozers. By the time he got past the front sets of wheels, his white shirt had a massive oil smudge over the front of it and his jacket was covered in the same slick.

‘Oh great,’ he said with a sigh.

Matt once more turned to the side and started to squeeze through the slightly smaller gap between the rear sets of wheels. However with the tighter space, the rear of his metallic grey jacket snagged on the metal bolts of the wheel and as he shoved his way out of the gap, there was a loud RRRRIIIPPPPP as his jacket just tore from his body leaving him in just his oily white shirt.

Matt grabbed the remnants of his jacket, but seeing the state of the torn material, he just tossed them under one of the bulldozers.

Feeling even more flustered than before, Matt started to walk across the cement pathway, but when he was halfway over the 4 metre stretch, he realised that it was obviously fresh cement as his shoes started to stick to the surface.

Matt tried to speed up a little, but his right dress shoe sunk slightly into the cement and before I could process what was going on, his socked foot came straight out of the shoe and slammed down into the damp cement.

Panicked that he’d get yelled at for ruining the pathway, Matt turned around to retrieve his shoe, unaware that his other dress shoe was slowly sinking deeper into the cement. Matt bent over to grab his shoe, but the combination of the skin tight metallic material and the sweat resulted in his suit trousers bursting open with another louder RRRRIIIIPPPPPPP.

The ripping sound was so loud that Matt jumped in surprise and the small movement was enough to make him step out of his left dress shoe so that both socked feet were in the cement.

Matt tried to assess the damage to his trousers, but before he got further than feeling his left butt cheek poking out from the bottom of the bikini briefs, Mr West was at the doors to the tools locker.

‘What the fuck are you playing at, Butler?’

‘I’m so sorry, Mr West. I got stuck in traffic and then my jacket got . . .’

In a desperate attempt to save himself, Matt bent down again to retrieve his dress shoes and get out of the cement. As he did so, his trousers gave up completely and split at the waistband. As he stood up with his filthy shoes in hand, his trousers fell to his ankles revealing his now hard cock tenting the minimal amount of material that were his bikini briefs.

‘What in God’s name are you wearing?’

‘They’re just briefs, Mr West,’ Matt said as he tried to stumble out of the cement, his trousers tangled around his ankles.

Matt tried to move more quickly seeing the furious look on Mr West’s face, but his current state, that was a huge mistake. He lost his footing and fell face first into the cement, his trousers flicking off his ankles and landing at Mr West’s feet.

Matt scrambled to his feet, buttons popping off of his filthy white shirt as he stood up. By this point, Matt’s shirt was hanging open, his trousers were at Mr West’s feet, his dress shoes were in the cement and he was only wearing his bikini briefs that were well and truly wedged up his butt crack with his garters and dirty dress socks.

‘Mr West, please don’t pull the contract. I’m so sorry for the damage I’ve done to the path and I’m sorry I was late. It really wasn’t intentional.’

Matt shifted slightly on his feet and as he did so, his throbbing hard cock flopped out of the side of his bikini briefs. Matt blushed profusely and tucked himself back in resulting in a huge tent in the skimpy material that allowed Mr West a great view of Matt’s ample balls.

Matt waited with baited breath for Mr West to say something, but all he could about was the throbbing erection from his embarrassing predicament.

Mr West burst out laughing and Matt stared blankly at him.

‘I laid that cement path just after I called you. I purposely asked you to come to the tools locker because after last night, I guessed you were as clumsy as I first expected.’

‘Last night?’ Matt asked innocently, his blushing cheeks giving him away.

‘I saw what you did in the car and I watched the CCTV footage of your little trip into the cabin.’

‘I can explain everything.’

Mr West raised his hand for silence and pulled Matt off of the cement so they were just a few inches apart.

‘I’m giving you this contract, on one condition.’

Matt nodded. ‘Yes, Mr West, anything at all.’

Mr West tore off Matt’s bikini briefs and took a hold of his hard cock. ‘During the planning and building, you are mine to do as I please. You’ll wear what I instruct and do as I ask without question. Is that understood?’

Matt’s brain could barely process the proposition as he was enjoying the feel of Mr West’s hand too much, but he managed to nod.

‘Good man. Now, I reviewed their plans and they’re fine. I expect you here tomorrow morning to go through my questions.’

‘Yes, Mr West,’ Matt said through clenched teeth as Mr West started to stroke his hard length up and down.

‘Good, now I want you to cum and then head home as you are.’

Matt just nodded as he started to buck his hips, begging for release.

Mr West increased the speed of his hand on Matt’s cock as he leaned forward and kissed down Matt’s neck. Matt groaned loudly and within a matter of seconds, his cock exploded, shooting streams of cum all over Mr West’s Levis.

‘Now get out!’

Matt could barely stand, but he grabbed his car keys and phone from his trouser pockets before running back to his car naked, except for his socks and garters. He didn’t even bother to retrieve his shoes.

As soon as Matt had disappeared, Mr West stepped into the tools locker and pulled out his own hard cock from the confines of his Levis. The cum shower he’d received from Matt had disguised the wet spot he’d created by being commando in his jeans. The thought of having Matt at his control was overwhelmingly arousing and he was soon shooting his own load on to his jeans, his cum mixing with Matt’s.

‘This is going to be the best job I’ve worked on,’ he said to himself with a grin.

Matt drove home naked and managed to get back into his apartment without being seen. No sooner had he walked through the door, he received an email from Mr West.

“It’s a construction site. I expect you to wear jeans and boots tomorrow. The rest is up to you. Remember our deal!”

The thought of seeing Mr West again was too hot for Matt to contemplate and before he did anything else, he threw himself down on the sofa and stroked himself to his second climax of the morning. Perhaps being clumsy had its advantages.


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