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Choose Your Own Adventure - Intro

  • Oliver chooses the skimpy, worn out white briefs 12
  • Oliver chooses the silky black thong that turns him on 13
  • 2023-08-03
  • —2023-08-09
  • 25 votes
{'title': 'Choose Your Own Adventure - Intro', 'choices': [{'text': 'Oliver chooses the skimpy, worn out white briefs', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Oliver chooses the silky black thong that turns him on ', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 9, 20, 51, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 3, 17, 10, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 25}


As per my last update, August is the launch of the Choose Your Own Adventure story!

I’ve written the intro, which is below, and you have the choice of what scenario happens next. Once you guys have voted, I’ll write the next page and then give you options for the next one.

And then we’ll just see how long it runs for!

Once we’re done, I’ll post the whole story for you guys to come back to and read in the future.

So, without further ado, here's the intro and you'll find voting buttons below:

Hot water cascaded down his muscular back as Oliver Buckley let the shower wash away the sweat from his intense workout.

Oliver’s routine was always the same; wake at 5, workout until 7, shower and then head into the office.

However, on this particular Thursday, it was nearly 8am and Oliver was running late.

The last few weeks had been chaotic to say the least with days at the office filled with back-to-back meetings, and evenings and weekends filled with a variety of social events.

Oliver was utterly exhausted and was running on empty. He was in desperate need of a vacation, but there was no sign of that in his future.

Turning off the water, Oliver grabbed a towel from the floor that was still damp from the day before. Rolling his eyes at his own incompetence for not having had a chance to do any laundry, he dried himself off and headed into his bedroom.

Oliver grabbed his light grey suit from the wardrobe and hung it on the bedroom door. He really needed to get it dry cleaned, along with his other suits that were utterly unwearable, but he just hadn’t had a chance.

“Tomorrow,” he muttered to himself, as a desperate promise to actually get his life in order.

Dropping his towel, Oliver inspected his reflection in the mirror. At 6’1 and 33 years of age, he was lucky that he’d been able to relatively maintain his quarterback physique from college. His shoulders were still broad, his arms and chest were still defined, his stomach was still flat . . . mostly, his thighs were still thick and muscular, and he still had a bubble butt that you could bounce a quarter off. Yes, he was hairier than his college days, but he loved the dusting of fur over his pecs and stomach.

A beep from his phone interrupted his body assessment with an email advising that his first meeting had been moved from 9:30 to 9 and he was now even later than he’d originally thought.

“Fuck,” he cursed as he tore across his bedroom and yanked open his underwear drawer.

“Oh, come on,” he hissed at himself.

The only clean items were a pair of skimpy white briefs that he’d worn to death and had definitely seen better days, or a silky black thong that an ex had bought him to hold in a buttplug during a period of submission that still got him hard thinking about it.

The thong would turn him on, and the briefs were a risk in case they disintegrated, but he had no other options given that half of his underwear had already been worn inside out.

If anyone has any additional ideas or if you have any plot twists you want me to consider, feel free to comment below or drop me a message!



Voting is now closed! The silky black thong is the winner!