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It's finally time to share one of my favorite stories - The Architect. This is the prequel, which is a classic, slapstick story, which sets the scene for the main Architect story with Matt and the hunky, Mr West. I'll be sharing the 3 chapters of the Architect over the next few weeks and later this year, I'll be writing and sharing the remaining 2 chapters. 

Matthew Butler was nervously adjusting his tie as he waited for his boss to come back. He was always nervous when he got called in and Mr Klein had only just started telling him something important when he’d been called away.

Matt was an up and coming architect who was renowned for his unique designs and his efficient methodology. Unfortunately, he was also known for being late and for being accident prone.

‘Sorry about that,’ Mr Klein, a balding man in his early sixties, said as he entered the spacious office.

‘Not a problem, Mr Klein.’

‘So, the point I was getting to . . . the designs for Mr West are fantastic. However, there is a slight catch. He also has 3 other architects designing the same thing for him and we have to sell this. Now, Mr West is one of the best building contractors in the city and we need this account. Especially after what happened with the Panther account.’

I shuddered in my seat at the memory of it. I was still mocked about it nearly 6 months later.

‘You will need to be on time and you will need to be professional. I cannot have you mess this one up, Matt and I’ll have to think about letting you go and neither of us wants that.’

‘No, we don’t,’ Matt said with a shake of his head.

‘You will need to meet Mr West in a couple of days to talk him through the plans. Make sure you have them and make sure you’re there ahead of time. Okay?’

Matt nodded. ‘Yes, Mr Klein.’

‘Good lad. Now, don’t forget – no Panther account re-enactments.’

As Matt left Mr Klein’s office and got into his car, he couldn’t stop reliving the whole Panther account nightmare in his head . . .

Martin Panther had hired Matt’s firm as the architect for his new house. Mr Panther was a decent guy in his early 40’s who thought Matt was a genius, but Mrs Panther was a severe, hard woman who felt Matt took advantage of her husband’s good nature by always being late. To make matters worse, when he’d visited their current residence, Matt had accidentally spilt red wine all over their new beige throw. Mrs Panther was not a fan.

‘Matt, you need to drop the revised plans for the east wing over to Mr Panther at his office before it closes at 9. He needs them first thing to talk them over with the builder. Mrs Panther has told us that if they aren’t there, she will take her business elsewhere.’

That had been Mr Klein’s words to Matt at 6 in the evening. He’d finished the revised plans, but he’d gotten the message just after he’d returned home from a different meeting and he was exhausted.

Deciding he had plenty of time, Matt had sat down on his sofa, still dressed in his old, tight fitting navy blue suit, white shirt and polished brown leather dress shoes. Within minutes, he’d fallen asleep and it was only a text message from one of his friends that eventually woke him up at 20:43.

‘Oh no – the plans!’ Matt had yelled.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Matt had grabbed his car keys and the plans and run out of the apartment door. He was soon in his car and racing through town to Mr Panther’s office building, a small two storey building on an industrial site on the outskirts of town.

It was 21:09 as Matt hurtled into the parking lot and there was no sign of life at all. The lights were all out, except for the dim night lights in the small reception area. There were no cars in the parking lot and everywhere was deserted.

The industrial site was spaced out and it was more of a community in Matt’s opinion. He tried the front door on a whim and was unsurprised that there weren’t any cameras or security guards in sight. It was too nice of a neighbourhood.

Panicking about what he was going to do, Matt decided to wander around the building and see if there were any open windows. The mail slot wasn’t big enough for the plans and he needed to get them into Mr Panther’s office. If they lost the job, he could lose his.

Matt wandered around the side of the building and didn’t find any sign of access, until he reached the rear of the building. The rear was fenced off with a chest height wooden fence that ran around a number of trees and a grassy area filled with picnic tables for the staff to have lunch outside in the summer.

As Matt skirted the fence, he saw an open window on the left hand side of the building that was open on the ground floor. All he had to do was jump the fence, go through the window, put the plans in the office and get back out again.

The fence was wooden slats that had once been painted white, but had faded somewhat over the years. Matt tossed the plans over the fence onto the grass and climbed up the fence, before swinging his leg over and climbing down the other side.

Matt smiled. It was rare that he managed anything like that without tripping, falling or injuring himself in some way.

Matt bent down and picked up the plans, but as he did so, he heard the sound of something ripping. He quickly checked his navy blue suit pants and was relieved to find that there weren’t any holes in the crotch or the rear.

Matt jogged the short distance to the open window and was relieved that there was a low wall underneath that he could climb on to easily pull himself through.

Matt stepped up on to the wall and tossed the plans through the open window. By his reckoning, Mr Panther’s office was the third office along to his right, so he wouldn’t have far to go inside.

Gripping the window sill, Matt assessed the size and reckoned that he’d have just enough space to pull himself through. With a small jump, he had his head, shoulders, arms and chest inside the window and with his toned arms tensed to the limit, he started to pull himself through. By the time his upper body was most of the way through, Matt encountered a problem. There was nothing on the other side for him to climb down on to – it was a sheer drop to the floor.

With no other alternative, Matt knew he’d just have to pray he didn’t bang his head and let himself drop. With a bit of a struggle, Matt manoeuvred himself so that his upper body was hanging inside the room and his waist was resting on the window sill. Matt pressed his hands to the window on the inside in a vain attempt to try and slide down.

Matt shuffled forwards a little, not realising that the waist of his suit pants was caught on the window sill. As he wriggled forwards, his pants started to pull even more, until there was a small rip and his button came off and his zipper tore open.

Matt was suddenly falling to the floor, but in the process his pants slid to his ankles and tangled around his feet. With the force of the fall, the heel of one of Matt’s shoes caught on the sill and came off, before dropping on to the ground outside.

Matt picked himself up and pulled his trousers back up, unsurprised that they wore completely ripped open at the front, revealing his skin tight black silk boxer briefs. Pulling his pants up as high as he could, Matt gripped the front of them together, before bending down to pick up the plans. But with his pants pulled so tight, there was no room for movement and as he bent forward, his pants burst open from the waistband through the rear seam to the hole at the front. The pants were literally split in two.

Cursing, Matt let the material fall to the ground, exposing his toned hairy legs in his skimpy black silk boxer briefs. Matt retrieved the plans that he’d dropped when his pants had ripped and wearing only one dress shoe, his socks, garters, boxers, shirt and jacket, he opened the door and headed down the corridor.

When Matt found the door labelled for Mr Panther, he pressed down on the handle but despite the door opening a little, it was incredibly stiff. Matt pushed down the handle and slammed his shoulder into the door. The door flew open, but as it did so the shoulder of Matt’s jacket caught on the name plaque and ripped his sleeve clean off.

‘Oh great,’ Matt said with a sigh. He grabbed the sleeve and put the plans down on Mr Panther’s desk, but in his hurry to do so, they rolled off of the other side of the desk and on to the floor.

Matt walked around the desk and spotted the plans in the dim light, on the floor next to the desk drawers. Matt bent down and picked them up, not noticing that the sleeve of his jacket caught on one of the gilded handles of the drawers. As he stood up, there was another loud rip as his other sleeve tore off of his jacket.

Matt grabbed the other sleeve and left the plans neatly in the middle of the desk. He left the office and slammed the door behind him, but as he did so, he didn’t notice that the tail of his jacket and his shirt caught in the doorframe.

Matt made to walk quickly back to the office he’d come in through, and with a loud RRRRIIPPPP, his jacket came off and the buttons burst off of his shirt, before he stepped completely out of the remaining shreds, leaving him in just the one shoe, his socks, garters and silk boxer briefs.

After much struggling to get the door back open, Matt retrieved the remnants of his suit jacket and shirt and re-entered the office with the open window. Deciding to just abandon his suit, he tossed the pants, jacket and shirt into a trash can (after retrieving his car keys from the pants pocket) and assessed the window he’d climbed in through.

Matt was tempted to walk straight out of the front door, but he wasn’t sure if that was alarmed and didn’t want to be caught in Mr Panther’s office in his underwear.

Matt grabbed the desk chair and wheeled it over to the window, before carefully climbing on to it. The chair wasn’t very steady and kept rolling slightly, but Matt managed to get a grip on the window. As he made to climb through the gap, the chair rolled out from underneath him, forcing him to cling to the window frame.

With a bit of discomfort, Matt pulled himself through the gap until his waist was resting on the frame. He was just about to start lowering himself on to the wall on the other side, when the sound of a car panicked him and he lurched forward.

Matt fell through the window and straight on to the grass, but as he stood up, he visibly paled when he realised that his silk boxer briefs had torn off on the window sill and were nowhere to be seen. Trying to catch the light through the window, Matt just could make out his boxer briefs on the floor of the office. Praying that a cleaner would find them first, Matt decided to put his other shoe on and head back to his car.

As Matt was walking towards the fence, his bubble butt and ample cock hanging out for all to see, he caught the heel of one of his shoes on the corner of one of the picnic tables and went sprawling forwards in to a muddy patch of grass. Matt stood up and started trying to brush some of the wet sloppy mud off of his thighs and his chest, but it made no difference, except for one.

As Matt rubbed his thighs, his cock started to harden and within seconds, he was sporting a throbbing erection. Suddenly, feeling a bit naughty, Matt started to slowly jack off and was soon groaning as he stroked the length of his cock. Matt’s free hand flew to his bubble butt and he started massaging his firm cheeks before fingering his hole and moaning loudly.

After no time at all, Matt’s whole body tensed up and he shot a huge load of hot cum all over one of the picnic tables. He sagged from the sheer pleasure and the relief, before picking his car keys up from the table, wiping the cum off of them on to his chest and heading back to his car.

The following morning, Matt had been summoned to Mr Klein’s office. Mr Panther’s office building had hidden high-tech security cameras and everything had been captured. Mrs Panther had been disgusted by the abuse of her husband’s property and it was only thanks to Mr Panther’s kind nature that they weren’t pressing charges. Matt had been the laughing stock of the office and as he thought of the meeting ahead with Mr West, he couldn’t help but pray that he didn’t do anything that stupid ever again.


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