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Several of you have messaged me asking for a part 2 to Home Alone, and I'm excited to share the next instalment, which was commissioned by the same awesome patron that commissioned the first. 

I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Do we want to see more of Milo, Clover and Ace? Let me know in the comments or message me! 

His shirt was hiked up to his furry chest, his shorts around his ankles and his briefs around his knees. Milo had barely gotten through the door before he was freeing his rock-hard cock and playing with his nipples.

“You’re hard for me and Clover, aren’t you?”

The memory of Ace’s hand on his ass after he’d his robe stripped off in front of all the guys from the frat house, was still at the forefront of his mind after nearly a week.

“We know how much you want us. You want that dick in my massive butt, right?”

Milo couldn’t deny that he’d done very little except think about fucking Ace or Clover or both of them. His mind was constantly distracted by the two of them. Clover with his muscular twunk build and his cheeky grin, and Ace with his huge shoulders, thick thighs and dominating, confident aura.

“Or maybe you want my dick.”

And there was one of the hottest thoughts of all . . . being fucked by Ace. The scenario had grown in his head to be so much more than that in the last week. What started as Ace fucking him had turned into Ace fucking him in multiple positions whilst he sucked Clover’s cock and got thoroughly spit-roasted by both of them.

“Just the beginning.”

Clover’s words had haunted him ever since. Milo was in a constant state of anticipation waiting and wondering as to what would happen next. He was always on the edge of arousal, the slightest thought triggering an aching erection that came back to life in a matter of minutes after an orgasm.

Milo had lost count of how many times he’d cum in the last week. He was like a horny teenager that didn’t know when to quit.

But despite the constant arousal and anticipation, he hadn’t heard from Clover or Ace since that fateful morning. He’d seen them come and go and noticed several of the other frat guys working out in the garage or playing basketball out front, but not once had either of them come over or stopped to chat to him if he was outside.

Despite his desperation at wanting one or both of them to come over, Milo was too far gone in a replay of Ace’s hand on his ass as he blew his load hands free in front of all the frat boys. Milo’s hand was a blur up and down the shaft of his dick as he played out the scene in his head. He was leaning against the wall in the hallway, one hand on his left nipple, the other hand on his dick. Milo could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm. The scene in his head had just switched to Ace sliding inside him and his balls were just starting to tighten when . . .

There was a loud knock at the door, which made him jump.

Milo gripped the base of his dick until it hurt, before yanking up his briefs and shorts and straightening his shirt.

He threw open the door and felt his jaw drop.

Clover was stood there with his cheeky grin in place, wearing a white tank top and silky black soccer shorts that did nothing to hide the fact that he was commando.

“Hey Milo, I hope I’m not . . .” Clover looked down and the massive bulge in Milo’s shorts, “interrupting something.”

Milo blushed furiously and put his hand in his pocket in a desperate attempt to disguise the hard-on that he was so close to stroking to orgasm just seconds before.

“Hi Clover, I . . . no . . . what’s up?”

Clover laughed. “Well, I was feeling bad about embarrassing you like that last week, so Ace and I wanted to invite you over to our pool party.”

Miles frowned. “A pool party?”

“Yup, it’s only the frat house so won’t be a big wild event, but maybe a few beers and some chill time in the pool would be a good apology?”

Rather than giving the invitation any serious thought, Milo’s brain was completely overridden by the throbbing cock that was leaking inside his briefs. He didn’t consider that maybe Clover and Ace would use this as another opportunity to get him naked. All Milo could think about was what Clover and Ace would look like in swimsuits. Would they wear speedos or maybe some snug board shorts? Would Ace have a pair that covered his huge bubble butt?

“I’d love to,” Milo said before his brain could even join the discussion.

“Awesome,” Clover said with a big grin. “Come over in a couple of hours! Catch you later.”

Milo closed the door and immediately dropped his shorts and yanked his briefs down. His hand was on his cock and stroking up and down his shaft. In only a matter of seconds, his balls drew up tight to his body and he gasped as the orgasm rocked his body and cum splattered all over the front door.

When Milo came down from his orgasm high and cleaned up, he realised that he’d accepted an invitation to a frat pool party. Yes, they were all geeks, but even so, Clover and Ace would be there and in swimwear. What was he thinking?

It had been a while since Milo had been swimming anywhere, but thankfully, he still had a pair of faithful swim shorts that he could use. When he pulled them on, they were a little on the snug side, hugging his thick thighs and his furry bubble butt a lot more than he remembered.

Milo pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed a towel before taking a deep breath and heading out of the door.

After knocking on the front door and getting no response, Milo headed into the open garage and pushed open the door.

“Hello,’ he called tentatively, surprised that the kitchen was empty.

“Is our hunky neighbour breaking and entering now?” Milo jumped at the sound of Ace’s deep rumble of a voice.

“Sorry, I . . . umm . . .”

Ace laughed. “Calm down, man. You were invited remember.”

Milo gave a half-hearted laugh, but the sight of Ace shirtless made his brain short out. His broad shoulders, thick furry pecs, and huge biceps were more than a little distracting.

“Everyone’s out by the pool. Can I grab you a beer?”

Milo nodded. “Yeah, that’d be great, thanks.”

Ace handed him a beer and Milo took a grateful swig as he tried to look at anything except Ace.

“You look a little nervous, Milo. I hope there’s no hard feelings from last week.”

Milo shook his head. “Not at all. It was just a prank.”

Ace walked back over to Milo and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Of course, it was. Just a prank to get you naked. You being rock hard and cumming everywhere was just an added bonus.”

Milo felt his cock start to harden, despite his recent orgasm. The sound of Ace’s voice, combined with the hand on his shoulder, was bringing the memory of the prank back to stark reality. Not to mention how much it was bringing Milo’s fantasies to life.

“Yeah, that was . . . not what I’d expected.”

Ace chuckled. “You can say that again. Although, I wouldn’t say no to seeing that show again.”

Milo froze as Ace’s hand slid down his shoulder, slowly down his back before settling on his ass. Ace gave his right cheek a small squeeze and Milo couldn’t stop the gentle moan that escaped his lips.

“We better head outside,” Milo said, jumping away from Ace and holding his towel over his tented shorts.

Ace’s grin made it clear that he knew what effect he was having on Milo, but he didn’t push further and ushered Milo out through the double doors to the deck and the pool.

Most of the guys were laid or sat around the pool, but a couple were splashing about in the water.

Milo immediately searched for Clover, but before he could finish looking around, Clover walked towards him wearing nothing but a tiny speedo.

“Wow,’ Milo said in a whisper.

“Hey Milo,” Clover said with his cheeky smile as he walked over. “Ready for some fun in the pool?”

“Fun?” Milo gasped, immediately imagining Clover ripping off his shorts and playing with his dick under the water.

“Yeah, we wanna play some games.”

“I think he had something else in mind,” Ace said with another deep chuckle as he walked past them and bombed into the pool, sending waves over the edge.

“What did you have in mind?” Clover asked, following Milo’s gaze down to the bulge in his speedo.

“Nothing,” Milo said quickly, looking at the floor. “I’m just here to swim and have a beer with you guys.”

“That’s a shame,” Clover said, closing the distance between them.

Feeling utterly out of control of himself, Milo tossed his towel on the ground, yanked off his shirt and jumped into the pool. The cool water seemed to almost instantly clear his head enough to think rationally.

Clover and Ace were seniors in college. They weren’t much older than his kids. He needed to stop acting like some horned up twenty-something and be the grown up.

In fact, maybe he needed to show Clover and Ace who was boss.

Ace was much bigger and stronger than him, but Clover was an easier target. Maybe if he pranked Clover, he could assert some dominance and make these guys see that he was an adult, and they shouldn’t be messing with him like this.

Having made his decision, Milo swam to the edge of the pool where he could stand up, the water lapping at his waist.

“Hey Clover,” he called, feeling emboldened by his quick internal pep talk.

Clover walked over to him with a questioning look. “What’s up, Milo? You seem a bit of out of sorts.”

Milo brushed this off with a wave of his hand. “Nah, I’m all good. Just needed the water to wake me up a bit.”

Before Clover could respond, Milo jumped up out of the water, grabbed Clover’s speedo and yanked it down to his knees, his ample cock and balls swinging free.

All of the guys immediately started laughing, as Clover clapped his hands over his dick and blushed. Milo was desperate to see Clover turn around, but he just stayed like that as the other guys shouted lewd comments about his thick dick and his cute butt.

After what felt like minutes, but was only seconds, Clover seemed to realise that he had nothing to be ashamed of and he shrugged and knelt down, his face inches from Milo’s.

“If that was payback, you have a lot to learn, Milo.”

Milo gulped as Clover grinned at him and stood back up, slowly sliding his speedo back into place. Clover made a show of tucking his cock back into the tight speedo, never breaking eye contact with Milo.

The sight of Clover’s exposed dick and the sexy way he pulled his speedo back up had Milo’s cock throbbing at attention. He could feel it pressing against the net lining of his shorts, desperate for release.

Clover turned around giving Milo a perfect view of his speedo clad butt and Milo practically groaned from frustration and desperation.

“You picked the wrong frat bro to expose,” Ace said from behind him. “Clover loves the attention, even if you did shock him a little.”

Milo spun around, unaware of how close Ace was to him and Milo’s hard dick slid against Ace’s hip as he turned.

“It was . . . just a prank. I didn’t . . .”

“Oh, I know what you were trying to do,” Ace said with a slight shake of his head. “But we both know you just want to see me and Clover naked.”

Milo opened his mouth to argue, but Ace placed a finger on his lips.

“It’s cool that you’re hot for both of us.”

Ace placed his hand on Milo’s dick under the water and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“We both know how much you want us.”

Milo stepped around Ace and swam to the deeper end of the pool, desperate for some distance. That one squeeze from Ace had him so close to the edge that he thought he might blow right there in the pool.

In fact, Milo was so panicked about the whole situation that he wasn’t paying attention to where he was swimming and he swam straight into the side, his head bouncing off of the tiled wall.

Milo’s vision blurred and he shook his head to try and clear it. There wasn’t any real pain, but the shock of banging his head so hard seemed to short out his brain until he was suddenly unable to keep himself afloat.

In his shock and panic, Milo started thrashing around in the water. He swallowed a ridiculous amount of chlorine tainted water before Clover saw what was happening and dived in to help him.

“Calm down, Milo, you’re safe,” he said in Milo’s ear as he tried to stop him thrashing.

Feeling unable to do anything but obey, Milo stopped thrashing and let Clover and Ace drag him out of the pool.

“He’s okay,” he heard Ace shout as several of the frat guys came rushing over to them.

Milo was lying on the deck, Clover on one side and Ace on the other.

“I’m not sure,” Clover said with a frown. “He looks kinda out of it. Maybe we should call for help?”

Ace shook his head. “Try giving him mouth to mouth. I reckon that will help.”

Milo’s brain couldn’t process the words properly and suddenly Clover’s face was in front of his. It seemed to happen in slow motion. Clover’s eyes closed and his lips puckered as he brought his face closer to Milo’s. And then, Clover’s lips were on his.

Milo wanted to kiss him back, but another throb from his inexplicably still hard dick made him freeze.

Clover’s lips were soft and firm, and he smelled of chlorine and some sweet, woody aftershave.

“Maybe he’s in shock or something,” Ace said with a shrug. “He looks a little stiff.”

Clover laughed. “I think you’re right. Maybe it impacted his circulation.”

Milo could hear some of the other guys laughing, but his attention was quickly refocused when Clover put one hand on his pec and the other on his thigh.

“That’s it, Clover. Massage is good for circulatory issues,’ Ace instructed.

Clover stroked Milo’s chest with one hand whilst slowly squeezing his thigh with the other. Milo was in a daze as he lay there, frozen like a statue. He couldn’t trust himself to speak or move for fear of his dick exploding.

“I think you were right before, Ace. We may need them,” Clover said as he focused both hands on Milo’s furry pecs.

Before Milo could ask what they needed, Ace disappeared leaving Clover to stroke the hair on Milo’s chest before he flicked one of Milo’s nipples causing him to moan out loud.

“Oh, that seemed to get a reaction,” Clover said with a chuckle.

Milo curled his toes and tensed every muscle in his body as Clover started slowly and gently playing with his nipples. He could hear the other guys laughing and making comments around him, but his sole focus was on the throbbing hard on inside his shorts. He was hovering on the edge and was in a complete quandary as to whether to let go and cum in front of everyone again, or to keep fighting it.

“Here you go, bro,” Ace said returning to Milo’s other side.

Milo watched as Ace passed Clover a pair of scissors.

“You need to hold still, Milo,” Clover instructed with a cheeky grin. “I wouldn’t wanna catch you.”

Milo could barely believe his eyes as Clover slid the scissors up the right leg of his swimsuit and started to cut. Milo sat up slightly, his eyes wide as Clover cut through his shorts from the leg to the waistband. The material gaped open revealing his trimmed pubic hair and his bare thigh.

“I think we need to give something some ventilation,” Clover said with suppressed laughter as he passed Ace the scissors and slowly pulled back the cut material.

Milo’s leaking cock was now on show and all of the guys laughed at the sight of the buff daddy from next door rock hard and exposed in front of them again.

“This looks ready to blow,” Clover said, leaning down so that only Milo could hear him.

Clover ran a finger along the shaft of Milo’s dick and Milo hissed as he drew in a sharp intake of breath.

“Please . . . don’t,” he whimpered.

Clover wrapped his hand around Milo’s dick and gave it one firm stroke before letting it go.

“I think someone needs some more mouth to mouth,” he said with an exaggerated sigh.

Milo knew he needed to say no, he needed to get up and leave as fast as he could, but Clover leaned over him and this time, he meant business. Clover pushed his lips against Milo’s and Milo’s eyes fluttered shut. At first, he resisted, but Clover traced Milo’s lips with his tongue and Milo moaned and parted his lips just enough for Clover to push his tongue inside.

Before he knew it, Milo was kissing Clover back, utterly intoxicated by his soft lips and his heady scent. Milo’s cock was throbbing and pulsing as his tongue slid back and forth against Clover’s and then Clover ended it all by giving one of Milo’s nipples a flick.

“Oh fuck . . . no,” Milo gasped as his cock finally released.

Ribbons of cum splattered over Milo’s chest and stomach as he moaned through another hands-free orgasm.

“Now who’s the daddy?” Clover whispered in Milo’s ear.

Shocked, Milo jumped to his feet, ignoring the slight dizziness, and held his cut up swim shorts over his still leaking cock. He pushed through the group of hysterical frat boys and ran as quickly as he could back to his house.

There was only one problem.

When he got to his door, it was locked . . . and the keys were inside.

Milo had been so focused on getting to the pool party that he’d totally forgotten his keys, and now he was practically naked, covered in cum and locked out of his house.


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