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I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!

I just wanted to share an update with you all on some exciting new stuff that we have coming up.

In August, I will be kicking off Choose Your Own Adventure - Suited Westend Edition. I’ll post a one page story and you guys vote on what happens next. Each week, I’ll post the scenario that wins and provide options for the next one, and we’ll keep it going until it reaches a natural conclusion.

August is also the month when I’ll be launching JockMailed on Amazon Kindle. Once it’s published, I’ll be posting the rewritten chapters and the brand new chapter right here on Patreon. I will also be launching a poll so that you guys can vote for which story I publish next on Kindle.

I’ve got a brand new Clay and Karl story that I’ll be sharing in August, along with the finale to College Ben. There will also be another poll (I love a poll) for you guys to vote on which characters get stories next!

One thing to flag is that I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks in August - don’t worry, I’ll still be writing, but message replies and posts may be a little delayed, so please bear with me.

As always, a massive thanks to you all for your support, whether you’ve been here since the beginning or you’ve recently signed up, the support means the world to me, and I’m writing more content than ever before, which is down to all of you!


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