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Here's a never before seen Ben story that I'm excited to share with you all. This was originally commissioned by one of my awesome followers who has the best brain. Let me know what you think of this steamier Ben tale.

After the frat party, Ben had done everything possible to avoid both his friends and his new roommate. He’d received several messages from Grant begging for forgiveness, but he’d ignored them all. He felt absolutely mortified at, not only ending up naked, but shooting his load in front of everyone too. Not to mention his naked dash to get home after.

Ben’s new roommate, Noah, had tried to make conversation on multiple occasions, but Ben had either excused himself from the room or put headphones in. He wasn’t intentionally being rude, but he felt so embarrassed about the guy seeing him naked. There was also a strong part of him that had been insanely aroused to find Noah totally naked with a butt plug in his meaty ass.

Ben closed the book he was attempting to read in the library and shifted in his seat, unsurprised to find that he was hard as a rock inside his snug jeans. Thinking about that night seemed to constantly get him hard and horny. Yes, there was finding Noah and there was something about the humiliation of being so exposed, but his fumble with Grant was too hot for words.

Ben squeezed his cock roughly through his jeans, wincing slightly at the pain. Hopefully that would get rid of his raging erection so he could head back to what would hopefully be an empty dorm room.

‘Where have you been hiding, stranger?’

Ben turned to find Alex stood there with a grin as he emerged from the library.

‘I haven’t been hiding. I’ve just had a lot of . . . work to focus on.’

Alex rolled his eyes. ‘Sure, you have. Look, no one is even talking about your toga incident anymore. Not after that sophomore girl got caught being tag teamed by those idiots Luke and Jace.’

‘Wait. What?’

Alex laughed. ‘Oh, there is so much to tell you. Look, why don’t we grab a beer and I can tell you all about it. Also, there’s a few of us getting together later tonight and you have got to come. There’s some new guy coming as well. Please.’

Ben had always struggled to refuse any request from Alex with his dumb, handsome grin. So, with a sigh of resignation, he hiked up his jeans that were sagging a little and showing off his butt crack, and he followed Alex to a nearby bar.

After a couple of beers and far too much pizza, Ben headed back to his dorm to change for the get together that was being held in one of the other residential buildings.

Ben was relieved to see that Noah was out when he arrived back and he quickly stripped off his clothes and headed for the shower. As he soaped up his furry body, he wondered if he’d gained more weight since he’d returned to college. His gut felt a little rounder and his ass felt a little fuller in his hands that it had before.

As was typical behaviour, his cock hardened almost instantly when he started soaping himself up, but he just increased the amount of cold water and tried to ignore it. He was running late already and he never enjoyed jerking it in the shower as much as anywhere else.

Once he was dried and no longer fully erect, Ben started rifling through his clothes. He pulled out a white t-shirt that he hoped would fit, along with some navy briefs and a pair of denim shorts.

The t-shirt was exceptionally clingy and really highlighted his gut. Ben turned from side to side in the mirror, but decided he didn’t really have many other options, so it would have to do. He yanked on his briefs next and was almost embarrassed at how much his ample butt almost seemed to suck in the material. By the time he’d adjusted himself in the pouch, the back of the briefs barely covered his cheeks and closely resembled a thong.

Despite the discomfort of the briefs being so tight, Ben yanked and struggled with the shorts until they were up and over his bubble butt. It took an age to get them buttoned and the button creaked loudly as he breathed out.

The shorts were like a second skin, but Ben tried not to pay them too much attention as he pushed his feet into his sneakers, grabbed his phone and key and left the room.

Alex had given Ben directions to another residential building that was traditionally known as “the rich kids dorms’ given the fact that the rooms were all massive suites and the building was set in a small park surrounded by trees.

Ben felt a little nervous as he entered the building and adjusted his now somewhat sweaty white tee.

‘Hey buddy,’ Alex yelled with a bottle of beer in hand as he came over to greet Ben.

‘Where is everyone?’ Ben asked, looking around the spacious atrium.

‘We’re all upstairs, but I saw you walking in. Let’s go.’

Ben followed Alex up the stairs and felt a little breathless when they reached the first floor. There were only 6 doors off of the long hallway and Alex led Ben through the door at the end into what resembled a large apartment. It made his dorm look like a closet.

As Ben said hello to the group of guys that were assembled in the living area, he surreptitiously pulled his shorts up. They were so tight that they barely covered his butt and the walk up the stairs had made them sag down slightly. The last thing he wanted was to expose his tiny briefs wedged between his ample ass cheeks.

Ben knew, or at least recognised, most of the 9 guys that were gathered together, but the new guy was yet to arrive.

‘So, who is the new guy?’ Ben asked when there was a lull in the conversation.

‘That would be me.’

Ben turned around to see Noah walking across the space wearing tight blue jeans and a black tee that accentuated his fuller figure. Despite wanting to be polite and say hello, all Ben could think of was Noah on his back being pleasured by a butt plug and he blushed furiously.

‘Do you guys know each other?’ Alex asked with a grin.

‘We sure do. We’re roommates,’ Noah said with a shrug.

Before Alex could make any comments, Ben quickly changed the subject and necked the rest of his beer.

As everyone settled themselves on the assembled couches, Alex gave Ben a tour of the apartment. There was the living space with a huge kitchen, a spacious bathroom and a large bedroom with a narrow walk-in closet that had a small window that looked out over the rear of the building.

After several beers, Ben had to admit that Noah seemed like a pretty cool guy. He was really down to earth and despite being a larger guy, he was incredibly confident in his own skin.

‘So, have you guys hung out much yet?’ Corey, a very skinny, tall guy, asked as he popped the cap off another beer and passed it to Ben.

‘We haven’t had much of a chance, but I’m sure we’ll get plenty of time,’ Noah responded with a subtle wink in Ben’s direction.

Ben prayed that his blush wasn’t obvious as he took a sip of his beer and prayed he wouldn’t get hard.

‘Okay,’ Alex said, jumping up from his seat. ‘Who’s up for a game of truth or dare?’

Ben opened his mouth to object as the game typically left him humiliated, but the loud shouts of “yes: from the other guys made him give up before he even tried.

Mercifully, they started with the guy to Ben’s left and were working in a circle, so he had plenty of time to avoid any shenanigans.

The first few guys all asked for truth, which resulted in several gruelling questions about sex and conquests. It wasn’t until they got to Alex and he shouted “dare” that everyone suddenly got a mischievous glint in their eyes.

‘I dare you to strip naked and then leave your undies in the middle of the atrium. They have to stay there for the rest of the night.’

The dare came quickly from Noah and everyone laughed and nodded their agreement. Ben knew that Alex would have no issue with such a dare and was unsurprised to see him quickly yank off his t-shirt to reveal his toned pecs and abs, before he dropped his jeans and his CK boxers in one. Alex’s cock, even when soft, swung over his large balls and he lapped up the attention as the guys wolf whistled and slapped his butt.

Alex ran out of the room and they all followed and peered over the bannister as he ran down the stairs, his firm butt bouncing behind him. He dropped his CK boxers in the middle of the floor and then bounded back up the stairs, his cock semi erect.

Everyone, including Ben, slapped Alex on the ass as he ran past and they followed him back into the apartment, all of them hollering and laughing. Alex yanked his jeans and his tee back on and dropped on to one of the couches with a smug smile.

‘Okay, Noah,’ Alex said. ‘Your turn. Truth or dare?’

Noah locked eyes with Ben. ‘Dare.’

Alex laughed. ‘Okay, you have to fuck Ben.’

Everyone burst out laughing, except Ben who went bright red and shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his cock tried to stretch out and get hard but couldn’t find the space to do so.

‘You can’t dare him to do that,’ Ben practically squeaked.

‘Maybe we should dare him to rip your tight shorts off,’ Corey said with a slight sneer. ‘I hear you like losing your clothes.’

‘Let’s not force Ben into something. This is my dare after all.’

Alex noticed how uncomfortable Ben looked and quickly dared Noah to down a beer in one. It was a lame dare, but Noah quickly sprang into action and had no issue chugging from the bottle.

The rest of the guys asked for truths and then it was Ben’s turn.

‘Truth,’ Ben said immediately.

‘I’ve got one,’ Corey said with a smile that was less than friendly. ‘How many times have you thought about fucking Noah?’

Ben could barely form a sentence as he spluttered ‘I . . . haven’t.’

Most of the guys laughed as it was painfully obvious that Ben must have considered it multiple times.

Alex glared at Corey knowing full well that he had a massive crush on Ben and was clearly jealous of the way Ben behaved around Noah.

Before anyone could force Ben into disclosing more, Alex moved the game on and the dares began in earnest.

Cameron was dared to snog Corey and Jace was dared to do the helicopter with his dick in Alex’s face. Soon after, Henry had to strip naked and spend the next round without any clothes on. Ben watched as the group had to perform various tasks and then before long, it was Alex’s turn again.

‘I dare you to snog Ben,’ Cameron, a history major, said with a laugh.

Alex shrugged and walked over to Ben. ‘Don’t fall in love with me, buddy.’

Ben laughed and leaned forward slightly as Alex knelt down, placed his hands on either side of Ben’s face and kissed him, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths. Ben couldn’t help but moan a little as Alex pulled away and walked away laughing.

Ben sat back in his seat and gasped when he felt the button on his shorts pop off and fall into his lap.

‘Fuck,’ he hissed under his breath as he pushed button between the sofa cushions.

‘Dare,’ Noah yelled before anyone could even ask him.

‘Seven minutes of heaven in the walk-in closet,’ Alex said with his tongue hanging out.

‘Who with?’ Jace said as he looked around the group.

‘I vote Ben,’ Corey said with another sneer, which Ben noticed and was utterly confused by.

They decided to put it to a vote, but Ben felt mortified as everyone said his name. Noah didn’t seem remotely phased as they were ushered out of the living area and down the hall to the bedroom.

‘Okay guys, you have seven minutes to get it on. After seven minutes, that door gets opened and whatever photos are taken will get shared,’ Cameron said with a shrug.

‘We’ll be perfectly presentable by then,’ Noah said with a wink.

Ben suddenly felt a sense of relief. Clearly Noah was as uncomfortable as he was at this idea and they could just pretend they’d done that.

The walk-in closet was a short, narrow walkway with wardrobes on either side and a small cabinet at the end that sat under the window that was wide open to let some air in.

Given that Ben and Noah were both bigger guys, there wasn’t much space at all with them both inside. Ben had gone inside first and his ass was pushing against the small cabinet under the window, whilst Noah was only a few inches away from his stomach.

‘Okay guys, you have seven minutes. Go!’ Alex yelled and the guys cheered as he closed the door with a snap.

‘Seven minutes goes pretty fast. We better not waste any of it,’ Noah taking a step forward so his stomach bumped against Ben’s.

Ben suddenly felt very hot. ‘I really don’t want to be caught naked or anything again, so maybe we can just kiss or something.’

‘We’ll be done in time,’ Noah said with a shrug and pulled Ben towards him by his t-shirt.

Their lips met hesitantly at first, but Ben couldn’t deny that Noah was a good kisser and he was soon hard as a rock and moaning into Noah’s mouth as their tongues collided.

Noah yanked Ben’s t-shirt over his head and tossed it behind Ben. ‘Now that’s more like it,’ he said before kissing his way down Ben’s neck and across his hairy chest to a nipple.

Ben growled in his throat as Noah flicked his tongue over first one nipple and then the other. His cock was straining against the tight confines of his briefs and despite the risk of being caught in a compromising position, his dick was taking over and all he wanted was to get naked and blow his load.

‘Where’s your button?’ Noah asked as he went to undo Ben’s shorts.

‘It . . . popped off earlier.’

Noah chuckled. ‘That’s pretty hot.’

Ben took the pause as an opportunity to remove Noah’s shirt and he throw it over his shoulder, before pulling Noah in for another kiss.

Noah’s body was soft and warm, and Ben wanted to explore every inch of it. He quickly unbuttoned Noah’s jeans before pushing them to his knees and being met by the sight of Noah’s cock.

‘I prefer going commando,’ he said with a shrug.

Ben smiled as Noah undid the zipper on his shorts and tried to push them down. Unfortunately, they were far too tight to be simply removed and as Noah yanked on the material, there was a hushed ripping sound before they fell to Ben’s ankles.

Noah dropped to his knees and freed Ben’s feet from his sneakers and the shorts pooled around his ankles. He tossed them behind Ben and grabbed Ben’s muscled furry thighs before licking Ben’s throbbing cock through his tight briefs.

Noah’s hands moved around to Ben’s bubble butt before he yanked down the tight briefs, tossed them with the rest of the clothes behind Ben and took his cock to the back of his throat.

‘Oh fuck,’ Ben moaned as Noah’s mouth back and forth over his dick, his tongue swirling over the ridge of his head on each movement.

Ben was in ecstasy as he gripped Noah’s long hair in his fist and used his hips to thrust his dick into Noah’s mouth with more speed. He knew he was getting close, but it felt too amazing to slow down.

Noah was jerking his own cock in his hand as he sucked on Ben’s.

‘I’m getting close,’ Ben hissed between clenched teeth as Noah increased the suction on his cock. ‘Really close.’

‘Mmmmm,’ Noah growled around Ben’s dick, the humming make Ben’s knees buckle.

Noah got to his feet after pulling off of Ben’s dick. ‘I want to make you cum in our dorm room when we can enjoy it.’

Ben was too far gone for that and placed Noah’s hand on his dick before pulling him back in for another kiss.

Noah stroked his cock slowly with a firm grip as his tongue teased Ben’s mouth. Ben bucked his hips, his balls drawing up tightly to his body.

‘Oh . . . oh fuck,’ Ben yelled as he shot his load over Noah’s hand, stomach and thigh. ‘Fuck,’ Ben whimpered as he continued to thrust into Noah’s hand.

‘Time’s up!’

Ben could barely open his eyes as the door was thrown open. Noah dropped to the floor to grab his jeans and Ben was suddenly stunned by multiple flashes from phone cameras.

He quickly put his hands over his still hard cock and turned around to grab his clothes only to find that only one of his sneakers was on top of the cabinet.

The dawning realisation that all of his clothes had gone out of the window made his cock twitch.

‘Looks like Ben has lost his clothes again,’ Corey said with a laugh.

Noah stepped out of the walk-in closet. ‘Stay there, Ben, I’ll go and grab them.’

Noah was shirtless, but he at least had his jeans.

Ben quickly slammed the closet door shut and leaned against it to stop any of the guys coming back in. He heard Noah’s bare footsteps slapping on the concrete outside and it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door.

‘Get out guys,’ Alex yelled.

Ben cracked the door open and was relieved to just see Alex and Noah.

‘So, I’ve got your other sneaker and your t-shirt, but . . . your shorts are ripped in a tree and your briefs are . . . gone.’

‘What do you mean they’re gone?’ Ben squeaked. ‘I knew this was a stupid idea. Where’s my phone?’

Alex handed Ben his phone and key. ‘Good job you left those on the couch.’

‘I’m sure we could find something for you to cover up with,’ Noah said with a smile.

Ben was mortified. He’d been caught naked and covered in cum yet again and was stuck with no pants or undies to cover himself to get home. He knew it wasn’t Noah’s fault, but why hadn’t he been more careful and why had he insisted on stripping Ben down.

Ben quickly text Grant.

Can you do me a favour? I need some pants and a lift home.

He knew he should still be mad at Grant, but he also knew that Grant would help him. He hoped.


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