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Here's the second part in the College Ben series. I loved writing this Halloween party and this chapter laid the foundations for the finale that's coming soon. 

This also sets the scene for the never before seen Ben chapter that I'll be sharing this Sunday - a steamy commission that I can't wait to share! 

Ben had never been so careful in his life as he was when he climbed in and out of the Uber that took him to the party. He was terrified of getting the toga caught in the door or catching it on something and it ripping off his body leaving him stood in just his old compression shorts and trainers.

As much as a pantsing in front of Matt and Grant had been a massive turn on, Ben had no wish to be totally exposed in a public place. He was nervous enough about wearing such a daring costume, let alone being careless enough to lose it.

The frat house was a fairly modern, new build that had a huge lawn, a cute veranda and lots of space. Ben was relieved that he wasn’t one of the first to arrive as people in a variety of costumes bustled inside the hallway, lounge and kitchen.

The biggest relief was that there were an abundance of guys, and some girls, that were wearing home made togas from bedsheets. Ben no longer felt as out of place and after being allowed through the door, he made his way to the kitchen for a beer.

The hallway was crowded with people and after pushing his way past Captain America and Morticia Addams, he managed to get into the open plan kitchen.

‘Benny Boy!’

Ben turned around to come face to face with his friend, Alex who was wearing what could only be described as the sluttiest coach outfit Ben could imagine.

Alex was on a football scholarship and he certainly had the quarterback build. He was 6’3 with broad shoulders, big arms, a toned bubble butt and the thickest muscular thighs. He was wearing a skin tight white polo shirt with a whistle around his neck on his top half. On the bottom were a fanny pack, the tiniest red shorts with 2 inch slits up either thigh, white socks and sneakers. The shorts were so tiny that Ben was fairly certain he’d be able to see the straps of the jock that Alex was no doubt wearing underneath.

Ben admired Alex. He was the most confident guy that Ben knew and he was also the most open minded and chilled. Alex openly admitted to being sexually fluid and had no issue sleeping with everyone and anyone as long as they clicked.

‘Hey Alex, how was your summer?’ Ben asked with a grin. ‘And where’s your pants?’

Alex laughed and punched Ben in the arm. ‘With legs like these bad boys, you gotta show ‘em off. It’s the rules my friend.’

Ben laughed as Alex passed him a plastic glass of beer and led him outside through the double doors into the backyard; a wide expanse of stone patio with a massive lawn and a variety of garden walks around the outside that meandered through hedges.

‘So, how did you and the bad boys spend the summer?’

Alex grinned. ‘I went to Italy with my folks and spent the summer eating pasta and getting into bed with half of Florence.’

Ben shook his head. ‘Why am I not surprised by this?’

‘They needed some American beef, dude. I was just doing my part.’

‘Sure you were,’ Ben chuckled.

‘Do you want me to put those in the fanny pack?’ Alex asked seeing that Ben was still holding on to his room key and his phone.

‘Oh thanks bud. This costume doesn’t come with pockets.’

‘I’m guessing it’s just a sheet?’

Ben nodded. ‘Yup. Learned to tie it myself online.’

Alex laughed. ‘Well, I hope you’re wearing some undies, dude.’

Ben rolled his eyes. ‘Of course I am. I imagine you thought undies were optional.’

Alex turned around and made a show of bending over in front of Ben and sure enough, as Alex’s ample butt pushed backwards, the tiny shorts rode up even higher and Ben could see the white straps of a jockstrap straining to hold his cheeks.

‘Should have known it was slutty,’ Ben said, trying to ignore how hot the view was.

Alex turned back to face him and winked. ‘Not like you’re complaining, dude. Come on – let’s get more beer!’

As the evening progressed, Ben lost count of the number of beers and settled into a fun night of catching up with his college buddies. He was so happy to be back and the summer felt like a distant memory.

‘Hold my beer,’ Ben said as he handed his glass to Alex. ‘I gotta pee.’

Ben made his way back into the house and after seeing that the downstairs bathroom was occupied, he made his way up the stairs to the main bath, relieved to see the door open and no one inside.

He locked the door behind him, lifted up the bottom of the toga and held it under his chin as he tried to free his dick from the compression shorts. The beer had bloated him up and they were digging in tight to his waist.

‘Fuck, these are tight,’ he hissed through clenched teeth as he tried to pull on the waistband.

With a lot of grunting and tugging, Ben finally managed to pull the waistband down low enough that he could pull his dick free and take a leak, before having to yank the waistband forward to put it back.

Ben washed his hands, just like it had been engrained in him to do, before checking himself in the mirror.

The toga looked the same as it had when he left his room, which was good news, but after the beer and the fight with his compression shorts, he was sweating like a pig. He grabbed a hand towel and wiped his face, neck and chest. He was just about to give his furry pits a quick wipe when he dropped the hand towel.

Sighing, he bent down to pick it up and heard the sound that made his stomach knot and his cock throb.


‘No, no, no, no, no!’

Ben quickly stood up and checked his toga, but everything seemed to still be in place, even if it was a little damp from the sweat.

After a moment of hesitation, Ben lifted up the toga again and inspected his compression shorts in the full length mirror. From the front, there was no difference from before. His bulge looked obscene in the tight stretchy material, especially as his dick had chubbed up a bit hearing the rip, but the shorts were intact.

But when he turned around, it was a different matter entirely. The centre of the shorts at the back had ripped wide open and Ben’s meaty, slightly furry cheeks were fully on show. The rip went as far as the bottom of his crack, but the waistband was untouched.

‘Phew,’ Ben whispered to himself.

He wasn’t sure if it was the beer or the fact that he was more comfortable in these situations than he was before the summer, but he readjusted his toga, put on a smile and headed back out to the party.

Yes, his compression shorts were torn open and his butt was out, but the toga hid that so no one was likely to know, or even notice.

Ben retrieved his beer from Alex and carried on enjoying his evening.

It was just after midnight and Ben was stood with Alex and a couple of other guys when he got tapped on the shoulder.

‘Nice costume, Camp Leader Ben,’ Matt said with a smirk.

He was wearing a Green Arrow costume and Grant was dressed as James Bond in a tight fitting tuxedo.

‘What are you guys doing here?’ Ben asked with a smile, the beer making everything better.

‘We go to the same college remember? We wanted to check out this frat party. We didn’t expect to see you here.’

Ben frowned at Matt. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’

Grant shrugged. ‘We just assumed you’d be in your room jerking off or something.’

Ben momentarily felt like he should be questioning that specific activity suggestion, but his head was too foggy to focus on it.

‘Well, I hope you guys have a fun night,’ Ben said with a drunken grin and turned around to re-join Alex and the other boys but they’d moved off to a group of girls.

‘What’re you wearing under that toga?’ Grant asked as Matt disappeared to go and get more beer.

‘I don’t think that’s any of your business,’ Ben said, poking his tongue out.

Ben was stood in the far corner of the lawn and he and Grant were fairly out of the light.

‘Maybe I’ll find out for myself,’ Grant said with a grin, stepping toward Ben.

Ben immediately gripped the shoulder where the safety pin held up the sheet. ‘You promised . . . you promised you wouldn’t . . . at college.’

Grant laughed. ‘Your toga is safe dude, it’s your undies I want to inspect.’

Ben continued to hold on to the safety pin with both hands as Grant closed the space between them and slowly lifted the back of Ben’s toga before he placed his hand on Ben’s bare butt through the hole in the compression shorts.

‘Oh dear. Even without our interference, you just can’t help yourself, can you?’

Ben blushed furiously and tried to step away, but Grant had a tight grip on his butt. ‘It was an accident.’

‘Your fat ass is no accident, Ben. These poor shorts just couldn’t cope, could they?’

Grant was talking in an almost sultry voice as his hand kneaded Ben’s butt cheeks, his finger occasionally tracing down his crack. Despite the fact that they were stood in the middle of a frat party, Ben felt his dick start to throb and harden.

‘Maybe you enjoy having your beefy butt out?’ Grant asked with another squeeze of Ben’s furry ass.

Ben shook his head. ‘No . . . no . . . I don’t.’

Ben was looking around furtively, praying none of his buddies would see what was going on.

‘Let’s check, shall we?’

Before Ben could give that much thought, Grant moved his hand around to the front of the compression shorts and grabbed his now hard dick through the stretchy material.

‘Oh fuck!’ Ben moaned, unable to control his hips as they thrust against Grant’s hand.

‘Looks like you really enjoy it, stud,’ Grant said, his lips now on Ben’s ear.

Ben was in ecstasy as Grant kissed and licked his neck and slowly stroked him through his compression shorts. He could feel the precum starting to dampen the material, despite the amount he’d jerked off over the last few days.

But before Ben could get off, Grant suddenly stepped back and let go of him, just moments before Matt returned with 3 beers.

‘What’s going on?’ Matt asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘Nothing,’ Grant said with a shrug. ‘Just teasing our favourite camp leader. He’s wearing compression shorts under his toga and they’ve ripped at the back.’

Matt laughed. ‘Of course they have. Shame we’re at a college event or we’d take full advantage of that.’

‘We sure would,’ Grant said with a slap to Ben’s butt.

Matt frowned slightly as the butt slap, before promising Ben they’d leave him be and dragging Grant off into the party.

Ben’s dick was still throbbing and he could feel how flushed he was as he found Alex and his friends again. He took a long swig of beer to try and calm himself down. What the hell was Grant playing at doing that to him? What if someone had seen? Or what if his toga had caught?

Ben shook his head. That was a line of thought that was only going to make things worse. He could feel how damp the compression shorts were and how diamond hard his dick was.

‘More beer?’ Ben asked the guys before heading to the kitchen.

The kitchen was fairly quiet now as nearly everyone was outside talking and dancing. Taking a brief moment of peace to sort himself out, Ben lifted the front of his toga and tried to yank the damp sticky compression shorts away from his body to give his dick some space to shrink back down.

‘Dude, what are you doing?’ Alex said as he came into the kitchen.

Ben tugged on the toga to pull it back into place, unaware of the safety pin that had torn slightly through the sheet and bent a little further out of shape.

‘Just trying to adjust my shorts. They’re a bit snug,’ Ben said, trying to laugh it off.

Alex filled his glass with beer and slapped Ben on the back. ‘Those extra pounds will do that bud. Come on.’

Alex steered Ben back outside to the group of guys which had grown to about 12 in total. Ben was stood in front of one of the hedges and after downing his beer to try and calm himself, he felt a little too light headed and leaned back a bit so he didn’t stumble forwards.

‘Has someone had a little too much beer?’ a voice said next to Ben.

He turned around to see Grant in his tux. Ben had to admit the tux looked great on him. It really accentuated his swimmers build.

‘Where’s Matt? I thought you guys were going to enjoy the party?’ Ben asked with a slight slur.

‘He hooked up with some girl and left. I thought I’d come and say bye before I headed off. Can I chat to you for a second?’

Ben frowned and stepped away from the hedge. There was a slight tug on the toga and he quickly freed the sheet, unaware that it was now hanging a little looser and his left furry pec was on show.

‘What’s up?’ Ben said when we reached a quiet area behind some hedges.

‘I just need to do this before I go,’ Grant said, before stepping forward, grabbing the front of Ben’s toga and pulling him forwards, before locking their lips together.

Ben was momentarily stunned, but was too drunk and too horny not to kiss Grant back. His dick was immediately rock hard and throbbing once more as Grant’s hands moved behind him and lifted his toga to grope at his furry butt again.

‘Fuck, I’ve wanted to do this since the start of summer camp,’ Grant whispered.

Before Ben could respond, Grant’s tongue was back in his mouth and they were kissing like the two horny teenagers at a frat party that they were.

Grant’s hands continued to play with Ben’s ample cheeks before one moved around to stroke his dick through the compression shorts.

Ben was moaning into Grant’s mouth as he felt himself getting closer, before . . .

‘Fuck! That was an accident!’ Grant gasped as Ben suddenly felt much more comfortable and the torn shreds of his compression shorts were held up in Grant’s hands.

At the moment in time, Ben was too horny to care and took the shorts from Grant and tossed them over the hedge before pulling Grant back towards him and kissing him.

Grant was just about to resume jerking Ben’s dick when Alex appeared behind them.

‘Sorry dude, you’ll have to continue this in a minute,’ Alex said, grabbing Ben’s hand and pulling him back towards the party. ‘We need you for beer pong.’

Ben felt completely out of it as Alex dragged him back to the cheering, hollering group of guys with Grant following behind.

‘I don’t think I can take any more beer,’ Ben managed to get out through a burp.

By now, his toga was sagging even lower, the safety pin barely holding the material together, his chest fully on display and the material dragging slightly on the ground.

‘Oh come on man,’ Alex chided. ‘You can totally do more beer.’

‘He doesn’t want to,’ Grant said behind them and stepped forward to pull Ben back, but as he did so, he stepped on the sheet and the safety pin gave up its battle.

The toga ripped from Ben’s body and dropped to the floor, exposing his furry chubby upper body, his throbbing, leaking dick and his thick thighs and furry bubble butt.

‘Oh, fuck!’ Ben yelped. He wanted to cover up, but the exposure, the laughter and the amount of beer kept him frozen in place.

‘Dude, you’re hard as a rock!’ one of the guys yelled.

More people started to notice that Ben was now naked and they started cheering and laughing, but the whole situation was too much for Ben. He was so close and too horny and before he could even move, his whole body tensed and his cock erupted shooting ropes of cum everywhere totally hands free.

The crowd of guys went wild as Ben moaned and grunted through the orgasm, his dick shooting the final dribbles of cum down his muscular thighs and on to the toga pooled at his feet.

Once the orgasm had passed, Ben felt sober and mortified. He bent down to pick up the toga at the same time that Grant did. Ben pulled one way and Grant pulled the other and the sheet ripped clean in half.

‘Fuck,’ Ben yelled and holding the half a sheet over his still hard cock, he bolted for the door and ran nearly all the way home.

Grant had tried to follow him, but Ben had promptly told him where to go. This was all Grant’s fault. He’d ripped off his compression shorts, loosened his toga and torn the sheet in half just to humiliate him. He probably didn’t even fancy him. The whole thing was some nasty prank.

When Ben got back to his building after enduring who knew how many taunts and laughs, he just wanted to jerk off again and shower. But when he reached his door, he remembered that Alex had his phone and his key card.

He slammed his hand down on the door handle in frustration and the door flew open.

‘Oh my god!’

Ben was not only surprised that the door was unlocked, but also that there was a chubby guy with a shoulder length brown hair and a handsome face lying on the spare bed jerking off with his legs up and a butt plug clearly visible between his cheeks.

The guy threw a blanket over himself and sat up.

‘I’m so sorry, man. I didn’t think you’d be back yet. I’m your roommate, Noah. Why the fuck are you naked?’

Ben could barely think of a way to process the situation before him and went straight into the bathroom. What had his life become?


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