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Here's the fourth and final part of the Camp Leader Ben story. To this day, this is one of my favourite chapters - I loved humiliating Ben. What did you guys think of the finale? 

The day before the talent show, Ben found himself starting to pack up some of his stuff. He was feeling a bit down that summer camp was nearly over and as much as he was surprised to admit it to himself, he couldn’t deny that he’d miss his group.

The tech rehearsal for the talent show was taking up much of the day and Ben headed over to the auditorium so that Matt, Luke and Grant could explain what he needed to do for the lights.

‘Hey Camp Leader Ben,’ Matt said with a grin when Ben arrived.

‘Hey guys. So, what do I need to do tomorrow?’

Grant and Luke explained that they’d programmed a light show to accompany the songs that their band was playing and all Ben had to do was press the button to start the show for each song.

‘It’s really easy. As soon as Matt says the name of the song, you press this button. You’ll have headphones on so you’ll only be able to hear us through our microphones.’

Ben looked at the position of the lighting box. ‘I won’t be seen behind the curtain, will I?’

‘Definitely not,’ Luke said. ‘The lights are out front so no one will know you’re here.’

‘But,’ Matt said with a smile. ‘We would like you to come and join us for a bow when we’re done. You are our lighting guy after all.’

Ben didn’t feel remotely comfortable with the thought of going on stage, but he didn’t want to let them down.

‘Okay, I guess I can do that.’

‘Perfect – we’ll call you out when we’re done,’ Matt said with a satisfied smirk. ‘We also picked up your uniform for tomorrow. Mr Lyle said you hadn’t got it.’

Ben had completely forgotten to visit Mr Lyle. All of the Camp Leaders had a smarter uniform for the final day as the parents would be present.

‘Thanks Matt,’ Ben said as he took the khaki pants and blue shirt from him.

‘And we made sure they were a size bigger than your current uniform,’ Grant said with a chuckle.

‘Thanks guys.’

Ben tested the lightshow as the guys rehearsed and was quite looking forward to the talent show.

The parents were all due to arrive at lunchtime for drinks and canapes and then the talent show would take place before the guys all went home. Ben was staying the night and then going home with Jason and his dad the following day.

Ben woke up, showered and pulled on his usual uniform to help the other Camp Leaders set up in the dining hall. Aside from a few of the guys teasing him for his shorts riding down and flashing his butt crack, it was an uneventful morning and before they knew it, the parents were arriving.

‘You better get dressed, Ben,’ Jason said as he emerged from their small bathroom dressed in his khaki pants, black dress shoes and navy shirt. ‘The talent show will start soon.’

Ben jumped up from his bed and said he’d catch Jason up.

As soon as the door closed, Ben pulled off his stretched out uniform shirt and gratefully removed the snug uniform shorts. As his hands brushed over his white briefs, he realised how damp with sweat they were from the morning’s activities.

Better change those, he thought.

As Ben rifled through his nearly packed case, he realised that he only had one pair of underwear that were actually clean, a pair of black silk boxers that definitely wouldn’t be as baggy as they used to be.

I’m sure I had some clean briefs somewhere, Ben thought with a frown.

Deciding that he didn’t have time to question it, he pulled off his sweaty briefs and after a quick freshen up in the bathroom, he pulled on the black silk boxers. His cock immediately sprung to life at the sensual feel of the silky fabric.

Down boy, he thought to himself.

The silk boxers clung tightly to his huge butt and his muscular thighs, but they weren’t as skin tight as the clothing he was used to the last few weeks.

Ben grabbed the navy shirt and was relieved that it wasn’t as skin tight as his uniform polo shirt. Although as he started to button it, he noticed that the buttons around his stomach were somewhat stretched.

At least the buttons do up, he thought with a shrug as he grabbed the khaki pants.

Ben got the pants up to his thighs without too much problem, but they were nowhere near big enough to accommodate his huge bubble butt. It took a good three minutes of struggling before the pants were covering his butt, his shirt was tucked in and the straining pants button was closed. The flies took forever to close where the material gaped open due to how snug the pants were, but he just managed it.

What didn’t help was that the silk boxers didn’t have a button on the fly, so his cock repeatedly slipped free, which made zipping up even more difficult.

Once his pants were on, Ben put on his black lace up dress shoes and stood in front of the mirror. The shirt buttons looked strained, but at least if he sucked his stomach in, no one would see any skin showing. The pants were a second skin on his massive ass and his thighs, but they didn’t look quite as bad as his uniform shorts.

Okay, let’s do this, Ben thought.

When Ben arrived at the auditorium, there were hundreds of people milling around the seats. It looked like some of the guys had their dads, brothers and uncles in attendance. There were easily two hundred people in the small space and some of the other Camp Leaders were bringing in more chairs from the dining hall.

Why did none of the guys bring their mums? Ben thought with a shrug.

‘Hey Ben,’ Matt said as Ben got back stage. ‘Looking smart.’

Ben followed Matt’s line of sight to his stomach where one of the buttons had popped undone and he was showing some slightly hairy belly.

‘Thanks, Matt,’ Ben said, quickly fumbling to get the button done up and sucking his stomach back in.

‘Are you staying backstage with us?’

Ben nodded. ‘Yep. I’ll be back here for the show in case there are any issues.’

Mr Lyle kicked off the talent show once everyone was seated and Ben took a seat behind the stage, grateful to be hidden from the audience as he started to sweat in the heat. He absent-mindedly scratched his stomach, unsure whether it was the heat or the new uniform that was making him feel itchy.

‘We have ten wonderful acts to entertain you today and I’m sure you’ll be as impressed as me and the leaders are. Our first act is the BMX Tricksters.’

Ben listened to the other acts, getting increasingly uncomfortable in his itchy uniform and it seemed like no time at all before Matt’s band was being called to the stage. There’d been a short break beforehand so the guys could set up, which had allowed everyone backstage to go out front and watch the show.

‘We’re all set, Camp Leader Ben,’ Grant said with a thumbs up. ‘Give us a great show.’

‘What?’ Ben asked as he picked up the headphones.

‘I mean, let’s give them a great show.’

‘Oh,’ Ben said with a smile. ‘Good luck!’

Once Grant went on stage with Matt and Luke, Ben was left on his own.

Matt announced the name of the first song and Ben pressed the button to start the light show. As he stood there listening to the first bars of the song, he used both hands to scratch his thighs, then his arms, then his stomach.

What the fuck is wrong with this uniform? Ben thought as he scratched his butt cheek.

By the end of the first song, Ben was sweating and his shirt was starting to darken around his chest and pits.

Ben started the show for the next song and with a snap decision and a quick glance at the curtain, he unbuttoned his shirt.

The cooler air on his slightly furry chest felt like heaven and he scratched his bare skin with vigour, but no sooner had he stopped, his legs just itched more.

The boys were only just halfway through the second song.

I’ve got plenty of time, Ben thought and after sucking his stomach in, he undid his pants button, yanked down the fly and wrestled his pants down to his knees.

The silk boxers were damp and the material was stuck to his butt and thighs from the sweat.

Ben scratched at his thick, muscled thighs and his ample butt cheeks, before bending over and scratching vigorously at his calves.

Ben jumped up and hit play for the next light show, barely hearing Matt announce the third song. He was in a frenzy and couldn’t stop scratching. His body felt like it was on fire. He couldn’t remember ever being so itchy.

Not since middle school when Jason had put itching powder on his favourite shirt . . .

Fuck, Ben thought. They couldn’t resist one last prank.

But the joke was on them. No one could see Ben and he still had one more song to get his clothes back on before the bow.

Ben bent over, grabbed his pants and hiked them up to his thighs, noticing that the laces on his dress shoes were undone. He’d do those up later, he thought before buttoning his shirt back up. Yes, his shirt was dark with sweat and he wanted to tear his skin off, but he would not let the guys embarrass him again!

As the final song reached its last minute, Ben just managed to get his pants buttoned with his shirt tucked back in.

‘Come on, come on, come on,’ Ben muttered as he desperately tried to do his fly up, but the more he moved about, the more his cock would fall out of the boxers’ fly.

‘Thank you,’ Matt yelled to the audience.

‘No, no, no,’ Ben whimpered in fear as he yanked on the zipper.

‘We’d like our awesome light guy and our Camp Leader, Ben, to join us for our bow.’

As the words left Matt’s lips, Ben managed to yank the fly up and nearly cried with relief before walking on to the stage, desperately hoping that no one would notice the sweat patches on his chest, back and under his arms.

‘Come and take a bow, Camp Leader Ben,’ Matt yelled and the audience applauded.

Ben shuffled on to the stage and did a slight bow from the waist, but as soon as he turned to walk away, Grant grabbed his wrist.

‘Before you go, we have a special surprise for you. We wanted to say thank you for being such an awesome Camp Leader and made you this video.’

The curtain lifted to reveal a projector screen and Ben’s jaw dropped.

He was met with the sight of his massive butt practically bursting out of his uniform shorts with his crack on show. The photo made way for a video of him ripping his board shorts, before they tore off completely and he ran naked back to the changing block, his huge cheeks bouncing behind him.

The audience roared with laughter, the Dad’s in particular yelling obscenities at the screen.

‘Check out the size of that boy’s ass!’

‘How does he find pants that fit?’

‘Those buns are like basketballs.’

Ben was frozen to the spot, his face bright red as he watched his summer of humiliation on screen. Photos and videos of every embarrassing incident. Ben struggling to get his undies on before ripping them off, his huge bare bubble butt sticking out of the bush with his t-shirt caught above him whilst one of the guys slapped his ass and Ben struggling to get out of a kayak before emerging without his shorts or undies.

‘Can’t this guy keep his pants on,’ one dad yelled with a laugh.

‘Not with an ass that size,’ another dad replied.

Ben was utterly mortified and the raucous laughter was unbearable.

But, the worst was yet to come.

The next video was Ben backstage during the talent show as he started scratching himself at the lighting board, before he undid his shirt and dropped his pants.

‘The guy’s a perv,’ one of the guy’s brothers shouted.

‘He needs to put his junk away,’ one of the dads laughed as Ben’s cock fell free from his fly on screen.

‘Camp Leader Ben,’ Matt said, clapping his hands in Ben’s direction as the video ended.

Ben had to escape. He couldn’t stand there any longer. He was utterly humiliated. With a defiant lift of his head, Ben turned around to walk away, but stepped on one of his undone laces and stumbled over his own feet. His right dress shoe flipped off his foot and skidded across the stage.

I will not let them laugh at me anymore, he thought!

He walked over to his shoe and with his back to the audience, he bent down to retrieve it, but he knew his mistake as soon as he made it.


The audience became hysterical as Ben’s pants ripped open from crotch to waistband along the rear seam, revealing his huge butt practically bursting from his black silk boxer shorts. With the waistband ripped, Ben’s pants dropped to his knees revealing his thick, muscled thighs.

Ben jumped up and spun around, but as he arched his back, the buttons flew off of his shirt and bounced across the stage, exposing his chest and stomach much to the hilarity of the roomful of men.

Grant and Luke came up behind Ben and yanked the shirt from his arms.

I have to get out of here, Ben thought, with his eyes wide and his face even redder than before.

With a glare at the three guys that were responsible for his torture, Ben turned to walk away, forgetting that his pants were still around his knees. He tripped on the torn material and ended up falling to his knees on to the stage, his massive butt facing the audience. As Ben fell forward on to his hands, another loud RRRRIIIPPPPPP increased the laughter as the sweaty silk boxers tore open at the rear, exposing Ben’s huge butt cheeks.

‘Look at the size of that ass,’ one of the dads yelled.

‘If he wants to be naked, he should do it. We’re all guys here!’

Luke and Matt couldn’t agree more and whilst Ben struggled to stand, they came up behind him and whilst Luke yanked off his shoe and pants, Matt ripped off his silk boxers.

Ben sprung to his feet, his hands covering his cock and balls, his butt still to the audience, who were beside themselves. Laughter, hollering and cheering were deafening in the auditorium as Grant gave Ben’s ample cheeks a quick slap, before he finally managed to run off of the stage!

Ben could still hear the laughter as he ran naked across the campus to his hut, his cheeks bouncing behind him.

As he slammed the door shut behind him, he looked in the mirror at his red face and his naked body. The feel of Grant’s hand on his huge butt and the sight of his ass on the big screen with all those dads laughing and jeering at him was too much to bear.

Yet, as much as he hated the humiliation, the thought of the whole situation had his cock rock hard and throbbing and his hands were quickly stroking his length to a much needed orgasm.

Whilst Ben jerked off in his cabin, the laughter in the auditorium reached a new high as Matt switched on the live feed and everyone watched Ben give them yet another show.

As Ben ejaculated all over himself, the cheers from the auditorium could be heard all around the camp, which was when Ben noticed the red blinking light above the mirror. He covered himself as best he could and yanked the small device from the wall.

‘Why can’t I catch a fucking break,’ he yelled. ‘Thank god I don’t have to see anyone here ever again!’

Ben managed to avoid leaving his cabin until all the boys had left, but when he did, Jason and his dad couldn’t stop laughing at him.

‘You are such a douche!’ Jason said with a chuckle. ‘One of the guys left this for you.’

Ben took the note and headed back to his cabin, desperate to get home and away from the memories of his humiliating few weeks.

But, when he read the note, his heart plummeted . . .

Camp Leader Ben,

Great news! We got into the same college as you! See you in a few weeks!

Matt, Grant and Luke


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