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Sorry for the delay, but here's the story you voted for, for June! I hope you enjoy this tale of our shy college boy and his unfortunate experience at the company picnic. It ended up being far longer than I planned, but Charlie and Max are hot to write! Do you want to see more from them?

The first poll for July will be up shortly! 

Charlie Huntley had been dreading the company picnic for months. Ever since the email invite had come out, Charlie had dutifully accepted and immediately felt sick at the thought.

It wasn’t that Charlie particularly disliked his colleagues; he just didn’t feel very comfortable around them. Charlie was an introvert at best, and his loud, raucous colleagues made him feel incredibly insecure.

Most of the men were in their 30’s and acted like a college football team and they’d made it clear that Charlie was the pup of the pack, which given he was only 23 was fairly accurate. However, that meant that Charlie was often the butt of the jokes. He went along with this to try and fit in, but he hated it and wished they’d leave him alone.

What didn’t help Charlie was that he wore baggy suits to hide his muscular physique and he kept his hair long enough that it hid his face. It confused the other guys in the office who liked to show off their bodies at every opportunity.

But Charlie had always been painfully shy about his appearance. A former fat kid, he’d discovered the gym in college, and even though he had an impressive muscular body with a thick bubble butt that most men would kill for, he was unable to fathom anyone seeing it.

It was early afternoon on the day of the company picnic and Charlie had just arrived home from a three-day business trip. He had less than an hour to change and head out, but being his meticulous organised self, Charlie dutifully unpacked his suitcase and emptied most of the contents into the washing machine, along with the contents of his laundry hamper.

With the washing cycle in progress, Charlie headed upstairs and showered, before towelling off his muscular physique and throwing on a robe. Even at home, Charlie didn’t like being naked and outside of the shower, he was always dressed in something.

After attempting to sort his unruly hair, Charlie pulled out a baggy white linen shirt (long-sleeved of course), and a pair of light tan slacks. He’d wear them with a pair of brown brogues. As much as it was too formal an outfit for a picnic, he certainly didn’t want to wear a polo and shorts like most of the other guys would be.

It was as Charlie pulled a pair of socks from his dresser that his heart dropped into his stomach at the sight of the drawer in front of him.

“No, no, no,” he muttered as he rifled through the pairs of neatly rolled socks.

Charlie slammed the drawer shut in frustration. How could he have been so stupid? All of his underwear was in the washer and now he had nothing to wear under his slacks. The washer wouldn’t be done for at least another hour and Charlie had never been late to anything in his life.

There was only one solution, and it wasn’t one that Charlie liked at all.

He’d have to go commando.

After pulling on his socks, Charlie dropped his robe and put on his shirt. With a sigh, he grabbed his slacks and pulled them on before adding a belt to ensure the baggy pants stayed in place. He couldn’t even fathom the idea of his butt crack ending up on show in front of his colleagues.

Charlie appraised himself in the mirror, checking from every angle that it wasn’t obvious that he wasn’t wearing underwear. Thankfully, the heavy baggy material of the slacks meant that there was no sign that he’d had to go commando.

With a feeling of trepidation, Charlie put on his brown leather brogues and headed out to his car. He’d go to the picnic, spend the bare minimum amount of acceptable time there and then come home as fast as he could.

When Charlie pulled into the parking lot near the park, he was five minutes early, which was his typical approach. He locked the car and headed towards the pavilion where the picnic was taking place, but as he walked, he couldn’t help but shift around in discomfort.

Charlie had never gone commando in his life. He’d always worn tight briefs that held everything firmly in place. This new freedom meant that he could feel his cock and balls swinging around inside his slacks and he was hyperaware of the fact that he wasn’t wearing underwear and that his dick seemed to be a little more chubbed up than normal.

“Hey Charlie, nice and early as always.”

Charlie said hello to Kayla, the assistant to the Head of Sales, before taking a seat on one of the many brightly coloured picnic blankets that had been laid out.

Within half an hour, the entire sales team had arrived and most of the guys were already necking bottles of beer, whilst most of the women were huddled together around the buffet.

“Aren’t you a little overdressed for a picnic, newbie?”

Charlie looked up to find Max Whitworth looming over him. Max was the god of the office; at 6’3 with dark hair, blue eyes, and a chiselled jaw, he had the body of Superman, and everyone drooled over him.

“This is more casual than what I wear in the office,” Charlie said with a shrug.

Max frowned. “I thought you’d at least wear some shorts, dude.”

Charlie shook his head, praying that Max would leave him alone. The truth was, Charlie had had the biggest crush on Max since the day he’d set foot in the office. It wasn’t just that Max was an absolute stud, but out of the posse of idiots in the office, Max was actually a decent guy.

“Ah well. Are you going to join in with some of the games? Maybe have a drink?”

Charlie shook his head again, trying to ignore the eye-level view of Max’s bulge in his tight khaki shorts.

Max sighed. “Okay, Charlie boy.”

Charlie watched Max wander over to the rest of the guys who were making lude gestures about the size of Kayla’s breasts. As Charlie’s eyes wandered over Max’s firm ass in his shorts, he quickly hunched over when he felt his dick throb in his slacks. With no tight briefs on, there was no way he could allow himself to get hard, no matter how sexy Max looked.

After an hour, Charlie had ended up having a couple of the female assistants come and sit on his picnic blanket. He listened to them chat about some tv show he didn’t know whilst he watched Max and the rest of the guys playing some drinking game.

The attention had stayed mostly off of Charlie, until he made one fatal mistake.

Rex Patterson was chugging from a bottle of beer handsfree when he inadvertently coughed midway and started choking. The bottle shot out of his mouth and thudded on to his foot, which just made him cough and squeal in equal measure.

Unable to control himself, Charlie burst out laughing, his laughter loud and unknown to his colleagues who all turned to look at him, rather than Rex.

Feeling all eyes on him, Charlie tried to get his hysteria under control, but it was the glare from Rex that eventually quietened him down.

“Think that was funny do you, pup?” Rex said as he walked towards Charlie’s picnic blanket.

All traces of humour were gone as Charlie shook his head. ‘Sorry Rex.”

Rex just grinned. “No worries at all. Good to know you actually have a sense of humour.”

Charlie just smiled and was relieved that Rex walked away, but his relief was short-lived as Rex returned with a pitcher of lemonade. He made a show of staggering around with the jug, the liquid splashing over the sides, before he stumbled straight over to Charlie and upended the pitcher all over him.

Charlie gasped as the sticky, cold liquid soaked him. In his position sat cross-legged on the picnic blanket, his shirt was drenched, as were his crotch and thighs.

“What the fuck?” Kayla shrieked as she got splashed and jumped up,

Climbing to his feet, Charlie was in too much shock to speak, but he blushed furiously when he realised that all eyes were on him. However, they weren’t laughing at what Rex had done, they were staring at the wet, white material of his shirt, that now clung to his firm pecs and his toned stomach.

“Oh no,” Charlie whispered.

“Sorry dude,” Rex said as he slapped Charlie on the back. “We better get you out of those clothes. You can’t be covered in lemonade in the park, or you’ll be attacked by wasps.”

“I... no,” Charlie squeaked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Max appeared at his side. “Rex is right, buddy. You don’t want to get stung. I’ve got some spare clothes. Ladies, excuse us.”

Charlie was too embarrassed to resist as Max steered him behind the pavilion, with Rex and a couple of the other guys in tow.

“Looks like someone has been holding out on us,” Rex said as he looked Charlie up and down. “You’ve been keeping that body quiet, Adonis.”

Charlie shook his head. “No, I just don’t . . .”

“Like to show off like we do?” Rex asked with a frown. “What’s wrong with showing off your hard work?”

“Rex, cool it,’ Max said with an eyeroll. “Come on, Charlie – lose the clothes before you attract all the insects, and you can borrow my spare outfit.”

Paralysed with fear as his greatest nightmare came to life, Charlie couldn’t speak or move.

“Don’t worry, we’ll help,” Rex said with a chuckle as the two guys behind him laughed too.

Rex grabbed the front of Charlie’s shirt and tore it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. Charlie’s nipples hardened in the cool breeze, and he couldn’t fight a shiver that ran down his spine.

Rex pulled the shirt from Charlie’s body and the four guys took in the sight of Charlie’s broad shoulders, meaty pecs, flat stomach, and muscular back.

“You must work out like a demon,” one of the other guys said in awe.

“We better get those pants off him,” Rex said with a grin.

But as he moved towards Charlie’s belt, Charlie grabbed it with a death grip and stepped back. There was no way anyone could know that he was going commando, and certainly no way that he wanted any of them to see his dick.

“Okay, guys, let’s calm down. Rex, why don’t you three head back to the picnic and I’ll help Charlie get changed.”

Rex looked like he wanted to argue with Max, but he just sighed and wandered off, leaving Max and Charlie on their own.

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed, Charlie. You’ve got a great body.”

Charlie’s cheeks reddened further at the compliment from Max. He couldn’t believe that he was so exposed and that the guy he fantasised about more than anything was appreciating his body.

That was when Charlie’s panic increased.

He didn’t know if it was the compliment, the exposure, the situation or what, but his dick was climbing to half mast, and with his slacks soaking wet around the crotch, the growth was incredibly visible.

“Dude, are you...?” Max’s eyes were fixated on Charlie’s crotch as his bulge grew and the obvious length of Charlie’s dick filled out the material.

“This can’t be happening,” Charlie groaned, as he felt his cock reach its full 7 inches and throb against the wet material.

Max did a quick look around. Behind the pavilion, they were mostly surrounded by trees and although they could hear the rest of their colleagues laughing and playing games, no one else was around.

“You need to chillout, Charlie,” Max said, stepping closer to him. “No one is here but us. That’s okay right?”

Charlie shook his head. “Please can you just give me your spare shirt so I can leave?”

Max stepped even closer, only inches from Charlie. “I don’t think you want to do that.”

As if on cue, Charlie’s cock throbbed again.

Max moved his fingers to Charlie’s belt and undid it, before popping the button on his slacks and sliding down the zipper.

“Max, please don’t,” Charlie whispered.

Max slid his hand inside Charlie’s slacks and wrapped his hand around his dick. “Do you want me to stop?”

Charlie moaned at the grip on his cock and slowly shook his head.

Max grinned and leaned forward, his lips against Charlie’s ear. “Then this will be our little secret.”

Using his free hand, Max pushed Charlie’s baggy slacks down where they dropped to the floor and pooled around his ankles.

“Wow,” Max said with a grin as he took in the sight of Charlie’s thick cock and muscular thighs.

Charlie had to close his eyes. He was so overly stimulated that he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He was practically naked outdoors with his crush’s hand wrapped around his dick. What the hell was going on?

Max started to slide his hand back and forth along Charlie’s shaft as he leaned forward and started kissing his way down Charlie’s neck to his collarbone.

Charlie moaned softly at the firm pressure on his dick, the featherlight kisses on his skin and the woody scent of Max’s aftershave.

“Don’t you want to touch me?” Max whispered against Charlie’s skin.

Charlie tentatively reached out his right hand until it settled on Max’s arm. He could feel the strong muscle flexing under his fingertips as Max jerked him off.

As Charlie softly stroked Max’s bicep, Max used his free hand to grab a handful of Charlie’s thick bubble butt, increasing the speed on Charlie’s cock as he did so.

Precum coated Max’s fingers as his fingers flew up and down the length of Charlie’s cock. The extra lubricant made Charlie’s knees weak, and he put both of his hands on Max’s shoulders.

Max suddenly let go of Charlie and stepped back, yanking his polo shirt off over his head and tossing it on the ground.

Hardly able to breathe, Charlie’s mouth hung open as he took in the sight of Max’s tanned, furry pecs and stomach.

‘I like that look,” Max growled, before resuming the hand job he’d been giving Charlie.

He wasn’t sure whether it was the endorphins flooding his body or the out of character position he found himself in, but Charlie felt suddenly emboldened, and he leaned forward to place his lips on Max’s.

Max was momentarily surprised, but he quickly kissed Charlie back, their lips parting and their tongues brushing together.

Charlie’s cock continued to leak precum, and he was conscious that he was incredibly close to shooting his load.

The kisses were intense and desperate as Max increased the speed on Charlie’s cock and Charlie played with Max’s nipples.

“Oh, I’m gonna . . .”

Charlie barely got the words out before his cock exploded, thick ropes of cum splashing over Max’s hand and shorts, and all over the slacks at Charlie’s feet.

They continued to kiss as Charlie moaned into Max’s mouth, his orgasm a wave that he seemed to ride forever.

Eventually, Max broke the kiss with a chuckle and stepped back a little. “Well, that was unexpected.”

Charlie blushed. “I didn’t expect that to ever happen.”

Max laughed. “We better head back. I don’t actually have any spare clothes, but you can wear my shirt.”

“So, you just wanted to get me naked?”

Max kissed Charlie and grinned. “I think Rex wanted to get you naked, but I wanted to see it and take advantage.”

Charlie wasn’t sure whether he was flattered or concerned, but neither mattered when he looked down and saw the streaks of cum all over the front of Max’s shorts, not to mention the pools of it that were all over his slacks.

“Oh no!”

“What’s up?” Max asked with frown, before following Charlie’s line of sight.

“Woah, fuck! How are we going to explain this?”

Charlie wasn’t sure, but the sight of the blush that crept up Max’s neck was making his cock harden!


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