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Here's this month's writing plan:

  • Juicy July story - Smart Casual Patrons
  • JockMailed - edits for Kindle launch (this is still on the back burner, but I will be sharing the cover with you guys this month!)
  • New Ben story
  • Conservative Teacher - Chapter 3
  • Commission
  • GYOB New - Part 1

I'll also be posting the rest of the Camp Leader Ben and College Ben stories ahead of the new Ben story, which I can't wait for you guys to read. 

As an extra treat, I'll be sharing the story for a collaboration I'm working on with an artist!

Voting for the storyline of the Juicy July story will be up later this week and June's story will be posted for Smart Casual Patrons tomorrow!

I'll also be posting a Q&A in the next couple of weeks to answer some of the questions that you guys have messaged that others may want the answers to.

If you want more info on any of the projects, or if you want me to prioritise anything, just let me know :)



Apologies to my Smart Casual patrons, but June-Apalooza will be posted on Thursday!