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Here's the final instalment of Knowledge is Power! There's several exciting Clay and Karl stories coming up, including an exclusive Clay solo story that'll be out this Sunday!


Shocked was an understatement for how I felt at that moment.

Ever since the beach trip, Karl hadn’t once mentioned the fact that the whole incident had turned me on. To hear him say it and so casually was not what I’d ever have expected from him.

And what was worse was that just the mention of it had my cock desperately trying to harden up in the confines of my insanely tight briefs, not to mention the leather pants.

‘You okay, Clay?’ Lewis said, appearing at my side as soon as Karl started chatting to a couple of guys I’d done a photo with earlier.

My cock throbbed and I coughed. ‘Yep, all good. Just going to head to the bathroom.’

‘What about Karl’s pockets?’ Lewis said, jumping in front of me.

I looked over at Karl, stood with a group of 4 other guys. Maybe he did need to be put back in his place? There’s no way he’d have said what he did to me before the power shifted.

‘I can do one better than pockets,’ I said with a grin.

Lewis immediately pulled his phone out as I made my way over to Karl.

He had his back to me whilst he was telling some story to the rest of the group.

I didn’t even hesitate as I placed my hands on Karl’s rear pockets and easily ripped them off, exposing some briefs with a ridiculous print of builder’s hats.

‘What have you done?’ Karl yelled, spinning around as his hands flew to his butt.

The look of horror on his face as he felt his briefs was just what I needed.

‘I’m not done yet,’ I said with a laugh before sliding my hands around him, grabbing the waistband of the tiny briefs and yanking them skywards.

Karl howled as I practically pulled him off the ground in a ball crushing wedgie, but it was only momentary as the cheap material shredded and came away in my hands.

‘What the actual fuck?’ Karl yelled again as he stared at the undies in my hands.

‘Looks like someone should invest in a better brand,’ I said with a shrug, before tossing the undies at him and slapping his now exposed butt cheek.

The power was definitely restored!

Lewis and the other guys were laughing themselves hoarse as I spun around and headed inside to find the bathroom.

As much as I’d enjoyed getting my own back on Karl, it was somewhat anticlimactic. After my exposure incidents, it just wasn’t the same.

I knew Karl would be pissed at me when I returned, but at that moment, the only thing I wanted to do was get the leather pants off and let me sweaty thighs breathe for a bit.


By the time I’d recovered from the shock, I was left with nothing but rage.

It was bad enough that Clay had ripped off my back pockets, but the ripping wedgie and the slap on the ass was too far.

Everyone, of course, thought it was hysterical, but there was no way I was going to let Clay get away with this.

‘Looks like Clay is up to his old tricks again,’ Lewis said as he passed me a beer.

‘I can’t believe him. What the fuck is his problem?’

Lewis shrugged. ‘Maybe you need to show him who’s still the boss? Those leather pants are so tight, I bet he isn’t wearing anything underneath. Maybe slash open the rear seam when he’s bent over and get him on show?’

‘Not that you’ve thought about it,’ I said with a laugh.

Lewis passed me a Swiss army knife. ‘Not given it a single thought.’

I couldn’t help but laugh at Lewis. How had he even considered this?

‘I’ll go and track him down,’ Lewis said with a wink and ran inside the house.

If I wasn’t so furious with Clay, I might have taken more time to think about how and why Lewis was so keen and prepared to humiliate him.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I stood and waited for whoever was in the upstairs bathroom to get out. I felt like I was physically melting.

‘There you are.’

I turned to see Lewis behind me with a grin on his face.

‘How pissed is Karl right now?’

Lewis laughed. ‘Oh, he is so pissed. You may want to avoid him for a bit. You wouldn’t want him to try and get revenge or something.’

I tried to laugh that comment off, but the sudden thought of being exposed sent a signal straight to my dick.

‘I’ll apologise to him later. He’ll be okay.’

I wiped some of the sweat from my forehead and took a deep breath.

‘Are you okay, Clay?’ Lewis asked, grabbing my bicep . . . again.

‘This costume you picked is a bit like wearing a portable sauna. I just need to get some air.’

Lewis frowned. ‘Then why are you going to the bathroom? Why don’t you come back outside?’

‘I . . . need to get these pants down for a bit. I need that kind of air.’

Lewis laughed and I felt myself blushing a little. Why had I told him that?

The sound of someone vomiting their guts up came from the bathroom.


I clearly wasn’t getting in there and the bedrooms were all locked to stop people having sex in them.

‘You’re not going to get in there anytime soon, Clay. I’ve got an idea though. Come with me.’

Lewis pulled his phone out and fired off a text I couldn’t read as I followed him downstairs, the leather creaking loudly as my thighs rubbed together.

Lewis led me outside into the backyard. Thankfully I couldn’t see Karl. I’d have to apologise to him later on. I knew how angry he’d be at me, but his comment about me getting turned on after the speedo incident made me see red.

I followed Lewis, past the pool, to the end of the backyard where there was a stand of trees.

‘Just round here,’ he said as he ducked under a branch and turned a corner.

The trees hid the small clearing from the rest of the yard.

‘What are we doing here exactly?’ I asked with a frown.

‘You wanted to get some air, right? Well, there’s no one around and I can keep watch for you. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone to catch you with your pants down.’

Something had changed. I didn’t know what it was, but Lewis was definitely acting weird. I didn’t know if he was setting me up or if it was something else, but even the way he was looking at me was odd. If I didn’t know him better, I’d think he fancied me or something.

The thought of getting some air on my sweaty, suffocating skin was too appealing to pay too much attention to Lewis’ odd behaviour.

‘Okay, you keep watch, but this will only take a minute.’

Lewis nodded and smiled. ‘Sure. I’ll just stand over here.’

I watched Lewis go and stand by the branch we’d ducked under before we turned the corner. He was facing away from me, but to be sure I had some privacy, I turned my back on him.

I unzipped the leather jacket and breathed a sigh of relief as the cooler air hit the sweat on my chest and stomach. I ran my hand through the damp hair and could actually shake the perspiration off of it.

‘Fuck, that feels better,’ I whispered with an almost reverence.

‘You’re all clear still,’ Lewis said in a stage whisper that anyone in the near vicinity would have heard.

Having my jacket undone felt amazing, but I was desperate to get some air on my thighs and my ass, not to mention the fact that my briefs were wedged so far between my cheeks that I felt like my balls had been twisted in a knot.

After double checking that Lewis was still facing away, I breathed in and unbuttoned the leather pants, before yanking down the zipper. The sound seemed to echo in the small clearing, but that was probably because I was so nervous about dropping my pants in someone’s backyard.

Granted, the adrenaline rush and the potential humiliation was whispering at the back of my mind and making me want to just take everything off and get caught hard as a rock, but I forced my mind away from that.

As much as I’d love another humiliating exposure, I certainly didn’t want it to happen near Karl again. Once was bad enough.

‘Get a move on, Clay,’ Lewis said from behind me.

‘Just a sec,’ I said with a sigh.

I grabbed the leather and had to peel the pants down to my knees. My thighs were damp with sweat and my briefs were absolutely soaked. No wonder they were starting to chafe.

The cool air on my sweaty body felt incredible and being outside with my pants around my knees and my jacket wide open was making my dick chub up.

Shaking my head, I knew I needed to get my pants back up, but I wasn’t sure I could cope with keeping on the wet bikini briefs. They were drenched in sweat, and I was convinced that I’d feel cooler and more comfortable if I didn’t have that extra layer.

The problem was that I couldn’t risk removing the leather pants completely. What if I couldn’t get them back on again? No, if I wanted to get rid of my briefs, there was only one way to do it and I had to try and do it without Lewis noticing.

Double checking that he hadn’t moved from his lookout spot, I grabbed the waistband of my briefs on the right-hand side and yanked as hard and as fast as I could.

There was a loud rip as the material shredded, but I felt an instant relief as the damp material loosened.

‘Are you okay back there, Clay?’ Lewis asked.

‘Yep – all good. Nearly done.’

Before Lewis could respond, I moved my hands to the left side of the briefs and ripped them too. I grabbed the material at the front and yanked it forward. The remnants of my briefs slid through my crack and over my balls before I had them completely off.

I sighed with relief.

‘Clay, what are you doing?’ Lewis asked, but this time, he was right behind me.


Thankfully Jared had brought a sweater to the party, so I had that tied around my waist to hide the fact that my butt was on show through the back of my jeans.

Everyone had had a good laugh at my expense, but one of the girls had enjoyed the view and we’d swapped numbers, so it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

I was just pissed that I’d spent all that time feeling guilty about Clay, only for him to utterly humiliate me with one of his stupid pranks. I wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to rip my pockets off so easily.

After another couple of beers, I’d calmed down a little and was no longer wanting to kill Clay, but Lewis was right – I needed to get my own back. If he wanted to play pranks, then we could both play that game.

I just needed to work out what to do.

Lewis text me to tell me that he was helping Clay out with something, but he’d message me when he’d got things set up.

Whatever that meant.

Jared passed me another beer and I kept my phone in my other hand so I could wait for a message from Lewis.


‘Lewis, you’re supposed to be keeping watch,’ I hissed through my teeth as I used the rags of my briefs to cover my cock.

‘I know, but I heard ripping and wondered what situation you’d gotten yourself into this time.’

Lewis’ eyes were roaming my exposed body as he spoke, and I wondered again whether he did fancy me? Or was I just misreading his appreciation of my toned, dad bod?

‘I had to take my briefs off, alright? They were soaked and I needed to get them off. Ripping them off seemed like the better option.’

Just telling someone else that I’d just ripped off my own briefs made my cock throb. What the hell was I doing?

‘You need to be comfortable,’ Lewis said with a shrug. ‘Give me your briefs and I’ll leave you to get dressed. We better get back.’

I handed over the material without even thinking about it as Lewis headed back to his post.

Why did he want my sweat drenched briefs? And why the hell did I just hand them over?

I shook my head and turned away from him, before grabbing the waistband of the leather pants and starting to yank them back up.

The lining was still soaked, and my thighs were still hot, so it was no easy task, and I was sweating more and grunting by the time I got them halfway up my thighs.

‘Having some trouble, Clay?’

‘Lewis, just give me a minute, can you bud?’

I had the pants up to my ass, but my bubble butt was more than a little reluctant to be suffocated by the leather again.

‘Do you want a hand? I’ll pull at the back and you pull the front and we’ll have you covered in no time. You don’t want the party to head down this way and see you with your butt on show, do you?’

My dick started to go to full mast.

‘Ummm . . . what?’

‘Can you imagine how embarrassed you’d be if everyone saw you like this? Dripping with sweat, chest and stomach on show, big bubble butt hanging out, cock hard as a rock.’

‘My cock isn’t . . .’

My cock was in fact hard as a rock and I was frozen to the spot. What the hell was Lewis doing?

‘You’re cock’s hard, Clay.’

Lewis’ lips were practically on my ear as he stood behind me.

‘Now, shall I help you cover up or do you want everyone to find you like this? It’s your choice.’

I didn’t answer straight away and that gave me away. I was so close to being exposed again. It was a huge turn on being exposed in front of Lewis like this, but if everyone saw me struggling to wrestle on my leather pants, my cock hard and dripping. Fuck!

‘What do you want, Clay?’ Lewis asked me.

I felt his hands glide over my ass before he gripped the waistband of the pants.

‘Do I pull up or down?’

My cock throbbed again, precum drooling onto the glossy black leather.

My brain was filled with white noise. Why couldn’t I answer him?

‘Up,’ I finally hissed out. ‘Up.’

Lewis chuckled. ‘Sure, that’s what I thought.’

He sounded like he was mocking me and for some reason, that made my cock lurch again.

I gripped the waistband of the leather pants and started pulling them up at the front, whilst Lewis yanked on the back with one hand, his other stuffing my cheeks into the material.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Lewis manhandling my bubble butt, but I just needed to get dressed and get out of there.

I was confused and so horny. I needed to escape and jerk off.

After a joint effort, I had the leather pants back on and after some repositioning, I managed to get my still stiff cock at an angle that wasn’t too obvious before I zipped them back up.

I breathed in to zip the jacket back up and felt even hotter than I had done before we’d come to the clearing.

‘You may want to wait for that to go down before you head back,’ Lewis said with a smug grin.

I looked down and realised that my idea of “not obvious” was actually incredibly obvious. Fuck!

‘And you may want to hide this,’ Lewis said before squatting down and sliding a finger up my thigh. He stood back up and showed me the precum that was now pooled on his finger.

‘I . . . can . . . explain that . . . I . . . ‘

Before I could say another word, Lewis pushed his finger into my mouth and I sucked my own precum off.

What the fuck was I doing?

‘Let’s get back to the party,’ Lewis said with the smuggest grin yet.

He pulled out his phone and fired off another text.

I followed him back under the branch, wondering what the hell had just happened in that clearing.


After what seemed like ages, Lewis text me and I grabbed Jared.

‘What are we doing?’ he asked.

‘I dunno. Lewis has some sort of plan to prank Clay. He said to head towards the back of the yard.’

Jared laughed and walked beside me towards the end of the back yard. I had no idea what Lewis was planning, but if it meant that I got to prank Clay then I was all for it.


Lewis and I emerged from the clearing just as Karl and Jared started walking down the length of the lawn towards us.

‘Karl, I’m really sorry about earlier,’ I said wiping more sweat from my forehead. ‘I went too far . . . again. I’m sorry kiddo.’

Karl shook his head. ‘Joke’s on you, Clay. I got a date out of it. Apparently assless chaps are a good look on me. Let’s just forget about it, shall we?’

Lewis looked like he’d just had his favourite toy stolen as I gave Karl a one-armed hug, keeping him as far away from my body as I could.

‘I think I’m gonna head off in a second,’ I said, sure that it was more than late enough for me to make an escape so that I could finally jerk my brains out.

‘Before you go,’ Lewis said quickly. ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’

I looked at him with a frown as he tugged my briefs slightly out of his pocket.

‘Nope, I don’t think so. I’ll catch you boys soon.’

‘Are you sure you don’t want these, Clay?’ Lewis asked before yanking them from his pocket and tossing them behind us in the middle of some dense bushes. ‘Or do you want someone else to find them?’

‘What are they?’ Karl asked with a nervous chuckle.

‘Nothing,’ I said with a sigh, whilst trying not to punch Lewis for being a dick.

I pushed past him and could see the tattered remains of my briefs behind a couple of bushes.

The only way to get them would be to get on my hands and knees and reach under the bushes. I couldn’t believe Lewis had done that to me. It was such a dick move. I was so close to escaping the party.

Thankfully, my rage had stopped my cock throbbing, but it wasn’t exactly soft.

I got down on my knees, the tight leather creaking as I leaned forward. On my hands and knees, the tight leather jacket rose halfway up my back, so my leather clad ass was fully on show.


‘What did you throw in there?’ I asked Lewis.

Even with a sweet beer haze, there was something up with him.

‘Nothing important. Now’s your chance though bud,’ he said, indicating Clay’s muscular butt that bounced around in his leather pants as he rooted around under the bushes.

‘I dunno, Lewis,’ I said. ‘I’m not sure.’

‘Yeah, maybe we just leave things as they are,’ Jared said with a shrug.

‘Fine, I’ll do it myself.’

Lewis held his hand out and I handed over the Swiss army knife he gave me before. I didn’t really feel like exposing Clay, but if Lewis was adamant about doing it then I wasn’t going to stop him.

I watched as Lewis dropped to his knees behind Clay and with a quick slice, he went straight down the rear seam of the pants.

‘What the fuck are you boys doing?’ Clay asked with a suppressed, but nervous laugh.

And then, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Lewis wolf whistled and people started to flock over to see what was going on. Before anyone arrived, I was sure I saw Lewis slide an arm around Clay’s waist before he whispered something in his ear. Then Lewis stood up with a smug grin and stood back as a crowd built.


I knew I was in trouble when Lewis tossed my briefs in the bushes, but I didn’t expect what followed.

As I rummaged through the undergrowth, trying to ignore the creaking of the leather and the feel of my dick hardening, I felt something scrape on the rear of my leather pants.

‘What the fuck are you boys doing?’

I tried to sound nonchalant, but it sounded nervous, even to me.

Then someone wolf whistled, and I heard movement behind me.

Before I could move an inch, I felt a hand move around my waist before it took a hold of my leather clad cock and squeezed it.

My breath caught in my throat as Lewis whispered into my ear. ‘I knew you got off on this and now you can have your wish. Enjoy Clay.’

The hand was gone, and I could hear people laughing behind me.

What the fuck was wrong with Lewis? I couldn’t believe that he’d just groped my cock. Let alone that he’d figured out my biggest kink that even I didn’t fully understand yet.

Giving up my briefs, I shuffled backwards away from the bushes, but as I pushed my ass back, there was an almighty rip and my leather pants suddenly felt a lot looser as a cool breeze brushed over my sweaty, now exposed, cheeks.

The sound of the rip had my cock leaking into the leather pants and the laughter from behind me wasn’t helping.

‘Looks like we have a full moon,’ Karl said before he dissolved into laughter.

I had to get away and quick.

I was about to stand up and make a quick exit when I felt someone slap my ass. The sound of skin on skin went straight to my dick and I moaned under my breath.

‘Okay guys, very funny,’ I said, my voice a little breathless.

I tried to move to a squat to stand up, but as I did so, there was more ripping noises as the seams on my inner thighs started to shred open.

Laughter echoed around me as I felt my balls tighten.

No, no, no – not here. Not with everyone watching.

But the combination of sweat, leather, ripped clothing and exposure was too much and I gasped as my cock started to explode inside my leather pants, cum oozing down my leg.

I panted for breath as I stood up, trying to disguise the bulge in my pants.

‘Looks like these pants have had enough for the night. Time for me to go.’

Everyone cheered and laughed some more as I pushed past them towards the door.

Karl mouthed ‘sorry’ at me as I walked past him, and I gave him the best smile I could muster. This wasn’t his fault. This was all Lewis. He’d designed everything that had happened; from the swelteringly hot costume to Karl’s rigged jeans to me being on all fours with my ass on show.

I would need to speak to him and soon.


I stayed at the back of the group as people followed Clay to the door.

This was for two reasons: 1 – I wanted to get his briefs and 2 – I’d just cum in my pants watching Clay’s exposure and I didn’t want anyone to see the stain that was spreading across the front of my costume.

I grabbed Clay’s sweaty, ripped briefs and brought them to my nose. They smelt incredible.

I couldn’t believe that everything had gone so much better than I planned.

I pulled out my phone and sent Clay a text.

I’m sure you have questions after tonight. I do too. We should probably grab a drink. I hope you make it home without putting another load in those leathers. See you soon. L


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