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Here it is - the May Madness story! Hunky daddy, Patrick gets exposed at a neighbourhood pool party! You voted for it and I wrote it and these stories will be exclusive to Patreon.

I hope you guys enjoy this approach and June's poll will be live next week. Let me know what you think of the story in the comments or drop me a message!

Patrick Hughes was the most eligible bachelor in the neighbourhood. At 47, he still had the same muscular body he’d had in his early 30’s, he had the biggest house on the avenue and since his divorce, he had a never-ending stream of women throwing themselves at him.

Unfortunately, the men in the neighbourhood were less friendly. Whilst their wives and girlfriends went over to give Patrick food or took him fresh lemonade whilst he tended his front lawn shirtless, the men frequently discussed how they’d like to take Patrick down a peg or two.

It wasn’t just the attention he garnered from the women, it was his ridiculously expensive sports car, his perfect good looks, and his ability to wear whatever the hell he wanted.

Yes, Patrick Hughes was equally popular and unpopular.

Unfortunately for Patrick, he pushed the men of the neighbourhood too far one June weekend when the local weathergirl, who was in her early 20’s and was lusted over by every straight male that laid eyes on her, was seen emerging from Patrick’s house. It was mid-morning on a Sunday when most of the residents were heading out, either to church or to tend their lawns.

The busty weathergirl made a show of giving Patrick a passionate goodbye, her right leg wrapped around his waist, with her free hand inside the open front of his robe.

“Who the fuck does he think he is?” Chuck, one of the avenue’s disgruntled residents spat as he took a swig of his beer.

“He thinks he’s a god,” Larry growled as he put down his own beer bottle and folded his burly arms.

“He needs to be taught a lesson for acting so damn perfect,” Greg said, rubbing the knuckles of his clenched fists together.

“Let’s avoid violence, boys. We don’t want to stoop to that level,” Chuck said with a grimace. “We can be more creative than that.”

“It’s a shame we can’t show everyone how tiny his dick is. That would screw him up.”

Greg grabbed Mikey by the shoulder. “How do you know that?”

Mikey shrugged. “I went to that fancy clubhouse once and I caught him in the shower hen I opened the wrong door. He blushed like some virgin.”

“Now this we can work with,” Larry said with a bark of laughter. “And what better opportunity than the pool party on 4thJuly.”

The men laughed as they continued with their beers and plotted the downfall of Patrick Hughes.

A couple of weeks later, the resident 4th July party was in full swing.

Patrick had volunteered to hold it at his house as he had the biggest pool and the most space, which just added to the men’s’ rage.

As many of the women raced around Patrick’s kitchen putting out drinks and food that they’d prepared at home, Patrick emerged on to the patio wearing a pair of fitted board shorts that perfectly clung to his muscular thighs and his ample bubble butt. His salt and pepper chest hair was trimmed to avoid obstructing the view of his tanned pecs and stomach.

“Afternoon boys,” Patrick said with a wink as he strutted past Chuck, Larry, Greg, and Mikey, who collectively had more beer belly than six pack.

“We’re still going ahead, right?” Larry said between clenched teeth.

“Fucking right we are,’ Chuck growled. “We get him in the pool and Mikey will take care of part two.”

The men clinked their beers in a good luck toast before they disappeared back to their wives.

Patrick was having the best afternoon. The women of the neighbourhood were constantly drooling over him in his tight board shorts, the men were clearly jealous of his incredible body and Patrick was loving every second.

However, around 4pm, Patrick had noticed that the attention had moved away from him when the drinks had started to flow, so he approached the diving board, making a big show of the fact that he was going to dive.

Very quickly, everyone who wasn’t by the side of the pool migrated over. Hungry looks made Patrick beam as he approached the end of the diving board. He made sure to flex his pec muscles and then his biceps as he stretched out before his dive.

With a practiced grace, Patrick dived seamlessly into the pool and emerged to cheers and gushing comments from everyone around him.

Except for the three men that were in the pool with him.

Patrick looked around at them with a raised eyebrow. “Not impressed by my diving prowess, gents?”

Chuck swam closer to Patrick, drawing his attention away from Larry and Greg.

“I enjoyed the dive,” Chuck said in a low voice. “It’s the peacocking in front of our wives that I’m not impressed by.”

Patrick laughed. “Oh, come on, Chuck. It’s just a bit of fun.”

It was Chuck’s turn to laugh as he lunged forward and grabbed Patrick’s upper arms. “Nope, this is fun!”

Larry and Greg made their move and Patrick struggled as he felt hands on the waistband of his board shorts.

“Wait! What are you guys doing?” Patrick said, his cocky tone evaporating.

Chuck watched with a shit-eating grin as Larry and Greg quickly yanked down Patrick’s board shorts. Larry swam away with the shorts and Greg gave Patrick a slap on the ass before following after him.

“Given how confident you are, I’m sure being naked won’t bother you in the slightest,’ Chuck said as he released Patrick’s arms and swam back a bit.

Patrick plunged his hands under the water to cup his manhood. “Please, Chuck, you can’t do this to me. I can’t be seen like this. I just . . . I can’t.”

“Why’s that, Mr Cocky? Something you don’t want your adoring fans to see?”

Patrick blushed, his cheeks turning pink as he tried to avoid eye contact with everyone around the pool that were still watching him, despite them not noticing what Greg and Larry had taken.

“I just don’t want to be seen naked. Please Chuck. Get my shorts back.”

Chuck laughed again. “You’ve spent most of today flirting with my wife and every other woman here. The only reason you mustn’t want to be seen naked is that you’re hiding something. Or . . . maybe not hiding much at all.”

Chuck swam off, chuckling to himself, leaving Patrick blushing profusely as he desperately tried to think of a way out of his predicament.

How did Chuck know his secret? He was so careful.

That’s when it dawned on him . . . Mikey! That day at the clubhouse.

Oh fuck, Patrick cursed in his head. That meant the men knew about his dick. It wasn’t that he was hideously small, but when soft, his cock was a tiny nub. With an erection, he was around 7 inches, but these days, he didn’t get hard very easily. At least, not without a little help!

“Is something the matter, Patrick?” one of the wives asked, noticing that he was still frozen in place.

Patrick forced a smile to his face. “Just enjoying the cool water, Barbara.”

There was only one way out of this situation and that was to try and get himself at least semi-hard. The problem with doing that is that everyone around the pool was still watching him and he couldn’t move to the side without revealing that he’d lost his shorts.

Chuck, Larry, and Greg were still in the pool, watching Patrick closely, ready to enjoy his downfall in front of everyone in the neighbourhood.

“All done,” Mikey said, somewhat out of breath as he jumped into the pool. “Did you guys do it?”

“Oh yeah,” Larry said with a smile. “He’s butt naked over there.”

“Why isn’t he moving?” Mikey asked.

“We’re not really sure. Frozen with fear?” Chuck said with another chuckle.

Patrick glared at the 4 men before slowly walking over to them. His feet only just touched the bottom of the pool, but he couldn’t risk swimming and giving away his precarious situation.

“Okay, guys, please can you give me my shorts back?”

They all laughed.

“No chance,’ Greg said. “The only way you get them back is to get out of the pool and get them yourself. I left them on the back of your seat.”

Patrick looked behind him and, sure enough, his board shorts were hanging over the back of the chair he’d been sat in. He was lucky no one had noticed them.

“What do I have to do? Please help me out.”

Chuck nodded with a solemn expression before pulling himself out of the pool. “He’s right guys. We should help him out. He shouldn’t be left like this.”

Patrick breathed a sigh of relief as Chuck ignored the whispered comments from the other guys and walked over to Patrick’s seat and his board shorts.

Chuck grabbed the wet material and held it up. “Hey, Patrick. How are your board shorts here if you’re in the pool?”

The colour drained from Patrick’s face as everyone around the pool jumped up from their seat.

“Patrick, are you naked in there?” Barbara said before biting her bottom lip.

“Oh my god! He is naked,’ Greg said before pulling himself out of the pool.

Mikey and Larry followed suit and soon everyone was staring at Patrick intently, some with hunger, others with amusement.

“Looks like you better get out and put your shorts back on,’ Chuck said loudly. “This is a neighbourhood event, not one of your orgies.”

Patrick couldn’t believe what was happening to him. He had never felt so humiliated in his life. The one saving grace from all of the attention is that he could feel his dick slowly thickening in his cupped hands.

“Come on, Patrick. Get out of the pool,’ Larry yelled.

Almost in a daze, Patrick moved to the side of the pool. He could hear the women whispering about what he’d look like naked, questioning how big his dick would be, whilst the men seemed to be revelling in his humiliation.

However, the joke was on them.

Patrick pulled himself from the pool, water dripping down his muscular torso and over his thick bubble butt. Keeping his hands at his side, he turned around so that everyone could see his rock-hard cock.

He slowly put his hands over it, as much as he could, in a show of subtle modesty.

“What the fuck?” Chuck, Larry, and Greg said together at the sight of Greg’s bigger than average dick.

They turned as one to glare at Mikey who sheepishly shrugged. “It was tiny at the club, I promise. He must be a grower!”

“No shit,” Chuck growled.

With their plans to humiliate him falling apart in seconds, Chuck suddenly had a better idea. It was obviously the attention that had gotten Patrick hard, so maybe a little extra attention would tip him over the edge. If they couldn’t turn him into a tiny dick loser, then they’d make him into a pervert.

“Why have you got a hard on, Patrick? What were you doing in that pool?” Chuck shouted over the talking and laughing.

Patrick frowned. “I . . . I wasn’t . . .”

“Yeah, what were you doing to yourself with so many people here?” Larry chimed in.

“Are you some sort of sex addict?” Greg asked.

“Maybe that’s why he works out so much?” Mikey said with a shrug. “So that can keep luring in all the women he needs to satiate his sexual appetites.”

Patrick shook his head in disbelief at this turn of events, but the bigger problem was that he’d gone from soft to rock hard and now, with all of these eyes on him, and all the comments, he could feel his balls tightening against his body.

“I’m sure he’s not some sort of pervert,” Barbara said quickly. “Are you Patrick?”

“Of course, he isn’t,” another woman said, stepping forward. “He’s just an attractive bachelor.”

At the word attractive, there was an instant chatter about Patrick’s body – his biceps, his muscular pecs, his thigh thighs, and his incredible butt.

“Oh, please no,” Patrick gasped as he felt a completely unwanted orgasm tipping over inside him.

“Perverts can still work out and have a body like a God,’ Chuck said with a laugh.

Patrick squirmed as the word “god” tipped him over the edge. With his cheeks flushed, he moaned out loud as the first rope of cum shot out of his dick and splattered over his hands. The orgasm was so mind-blowing that he lost himself and released his hold so that he could milk it out of himself.

As the entire neighbourhood gasped. Patrick stroked out the remainder of his orgasm, his knees shaking, his breath ragged as cum painted the decking.

Chuck, Larry, Greg, and Mikey roared with laughter as Patrick’s orgasm subsided and his dick started to shrink. Everyone was immediately laughing and pointing as Patrick ran into the house, ignoring the sneaky hands that groped him as he passed.

“He’ll have a tough time finding something to cover up with,” Mikey said with a chuckle. “As we discussed, all of his clothes are in the trunk of my car.”

The four guys laughed and went to grab a beer, wondering when Patrick would sheepishly emerge!


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