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I'm really excited to share this new Clay story with you all. I never intended for this to be published - it was something I started writing for myself as a bit of a Clay fantasy that I had in my head. But, I felt it needed to be shared with my awesome patrons so here it is as an exclusive Patreon only story that won't be posted anywhere else.  

This takes place before Knowledge is Power and focuses on Clay as he starts to explore his new kink. This is very much a comedy of errors and is very much like the traditional wardrobe malfunction content that I started writing way back when. I'd love to hear what you guys think so feel free to leave comments below or drop me a DM. Do you want more Clay solo stuff? 

In other Clay and Karl news, the first chapter of a new Clay and Karl story will be out in June - Clay is going to get his payback on Karl and Lewis' secret gets revealed! 

It had been nearly 3 weeks since the beach trip with Karl, Jared and Lewis and I had been doing my utmost to try and get back to normal life. It had helped that Karl’s mom had been home, instead of away with work all the time and after the first week back, and a very strict conversation with Karl, even my quickfire cock had started to calm down.

By the end of week 2, I was no longer as horny and jerking off all the time, and I realised that I’d just been through some sort of weird phase.

During week 3, Karl’s mom sat me down for dinner and told me that she was going away to Paris for 2 weeks and Karl was going with her. She asked if I wanted to go to, but I didn’t have the vacation time from work, so we agreed that they’d go, and I’d stay at home on my own.

After 3 weeks together, I was quite looking forward to having the house to myself for a couple of weeks and I hadn’t even considered the last time I’d had the place to myself.

But that all changed on the Friday evening before they went away.

I’d been working from home for the day and after an early finish, I headed to the gym to get a good workout in before the weekend. I headed there in my gym gear as I planned to just workout and then head home to shower.

45 minutes into my workout, I picked up a couple of dumbbells and I started some squat sets whilst holding them close to my chest.

The first 2 sets were great, but the 3rd set was when everything changed. I went down for my 4th rep when I heard it.


That sound was all it took, and I immediately felt my cock try to harden in the tight confines of my jock. I dropped the dumbbells, and my hands flew to my bubble butt. My shorts had ripped most of the way down the rear seam and I could feel my bare, slightly furry cheeks.

I backed towards the door, conscious of my cock desperately trying to burst free from the pouch of my jock and my ass peeking out from my ripped shorts.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

That was on loop in my head. I thought this stupid arousal over embarrassing myself was over. Why did I get so horned up every time I got in this sort of situation?

I backed through the door and straight into one of the PTs, a hot muscled guy in his 20’s who immediately laughed as my bare butt connected with his crotch.

‘Looks like the squats are paying off, bud,’ he chuckled.

‘Umm yeah . . . I guess,’ I said as I spun around to face him properly, my cheeks burning with the heat of embarrassment.

‘Do you need a spare pair of shorts?’

I shook my head as I felt the head of my cock push against the side of my jock. ‘No, I’m good. I’m just gonna . . .’ My cock throbbed again and pushed free from its confines. ‘Gonna go. Thanks though.’

I walked as quickly as I could down the corridor to the front entrance and bolted outside, and to my car, my cock throbbing against my thigh. No sooner had I opened the door and jumped in, my cock slid against my leg and that was it – bursts of cum shot all over my thigh, my shorts, and the car seat.

I put my head back and moaned and panted whilst the orgasm shook through my body.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I drove home, my thigh slick and wet and my cock never softening for a second. The house was still empty when I got in and I bolted for the bathroom to change, where I ended up jerking off and cumming all over again.

The weekend passed in an uneventful blur. I spent the whole time with Karl and his mom doing a variety of trips out which resulted in my mind remaining mostly occupied after my incident on the Friday.

It was the Monday morning after they’d left that my mind started to race. It had been processing since Friday and I had to admit to myself that getting into embarrassing situations was a massive turn on. There was no denying it anymore. The sound of my shorts ripping was all it took to get me instantly hard and even the memory was enough to make me want to jerk off.

I knew I was potentially going to get myself into a really bad situation at some point, but I needed to pursue this new kink. My logic was that if I could explore the kink and work out what it was that I loved so much then maybe I could learn to deal with it so that I wasn’t constantly horny thinking about it.

My strongest reactions had been when things had happened by accident, but the time I’d undone my pants and let them fall in the office parking lot had got me just as horny. So, the unexpected was an element, but the embarrassing exposure was the key.

As I sat on the deck out back on the Monday morning having my coffee, I made the decision to engineer a few more embarrassing incidents during my 2 weeks alone and see what happened.

I’ll start today, was my thought as I put my mug in the sink.

The office would be quiet as a large number of the office were out at some volunteering event, so it would be the perfect time to maybe wear something tight and see what happened.

At worst, I’d split my pants and would have to head home to change and with few people there, I’d probably not even be seen.

It would be perfect.

I went upstairs and into the dressing room and ignored the grey suit hung on the wardrobe door that I’d planned to wear and instead rifled through to the back of my wardrobe where my old navy suit was hiding.

I hadn’t worn the suit for many years. It was a beautiful suit and used to fit like a glove, but that was before I’d bulked up at the gym. It was also a cheap suit that I’d bought in a pinch, and I’d stopped wearing it as I was worried about the seams blowing.

I picked out a white shirt that although still bright, was one that I had worn to death, and I knew it was a snug fit.

For underwear, I decided against my usual choice of bikini briefs and picked out some silk boxer shorts. They were black and snug, and the material always turned me on.

The finishing touches were some black socks with my leather garters and a pair of Hugo Boss lace up shoes that I’d barely worn because they were a little on the big side and sometimes slipped off my feet.

Getting into my outfit was a little difficult and the suit pants were nearly impossible to get over my big bubble butt, and even more of a nightmare to get zipped and buttoned. I could hear the button strain as I breathed out and I decided to add a black leather belt, just in case.

The shirt was tighter than I remembered, but when I was stood up, it sat flatly against my stomach. The jacket dug in a little under the arms, despite still being a great fit on my shoulders.

As I walked down the stairs, the Hugo Boss shoes slipping a little on my feet, the silk boxers bunched up a little between my ample cheeks and the silky tugging of the material on my balls was enough to almost tip me over the edge.

When I reached the mirror at the bottom of the stairs, I couldn’t deny that I looked sexy as hell in my tight suit.

‘You cannot cum until you get home,’ I said to myself. ‘Behave.’

The drive to the office was uneventful and even the reception desk was empty when I walked into the office. There was just a sign saying, “Please call extension 7266”.

I got the lift to my floor and was met with a hushed silence. I knew most of the other execs had gone to the volunteering events, but it appeared that most of the support staff had too.

Rick, the CFO, was in his office in the far corner and his secretary, Jamie was at his desk outside it, but that was it.

I stepped into my office on the opposite side and dropped into my chair, hearing a slight pop as I did so. My cock immediately started to harden at the prospect that I’d already burst a seam, but on closer inspection, my pants were intact, and it was obviously just the chair.

The morning passed quickly, and it was nearly 1pm when I started thinking about taking a break.

I was just about to get up and head off to find some lunch when Rick appeared at my door.

I waved him in, and he strode in holding some papers.

‘Have you got 5 minutes to run through the financials on the Marquez project?’

‘Absolutely, take a seat,’ I said.

As Rick sat down and started reeling off a load of numbers, I crossed my right leg over my left and as I did so, my eyes widened at the sight before me. The inner seam of my pants split open along my calf like paper revealing my hairy leg.

My cock jumped to attention at the sight of the 5-inch rip and the exposure of my leg. I tried to focus on what Rick was saying, but as I uncrossed my legs and put my foot back on the floor, my cock was semi-erect and pushing against the silk confines of my boxers.

Not wanting the CFO to notice my arousal, I shifted back in my seat slightly so that I could lean forward on the desk, but as I moved back, the head of my cock slipped out of the open fly of my silk boxers and pushed against the fly of my suit pants. With its new-found freedom, my cock was quickly hardening to its full length, and I could feel the open fly of the silk boxers digging into my cock like a cock ring.

‘What do you think?’ Rick asked me with a raised brow.

‘Sorry, I’m a bit distracted today. I’m happy to go with it if you are,’ I said, praying that that response would resolve his question and get him out of my office.

Rick nodded and then rifled through the papers in front of him. ‘There was just one other question. I just need to find my note.’

As he searched, my cock throbbed again, and I felt a dribble of precum leak from my cock. This was a bad situation to be in. The suit pants were thin, and I leaked a lot when I was hard and horny. There was no way that I wanted a massive cum stain over the front of my suit pants.

‘I can’t find it. I’ll come back later if I remember it,’ Rick said with a shrug. ‘I’m going to ask Jamie to go and grab lunch. Do you want anything?’

I reeled off my lunch order to Rick and gratefully watched him leave my office and head back to his own.

A couple of minutes later, I saw Jamie walk across the office towards the elevators and I knew I needed to act quickly. If I could get my cock back inside my silk boxers, then the pressure of the grip around my cock would be gone and I could hopefully soften up. Not to mention that I’d be leaking in them and not against my suit pants.

As I glanced down, I could already see a wet spot appearing to the right of my fly and after a quick check to make sure that Jamie hadn’t returned and Rick was in his office, I tried to unzip my suit pants.

Despite my best efforts, the pants were way too tight for me to be able to discreetly unzip sat at my desk and I didn’t want to risk walking to the bathroom and someone seeing my hard cock tenting and leaking in my suit pants.

With a sigh, I leaned back slightly and keeping my eyes on the office, I unbuckled my belt and started a struggle to unbutton my suit pants. It was no easy feat and took me the best part of a minute to breathe in enough to be able to release the button. The zipper was nearly just as difficult to release, but as soon as I’d undone it, my cock pushed out of the material, the head of my cock shiny and slick with precum.

After another quick check that the coast was clear, I lifted off of my seat slightly so that I could push my cock back inside my boxers, but the fly on them was small and my thick cock was already filling every inch of it.

‘Fuck,’ I hissed under my breath.

With another glance at the empty office, I pushed my fingers under the waistband of my silk boxers and pulled them as far away from my body as I could. The sensation of the silk sliding down the length of my cock made me moan, but even when stretched as far as they could go, I still had a good 3 inches of my dick sticking out of the fly.

Deciding I had no choice as Jamie could return with lunch any second, I managed to push a couple of fingers into the fly and pulled with one hand, whilst I tried pushing my cock back in with the other. The throbbing of my cock didn’t help matters, but with one final tug, I managed it.

However, it wasn’t without damage. There was now a rip that was an inch long at the bottom of the fly making it much bigger.

I was just about to start the arduous process of getting my suit pants done back up when I glanced up again and saw Jamie emerge from the elevator.

‘Oh fuck,’ I said, as I pulled my chair as close against the desk as I could, grateful for the fact that the underside of my desk couldn’t be seen from the other side.

I leaned forward against the desk just as Jamie opened the door.

‘Here you go, Clay,’ he said with a grin as he placed the small white bag on my desk. ‘It’s on Rick.’

‘Thanks Jamie,’ I said with as natural a smile as I could muster.

I tried to ignore the heightened arousal of my embarrassing predicament as Jamie left my office, but my throbbing cock had other ideas.

Not wanting to cum at my desk and all over myself, I gripped my cock tightly through the silk to the point where it was slightly painful. Then I leaned back in my seat and tried to button my pants. My eyes stayed on the corner of the office where Rick and Jamie were the entire time I struggled, but despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t get my pants to button.

‘Damn it,’ I hissed under my breath, feeling the sweat on my chest and under my pits.

Deciding I had no other option, I did up my belt, pulling it as tight as possible to an older notch so that they would definitely stay up, before I wrestled with the zipper, which I only managed to get up to halfway.

Once I was as done up as I could get, I straightened my shirt (which was a bit sweaty and damp) and my jacket and forced myself to eat my lunch as I ploughed on with some work.

It was nearly 3pm when Jamie popped his head into my office and asked if I could go and see Rick when I had a minute. Rick was letting him leave early, so I said goodbye and decided to head to the restroom before I went to see him.

As I walked to the restroom, my now softened cock sprung back to life as it flopped out of the ripped fly of my silk boxers and by the time I got to the restroom and locked the door behind me, I was hard as a rock again.

I undid the fly on my suit pants fast, desperate to get my cock out before it leaked. Once it was free, I forced my mind to focus on why I was there and after much waiting, I finally managed to have a piss. I pushed my semi-hard cock back into the silk boxers and went to yank up my fly, but it wouldn’t move.

It was stuck!

In my haste to yank the zipper down, I had pulled it over some of the ripped silk of my boxers and it was now well and truly jammed. With my button undone, the fly gaped even more than normal and combined with the ripped fly on my silk boxers, it was the perfect window to my cock.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

With as much strength as I could muster, I grabbed the zipper and tugged, but brute force wasn’t the way forward and I cursed again as the zipper ripped off of the fly.

I tossed the zipper in the trash and looked at myself in the mirror. My shirt looked even tighter than it did first thing in the morning, and it was obvious that my belt was the only thing keeping my skin-tight pants up.

I had 2 choices – I could go and see Rick and continue my day or I could pretend Jamie hadn’t seen me and I could escape to my car.

My predicament was making me hard again and I couldn’t risk that happening again.

‘Pull yourself together, Clay,’ I said, giving myself a stern look. ‘You wanted this.’

I readjusted my suit pants so that my belt was holding the material as closed as possible and after checking that I looked just about respectable, I left the restroom at a slow pace and headed straight for Rick’s office, where he waved me inside.

‘Have a seat, Clay. Sorry to grab you, but I remembered the figures I wanted to walk through.’

With a smile, I sat down in the chair opposite Rick’s desk and immediately heard a pop. It was quiet, almost unnoticeable, but the accompanying feel of something loosening on my suit pants was not great news. Nor was my cock’s reaction, which was to start to harden. I crossed my leg and immediately regretted that decision when the rip from before tore another inch towards my knee.

I tried to focus on Rick’s words as he talked through some projections he was concerned about, but I could feel the head of my cock pushing against the ripped fly of my silk boxers and I knew that as soon as I had to stand, my cock was going to flop out of the boxers and probably my suit pants.


Once Rick had finished, he tossed the papers in a folder. ‘I think I’m going to head off for the day. I’d like to be gone before all the coaches with the volunteers get back.’

‘Yeah, I think I’ll head off shortly too,’ I said, starting to panic at the thought of standing up.

‘I’m just going to run to the restroom, but I’ll catch you tomorrow,’ Rick said with a wave and bolted for the door.

With a sigh of relief, I jumped up from the seat and my cock immediately jumped free of the open fly, the head shiny with precum.

After a look behind me to see that Rick was beelining for the restroom, I let my hands wander over the back seam of my pants and I was unsurprised to find a small hole halfway down the rear seam. It was tiny but still there and I could just get my little finger inside.

My cock was throbbing, and it took every ounce of self-control not to jerk off right there as I pushed it inside my fly, put my hand in my pocket and held on to it as I walked back to my office.

I sat down in my chair to the sound of another small rip and decided to sit and wait until Rick had gone. Then I’d do the sensible thing and head home before I ended up completely exposed in the office.

I heard the restroom door followed by the ding of the elevator and confident that Rick had now left the building, I stood up and assessed the damage to my pants. The hole in the rear hadn’t grown anymore, so I did a quick check of my pants before finding another small rip on the right-hand outer seam. It was about 2 inches long and I was flashing some hairy thigh.

I need to get home before I end up with no pants, I thought to myself as I hit shutdown on my PC and grabbed my phone, before pushing it with some force into my pants pocket.

Before leaving my office, I decided to tighten my belt another loop if I could so that it would hopefully hold my open pants closed better.

After some wrestling and a lot of creaking leather from my belt, not to mention the utter discomfort of the belt cutting me in half, I managed it and headed slowly for the elevator.

As I waited for the elevator to reach my floor, I looked down and double checked that I was covered up. The severity of my potential humiliation seemed to have softened my dick, for the time being at least.

When the elevator arrived, I stepped inside and was met with my reflection in the mirrored walls. I had to admit that even in my slightly dishevelled state, I looked hot. At some point, I’d lost one of the buttons on my white shirt so you could see a glimpse of chest. The belt in its tight state was causing a roll of stomach above it, which I wasn’t used to seeing, but it still looked good on me. My jacket was tight on my upper arms and the pants clung to my legs like a second skin. As I turned to the side, I could see the rip on my thigh and that was when my cock throbbed back to life.

Needing a distraction, I took my phone out of my pocket to look at emails instead, but as I removed my phone, it caught on the edge of the tight pocket and dropped to the floor with a clatter.

I sighed and bent over as gently as I could, but despite my careful behaviour, there was a loud crack. Confused, I stood up just in time for my suit pants to drop to mid-thigh where they were too tight to go any further.

My belt had split at the back.


I managed to grab my pants and pull them back up just as the doors opened. I leaned out of the elevator and was relieved to see that no one was in reception as I stepped on to the hardwood floor.

I gingerly walked across the wide expanse of floor towards the doors, praying that no one would appear given that I couldn’t let go of my pants without exposing my now semi-hard cock.

I was just about to readjust the hold on my pants to push open the door when one of the coaches filled with volunteers pulled up in front of the building.

I was completely screwed!

Get a grip, Clay, I said to myself and quickly turned and dived into the restroom.

All I had to do was get rid of my belt and button my pants. It would be easy. I’d untuck my shirt and take off my jacket so that I could hold it over my front and hide the gaping fly.

With a deep breath to calm myself, I let my pants drop to mid-thigh again and removed my suit jacket, laying it over the counter. Then I untucked my shirt and yanked my pants back up to my waist, trying to ignore the feel of the silk rubbing against my dick.

I wrestled with my pants to try and button them, sucking in my stomach as much as I could. I was desperately trying to be careful so that I didn’t rip the button off entirely and after what felt like forever, but was just a few seconds, my pants were done up and the fly wasn’t gaping anywhere near as much.

Okay, I just need to get to the car, I said to myself as I straightened my shirt.

I could feel the waistband of the pants digging into me and the creaking sound of the button when it had eventually done up was concerning me, not to mention the rips on the thigh, calve and rear seam of my pants.

I stood doing emails on my phone for nearly twenty minutes, hoping that that would be enough time for most of the volunteers to grab their stuff and head for their cars.

I pocketed my phone and slowly pushed open the door when I couldn’t hear any noise on the other side.

With a sigh of relief, I was pleased to see that the reception area was empty, and the coach had gone from the front of the building.

I pushed open the glass front door and put one foot outside when I patted my pants pockets. My heart sinking, I checked the jacket pockets before having to face the fact that my keys were still on my damn desk.

With the door resting against my leg, I spun around to head back inside when I heard another rip.

I looked down to see that the door had caught on the rip on my calf and had torn down and through the ankle seam so that my pant leg now looked like a flare and my muscular calf, sock and garter were now on show through the rip.

There are worst places my pants could have ripped, I thought with some relief as I crossed reception back to the elevators.

As the doors closed, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and the sight of my hairy leg and garter on show got me instantly hard. I could feel my cock force its way out of the silk boxers and push against my suit pants. The silk rubbed the head of my cock as it throbbed and as the elevator doors opened, I was sure I would start leaking any second.

I wasn’t sure whether any of the volunteers from my floor had come back to the office, so I slowly edged myself out of the elevator, keeping my back tight to the doors as they closed. I let out a sigh of relief as I realised that the floor looked to still be empty and went to walk towards my office, only to feel a tug behind me.

‘Oh fuck,’ I gasped as I saw the loose material from my flared pants leg stuck between the elevator doors.

The elevator itself had already started it’s way back to the ground floor and I was stood out in the open where anyone could walk in and catch me.

That thought alone was enough to make my dick throb again and this time I felt some precum ooze into my suit pants.

I dropped my jacket to the floor and grabbed at the material that was trapped to try and free it, but all I succeeded in doing was ripping my pants up to the knee.

Despite how much my cock was enjoying my predicament, I couldn’t ignore the fear of being caught in the office in my current state. The leaking tent in my suit pants, the ripped pants themselves and . . . fuck, I’d lost another button on my shirt too and my hairy pecs were on show.

I have to get out of here quickly, I thought as I glanced around again and listened intently for any sound.

From my current position, I couldn’t reach the call button without potentially falling over and making things far worse, so I only had one option . . . remove my pants.

I kicked off my dress shoes and breathing in, I went to work on undoing the pants button. It was wedged in tight, and my heart skipped a beat when I felt the button come off in my hands.

Fuck, I thought as I tossed it on the floor.

My pants fell to mid-thigh once more and this time my cock flopped into the open, the head glistening with precum.

I pushed it back inside the ripped silk boxers and bent forward to push my pants to my ankles, popping another shirt button in the process.

It was just as I stepped out of my pants that the elevator hummed to life, and I saw the numbers quickly ascending.

I was stood in a shirt that was open to my furry stomach with dick visible through the ripped fly of some tight silk boxers with socks and garters.

There was no way I could get caught like this.

I grabbed my pants and yanked as hard as I could. They came free and I tried not to think about the damage I caused before I grabbed my shoes and spun around, desperate for somewhere to hide in case the elevator opened on my floor.

I quickly decided to avoid going towards the restrooms as the stairs were also in that direction and dived under one of the desks where I’d be able to see the elevator, but not be seen. As I dropped to my knees and crawled underneath, my cock came free from the ripped fly again and I audibly moaned as my hand connected with the wet head.

It was then that the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open.

From my position under the desk, all I could see was a pair of sneakers and the hem of some jeans. Whoever it was knew where they were going and headed straight towards my office.

They knocked on the door, but the glass wall of my office meant that they could see I wasn’t there.

I heard my office door open and then silence.

I couldn’t see my office without emerging from my hiding spot, but given that I needed my keys, I couldn’t just crawl away.

I tried to push my cock back into the ripped fly, but the exposure had me so close to the edge that I moaned out loud.

I slapped my hand over my mouth, but there was the sudden sound of footsteps, and they were getting closer to my hiding spot.

Before I could move an inch, there was an unmistakable sound that made my heart sink.

The sound of a photo being taken on an iPhone.

“Why am I not surprised, Clay?”

I knew that voice as it started laughing and I sheepishly crawled out from my hiding spot and stood up to face Lewis.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked as I tried to cover my dick from one of Karl’s best mates.

“I think the question that needs to be asked is what the hell are you doing?”

“Look, I can explain,” I said, feeling so stupid that I’d not only put myself in this position, but that now my stepson and his friends would know all about it.

Lewis grinned. “I’m sure it’s a great story, but you look like you’re a little on edge there, Clay.”

He wasn’t wrong. My balls were tight against my body and this unexpected visitor was bringing back all the memories of the golf course and the beach.

I shook my head. “No . . . I’m . . . I’m fine.”

Lewis nodded slowly. “Sure, you are. Let’s see about that, shall we?”

Before I could even work out what he was doing, Lewis grabbed the front of my shirt and ripped it open, the remaining buttons flying off in multiple directions.

“Lewis, what are you . . .”

He just winked at me before he grabbed my silk boxers and tore them from my body. The sound of the ripping material and the feel of the silk being torn away from my bubble butt and my throbbing cock was too much and my cock exploded, sending a shower of cum all over my thighs, dress shoes and the floor.

Unable to control myself, I milked every out every last drop, moaning like a bitch in heat as my legs shook.

“Woah! That was . . . faster than I expected.”

I looked at Lewis and my jaw dropped at the sight of his jeans covered in my spunk.

‘Lewis, shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t . . .”

“Let’s just keep this between us, huh?”

I quickly nodded. “Ummm . . . yeah. Thanks Lewis.”

If I was being honest, I didn’t fully understand what had just happened between us, or that this would come back to bite me in the ass, but my dick was still hard and was ready for round two. Maybe understanding my kink wouldn’t be enough?


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