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I'm in the process of uploading some of my older content - this one was a commission about a hunky hocker player. I wrote this when I was on a cruise last summer and suffice to say that I really enjoyed writing this one. Do you guys like a hockey player butt? Let me know in the comments below!

Daniel Tate had been the star hockey player at college and had been the only one on his team to be hand-picked for a national team. As college had ended, Dan had been less than popular with the rest of his teammates and even less so when he got scouted to do some modelling on the side.

Whilst Dan was earning the big bucks, his teammates were having to find themselves ordinary jobs and to start living ordinary lives.

Dan’s new life had taken him to Seattle, but at the request of his agent, he was heading back to his hometown in Maine to attend an event for the opening of a new Sports College that would specialise in training the elite hockey players of the future.

In the swankiest hotel downtown, Dan stood in front of the mirror and felt pretty happy with what he saw. His blonde hair was messy, but styled, his strong jaw was clean shaven, and his suit beautifully accentuated his broad shoulders, trim waist and thick thighs. He’d been told by his agent that he’d had to wear a designer suit from some new LA designer and he had to admit that the fit was amazing, and the material was incredibly light weight.

Dan turned to the side and was less impressed with how tight the suit pants were on his bubble butt. Playing hockey for so many years had resulted in him having a butt that stuck out like a muscled, juicy shelf that went perfectly with his thick thighs. The problem was finding pants that fit and these designer suit pants just weren’t up for the job. His butt looked obscene in the tight navy material, but he was confident they’d hold together given how insanely expensive they were.

Given that he had a few minutes to spare, Dan unbuckled his belt and pushed the suit pants to his knees so that he could check out his undies. Over the years, Dan had tried out a multitude of different underwear to try and find the ones that were the most comfortable and unfortunately, the ones he loved the most were thongs. They were always the perfect fit and he never had to worry about material riding up or ripping. Of course, he had to wear jocks at practice, and he’d always wear boxers on a night out in case he scored, but for the event, he’d decided to stick to his favourite white thong. The material was stretchy and glossy, and he loved it.

The pouch hugged his ample bulge and the rear of the thong disappeared perfectly between his cheeks.

After admiring his round smooth bubble butt in the mirror, he did up his pants, grabbed his phone and headed down to the event.

The main event space had been covered in banners and posters bearing the name and logo of the new Sports College and the room was full to the point of bursting. There were people from various colleges across the US present, plus a number of professional hockey, baseball and football players, not to mention a load of journalists and a lot of alumni from the sports departments of other Maine colleges, including Dan’s.

When Dan entered the room, he was immediately dragged off to meet the Dean of the new college and a few journalists. After saying hello to them and listening to them talk about the facilities, Dan glanced down and noticed that his shoelace was undone.

Not wanting to interrupt anyone, Dan waited until the conversation finished before excusing himself and heading to the side of the packed room. Once he had space to breath, Dan squatted down to tie his lace and as he did so he heard an ominous POP.

He quickly stood up and ran his hand over the rear seam of his pants, but everything seemed to be intact, so he gave one of his cheeks a sneaky squeeze and sighed with relief.

Dan grabbed a glass of champagne and forgetting about his untied shoelace, he headed back into the throng of people and was soon being grabbed for autographs or to be introduced to people.

Over an hour had passed and the heat in the room was almost unbearable where so many were crammed into the small space. Needing a breather, Dan made for the door and it was only as he stepped outside into the hallway that he realised his shoelace was still undone.

Thank God I didn’t trip, he thought as he bent over to tie it.

As Dan’s bubble butt pushed against the tight confines of his suit pants, the rear seam couldn’t take the pressure and there was a hushed RRRIPPPP.

Dan bolted upright and his hands flew to his butt. About halfway down the rear seam, a hole two inches in length had appeared in his suit pants and he could feel his bare cheeks as his finger probed the rip.

Oh no! Not on a thong day, he thought.

Dan was just about to head upstairs and forgo the rest of the event when the worst thing possible happened. Five of his old teammates from his college team walked down the hallway towards him, all of them dressed in suits and none of them looking overly happy to see him.

He turned around so his butt was facing the door to the event space.

‘Hey guys,’ he said with a grin. ‘It’s been forever.’

‘Yeah, you must lose track of time with all that money and fame,’ one of the bigger guys, Nick, said.

Dan was a bit confused by their cold greeting as they all barged passed him and entered the event space. So confused in fact that he forgot about the rip in his pants and followed after them.

‘So, what have you been up to since college?’ Dan asked Corey, one of the smaller guys on the team.

‘Not living the high life like you,’ he snapped.

Dan knew his teammates didn’t have his hockey star life, but he thought they would still be buds. Feeling rejected, he grabbed another glass of champagne and was soon pulled into a discussion about sponsorship.

It was a short time later that Dan became aware of some laughter behind him. He was stood in the centre of the event space with a couple of college hockey coaches and after a quick glance behind him, he realised that it was his old teammates laughing.

Dan tried to ignore them, but he couldn’t help feeling that they were laughing at him.

It wasn’t long after that that the unthinkable happened. The laughter increased when suddenly Nick grabbed the back of Dan’s suit pants and tore the rear seam wide open exposing his meaty cheeks to anyone that was looking.

What was even more humiliating was that they immediately noticed his choice of underwear.

‘Looks like the hockey star likes to wear slutty undies,’ one shouted.

‘Even my wife won’t wear thongs,’ said another.

Dan was frozen in utter humiliation, but before he could try and cover up, Nick and Corey grabbed either side of his pants and pulled. The thin fabric shredded like paper and only Dan’s belt remained around his waist.

His bulge looked prominent in the thong and his shirttails weren’t long enough to hide anything.

‘How does the rich boy feel now?’ Nick whispered in Dan’s ear before grabbing the back of his thong and yanking it skyward.

Dan howled as the slinky white material was wedgied between his cheeks, but with the force Nick used, it caused the pouch to be tugged sharply at the front and Dan’s thick cock and heavy balls flopped into the open for all to see.

The room erupted into laughter at what they assumed was a prank on an old teammate, leaving Dan to cover his junk with his hands and run towards the nearest exit, leaving the remnants of his suit pants behind.

By the time he got to his room and managed to remove the material from his crack, he was adamant that he would never go back to his hometown ever again!


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