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This story actually has an element of fact to it! One of my ex-colleagues had a vendetta against the hot guy in the office and tried to steal his clothes when he was in the shower, but got caught so it never happened. I decided to make it happen here . . . 

Have you ever met someone that you instantly hated?

I have!

His name is Chase Lane and he’s the most irritating, arrogant, conceited idiot that I’ve ever met in my life. I detest him with every fibre of my being.

From the first moment that I laid eyes on him, I couldn’t stand him and nearly a year later, my loathing has reached peak levels of absolute detestation.

The worst part? Everyone else inexplicably adores him.

I’ve given up trying to talk to other people in the office about him. It never works. People think badly of me for not thinking the sun shines out of his arse, but I don’t care. They just can’t see what I see.

It was a standard Monday morning when he’d entered the office. I’d had a fairly heavy weekend with some friends and I was fighting the hangover from hell when my boss, Lydia, summoned me to a meeting with the rest of the marketing team to meet our new recruit.

When I opened the door to the meeting room, I was immediately greeted by his bright white smile and his warm eyes that made you feel like you weren’t part of the joke. He was dressed immaculately, as he always is, and his perfect physique filled out everything to . . . well, perfection.

He was charming and funny and witty and infuriating with how bloody nice he was. The entire team was immediately swept away by him, but I saw him for what he was . . . an arrogant idiot. No one was that nice to everyone unless they had an ulterior motive.

I’d done my utmost to try and catch Chase out and reveal him to be the bastard I knew he was, but I was yet to succeed. It drove me crazy how much of my time he made me waste thinking about him.

But I had a plan.

If I couldn’t find a way to trick him into revealing his true self then I would go one further and humiliate him so badly that he’d be unable to set foot in the office ever again.

This wasn’t my preferred method of attack, but there was a chance for a promotion coming up and I was damned if Chase was beating me to it just because he was so perfect.

He had to go!

So, one Thursday, I made my play. Every Tuesday and Thursday Chase went for a run at lunchtime, before coming back, showering and then returning to his desk. On this particular Thursday, we had some important clients in the office and I was going to ensure that they got a show that they’d not forget in a hurry.

I knew Chase’s routine better than my own so I sensed rather than saw him get up and head into the changing room/shower room that was built for one. I glanced up from my laptop just as he emerged in his running gear and disappeared off down the hall.

As soon as he’d left, I knew I had no more than 30 minutes before he’d return. The changing room was opposite the big board room that was all glass and I needed to set up for the client meeting that would kick off in 15 minutes.

I grabbed my bag and headed to the board room and quickly plugged in my laptop and got everything ready. With 5 minutes to spare, I grabbed the screwdriver from my bag and after double checking that no one was in the vicinity, I removed the lock mechanism on the changing room door. Open to the world, just as I wanted.

By the time Chase returned from his run looking sweaty and god like – yuck! – the clients were seated in the boardroom and my boss had kicked off the presentation. I watched him disappear into the changing room and waited for 2 minutes to give him a chance to dive into the shower before I slipped out of the board room, as if to take a call.

Once people had stopped looking at me and returned to look at the projected presentation, I slipped into the changing room and quickly grabbed Chase’s clothes . . . all of his clothes; his sweaty running gear and his office attire.

I didn’t spare a glance in the direction of the shower because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist pulling back to the shower curtain and telling him that it was me doing this to him.

I slipped back out of the changing room and walked quickly around the corner where I dumped his clothes under the sink in the small kitchen area.

Wasting no time, I walked back into the board room and prayed that no one had seen what I’d been up to.

I barely paid any attention to the presentation, my eyes glued to the door of the changing room.

‘What the hell?’ one of the guys to my left said as he looked across the room, his mouth slightly agape.

I could hardly compute what I was seeing. I was expecting Chase to emerge in a towel, but I guess his towel must have been in his bag that I snatched. He was stood there, dripping wet and butt naked with his hands glued to his crotch, desperately trying to hide his cock.

My boss bolted for the door and threw it open.

‘Chase, what on earth are you doing?’ my boss said in a loud whisper.

‘Someone’s stolen my stuff. Can someone get me a towel or something? This probably isn’t appropriate office attire.’

He glanced down at his toned, naked body as he made his joke and looked sheepish.

Everyone laughed. The entire board room erupted into laughter and I wanted to punch the wall. How was he so adorable to everyone, even when he was humiliated and exposed.

My boss ran off down the hall and returned with a jacket, which she handed to Chase. He tried to adjust his hands so that he could grab the jacket without revealing anything, but he failed miserably and revealed a thick, beautiful, uncut cock.

Chase blushed furiously and pulled the jacket around his waist. ‘Sorry for the show everyone.’

Chase turned around, exposing his bare bubble butt to the board room as he headed back towards his desk, which resulted in more laughter.

The clients were utterly taken with Chase and by the time the presentation was done, they wanted to discuss contracts.

Someone found his clothes much more quickly than I expected and he was soon dressed in his shirt and tight suit trousers, blushing every time someone mentioned his exposure. It seemed that everyone wanted to either sympathise with him or tell him not to worry as he had such an incredible body.

My little act to expose him had backfired more than I could have expected.

That was . . . until Friday evening.

It was just after 5pm and most of the office had gone home for the weekend. I had some reports to finalise and with a dull Friday evening of nothing ahead, I wasn’t in a rush to head home.

‘Hey Dylan.’

I looked up from my laptop into those beautiful brown eyes and tried my hardest not to roll my eyes and tell him to where go.

‘Hi Chase, what can I do for you?’ I said through barely gritted teeth.

‘I thought we should have a chat,’ he said as he sat down on the desk next to mine.

‘I’m pretty busy. Can this wait until Monday?’

‘No,’ he said, his voice firm and authoritative, which wasn’t something I’d ever heard from him before.

I sat back in my chair and forced myself to look at his handsome idiot face. ‘What do we need to chat about?’

‘I think we should maybe start with what your problem is with me and then move on to why you thought it would be a good idea to steal my clothes whilst I was in the shower. What do you think?’

My mouth hung open and I couldn’t find words, any words.

‘The fact you can’t say anything says it all really. What is your problem?’

Seeing Chase looking hurt, rather than angry, was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I exploded.

‘Why do you have to be so bloody perfect? All the time! It’s exhausting. Even now, you should be pissed off and wanting to punch me, not sitting there like some cute kicked puppy. Everyone just falls at your feet all the fucking time and I’m sick of it.’

Chase looked momentarily stunned before he stood up. He went to walk away and then turned around and came back. I wasn’t sure if he was going to yell at me, punch me or both, but instead . . . he grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me to my feet, before yanking me towards him and kissing me.

‘What the fuck are you . . .’

‘Shut up,’ he said and before I could say anything else, his lips were back on mine and I felt like I was melting into the floor.

Chase was an incredible kisser and I could barely form coherent thought as he ran his hands down my back to my arse, his fingers massaging my cheeks as his tongue moved against his mine.

I don’t know how much time passed, but when he pulled back, I was hard as a rock, my shirt was unbuttoned and my lips were bruised.

‘Well, that was . . .’

Chase laughed. ‘Yes it was.’

‘So, you and I just . . .’

More laughter. ‘Just spent the last half hour making out? Yeah we did.’

I looked at Chase and could see the throbbing tent in his tight trousers, his cheeks were flushed and his pupils were blown. He looked . . . sinfully sexy. I needed him. Desperately!

I moved to kiss him again, but he put a hand on my chest. ‘You hate me remember?’

It was my turn to blush. ‘I guess I maybe don’t?
