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Here's the second Bubble Anon story. I've always been obsessed with speedos and I was more than happy to write about Josh and his tiny speedo. 

How do you guys feel about speedos? Should I do more pool/beach scenes? Let me know in the comments :) 

It was a swelteringly hot Saturday afternoon when Josh arrived at the pool. It belonged to one of his friends and it was obvious that the heat had drawn a number of people to the pool party.

The pool was Olympic sized with a number of waterfalls and lush greenery surrounding it. There were three cabanas dotted around; one with a bar and food and the other two were used for those wishing to get changed.

When Josh got there, most people were either in the water or lounging beside the pool and it looked like it was just the guys.

Josh said hello to a few people as he carried his bag to the cabana nearest the pool. The cabana was quite sizeable and had two showers, along with a dressing room. One of the best features in Josh’s opinion was that the glass was one way so that no one could see inside and the cabana could be locked from the inside so that no one could enter.

‘Hey Josh,’ the guy who owned the pool, Adam, called.

The noise from the guys in the pool made it hard for Josh to see what Adam was saying from the other side of the pool. He gestured at the cabana and Josh gave him a thumbs up to say that he was heading there to change.

Josh stepped into the cabana and was relieved to see that it was empty, so he quickly locked the door and stepped into the changing area.

Brown and burnt orange tapestries adorned the walls, except for the glass one where Josh could see everyone in the pool.

‘Thank god for one way glass,’ he thought with a smile.

Josh opened his bag and pulled out his towel and a new red speedo. The waistband was only an inch, but it was hot and he really wanted to tan his thighs.

After peeling off his t-shirt and sliding his shorts to his ankles, he kicked them off along with his flip flops. Josh hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs and pushed them down his thick, muscular legs.

As he bent over to remove them, his ample butt cheeks pressed against the glass and the cool sensation against his meaty ass made him jump.

Shaking his head at himself, Josh kicked off the briefs and stepped into the speedo, being careful not to press his bubble butt against the glass again. He managed to get the bright red material up to his thighs, but after that, his progress was slow.

The waistband was the right size for his waist, but he had to get it over his muscular thighs and his huge butt first.

It took a lot of wrestling, struggling and wriggling and jumping around, but he finally got the speedo to cover his massive ass. Granted the bottom of his cheeks hung out slightly and his bulge was crushed into the small pouch, but he had them on.

It was only as he turned around to face the glass and retrieve his briefs to put them in his bag that he realised that everyone around, and in, the pool was laughing hysterically and pointing at him inside the cabana.

‘But, it’s one way glass,’ he said to himself, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as it dawned on him that he’d not only stripped naked in front of all of these men, but he’d pressed his butt against the glass and struggled to get a speedo on.

What was it with speedos? He remembered being at college when . . .

‘Josh Barclay, you’re twelve minutes late!’

‘Sorry Coach, won’t happen again,’ Josh said as he dived into the changing rooms.

The coach followed him into the changing rooms. ‘Get changed and then you can give me three lengths before we start. You’ve held us up.’

‘Yes, Coach.’

Josh quickly stripped down to his boxer briefs and after appraising his muscular body in the mirror, he grabbed the navy speedo with the team logo on the hip.

Josh had had to get a new speedo. The first pair had fit in the waist, but his ample bubble butt had spilled over the top and his crack had constantly been on show. Aside from the constant jokes by his team mates, Coach had received some rather brutal feedback from some of the spectators at last the swim meet about the guy with the mammoth ass on show.

Josh’s new speedo covered his butt, but it sagged around the waist and was a little on the loose side. But he swapped his boxer briefs for the loose speedos and headed out to the pool, tugging them up at the back so his butt crack was covered.

‘Okay, Barclay. 3 lengths and be quick about it.’

The rest of the team sat on the benches watching Josh as he dived into the pool.

Josh swam the first length without incident, but when he kicked off from the edge for the second length, he was sure he felt his speedo slip down over his butt a little. He pushed himself harder to speed up and was soon kicking off from the other side to start his third length.

As Josh kicked off for the third length, he felt something brush his leg, completely unaware of his speedos sliding down his legs and off of his feet.

The rest of the team roared with laughter as Josh’s huge bare butt cheeks broke the surface of the water as he swam his last length.

Josh felt triumphant as he finished the length and pushed his wet hair away from his face as he surfaced.

‘Forget something, did we, Barclay?’ Coach said with a grin.

Josh looked at his laughing team mates and the Coach, clothed in his college tee, shorts, socks and trainers.

With a dawning realisation, Josh slid his hand over his pecs and his toned stomach to his cock that was flopping around in the water utterly unrestricted.

‘Where are my speedos?’ Josh asked the Coach, his face starting to redden as he cupped his bulge.

‘I think you left them at the other end of the pool, but you’ve done your lengths, so you can get out and walk down to fetch them.’

‘But, I’m . . . naked.’

Yes, Josh’s team mates had seen him naked in the shower, but Coach hadn’t and this was different. In the showers, the boys were all naked. Now, Josh was the only one.

‘Out you get, Barclay.’

Josh’s face was bright red as he tried to cover his cock and balls with one hand, whilst he used the other to navigate the ladder and climb out of the pool.

The other boys all wolf whistled as Josh stood before them; butt naked and glistening with drops of water like some kind of embarrassed Adonis.

As Josh started to walk towards the other end of the pool, Coach slapped one of his ample cheeks, making him jump.

‘New idea,’ Coach said to the rest of the team.

‘The first guy to get Josh’s speedos gets to decide whether he can have them back before the end of practice or not. Perhaps that will be a little motivation to you all not to be late again.’

‘But Coach,’ Josh yelled. ‘That’s not fair. I . . .’

‘If you argue, you’ll not have a speedo for next week’s training either.’

Josh shut his mouth and looked at his bare feet as the other guys lined up at the side of the pool.

‘Ready, set . . . ‘

Coach blew his whistle and the other guys dived into the water.

Josh knew that Kyle would be the fastest. Kyle was always the fastest and Kyle would never let him have his speedo back. Kyle was slim, bordering on skinny and had the world’s worst acne. He envied Josh’s good looks and would undoubtedly be revelling in Josh’s humiliation.

‘I got them,’ Kyle yelled from the other end of the pool.

Josh wasn’t remotely shocked when Kyle said that he had to do the rest of practice without his speedos.

It was officially the worst practice in history.

Josh was subjected to multiple slaps on the butt and when they were doing a relay, Kyle took every opportunity to comment on the size of his huge ass.

At one point, when they were swimming lengths, Josh was sure that someone grabbed his cock under the water and he couldn’t believe how embarrassed he felt.

‘Okay, guys, good practice. Hit the showers. Barclay, a word before you do.’

As soon as the rest of the guys had walked away, Josh asked for his speedo. Being naked when the other guys had speedos on was one thing, but being naked and wet when Coach was fully dressed was utterly mortifying.

‘You can have your speedo in a second,’ Coach said as he brushed his salt and pepper hair out of his eyes. ‘I’m sorry I had to make an example out of you today, but I can’t have you guys being late and thinking it’s okay.’

Josh nodded. ‘I understand, Coach.’

‘Good man,’ Coach said and tossed the speedos at him. ‘Now, get showered and get out of here.’

Josh grabbed the speedos and turned away from Coach to pull them on. He bent over to pull them up and was suddenly conscious of how close Coach was to him.

Not wanting to overthink things, he quickly yanked up the speedo, but once it got to his bubble butt, it was a bit more difficult as his speedo and his body were wet.

‘Here,’ Coach said from behind him and grabbed the waistband before yanking it up and pushing his meaty cheeks inside.

‘Now, get out of here,’ Coach said with another slap on the ass.

Josh rushed to the showers without a backward glance at Coach. It was bad enough that he’d spent practice butt naked, but having Coach tuck his ass into his speedo was too humiliating for words.

The guys around the pool continued to laugh as Josh backed away from the glass. He grabbed his stuff and unlocked the door, which he yanked open to find himself face to face with Adam.

‘Dude, what the hell! I yelled to you that the one way glass had been smashed and replaced with normal glass. What’s with the show?’

‘I didn’t hear you. Everyone was splashing around and yelling.’

‘Don’t worry. You gave everyone a good laugh. Let me grab you a drink.’

‘I think I’ll head off. I don’t really fancy hanging around,’ Josh said, unable to think about an afternoon with a load of guys who’d seen his massive ass pressed against the window.

‘You don’t need to, dude. Lighten up.’

Josh shook his head and slipped his flip flops on. He knew he should get dressed, but he just wanted to bolt. He’d hold his head high, ignore the laughter and just head back to his car.

He said bye to Adam and walked along the side of the pool, holding his bag in front of his bulge.

Josh tried to drown out the laughter and the comments about the size of his butt, but as he walked, he could feel his new speedo struggling to contain said butt. With every step he took, the waistband was starting to roll down and his ample cheeks were slowly spilling out.

He tried to discreetly cover up the plumber’s crack he was baring to the guys around the pool, but the more he walked, the more speedo rolled down and by the time he reached the gate, the speedo was under his bubble butt and the air was filled with the sound of catcalls and wolf whistles.

‘Why does this always happen to me,’ he muttered under his breath as he darted through the gate and away from the sounds of his utter embarrassment.

Josh reached his car and was glad that he was finally alone. He tried to yank the speedo back up, but the material had rolled up so much that he couldn’t get a decent grip.

Deciding not to embarrass himself further, he pulled his shorts from his bag and tugged them on, vowing never to wear a speedo in public again!



Great story! I'm also obsessed with speedos and would love more pool/beach scenes!


Speedos make me happy! And you’ll be glad to hear there’s a few more pool/beach stories coming up this month and next.