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To celebrate the fact that I have the next 10 days away from my day job, I'm doing a double Friday post this week! 

The two Bubble Anon stories were a request from a Tumblr follower who is obsessed with bubble butts (one that I most definitely share!). 

I only wrote the two Bubble Anon stories, but having re-read them, I may need to bring Josh back - what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments and give the post a like if you read and enjoy :)

‘Josh Barclay.’

Josh looked up as his name was called and couldn’t hide his smile at the sight of the handsome male nurse. The guy was probably around his age, in his late twenties. He was around the same height at 6 foot and he was dark haired and handsome in his white scrubs.

Josh followed the nurse into a small room that had the same smell of bleach that the rest of the hospital had.

‘So, you’ve been having some problems with your ankle?’ the nurse asked.

Josh nodded. ‘Yeah, it’s been playing up for the last few weeks and it’s been really slowing me down at the gym. I saw the doctor and he said you’d be able to wrap it for me to see if the support helped.’

‘Okay, well get those trainers off and I’ll get that sorted for you.’

As Josh squatted down to untie the laces on his trainers, the nurse walked behind him and started rifling through some drawers.

Josh’s jeans were a snug fit, but when he was squatted down, they dug into his muscular thighs.

‘You may want to tug those jeans up,’ the male nurse said with a grin.

Josh moved his hand behind his back and his face heated from embarrassment. Since he’d been in his early teens, he had had an incredibly prominent bubble butt. It stuck out like a shelf and got him far more attention than he wanted. He was forever getting comments when he bent over and his crack was on show, not to mention the number of times he’d ripped his pants or accidentally been exposed.

In fact, hearing the nurse comment on his plumber’s crack sparked a memory of the last time he’d been at the hospital . . .

‘Just remove your clothes and pop this gown on and I’ll be back shortly.’

Josh stared open mouthed at the doctor. ‘Why do I need to wear a gown? I’m just having a dental procedure done?’

‘Unfortunately, you’ll be under a general aesthetic so you’ll need to pop on the gown. Don’t worry, you can keep your underwear on.’

Josh felt sick to his stomach. ‘Umm . . . I’m not actually . . . I mean . . . I don’t have any underwear on.’

He couldn’t believe how stupid he’d been. Due to the size of his butt, finding comfortable underwear was a nightmare and going commando was just normal for him; especially when he was out of the office.

‘In which case, I’d make sure you tie it tight,’ the doctor said with a chuckle. He tossed the gown on to the bed and left the room.

Josh caught his reflection in the mirror as he started stripping off. He had dark hair, dark eyes, a stunning smile, broad, muscular shoulders that tapered down to a toned waist before his butt ballooned out in back.

After removing his t-shirt and his trainers and socks, Josh did a quick glance at the door to ensure it was shut before he unbuttoned his Levis and began the arduous process of pushing them down to his ankles.

With a big butt and muscular thighs, he had to settle for a tight fit or a loose fit and a tight fit just looked better. It meant, however, that removing his jeans was not quick. It took him a few moments to wrestle the jeans off of his ample cheeks before peeling them down his thighs.

As Josh bent over to push the jeans down his muscled calves, the door behind him flew open.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry, I assumed you’d be ready.’

Josh spun around to hide his butt, but realised his mistake and quickly cupped his package with his hands.

‘I’ll just be a couple of minutes. Sorry.’

The doctor did his best to hide his laughter as he closed the door, but the door wasn’t sound proof and Josh was sure he heard the doctor say “you should see the size of the ass on that guy”.

With his jeans off, Josh grabbed the gown and pushed his arms in before trying to tie it behind him.

The top tie across the back of his shoulders was easy, but there just wasn’t enough material on the ties to get a decent grip to tie the second one across his butt.

After a bit of struggling, he managed to get a loose knot in it, but a quick check in the mirror confirmed that most of his ass was easily visible through the thin fabric.

This time, the doctor knocked on the door. ‘Ah good, you’re all set. Now, I just need to check on a couple of patients. The operating theatre is room 8. I’m sure you don’t want to walk through reception, so head out of this door, straight ahead and through that door and then it’s down on your right. See you shortly.’

With that, the doctor shut the door and left Josh alone.

Josh opened the door with one hand, whilst using the other hand to try and hold his gown closed at the back. He could hear the usual hubbub of the hospital, but the corridor was empty.

As he stepped out of the room, he was very conscious of the fact that he was naked under the gown. He could feel the draft down the centre of his back and over his exposed cheeks, he could feel his cock swinging beneath the thin material and he could feel the cold tiled floor under his bare feet.

Josh walked quickly along the corridor and used his free hand to open the door ahead, just as the doctor had said.

He pushed the door open and stepped through into a room with six guys who looked to be in their early twenties and were, Josh assumed, student nurses.

Before Josh could back out, the door swung shut behind him.

‘Umm . . . I’m looking for operating room 8. The doctor said it was through here.’

The guys all laughed.

‘It’s a weird route to take through here. Would have been quicker to just go through reception.’ A tall, blonde guy said with a frown.

‘I didn’t want to,’ Josh mumbled. ‘Where do I go?’

A guy with spiky black hair stood up and walked over to him. ‘You need to go back through there and through the door on the left. It’s down that corridor on the right.’

Josh mentally cursed the doctor who had obviously told him the wrong directions.

‘Thanks for your help.’

Josh went to turn around and realised that his gown was caught in the door. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t turn his back on this group of sexy young nurses and let them see his huge butt.

‘Did that make sense?’ the spiky haired guy asked.

‘It did, but . . . would you guys mind looking away whilst I go? My . . . gown is stuck in the door and I don’t wanna moon you guys.’

Josh tried to laugh off the situation, but it was a weak attempt.

‘We see guys in their underwear all the time, bud. Don’t worry about it,’ one of the guys said.

‘I . . .’ Josh couldn’t believe he was having to say this twice in one day. ‘I’m not wearing any.’

There was rumble of laughter from the guys and Josh tried to look anywhere except at them.

‘Okay, sure, we’ll turn around’ a brown haired guy with a big smile said.

Josh watched as the guys looked away and he quickly spun around to grab the door handle, the second tie coming undone and his entire bubble butt coming into view.

‘Damn,’ a voice said behind him.

The rumble of laughter returned and Josh threw open the door and dashed through it, but before it had even closed, the student nurses were roaring with laughter and he heard comments about bouncing a coin off of it and how did he find pants that fit.

Josh resumed his grip on the back of the robe and opened the door on the left. The corridor was mercifully empty and he dashed down it until he found room 8.

When he opened the door, the doctor was waiting for him.

‘Did you get lost, Mr Barclay?’ he asked with a charming smile.

‘I must have misheard your instructions,’ Josh muttered, his face still red with embarrassment after the laughter and comments from the student nurses.

He was glad to be having the anaesthetic so he could forget all about it.

‘Mr Barclay, are you okay?’

Josh shook his head and looked up at the male nurse. ‘Sorry, what did you say?’

‘I asked if you’d sit up on the bed so I can wrap your ankle.’

‘Oh, sure.’

Josh tugged up his jeans so they were once again covering his bubble butt and sat on the bed, swinging his legs around so that the nurse could more easily access his ankle.

‘Oh, let me just grab some scissors,’ the male nurse said and walked over to one of the cabinets. ‘Scissors in this place are always disappearing.’

He rifled through the top drawers as Josh looked at his strong back and the way his scrubs hugged each muscled contour.

As the male nurse went down each drawer, he slowly bent over before squatting to the ground and Josh couldn’t help himself.

The male nurse’s scrubs had slipped down over his butt and the top of his pale firm cheeks were on display, the top of his crack on show.

‘You might wanna pull those up,’ Josh said with a grin.

The male nurse jumped up and immediately tugged up his scrub pants. ‘Sorry about that.’

Josh knew he should have kept his mouth shut, but it made a change for him to call someone else out. The blush that crept over the male nurse’s face was incredibly sexy and Josh suddenly felt a lot better.


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