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Alex was originally intended to be the star of his own series, but other stories took over. Maybe one day I'll come back to him. What do you think?

As Alex looked into the mirror, he couldn’t believe the difference between his 27-year-old self and his 21-year-old self.

Until the age of 21, Alex had always been the short, fat kid. Whilst his friends had growth spurts in height, Alex had just grown outwards. He’d longed to be a hot jock, but no matter how often he attempted exercise, he just ended up putting on weight.

That was until his last year of college when Alex went from 5’6 to 6’1 in 6 months. He could suddenly eat what he wanted and still lose weight and by the time he graduated, he had a 34-inch waist, a toned body and a bubble butt.

Most guys would become arrogant from having such an amazing body, but Alex still felt like the fat teenager that got picked on. He hated being naked in front of anyone, which was unfortunate given that Alex’s new body had come with an unexpected consequence . . . he was the unluckiest guy in the world and was constantly getting himself into mortifying experiences.

As Alex looked at his flat stomach and his firm chest in the mirror, he couldn’t help but think of the first time he’d been exposed.

It was his college graduation and his sudden weight loss had resulted in a wardrobe that was far bigger than he was.

Alex’s graduation gown fit like a dream, but the suit pants and shirt he had to wear underneath wore incredibly baggy and even his old belt didn’t do a great deal in holding up the mass of material.

‘Are you nearly ready, Alex?’ his best friend, Jake called through the door.

‘Yep, just a second,’ Alex yelled back as he pulled his graduation gown over his head.

Alex assessed himself in the mirror and was glad that the gown covered his oversized clothing. His boxer briefs were knotted in the waistband to keep them up and his belt was using a new loop he’d made to keep his pants up. The shirt was a newer purchase from a couple of months ago so although it was loose, it wasn’t horrific.

‘Come on, man,’ we’ll be late, Jake said as he thumped Alex on the shoulder when he emerged from his room.

The graduation itself went without a hitch and Alex was overjoyed to finally have finished college.

Once the ceremony was over, a number of the students were heading to a bar in the town for food, drinks and a night of partying.

Alex arrived with Jake after saying goodbye to his parents and took a seat at a corner table whilst Jake grabbed them drinks.

It was as Alex threw himself into his seat that his new belt loop ripped through the leather, but with the music already loud, Alex didn’t even notice.

Jake brought over their drinks, and they were quickly joined by another 3 guys from their house. The drinking was heavy and fast and in just under 2 hours, Alex was feeling well and truly drunk.

‘Your round, bro,’ one of the guys Graham said.

Alex jumped up from his seat and pushed through the crowd to get to the bar. He ordered the drinks in a shout to the barman and was soon given a tray with 5 tall glasses filled with beer and 5 shots.

Alex picked up the tray and started slowly making his way through the crowd, trying not to stumble or bang into anyone and spill the drinks.

It was as Alex moved at his snail pace that his oversized pants started to slide down his waist to rest on his hips. Alex turned sideways to move between 2 girls and his pants slipped a little further exposing the knotted waistband of his white boxer briefs.

In his drunken state, Alex was completely unaware of his descending pants as he moved between people with his tray.

It was only when he reached the table that his friends started laughing and pointing at him. Alex put the tray down confused and followed their gaze down to see his suit pants crumpled over the ends of his shoes and his baggy navy boxer briefs on show.

‘What the fuck are you wearing dude?’ Jake laughed.

Alex blushed profusely and bent down to pull up his pants, but as he struggled to free the material from over the ends of his shoes, the knot in his boxer briefs came loose and as he stood up in frustration, his boxer briefs plummeted to his ankles revealing his soft cock and heavy balls, not to mention his sizeable bubble butt.

‘Dude, put your dick away!’ one of the guys shouted.

By now, other people in their vicinity had noticed the commotion and were pointing and laughing. Someone even gave Alex’s butt a slap, which made him shiver.

Despite the shouts and the laughs, Alex was frozen! He was utterly embarrassed and wanted the ground to swallow him up. He bent down to pull up his boxer briefs and received another swat on his butt, which was when he realised something worse . . . he was getting hard!

Now panicked that he could expose himself far more than he already was, Alex yanked up his boxer briefs, kicked off his shoes and pants, grabbed them with his free hand and started pushing his way through the crowd to the door.

He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he just had to escape!

Alex emerged through a fire exit door at the back of the building, his cock hard as a rock and his butt slightly red from all the gropes and slaps he’d received as he pushed his way out.

‘Okay, Alex, just calm down,’ he said to himself. ‘Cover yourself up!’

Alex dropped his pants and shoes so that he could retie the knot in his undies, but the more he fumbled with his boxer briefs, the more the soft cotton slid over the head of his cock.

‘Oh fuck, this can’t be happening. I think I might . . .’

Every muscle in Alex’s body tensed as he shot the biggest load of his life all over his boxer briefs. The orgasm made him stagger backwards and his sticky boxer briefs dropped to his ankles once more.

‘Oh fuck,’ he panted as he leaned back against the wall, breathing hard.

‘Think you might have dropped your pants there, big guy.’

Alex jumped away from the wall and turned to see the barman smoking a cigarette.

‘It was a good show though!’

Completely mortified, Alex pulled up his boxer briefs and ran into the parking lot leaving his pants and shoes behind.

As 27-year-old Alex started to dress, he mused on a thought that had puzzled him ever since. Why did he get so turned on every time he got exposed? And why did it keep happening?

As he prepared for his day ahead, he prayed it would be an uneventful one! But would it???


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