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I wrote this story after a day in the office when I encountered a real life version of Ric. I didn't do him justice in this story, but suffice to say - he was a God and this is just a small insight into the many things that I dreamt up for him.

Ricardo Sanchez had always worried about what he’d do when he retired from the army, but when he left at the young age of 34, he quickly found a job as a lone security guard for a corporate office building on the outskirts of the city.

For the first few months, Ric had continued to wear his super polished boots with free moving cargo trousers and a light polo shirt. But as time progressed, he realised that his battle ready outfit was redundant. He got to the office at 5pm, pressed the button to look the basement gate at 9 and sat in reception until 7am when the facilities manager arrived to take over. Aside from a wander around the 3 floor office building to make sure everyone had left, he spent the best part of his shift sat on his ample bubble butt.

After the first few months, Ric started to feel a bit out of place in his boots and cargo trousers. All the men he saw leaving the office wore designer suits and polished dress shoes. He felt like he should make more of an effort to look the part and over his next couple of months, the polo shirt was replaced by a suit jacket and shirt, the cargo trousers were replaced with tailored suit pants and his heavy duty boots were replaced by a vast number of fancy dress shoes – both slip on and lace up. But that wasn’t all.

After years of being in the army and wearing regulation cotton briefs, Ric had developed an almost obsessive interest in underwear and had started wearing a wide assortment of underwear under his tailored suits; from G-strings to silk boxers. He’d even gone commando a few times.

Despite his concerns at being bored after being in the army, Ric really enjoyed his job. It was easy and relaxing and gave him plenty of time to read. It was a dull job where nothing ever happened, but Ric had no problems with that at all.

However, one humid Wednesday night in June, that all changed.

Ric arrived at the office at ten to 5 dressed in a fitted dark grey suit with an open collar white shirt and black leather wing tip lace up shoes. The day before he’d bought some new sock garters that he wore with some sheer socks and hidden beneath his tight suit trousers were a very used pair of skimpy silk boxers. The boxers were one of Ric’s first underwear purchases and the black and red striped silk barely covered his toned bubble butt.

Ric caught his reflection in the mirrored windows as he entered the building and was pleased with what he saw. He was 5’11 with broad shoulders, a trim waist, thick thighs and a huge bubble butt. His Spanish heritage gave him the dark hair and tanned skin that kept him looking quite a bit younger than his 35 years.

‘Hi Ric,’ the facilities manager, Jon said as he walked through the door. ‘There’s going to be some electric work being done down the road tonight so the power may go out for a bit. I’ve tested the emergency lighting though, so it’ll be fine. They said they’d drop you an email with times.’

Ric thanked him for the info and watched Jon leave the office, before sitting down in the chair behind the reception desk, enjoying the sight of his muscular thighs spreading out on the chair and stretching the tight grey material of his suit pants.

By the time it got to 7:30, the office was empty and Ric had done his last sweep of all 3 floors to ensure he was the only one left. He returned to the reception desk and found an email waiting on the laptop from the electric company advising that the power would go off at 8 and would be back on by midnight.

Sure enough, as soon as it hit 8pm, the lights went out and the dim emergency lights came on. It was still light outside, so there was a reasonable amount of light streaming in, but most of the office that didn’t benefit from window light was lit only by a dim glow.

At 9pm, an alarm on Ric’s phone went off to remind him to press the button to close the gate that led to the basement parking. It used to stay open all night, but that resulted in tramps taking shelter under there and scaring the employees in the morning, so they installed an automatic gate.

Ric leaned back in his chair and slammed his hand against the button on the wall to close the gate, but instead of hearing the automated voice that said “Gate Secure”, there was nothing.

‘Damn electricity,’ Ric cursed when he remembered the power was out.

Grabbing his keys, Ric made his way down the steps to the basement, he pushed open the door to the car park and walked across the tarmac to the huge metal gates.

There was a manual override lever above the gate that allowed them to be closed manually. The gate was made up of a number of metal bars so without a ladder, Ric decided to climb up a couple of the bars so he could reach the lever.

Ric went to step on to the bottom bar, but his foot slid straight off. His wingtips had absolutely no grip on the sole and it was the first time he missed his heavy duty boots.

Being careful to balance his weight, Ric carefully climbed a couple of bars. His shoes slid slightly on the smooth surface, but he kept an iron grip on the top bar to stop himself falling off. With one arm in a death grip over the top bar, he reached up to pull down the lever, but the physical activity was a bit too much for his tailored suit jacket and his bulging biceps caused the jacket to rip on the right hand side where the sleeve met the body.

Ric pulled the lever down and quickly climbed down from the gate before it started to close. He looked at the tear in his suit jacket and sighed. It was one of his favourite suits and he’d have to get it repaired.

Ric pulled the jacket off and carried it over his arm and he headed back into the building. It was only when he tossed the jacket on the reception desk and sat down that he realised that he hadn’t put the manual lock on the front door. With the power out, the auto lock would release. He got up from his desk and locked the door manually, but when he turned around to return to the desk, he stopped in his tracks.

Two men wearing hockey masks were stood by the desk; one with a gun and the other with a backpack.

‘We were expecting a security guard, not a model,’ the guy with the backpack said with a laugh.

‘What do you want? There’s no money here,’ Ric said raising his hands.

‘We don’t need money, we need the database. Do as you’re told and you won’t get hurt,’ the guy with the gun said.

Ric just nodded and felt the first beads of sweat run down his spine.

‘There’s a room down the corridor that we’re going to lock you in whilst we head up to the top floor and hook our laptop up to your servers. Stay quiet and stay put and we won’t shoot you.’

Ric nodded again and with his hands still up, he followed the guy with the backpack down the corridor that led off to the left of the reception desk. The room they had in mind was a supplies closet and as soon as he set foot through the door, they slammed the door and locked it behind him using the keys he must have left on the desk.

Ric paced the small room as he tried to think what he could do. His phone was at reception and they’d have probably taken that, so he couldn’t call for help, but he had to do something. If they succeeded, he could lose his cushy job and that was the last thing he needed.

The two guys must have known that he’d gone to close the gate and they’d used the power outage to gain access to the building. Therefore, it was likely that they were responsible for the power outage, which would mean that they needed until 12 to get what they needed and get out.

That gave Ric less than 3 hours to get up there and stop them, but how?

There was nothing in the room other than a mop, a couple of brooms and a bucket. There was nothing to help him get out.

Ric paced faster out of sheer frustration, the heat rising with the air con off. It was only when he pulled his damp shirt slightly away from his muscled chest that he released the air con was off. He looked around the small room and spotted the air vent in the corner. If he could get the vent cover off, he could crawl through the vent. It would be a tight squeeze, but he would be able to get through.

Grabbing hold of one of the brooms, Ric started smashing it into the vent cover, praying that the two guys would be up on the top floor and out of ear shot.

After a lot of smashing, the vent cover was so dented that Ric could easily kick it away. The room was now like a sauna and his white shirt was starting to go see through in places where he was sweating so much.

Ric assessed the width of the vent and confident that it was wide enough for his broad frame, he dropped to his knees. Ric leaned forward sticking his ample arse into the air, not realising the immense pressure that he was putting on his tight suit pants. They were tight as a drum and the material was stretched to its limits, but as he pulled himself into the vent, they remained intact.

As Ric scrambled through the air vent, it narrowed slightly and he was continually bumping his shoulders on the metal. It was only when he crawled through a join in the vent, that he caught the shoulder of his shirt and there was a hushed ripping sound as the white material split over the shoulder and under his right arm.

‘Fuck,’ he said under his breath as he looked down at his shoulder and saw skin.

Ric continued to crawl along until he found an air vent that led to a small office near reception. Mercifully, the vent was reasonably loose and after pushing on it for a moment, it dropped out of the slot and on to the carpeted floor.

The only slight problem was the vent opening was smaller than the room he’d been in before. It wasn’t much smaller, but it was certainly narrower than the other one.

Ric moved to the side as much as he could, cursing under his breath when two buttons popped off of his shirt and the rip tore further down the side of his chest.

He used his arms to pull himself out of the gap and got his upper body out without too much trouble – aside from popping off another shirt button. It was when he tried to pull his lower half out that Ric realised how narrow this vent opening was.

Ric’s butt was wedged in the gap.

There was a desk nearby and grabbing on to one of the legs, he tensed his arms to pull himself out, but as he did so, his shirt ripped open down the other shoulder and he felt something split down his back.

‘Well, this shirt is ruined,’ he said as he started to pull himself free from the vent.

With a great heave, Ric’s huge bubble butt finally popped out of the tight space and he managed to crawl along the floor until his legs were free. It was as he was pulling his feet out that he dragged his wingtips along the side of the vent opening and shredded his laces – not that he noticed.

Dripping with sweat in a torn shirt, Ric got up on to all fours, before getting up into a squat to stand up. However, as he pulled his feet up underneath him and rocked back on to his heels, there was a mighty loud RRRRRIIIIPPPPPPPP as the crotch on his tight suit trousers burst open.

‘Not my trousers,’ Ric gasped as his sweaty silk boxers came into view.

The rip went from just below the zipper to half way up his butt and there was also a small rip down the outer right hand thigh.

Standing up, Ric popped the last button on his shirt and out of sheer frustration, he just tore the ruined material from his toned, muscular body and tossed it on the floor.

Quietly, Ric made his way back to reception, his muscled chest glistening with sweat and his red and black striped silk boxers flashing into view with every step.

With the power out, Ric had to take the stairs and being as silent as he could, he pushed open the door and started up to the top floor.

When he was halfway up, he noticed how loose his shoes were and after a quick inspection, he saw the shredded laces and couldn’t fathom how it had happened.

Worried about how much time he had left, Ric ran up the last flight of stairs on tip toes, but just as he reached the top step, his right dress shoe slipped off of his heel and before he could turn and put it back on, the shoe slid off the step and down the gap beneath the bannister where it fell to the ground floor with a loud thud.

Terrified that someone would hear, Ric darted through the doors and put his back to the wall, listening intently for any sign of someone coming.

The server room was off to the right and more offices were to the left. There was also a storage closet near the lifts that was usually unlocked.

‘I need something to distract them away from the server room,’ he thought.

After checking both ways down the corridor, Ric darted to the left and into the first office. He had a plan but he would have to be quick or he’d be caught.

Ric kicked off his remaining shoe and picked it up, conscious of his trousers ripping further down his right hand thigh as he did so.

Ric opened the door to the office and stood in the doorway, his back to the door and his ample butt resting on the curved door handle.

He would only get one shot at this and if it went wrong, he was probably dead.

With a deep breath, Ric launched the shoe at the huge window and there was an ear shattering smash as the shoe burst through the glass.

Ric turned to run to the storage closet, but his torn trousers were snagged on the handle. With no time to untangle them, he pulled himself away from the door with all the strength he had and his strained trousers tore away from him, leaving him in nothing but his skimpy silk boxers, socks and garters as he darted across the hall way and into the closet.

‘I don’t know what the fuck it was,’ one of the guys said.

‘What the fuck are they?’

Both men were there – Ric made his move.

He opened the closet and ran down the hall, his cock slapping against his thigh as he did so.

Ric threw open the server room door and immediately spotted the laptop that was downloading from their systems. He grabbed the laptop and without a second thought smashed it repeatedly into the desk, before launching it through the window.

There was another loud smashing sound as the laptop made impact with the glass and Ric dived behind the door to the server room, praying that he could get the gun before he was shot first.

The two men burst into the room and with a tribal yell, Ric launched himself on to the back of the guy with the gun.

The two of them dropped to the floor as the other guy looked everywhere for the laptop.

Ric managed to get the gun and nearly screamed in frustration when he felt the weight of it and realised it was a child’s bubble gun. He tossed the gun aside and punched the guy on the floor in the gut.

‘What the fuck are you wearing and where is the laptop?’

Ric stood up, panting for breath. ‘Your laptop is smashed and probably in pieces in the car park. I’m going to call the police and you two are being locked up.’

The guy on the floor stood up. ‘He reckons he can hold both of us here, Eddie. What do you reckon?’

‘I reckon he’s an idiot, Karl.’

Ric suddenly realised the precarious position he was in. Both guys had taken off their hockey masks and both were in their early twenties. They were around his height and both of them definitely hit the gym on a regular basis.

Ric was still closest to the door and unable to think of another alternative, he turned and bolted, but no sooner had he reached the hallway, Karl tackled him to the ground.

Eddie joined the fray immediately and within seconds, Karl had Ric on his stomach whilst Eddie tied his hands behind his back with a cable tie.

‘Let me go,’ Ric said as he was dragged to his feel.

‘No fucking chance,’ Eddie said with a laugh as he slapped Ric on his ample butt.

Ric’s mind was suddenly overwhelmed by something worse than his situation. The slap on his butt, the hand on the silk of his boxers wasn’t scary . . . it was arousing.

‘He’s getting a hard on,’ Karl laughed with disbelief. ‘Kinky fucker.’

‘Did you like the slap on that massive arse of yours?’ Eddie asked as he swatted Ric’s butt again.

Ric just bit down on his lower lip, willing his cock to soften, but try as he might, he was quickly hard as a rock and tenting the silk boxers as he much as the tight material would allow.

‘We’ve got twelve minutes,’ Karl said after checking his watch.

‘Plenty of time,’ Eddie said with a grin.

Eddie and Karl sent some silent message to each other that Ric didn’t notice and before he knew what was going on, Eddie started to spank him.


The sound of Ric’s ample arse being spanked echoed around the corridor and after five minutes, the front of his silk boxers were soaked in pre-cum.

After checking the time again, Karl stepped forward and took a hold of Ric’s throbbing cock through his boxers. Ric groaned and was practically ready to beg for them to let him blow his load.

Eddie’s hand continued to slam down on his arse whilst Karl used a firm grip to jerk Ric off.

‘Stop, please, I’m begging you, stop now,’ Ric moaned as he bucked his hips into Karl’s hand.

‘Time to go,’ Karl said after checking his watch again.

Without another word, Karl and Eddie led a confused Ric down the stairs and back to reception.

‘One minute,’ Karl said as they reached the reception desk.

Eddie whispered something to Karl who laughed and nodded.

They positioned Ric on the edge of the desk and Karl started to jack him off again as Eddie pulled on his backpack and opened the front door.

‘Stop, I’m gonna cum,’ Ric gasped, feeling his balls tighten.

‘Good idea,’ Eddie said and with that, he grabbed the sides of Ric’s silk boxers and tore them away from Ric’s body.

Ric watched with an open mouth as Eddie bolted for the door with his silk boxers in his hands. Ric quickly stood up as the door shut and his cock slapped into his stomach.

The power came back to life and just as the lights came on, Ric moaned loudly as his cock started to shoot streams of cum all over the reception floor. The impact of his cock hitting his stomach had been too much, he’d been so close already and now his cum was everywhere.

Ric suddenly became very aware that with the power on, the cameras were back on and he was naked in reception covered in cum.

‘How the hell do I explain this?’ he said with a rising sense of panic.

The phone rang and with a quick look at the display, Ric’s heart sank.


‘I am so fired,’ Ric groaned and with that, he picked up the phone.


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