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My first Patreon exclusive! This is a short story that was written about one of my online buddies. Back in the day, I used to create and post embarrassing videos on YouTube (the things we do when we're horny!) and I started chatting to a sexy guy called Bill, who looks incredible in a pair of silky boxer shorts. Bill is an awesome guy and this story was part of a fun role-play where Bill got what he deserved! If you're interested, you can find Bill and his satin boxers on Instagram: @sagging.satin

Ever since Bill had started in the Sales department, he had developed a reputation for being arrogant. Fresh out of college, Bill had the charm and the degree to do whatever he wanted. When Clayton had first interviewed him, he was impressed to say the least, but it was the tight-fitting suit on Bill's athletic body that resulted in the job offer.

However, in the seven months since he’d started the role, Bill had slowly become even more arrogant – to the point where everyone was desperate to see him fail.

One Wednesday morning, Clayton called Bill into the conference room with an offer to be the lead on a sales pitch at their offices on Friday. Bill was less than modest when he accepted.

Friday came and Bill arrived at the office wearing his new dark grey suit. It was tailored for him to perfection, the jacket accentuating his shoulders and the pants highlighting the curve of his bubble butt.

Clayton took a seat at the back of the room and became less than impressed when Bill started boasting about how it was down to him that the company’s profits were soaring during the 3rd quarter.

‘If you could all take your seats,’ Bill yelled as he took to the small stage in front of the projector screen.

As Bill started his pitch on the pros of the company’s products, Clayton started fanning himself with a brochure as the heat in the room started to increase. The air conditioning had been on the fritz and it seemed that they were in for a sauna like experience.

Whilst Bill gestured and enthused about the company, beads of sweat started to form on his forehead before slowly trickling down his face. He did his utmost to try and disguise this by subtly wiping his face with a tissue every time he turned away, but it was more than obvious that he was melting on the small stage.

When Bill was halfway through his presentation, most of the clients had removed their jackets and loosened their ties, but not wanting to ruin the look of his perfect suit, Bill continued to sweat profusely in front of his audience.

‘Do you know how much we could save over a fiscal year, Mr. White?’

Bill nodded at the question and turned to retrieve some of his notes with the figures that he hadn’t bothered to memorize. As he went to grab them from the small table at the rear of the stage, his jacket sleeve caught them and they floated to the floor.

‘Must be the heat making me clumsy,’ Bill said with a shrug to the audience, which elicited a few chuckles.

Bill turned his back to the room and bent over to grab the papers, his jacket riding up to reveal the full seat of his tight dark grey suit pants. As he bent fully and his fingers brushed the sheets of paper, the audience erupted into laughter as Bill’s fancy suit pants burst open at the rear seam with a loud RRRRIIIIPPPPPPP!!! As the material burst apart, everyone saw that he was wearing a pair of bright silk boxer shorts covered in pink and red love hearts.

Bill left the papers and bolted up right, turning his back on the audience and grasping his butt with his hands. He opened his mouth with an excuse or a joke, but he couldn’t come up with a thing. His cheeks burned red as he stared at the laughing faces.

During the commotion, the laces on Bill’s right dress shoe had come undone as he shakily stepped down from the stage, he stepped on them and staggered before kicking the shoe clean off. It skidded to a halt a few feet away and without even thinking, he bent over to pick it up. As he did so, his torn suit pants ripped further, taking out the waistband.

Bill quickly turned around, clutching the shoe in both hands, but he was so embarrassed by his predicament that he didn’t notice his pants fall to the floor over the slinky silk material of his boxer shorts. To make matters worse, the embarrassment was having an adverse effect on Bill and he was having an obvious moment of arousal. His semi hard cock could be seen through the open fly of his garish silk boxers and the clients were hysterical with laughter.

‘Just leave the room already,’ Clayton yelled, aroused by the spectacle in front of him, but furious at the way this important meeting had turned out.

Bill went to leave the room, but stumbled on his suit pants around his ankles before stepping out of them completely. Too embarrassed to bend over again, he ran for the door, but the bottom of his baggy silk boxer shorts caught on the corner of the table and tore clean off, leaving him naked from the waist down except his socks and one shoe. His erect cock throbbed uncontrollably and with a humiliated groan, he grabbed his boxers and ran out of the door.

The following day, Bill handed in his resignation and began a hunt for a new job where he would no longer be known as the arrogant graduate that had ended up pantsless at a client meeting.


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